The Mandalorian - Season 2: Episode 5 (My Thoughts)

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Jeremy Jahns: Thank you Vincero for sponsoring this video! Now through December 2nd: Go to and save up to 25% and get free shipping on your order.

slightlytwistedagain: Yoda told Luke Skywalker the truth about him being the last Jedi, from a certain point of view.

Slim Chance: I feel like I’m the only one who hated the way ahsoka looked. I get it’s live action and there’s no way to perfectly recreate ahsoka but they should’ve just relegated her to a more wise figure like yoda in episode 5. Also getting pretty worn out of “I’ll help you if you help me” routine. Maybe I’m just becoming the neck beard fan I’ve always hated idk

Yes please: Rosario facially looks like Ahsoka as humanly possible, but... I really miss Ashley's voice... My wishful thinking was Ashley to play Ahsoka. I'm sure Rosario did her research and Filoni directed her well, but Ashley *is* Ahsoka.

Doc's POP! Reviews: Best episode so far....

Jo King: Honestly my favorite episode of the series until the ending which killed it for me. We had the perfect setup for a divergence from the fetch quest formula. Leaving Baby Grogu with her to train and Mando do his own thing apart from baby Grogu

Brett The best: Technically Ashoka isn’t a jedi.... so Luke is the last jedi

Wataaa!: This is why only fans of SW should direct the story, not some random hollywood business people like JJ Abrams or Ryan johnson

Top Shelf: OMG you got me thinking of the best reason for Luke and Ashoka to meet. 10:12 Ashoka will give Luke more back story on how the best of the Jedi, Anakin, became the Jedi's worse enemy, Darth Vadar. Inadvertently, she plants the seeds on why we should prevent another Vadar from rising. This will weigh in on Luke's reasonings to kill Ben Solo...

mike franko: Jeremy my guy, its been some time but wow your hair/beard combo got you looking like a young john wick! loved the review, keep em coming.

ralegar5: going to typhon? aphra baby! What about Mara Jade showing up? KYLE KATARN? DASHHHHH???

Aaron Jacks: The way they did Ashoka was the way i hoped they did Star Fire in Titans

Lyle Maclin: I think Yoda hid Grogo and shaded his memory since in this time he's still alive. Also no one mentioned the Daughter (owl) when Mando was looking for Ahsoka.

Paulo Trindade: I see the possibilities of Jedi appearing being Ezra, Cal or Mace (I mean, how dope would it be to have both Boba and Mace in the show? Awesome). I don't want to say Luke because they would have to recast him, but I do not hate the idea, as long as someone right would be chose.

Rob D: @6:20 Yes, Luke was only the last Jedi from a certain point of view.

BRND MYR: sooooooooooooo Grogu ends up in the Jedi Temple of Luke Skywalker and becoming one of the Knight of Ren at the end?!

Dyfed Thomas: Video Starts after 1:13

on_spikes: im just surprised i dont hate how ahsoka looks in live action

Captain Anopheles: I was underwhelmed.

Kringle1: Thrawn: Mads Mikkelson’s Brother people. Stop w/ Benedict already. Fun fact, Mad’s brother was in an episode of Sherlock.

Hiraldo Sternflyer: Does this mean we'll see Mara Jade at some point then?

Kringle1: she prob sensed Anakin was redeemed

GoddessOfWhim2003: i wish i knew about the Expanded Universe, there's too much to catch up on and what's canon and what's not

Nicholas Mavrikakis: you completely sold me on luke and ahsoka meeting,

N: There is mystery - we don’t know who hid him 🤌🏽 Edit: HA! “ The Batch of Cumber” 🤣

mrstickerface: Jeremy youre look like Dutch Van Der Lindes son i dig it

Miloš Bekić: Imagine Ahsoka seeing Anakin’s force ghost, older Hayden Christensen. After all it’s 15-16 years since Episode III, so he would have that look ^.^

EloquentTroll: I discovered you not too long ago, but I've been going through some of the backlog, KEEP THE BEARD! You're not a bad looking guy either way, but the beard is great.

Mr. Smetch: I have Rolex GMT Master, it’s the only watch I’ll ever need.

pr0jectSkyneT: Jeremy, do yourself a favor and watch Gangs of London instead of The Mandalorian.

General Obi Wan Kenobi: I wish they would have used actor Michael Beihn as Dash Render instead unfortunately?

Eric AFG: Loved this episode.. I want a Ahsoka spin off show.. Disney make it happen..

