The Mandalorian: Season 2 FINALE! (My Thoughts)

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Camden HVR: Guess he missed the end credit scene...

Sith Saiyan: I’m hoping Luke and Grogu go into the world between worlds and erases the sequel trilogy.

Oz Deveraux: Getting over the ridiculous legend of the DarkSaber will be critical to the saving of Mandalore. Once they accept that a lightsaber doesn’t determine who can rule Mandalore they’ll be ready to bring back Mandalore. Consider that both Pre Visla, Darth Maul had it in the past and it was missing for years. Clearly the devotion to the legend is what is keeping Mandalorians from seeing the reality of the situation. They need to be United against the empire regardless of where the lightsaber is. The soul of a Mandalorian lives inside each warrior not the weapon

Lord Gonzo: Holy shit, man! It was absolutely spectacular 😍😍 Seeing Luke with R2D2 had me giddy as a school boy!! It just made me so bloody happy...

Bryon Feliksa: Thrown and Luke in the same series... just saying

Bryon Feliksa: Lmao John I was like you with Luke. I didn’t except that was actually Luke until the glove

mijan hoque: Mando went all red viper on Gideons ass

Mayo indy: In the credits, Luke is credited as simply "Jedi". His name is never said out loud in the episode. Why? Because if they did call him Luke Skywalker, papa Lucas would be getting some big bucks from Disney.

lone wolf: so if this is going with the new star war cannon and luke did start that school and we all no what happen did baby yoda die, or become a knight of ren and they used the rest of his blood too bring back palpatine.

Mahky V: Droids eat the Empire, JarJar inherites the earth.

j b: Isn't it strange that this luke bares no resemblance to the last Jedi Luke? Obviously not it looks but the over all feel of them. I still believe that the REAL Luke would never try to kill his nephew due to his force vision! Were talking about the guy who saw good in the Darth Vader that Obi wan and Yoda wanted him to kill! Man Rian Johnson SUCKS

CrashTestDummy: His reaction to Dark Troopers baffles me.

Seldz1: An awful way to end the season

MrPink: CGI was great, its not perfect but man, that was THE Luke Skywalker that we all know and love. Amazing feeling to see actually him and not another actor like the one that replaced Han Solo.

MoparMcNeer: "I'm pretty solid on the first 6 movies though". My feelings exactly. But I love all Star Wars, just not enough time to be fully versed in every aspect these days. Loved Mando S2. Thanks for doing the episodic reviews.

Quiet t: This........................This is what the fans wanted to see. A great iconic character treated with respect. Was it too much to ask? Apparently for Disney, it was.

victor martone: Fuck ep 7-9, te they follow Luke. Sebastian Stan would have been better than crapfake

Richard Galdos: When the X-Wing showed up, I straight up through my hands in the air and started yelling. I was so excited. I have been waiting 8 years for my childhood hero to show up again on the screen and I finally got it. This is the Luke we should have gotten. (Sequels dont exist. Change my mind) “People love their heroes and they love their heroes acting heroic”. That spoke to my soul. This is why I hate TLJ and will never watch a Rian Johnson movie ever again.

Richard Chua: Dude, I had that same reaction when I saw the X-wing. I was like 😳, no. But yeah, just that whole scene of him tearing those dark troopers in half was very Darth Vader Rogue One. Like father, like son. Anyway, watched the episode twice, I may watch it again, haha. So so good. But yeah, that deep fake CGI face tho.

Jeff Howell: Now Disney needs to just throw Episodes 7-9 into the garbage.

Darth Jaulce: 6:27 But isn't that exactly what Luke did in TLJ? Just not in a flashy prequel kung fu Jedi master way but more like Yoda's lesson about a Jedi using the Force for "knowledge and defense, never for attack".

ThePopsiclePrince: Why is no one talking about Pedro Pascal characters and spears?? Really wanna see some more of those good old Oberyn Martell-moves in Season 3

Kellyann McKillen: 0.00 Dude if you don’t love this with all of your being we can’t be friends anymore

J T A: Disney is only five years late

Luke101: Boba Fett isn’t a Mando. Jango was, Boba just wore the armor. Like he said “I never said I was one.”

GRVEYARDSHFT: I thought the cgi on Luke was a million times better than tarkin and Leia in rogue one. Not perfect but fuck me it's getting there

Time Lord Spock: "This gave Star Wars fan what they wanted". Did it, though? I sure as hell didn't want it tied into Skywalker. Let the old die, I hate how they feel the need to tie EVERYTHING into Skywalkers in some way. Why can't we have something completely disconnected from that. Is that too much to ask for?

OfTheNight: As soon as Moff realized who it was, he was afraid lmao great episode. Sad ending, but great episode.

joltster109: AHEM... Can we also acknowledge that some shade was thrown at the sequels? "Talent without training is nothing." - Luke Skywalker 😏

Kenneth Kittrell: I think Bondidnt view him as a mando because Boba is a clone, she obviously has a distaste for clones

Norbert Soltész: Look at Han Solo deepfakes of Solo: a St story with Harrison Ford. Looks 100% convincing.

