The Mandalorian - Season 2: Episode 3 (My Thoughts)

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Boltaan'jistman: To be fair, even if chickens were sapient human-esque creatures, their eggs are typically blanks. Once a chicken starts laying eggs, they don't stop just because they aren't fertile, so even if they were sapient human creatures, not eating their eggs would still be wasting sources of good protein.

Tần Nguyễn Hải: Are you Jesus? You look like him.

Russell Jenkins: Someone taking again about star wars and know nothing about clone wars and what it sounds like...or am I wrong ?

Keith Redacted: I actually love it being episodic.

Ross Sapp: I am kinda frustrated that they teased boba fett and we haven’t seen him since episode 1.

F-zero91maru: Jeremy man you look a bit like john wick or Neo from the matrix.!! 👍🏼

NTN-SNR: S3 e3 sucks . Pirates of carribian . Then i will destroy ship . Oooops . Click tooth. Dead. Junk ship flying . What ???

Christian Neo: My Doppelganger (Jeremy) understands me. Hit the nail on the head.

GrandJediMaster7860: I had 2020 hair before it was popular - but now I'm really starting to look like Kylo Ren with a heavy stubble....

Carlos Anglada: Yeah - can't with this guy. If anyone can find a good reviewer that does NOT look move and blabber like s/he snorted three lines of coke before hitting the record button let me know.

bemasaberwyn55: So, the frog people have convinced me that a Chrono Trigger live action project (tell me you couldn't see her husband with a sword). Now with regard to the episode it was amusing to me to see an imperial soldier (an actor who was in one of my favorite two parters of Star Trek Voyager), speaking a line verbatim from the Trek mirror universe made me smile. It also didn't hurt to get the OG Bo Katan in as her live action self

Kyle X: Best episode yet

bobsteve md: we wouldn't eat egg ? this guys hasn't seen beaststars

TheJmlew11: I don’t understand why people seem to assume that out of the 2 Mando is the nut. Bo Katan was a terrorist murderer who started a civil war because the new leader was of a different race.

Insomnia4thoughts: I don't think you understand the word cannibalism. You used it improperly o the last episode as well. Also, chickens are sentient, and do have a consciuos, just saying.

whoopthereitis: Bo Katan: “You’re a child of the watch” Mando: *Winter is Coming*

Ryan McKenna: I didn't realize that Katee was the VA for Bo-Katan in CW and I was like "man they cast someone who looks just like her that's wild, sounds just like her too... wait..."

RedNine: They are building man. For casual and hardcore fans. They wont spice things up quickly so that they dont lose their casual audience. Even introducing Bo Katan made things complicated for people who has not watched Rebels or Clone Wars. But they are building the story.

Jack Perry: Dude NAILED IT “small enough for the stockings, cool 😎 enough for under the tree” AWESOMETACULAR

ElDano: The smoke monster from lost was a person!?!?!?!?

braeden martin: Jeremy:the smoke monster from lost me: war from supernatural 😂

braeden martin: Most people watched this episode for Bo katan I watched it for Sasha banks

wildcrocus: If felt like S2E2 had major pacing problems. This one moved along at a much better clip. Yes it was shorter but it didn't have any filler. Hoping S2E4 keeps up the pace.

Eric Piche: See ya in the finale Ahsoka

BadSodaProductions: Anyone else Notice that Mando was raised by the remnants of Death Watch?

Vernell Woodard: I like how he says he been quested to take the child to his own kind , brilliant dialogue...

Vernell Woodard: I hope people stop talking bout boba fett, we are getting boba fett like action with this show , so sweet how they showed him in the ep , in my Mind I feel bobba fett almost lost his life and got out the game and got old.. I hope the pressure of the public dont mess my thoughts up...

Vernell Woodard: This makes my week, it’s Christmas every Friday lol I hope the drop the baby off with Ashoka and move on to the bigger plot... Ashoka and thanksgiving couldn’t thought that out any better , brilliant, and Disney is killing people in their shows too, and people are not complaining about it.. it just great!!!!

Vernell Woodard: Star Wars ep 1,2,3,7,8,9 and solo was so lame... Star Wars ep 4,5,6 and rebel one is the best of star wars, and now add mandalorian to the best of Star Wars...

Vernell Woodard: This is the Star Wars I want , each ep could be its own star wars movie...

Latino Sci-Fi Geek: This Bo-Katan lady looks great despite being over 50 years old. Maybe she is related to Baby Yoda.

BOYGENIUS538 _: I see Mando (and his sect) as less of zealots and more of fundamentalists. It’s kinda like orthodox vs reform, I respect those who stand by what may seem strange in a modern world.

turkeydinnerchewie: Jeremy went from Jeremy Jahns to wannabe Keanu Reeves in less than a year. What has 2020 done to us?