Panteni87: Ahsoka being the master of Luke would make so much sense, even though she isn't a Jedi

Marc Faur: Yoda talking about the extended universe cracked me up! :)))

Victor Perez: baby yoda should be the main villan for star wars 10 11 12

Vader Fett: Good video as always mate! I'm loving The Mandalorian. And y'know... you've not mentioned this for a while Jeremy but you've totally gone full JOHN WICK!

ben Sella: Yoda wasn’t wrong, luke is the last Jedi, the others are force wilders but not a part of the Jedi order...

denis197534: Soooo she knows his name But NOONE asked where he comes from and what his species is? Ahsoka should have known being she lived with yoda and other jedis

Mr Ekso420: Jeremy: mentioning only Luke and Cal Me: Where the fuck is Ezra... Did Ahsoka and Sabine found him? Is he captured by Thrawn and that's why Ahsoka looks for him??


Jake Nash: I would love to see them age up cameron moghnahan (I know I spelled it wrong) as a 35ish year old cal to have him in season 3 or 4 of mandalorian

Davy Jones-Locker: The team behind the Mandalorian (F and F, Chow, Howard etc) understand Star Wars which is more than can be said of Rian Johnson (who trolled viewers to forward his own expectations), JJ Abrams (who cannot tell a coherent story or understand the lore and did not even know who Darth Plageius was!?) and KK ("there are no source material"!?). There are many possibilities for them now, options and arcs. It would be interesting to see how they would navigate the post-ST context. They may do something like place key characters (Grogoo, Ahsoka, Hera and others) in the unknown outer regions so that they are present in the post-ST world. This would then open up featuring Rey - but under the direction and concepts of Filoni and Favreau. They would have to, someway, handle the post-ST context but with a thought-out take on it. It would be a bit slightly counter-productive to just merely deal with the post-RotJ context. The post-ST, which I think was terrible, unplanned and unoriginal, will have to be addressed. This may be something for a new trilogy though rather than in series and spin-off series.

Ryan Selby: Hang on. If baby yoda ends up joining Luke Skywalker's jedi school, does that mean he is destined to get killed by Kylo Ren?

Mavakor: If Luke takes on Grogu as a student, doesn’t that mean Kyle Ren will kill him later on?

Tobias Kuhn: Honestly I dig the idea that Sebastian Stan plays young Luke. Make it happen Disney

Blackninja 2511: Ashoka doesn't call herself a jedi. That's just what people call her in the galaxy. She left the order so she is technically a light side force wielder with white lightsabers. lmfao

Roadbuster6772: oh shit she did know both of them very well. 😲

Yahya Rajaee: Well if they want to draw inspiration from the Thrawn trilogy, they’ll definitely will mention Luke and the new republic.

SuperRedarmy123: it's gorgu not goku from dragon ball

emancoy: She's looking for Thrawn, who was with Ezra when he was taken away by the space whales. I sense Sabine Ren is also around.

Eric's Channel: Did you say Benedict Cumberbatch as Thrawn??? OMG That's a great idea!!! Ashoka is in this episode for a spin off series!! It seems it's the same for Boba Fett in chapter 9.!!

OmegaGodModeX: is this how baby yoda finds his new jedi master, mace windu?

nowah blanco: i really like the beard

Tupacstole Mybike: This shows amazing. But I can't be the only one that finds it frustrating that they still haven't even touched on Moff Gideons story at all. They made it such a huge deal ending it on that cliffhanger last season but still have yet to even give him any scenes in season 2 (not counting the brief scene a few episodes back). I'm gonna be frustrated if they save it for the last episode of the season, and end it on yet another cliffhanger just to they can repeat the process for season 3.

Nikola Vakov: Remembering baby Yoda's actual name is easy. The moment I heard it i was immediately like, The previous one avatar Grogu...

Aadam Hasni: I think an animated series would be a good chance to show Ahsoka meeting Luke. If Luke is introduced in the Mandalorian it'll bring the spotlight too far away from Mando and just make him sort of a side character IMO.

Caleb Soberanes: The woman who played the magistrate , Morgan Elsbeth (Diana Lee Inosanto) is the daughter of legendary martial artist Dan Inosanto goddaughter to Bruce Lee.

Caleb Soberanes: Baby Yoda’s name is Goku and the shifter nob is a dragon ball

H[lambda]LF: You are giving Disney Star Wars way too much credit if you think they'd be nuanced enough to have Ashoka and Luke cross paths in any meaningful way...

Gogo: Wholly shyt.. . the old coboy guy is the Aliens guy???? O.O wait...isn't he also John Connor's dad???

kronoss897: Let's not forget that Ashoka is not technically a Jedi. She was kicked out of the order then she was offered a chance to return which she refused. Cal is a Jedi Padawan, so again, he is not technically a Jedi. Whereas Luke was technically a Jedi Knight after Yoda died and after Luke confronted Vader and redeemed him. Yoda himself said that Luke didn't require further training, he only had to confront Vader, which he did. So what Yoda said was true, from a certain point of view.

Goku: So was Yoda a deadbeat??