Norbert Soltész: CGi Luke looked horrible. They could have used an actor and deepfake Young Luke onto his face.

OMGEpyonistaken: It's heart breaking to see SW fans get excited just to get disappointed again. I wish you the best. Signed: an ex SW fan.

Peter Hamm: Wipe the sequel trilogy. It was terrible and thoughtless.

Jamie Garner: Would have preferred mace windu to have made the save. Sam Jackson would be great, and no CGI deep fake needed. My problem with S2 of mandalorian is that the galaxy has gotten really small again... small set of characters all getting back together. The show could illustrate the sheer size of the galaxy. Don’t trust Disney at all, i have a strong suspicion the quality is going to drop quickly as more shows roll off the production line.

Alex C: Jeremy slowly turning into Jesus

Posthumus2323: When mando took his helmet off, my eyes started watering...

The Lord of Guidance: This one episode puts the whole new trilogy to shame.

darkside user: When I realised it was Luke I screamed like my footy team scored a goal !

Brock Billings: I want to watch Luke cutting through the dark troopers with “I need a hero” playing over the background

Jack Kilgannon: The best thing that disney could do at this point would be to reveal that the sequel trilogy is a timelines when mando doesn't go back for grogu. Now they don't have the blood they need to create a snoke and Ben won't be corrupted. If they don't do it its just gonna be my personal cannon.

mcbanana666666: They should for sure have used Sebastian Stan as Luke instead of CGI face

charvelgtrs: Ahsoka series will retcon the sequel trilogy by using the Rebels World between Worlds

jfhalshsfdalkj: Dark Troopers were a major disappointment compared even to Grievous's IG-100 MagnaGuard droids in Revenge of the Sith.

lordgunner TGSTEL: dont think Jeremy understand that season 3 will be Bobba story line rather than a new series all together ,for now Din Djarin aka Mando story is over probably coming back with Bo-Katan

David Lenshyn: You know its good when tears of joy 😂 materiize without realizing ...This is the way.

thepoiuyt98: I think him not being Mandolorian to Bo, is the fact that he had a “donor”. After everything they’ve been through with the clones, she ain’t trying to claim him 😅 Jango on the other hand is Mandolorian.

midgetnffc: Wipe the canon leave the sky Walker saga as 6 because the six movies work perfectly that way and then we can have the spin offs so clone wars and mando etc

Danilego: Baby Grogu survived one Jedi Temple being destroyed, I think he can survive another one!

Luke Hughes: I sincerely hope the sequel trilogy isn’t canon. If it is, I hope they never acknowledge it and find a way to work around the story without references

Tim Seyer: I wonder if there are many kids who watched the show and thought "so who was that guy that just took grogu, he didn't even mention his name."

MatiZ815: I LOVED this episode. The CGI face is really my only problem with it. I'd rather a recast.

Roger Aspiras: Yup that was the implication if they dont retcon it (grogu in jedi academy massacre). Or who knows a couple of padawans survived?

Chill Patrol: It’s because Boba is a clone and not actually the son of Jango which is what she was implying when she called Jango his donor but mostly I think she was just trying to insult him and also I’m pretty sure Boba said he doesn’t ally himself to Mandalore or anyone.

Ben DeGorro: Boba Fat Butt

HaCkEr RaM: Spoiler warning ⚠️ I lost it when young Luke showed up!!!!!! This is star wars at its best (at the hands of competent directors)

King Skins: Haha I was the same when I saw it. I knew what I was seeing, 1 X-Wing, green lightsaber etc. But I didn't believe it, took me a while to believe they would actually do something I've wanted since ROTJ. I thought they'd trick us with Ezra or something.

Lego Games and Movies HUB: the de-ageing wasn't perfect but like in video games graphics are second to gameplay and gamemechanics. storytelling and great dialogue are prior to here and there rough cgi they owed it to mark hamill to show off at least once what luke can do after his training with his iconic face.

サ空サShinobi: Man l loved the Mandalorian it was exactly what Star Wars should be give Star Wars to Dave and John and everything is saved

SujiMayne: The complete bastardization of Dark Troopers is just one of many absurdly bad things about this episode, but everyone is blinded by fan service, so here we are.

wake the fuck up samurai: Looking like me I see

Chris Cunningham: It was amazing, everything I wanted & more, I did shed a little tear when baby yoda had to leave 😢

saouz: now we just need a luke skywalker series

Scooter McDingleberry: The Luke moment was awesome but this was a moment we should have got on the big screen during the new triology. And I can't help but think what will ultimately happen to Grogu and Luke himself. Thanks Rian and The Last Jedi.

Billis Rapto: Hey Jeremy, did I meantion you should watch The Leftovers? 😂

Dave Meadows: I comment I saw elsewhere and want to share it. It's so fitting. "I eat droids for breakfast, like my father before me"

llllMiNxllll: I don’t think Boka tan knows bobba fett is jangos original son I think she thinks it’s just some random clone. Or she hates him and is like “exiled or something”.