Wasteman: I’m probably the only person to start LOST in 2020 and this is the last place I expected a spoiler

teamvjmck blah: She's a woman so they will not Jake skywalker her. In fact they might Mary-sue her. Mando has not followed the KK format to much yet but It's still Disney so just keeping an eye out for it.

bio shogushin: I feel like we'd still eat chicken eggs if they were sentient, so long as they weren't fertilized.

Bosston62: Am I the only one that thinks if Jeremy trimmed his beard a little shorter and put some aviator glasses on, he could totally play off Keanu’s character from cyberpunk ?

Mats Kuehl: Hey Jeremy, big fan. BUT, it would be great if you didn't put spoilers in the thumbnails for your next review lmao.

Midnight Ninja: Yeah they are drawing this stuff out. The writing and acting is getting lower and lower with every episode. They looked like power rangers assembled.

Victor Vazquez: I have tried to get into this show but no luck...

Mrcool179: Love the show but it's getting repetitive. Exact same plot line every episode... They really need to progress the actual story ya know?

v: I love the fact that this show is episodic. Not every tv show has to be an 8/12 hour movie. Star wars has ruined himself by taking itself too serious. I am grateful this show doesn't do that, nonetheless, I love it when it starts picking up a greater story emerged in the greater world of star wars, I am just saying not all episodes should be like that. Remember less is more when you know how to use it.

ThejollyFrenchman: The bit on the boat reminded me a little of Joel's death in The Last of Us 2. It just felt a little too manufactured to create tension. Everyone makes mistakes, and Mando has never been infallible, but it just seems a little too much to believe that he'd fall for such an obvious trick, and let his guard down among strangers telling him to look down into a pit.

Anthonio Jorge: Please dont jakeskywalker Ahsoka

superitgel: Damn that girl friend skit. Oof. very nice!

Kilo Champion: You guys wonder if he’s not wearing pants when he’s doing these half the time. Or am I the only one that thinks quarantine is making us lazy overall?

Ndima Silwana: Jeremy is slowly morphing into Keanu Reeves.

Mojo Neko: I was sure that baby Yoda was going to eat the baby tadpole right in front of the parents..

Jose Luis P. C. Rocha: Idea: bring mark hamil in the series and give him.more motive for being what he become or just rewrite the story entirely

pyke: The BEST thing of this series is the episodic format. This makes the show stand out among the rest

Tai Lopez: "Where did you get that armor" is the new "WHO GAVE YOU THE ORDER"

Emeterio Martinez: Bo katan should’ve been a old woman because the madalorian set 5 years after return of the jedi obi wan was old bo katan and ahsoka should be very old not young she was in the clone wars she should at least be old

Paul Perez: Wait wtf is going on the game is 69.99 on playstation store but 49.99 in store pick up at target? Can someone explain? How can $20 be a difference that's a substantial difference.

R.A. N: The episode to me was ok.

alenelabanela: I love how healthy and thick your locks are, good for you my dude

wizardnug2: DUDE SERIOUSLY U CANT CUT YOUR OWN HAIR AT THIS POINT? you look like a homeless person ugh

Zach Padilla: he’s got reverse hitler facial hair

Mawile #303: Yeah episode 2 was pretty useless, it was only good for chicken nuggets references and the stupid funko pop that came out of it

Anton Nordin: Why dont you do videos about "warrior" show..very nice show based on Bruce lee writings👍👍👍

Ray Jones: 2020 hair, thats me as well

javier book shadows contributor du: hi Jeremy

Tony Parker: The first order are essentially the alt-right. You can’t say that’s something you’re weren’t interested in exploring more?

Jean-Paul Faye: My dudes got that obiwan beard going on, also looking like keanu reeves a little

Puissant Powernapper: I find if you are going to make a sponsored advertisement at the beginning of the video one minute long, you should at least warn the viewer.

Tanner Rugg: Took me a sec to watch this but Jeremy please don’t spoil part of the episode on the thumbnail I saw it on my subscription and I was like “hey wtf”

Osujin: Titus Welliver isn't just "The Smoke Monster guy," he's the one and only Hieronymus "Harry" Bosch

curtis galloway: Lol so Mando is to Mandalorians what Mormons are to Christians. The branch of the religion that kinda has good intentions but also kinda takes things wayyy too seriously

CastleByers 613: Ahsoka Tano, Commander Rex, & Maul are my favorite Star Wars characters

Andre Montoya: Seeing baby yoda with a hannibal lecter voiceover was not something I knew I needed

youtube dude: This show is the walking dead of star wars

Joe Howard: Spot on, is just too episodic this season for me. Passable entertainment now, nothing spectacular

Dylan Quitoriano: Keanu Reeves 2

Casually Investing - Stock Market Videos: I wish the episodes are tad bit longer! Can't wait for next episode!

Alchemic Vibrations: This show feels more Star Wars then the sequel trilogy.