Ultra Magnus: To be fair to Yoda, I’d say that Ahsoka definitely doesn’t count as a Jedi since she left the order, and Cal Kestis decided not to rebuild the Jedi if memory serves, so they’re more like benevolent force users at this point than explicit Jedi. In the old expanded universe he was definitely just wrong, but thus far it seems like in current canon it was an accurate line. Anyone who can think of surviving Jedi I’m missing feel free to respond and correct me!

Aiden Cho: Dont attack me but I found this episode thoroughly underwhelming.

Amatthew123: Best case scenario is an Ahsoka live action series. That would be great, especially where at some point, maybe the finale Ahsoka ends up finding Luke and they talk about Anakin. And Ahsoka learns after everything he did redeem himself with one final act of good. That shit would hit hard, and then you can just call it there, boom Star Wars is done. The sequels never happened and the story ends on an emotional payoff two decades in the making.

Drew Fallon: Ashoka already had her own show, the clone wars.

Robby Silva: After I watched that awesome episode I was like I can’t wait to see what Jeremy says and I fully agree with Asoka and Luke meet up that would be amazing

Amatthew123: The only thing Disney learned with the Mandalorian is that when you put people who give a fuck about the show, in control of the show, it's good. Wow. That's crazy.

DiscipleOfLeisure: I'm not sure what that white speck was clinging to your beard but once it caught my eye it kinda took over the whole video. Your usual gyrations gave it a very interesting dance.

TSully: Grogu

Joseph Kresl: This episode felt like if you don’t know all the SW lore then fuck off imo. It was really an issue for me (who is a casual SW fan)

Jonathan Appleseed: i’d be blown away if they didn’t take advantage of having an Ashoka live action show

TheReverseEffect: Man, Djin keeps getting screwed over in every deal he makes

PeterHSPeter: Love a spoiler in the title

Ty Burton: That Luke and Ashoka conversation you described reminds me a lot of Remus Lupin and Harry, and it sounds incredible

oopopp x: Ahsoka referring to Anakin as a Jedi Knight and not a Jedi Master is DISRESPECTFUL asf!!!

Graeme Newark: What I disliked about this episode is how connected it is to the Clone Wars. I really wanted the show to be its own thing, with a few references here and there. Unfortunately this seems to be where the rest of the season is going.

Michael Johnson: I really hope Disney sees this. Ashoka needs to meet Luke

ItsJust Sharky: Wait. Matt Smith could be thrawn

Sam A: I’m in love with Star Wars again

Grand Admiral Thrawn: Which actor could become me?

Kyle Geldart: Damn! The pandemic beard is legit! Lol

jerry dickerson: Actually Yoda was not wrong he is the last of the Jedi all that are left are Padawans who are not fully initiated into the order and most of the lightsaber Forms are gone we only see form 1 and 5

Stefan Topuzov: Totally disagree with you on that one I guess. This show has an overall problem of being quite unsuspensful, and that episode might have been the biggest offender in that regard. At what point was the protagonist challenged or threatened in any way? It feels like watching him walk through a park with a big lore reveal at the middle. I have no reason to root for him. He could have cleared that town by himself, so could have Ashoka. It just doesn't work for me. It's boring. Pretty effects and all, but boring.

dildo baggins: I kinda feel like theres gonna be a couple of spinoff series like about Bo Katan and Mandalore and Ashoka with Grand Admiral Thrawn...


Luciano Arrieta: This is fucked up. Ashoka bring alive is one of those things that if you stop and think about it is dogshit. Fuck Disney.

John Allen: They just have to bring Luke skywalker 🙏

JamesInLeather: What other Jedi do we know survived the purge as a Padawan and overcame fear to become a Jedi Knight? Cal!!!!!

Marek Barton: Michael Biehn was def the highlight for me 😂

boba fett: Characters that should have their own series are as follows in order: Asoka tano Boba fett Mando Thrawn Ig 11

Rahul Vinod: Now the only thing missing is an appearance from Kal and bd1.

Will Lee: Anyone thinks Ahsoka’s montrals are too short?

Breslin Howard: Jeremy is becoming Jesus before our eyes

Piggymadbro: I have no idea why people love this episode so much tho it was so weak so so weak

Non Existent: Rosario Dawson did a good Ahsoka, she did feel like the character. Gotta admit that I was hoping she would tag along with Mando, but I do agree that she probably deserves her own storyline to follow, rather than just being a tag along buddy. I will still hope that she shows up from time to time anyhow.

Dillon Tripodi: Bro the Yoda voiceover was soooo good 😂😂😂

cookop1: quality yoda impression

Kendra Werner: Whoa yes Luke and Ashoka reassuring each other about Anakin. Yes.

joe bond: RIP to the casuals, I guess u had the trash sequel trilogy to enjoy lol, this really is for the starwars fans lol thankyou Disney finally, just give the helm to falloni and favroe they make a great team

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