Austin Carey: wait so how much of us in the comments actually didnt like the luke cameo. Like i totally get it was necessary and like how it was implemented but it looked pretty fucking bad imo. Im also a young kid so i didnt have those rose tinted glasses idk

Hans Wurst: the mandalorian impressively demonstrates just how badly they dropped the ball making the sequel trilogy. they need to be removed from canon. favreau and filoni need to run star wars

Flippwn: I think the discussion of the darksabre scene was great. It showed us that finally Mando just doesn't give a shit about traditions. "I yield." Then he takes his mask off uncoerced a few minutes later. I only just realized it on my third watch, but it is Mando coming full circle.

SP: Luke is the reason Boba Fett wasn't on the ship

Harold Bon: Bo Katan told Boba he wasn't a Mandalorian because she only recognized him as a clone

meemoo koo: Since Mando owns the dark saber, does this mean he’s the leader of Mandalore ?

Blaymeister: I missed the post credits because I rushed to watch this review 🤣🤣

River Tobias: Here’s how I’ve always understood it and how I think it still is. Jengo Fett was a foundling, and for a period was a mandalorian. However, he left the order at some point and became a bounty hunter. Boba himself was never actually a mando. In the show it’s stated that Boba’s father was a foundling, but that’s it.

Timothy Lewis: Loved the moment. Almost had me in tears... Then, I thought: instead of all of that planning, they all could have just stayed home and played Space Xbox and everything would have ended exactly the same.

Eric Booker: I'm going to say this one last time. Star Wars fans need to let go of the original actors and allow these characters to be James bonded. It's idiotic to want this junk done with technology. This was the perfect time to attempt to recast. On the other hand, I can't blame Disney for being gun shy after idiot's reactions to Solo.

Douglas Ammirati: This made me hate The Last Jedi even more, didn't think it was possible.

Constantine Catheart: Imagine the son of the Mandalorian fighting alongside Groku once he becomes older, against the next Star Wars villain. The Force and The Creed together would be an awesome thing to see.

Kasim Ahmed: What I realised that regardless of mando and his team, luke was gonna go to the ship and get grogu, him against the whole ship, that would be a spectacle to see!

MisterWalter: I cried when R2 saw grogu because he either tought it was yoda or that R2 remembers grogu from the jedi temple during the clone wars

78hooman: Thought you would have taken out the star wars blanket for this video 🤣

ItsBigZach: I'd like to see Din become Mandalore.

Henri Motta: Oh shit, I just thought of what would could've happened if Boba Fett was there when Luke arrived?! Oo

Gaddai The Rage: I watched a lot of reaction videos this season where lots of people will literally cry when they see preexisitng characters shows up. My first thought is they are being over dramatic. But nonetheless these guys are just happy to be given a Star Wars that’s is in some form recognizable.

Cake Pop: As my favorite fuctional character and I dare say probably my number one role model when growing up, I was literally in tears when Luke showed up.

Sealion Studios: That's just Bo Katan looking down on outsiders, as usual

neilmac123: I’ll admit that I was fooled when the single X-wing showed up. I anticipated Asoka showing up to save the day You know , more girl power (and I’m a fan of that character). Luke’s reveal truly surprised me. Talk about subverting expectations!!!

fataomar: I am the only one who was disappointment by SGI? I swear people on Instagram do much better job than they did.

Peter Balogh: Can't believe it took the Mandalorian, and this finale specifically, to restore hope in Star Wars. One TV show episode did more for SW than three movies put together. I hope the two directors of the films can look at this and realise how wrong they were, how everyone involved with the decision making of those films was wrong.

Kevin Reyes: What would’ve made Luke ‘s appearance even better, he should said “ hello there”😂

Edd25164605: THIS was he luke skywalker we all know and love. Not the grumpy hermit from the dumpster fire that was the last jedi. The ending or this season was sad but it made sense. The only disappointing thing was as it stands, we already know grogu will die when Ben Solo falls. My 'New hope' (sorry) is that the rumours are true that the God awful sequel trilogy is being removed from canon!

Mottahead: I'm confused : was it really Luke Skywalker? Is the guy a clone who became a Jedi like his ... you know.... genetic source? Or is it really Luke Skywalker and all the action taking place in the Mandalorian actually takes place in the time period between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi?

Logan Landrum: Bo-Karan probably said Boba Fett is not a Mandalorian because he’s a clone. She is not a fan of clones. 🤔 I wonder why...........Clone wars

kristijan0590: I really thought when mando asks Luke if he's a jedi, he would answer I am, like my father before me 😅

J Time: That is the series I wanted to see. It was awesome.

whitekid345895: I literally felt like I was 5 years old again when Luke got out of the X-Wing...

BoyBlunder66: Yeah, I'm glad that Mark was able to play good guy Luke again, but if they bring him back again, (which they bloody well better, have him meet Ahsoka!) then I definitely hope they recast him.

Der Taran: I still don't get it why they don't use deep fake, because it obviously looks better than what they are doing.

John Smith: You know what I liked. The badass four women fireteam making their way through the cruiser. It wasn’t thrown in our faces with obvious gestures or nods. Just strong characters getting shit done.

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