SonOfTheShogun 11: I've been watching you since, I'm not fucking around, and I love your reviews but when will you ever review films that your fans don't expect you to do? There are so many incredible films on Netflix that I would love to see you review like the devil all the time, Good time, the trial of the Chicago 7. It honestly just seems now that you fell out of love with your channel and you only review movies and TV shows that you know will get alot of views. What happened to your old movie and video reviews or even your videos with you just talking about a whatever topic. I still go back and watch the video of you talking about the cop who pulled you over because it was genuinely hilarious. I miss golden age JJ

schwiggity: The outrage about a fictional character, who is also a baby, eating the unfertilized egg of another fictional character is hilarious. He tries to eat pretty much anything smaller than him.

kitano0: I think this episode was the best so far...everything about it was cinema-level, I thought. And a big apology is due for Bryce Dallas Howard for all the disdain she was handed for her first season episode (which I thought was good). I think she has a promising future as a director, to put it mildly.

NCEXNYC: I know I'm dating myself, but here goes. The cast of this show would make a great team on the old, "Battle of the Network Stars".

Marc Wells: I wanna see Jeremy with a manbun.

swsjr1 sstockholm: Completely off topic: Do The Liberator! Please!

Fujtajblus: Please don't put major new characters in the thumbnail for gods sake. Can't you just put the imperial dude that was played by Titus Welliver?! Like seriously, I don't get to watch these episodes till later and the fucking alhorythm knows I watch your videos so it suggests this shit to me. Please be considerate about this shit. Noone gives a phuck if you show some imperial captain. But showing Bo Katan, one of the more prominent The Clone Wars characters, to appear in live action... seriously, Jeremy. And for the idiots who want to say not to go on internet... the fuck? I go to Youtube to listen to TED talks, podcasts, science discussions and the algorythm feeds these videos to me. Putting shit in the thumbnail is just a fucking disgraceful dick move. Human's register visual information 60,000 faster than a writen text. Just like that moron Emergency Awesome who put "Dead?" and a thumbnail of a dead superman with pierced chest on his BvS video 1 day after the movie premiered. Like wtf. I don't even watch that shitty channel, yet YT recommends it to me. Be fucking responsible, people.

Samaria Braziel: Animaniacs trailer for Hulu is out can u review it plz

DerKoun: Thumbs up for recognizing sentience as a factor when it comes to the morality of food. That's rare for some odd reason...

Brahmaputra Moskva: Another bad episode by Bryce Dallas

Thomas Kane: I have given up on this show, it's the baby Yoda show....this show could've been bigger than this, how long will they carry baby Yoda as the crutch for the show...its lame👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽

Lindsey James Barbarotto: I'm glad someone acknowledged the Mandalorian is just a series of shorts.

Logan Searles: Mando’s group is practicing the old crusader ways

ScreamoboysAlesana66: I like the episode, but in fact, it was as uninspired as the last two.

jdzencelowcz: I felt bad for the two pilots, I wanted them to turn on their boss.

jdzencelowcz: Not a bad ep, but I do feel like a goober for not finishing SW Rebels.

Merky Beam: It’s beginning to feel like quests in a Ubisoft game. Go here meet this dude, do stuff for info on another dude, travel to next place ti meet the dude, rinse repeat.

Jon Stevens: WHAT is your workout routine??? The people want to know

jesse s: Agree! It has become episodic and we barely move forward with the main plot each episode. They will classically drag us along and then make a solid finally where most people will forget that the rest of the season was useless.

Jish: If you guys like Katee Sackhoff, y'all should watch Battlestar Galactica.

roberto armstrong: This ep was terrible

David Vallejo: Chicken eggs are actually unfertilized, so if sentient chickens existed, there'd be a very real possibility that they would sell us their eggs for consumption. It'd be a very easy business for them to get into.

Erin Rivers: Your hair is magnificent

Megaroad Producciones: "We love Katee Sackhoff..." Yeah... sure... That "we love Katee" so simple and casual... nobody believes you, hahaha ...

Jairus Macomber: The eggs were not Fertilized.

Maxisamo1: Here's some Mandalorian history to catch you guys up: - Mandalore during Clone Wars was super pacifist ruled by Bo-Katan's sister Satine - Bo-Katan and Pre-Visla are part of Death Watch, part of the "Warrior's Way" of Mandalore that was from not that long ago. - With the help of Darth Maul, they take over Mandalore but Maul kills Pre-Visla after he betrays Maul, becoming new ruler of Mandalore (also kills Satine) - Republic invades Mandalore, Maul is captured, Empire is formed, Mandalorians are scattered after further Imperial sacking. - Din-Djarin (main character of this show) was adopted by the SUPER EXTREMIST Mandalorian faction who follow the SUPER OLD WAYS (more extreme than Death Watch, like "Old Republic" old from thousands of years ago)

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