The Mandalorian - Season 2: Episode 4 (My Thoughts)

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vik saggu: Does that mean Yoda blood is in Rey?

JMM: Thrawn isn't dead yet either :-)

Sir Jon Smith III: Tired of them just being able to easily kill all the bag guys without a scratch. No point in even having the firefights. No tension.

Respect Halo: Baby Yoda isn't a clone they say that in season 1

DarthAlcoholic: Corvus is a planet but also a ship in Battlefront 2 that was Inferno Squad's ship. Also, if you look at the colours and the look of the 'troopers' in the 'Dark Troopers' scene, it's reminiscent of Inferno Squad. Also, the timeline fits - after The Battle of Endor...

Noobmaster Ruben: I laughed so hard when Mando was teaching Baby yoda the red & blue wire

Beyond The Blast Doors: We just want to stop by and say we fucking love Jeremy and we fucking love Star Wars. We got that audible and we will listen to Timothy Zahn's magical stories.

Eddie Costa: Did anyone catch Mando during the Iron Man landing?

Ethan Lindquist: Haha the crew at 1:48

mtlpodcast: meat shield!!!! gears ref lol

headslo: Dude.... the blood was for Snoke.....He hasn't been developed into a fully functioning villian by this point. Also, I am not sure the samples referenced in the doctor's recording are that of baby Yoda's. In the beginnign of the series, Mando was commisioned to go out and retrieve the subject, so they were not in posession of the child so they were probably harvesting blood from other subjects. And the doctor, containing somewhat of a conscience, does not prefer to kill his subjects while he runs the extractions.

Alexander Sustache: I’m surprised no one is talking about the guy standing behind the shootout scene just hanging out for a second! Shocked jeremy didn’t mention it either

Ashika Gracelyn: Idk what it is, I've enjoyed previous episodes but I stopped midway for this one

Coada Catalin: When that kid didn't wanna share the snacks I thought to myself "is baby Yoda gonna have to choke a bitch?"

Dark Kommissar: If Disney tries to use The Mandalorian to justify their sequel trilogy, they will feel a disturbance in the Force. As if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and their televisions were suddenly silenced.

Chamberlain: Never really understood why Midicorians are such a controversial topic in the Star Wars fandom. They’re just the biological explanation for why some people/species can connect deeper to the Force. It’s like when scientists in our world discovered melanin levels were the reason some humans are born different colors. It makes sense that the Jedi at their prime would do scientific experiments to figure out why they can use the Force.

Br1cht: Who really cares about Star Wars anymore?

Can't think of name 2304: I've never once thought baby Yoda was actually a clone

Faris Abuain: It wasn’t really a side quest, it was kind of important cuz it showed off the clones and also gave us the info that moff Gideon is coming for baby yoda (might even fight ahsokha).

americandesign: I have rewatched the whole Mandalorian s02 from e01- to e04 in one go . And I tell you guys, there are no filler episodes if you consider the whole 4 parts we've seen (so far) as one feature film. It has the "waving" right, so one episode is giving us hints and slower pace, but building to the "explosion" of the next chapter. Don't let you fooled by the weekly release! I feels like a whole movie. A moovie that we've all awaited for a long time. A moovie that's whole better than the sequels together! (RIP Reylo-Nobody-Palpatine-Skywalker!) I strongly suggest to do the same! - Find some time 4 it! (C'mon you too have the chapters dowloaded already on your winchester, dont you?) - And BTW the music is AMAZING, Thanx to Göran Ludvigsson for the whole stuff! So try it... I have spoken. THIS IS THE WAY!

Strutting_strat: I've never seen a show more set up to be a video game than this show 😄

Strutting_strat: Best episode yet..definitely shakes things up a bit and may be disliked for that reason though.

Boris Posavec: Am i wrong or the main chick is bigger this season ? COVID hamburgers time ?

Caleb W: Honestly, I think side quests are fun- even in series. I just don't like how that's the entire basis for the show- just a long chain of side quests with vague hints at a vague arc.

Dudja: YODA AND YADA 🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣

Raxaex: I thought that the blood being extracted from baby Yoda was for Snoke’s body. There’s this scene where they look at some tanks, and they look like messed up Snoke attempts. Maybe they need Snoke’s blood to have a high M-count so that Palpatine could effectively control the clone from a distance? Kinda similar to what Luke did in Episode VII. Projecting himself to an actual body with enough M-count to control it from a far distance. That’s my take on it.

REFRERO OFFICIAL: For a second I tough this was Keanu rives

LeftFaceKing: Your overthinking it YouTube guy

Grammer Natcis' hair are you're christmas present;: Sadly they are going to tie that facility to Snoke and the episode 9 bullshit of him being a clone.

cosmicfish1000: That clone is clearly SNOKE! The one in the tank, it's his head shape and it basically has Snoke's theme playing. I think they need the midichlorians from baby Yoda to give the clone, Snoke, the "Force".

Walternate: Jeremy is slowly turning into Keanu Reeves.

NPractitioner: Looks like the dark troopers from the Dark forces video game from the 90s -sweeet them lads are nasty bois

Angelo Pérez: maybe they are trying to make snoke?

Craig Gallagher: S2E3 and E4 saved my D+ sub.

Carlos Alejandre: Good to see Admiral Jeff Blue Jeans make an appearance here xD

Nisha Ismail: who put the tracker??

iulix max: episode 3 was better 👍

Suga G fan page: Wait a minute, so the first one minute of this video was a commercial? Better watch out Jahns, bout to unsubscribe

Bowden Nthani: The first thing I thought when I saw the experiment pods at the facility was, "that's SNOKE!" It makes sense to me that you'd use tissue from a high M-count individual to form a powerful force user clone

braeden martin: They did say M count

izziel ortiz: Yo check out the movie Knock Knock it has Keanu Reeves on Netflix I would like your opinion on it because I don’t know what to think of it 😂 kinda of a wild ride

Nicholas Noel: Are those Dark Troopers from the Dark Forces PC game possibly?

The Awakening ́Ω`: I'm digging the new homeless man look

mandece: Best. Grief. Kargo. Joke. Ever. I’m honestly literally still laughing

Jace MindSculptor: RUN on HULU

That Guy: I was expecting dutch to land in his chopper with a cigar towards the end of the episode after mando flies off.

Rebibol: I find the "episodic" episodes the best ones, i am tired of BIG PICTURE Star Wars stories, i am tired of jedis and i am tired of the Empire bullshit. Mandalorian is best when its doing simple shit

Darth Caedus: One of those kids at the school had a rey styled hair.

nondjmaster: Please review Run.

John Piernicky: The rows of "droids" are Dark Troopers Jeremy.

Joshua Joseph: Red. Dead. Mandalorian. Nuff Said But please make that

Miguel Valsassina: Who knows maybe this show can do to the sequels what the clone wars series did for the prequels

Spongemonkey26: I get they want the heroes to look strong, but this episode exemplified the issue with Stormtroopers being absolutely zero threat and I was actually bored watching our heroes mow through wave after wave of imperial. There has to be some degree of risk, but even the fish guy outsmarted them...

Antonio Cerda: I love that Jeremy puts the ad first so he gets it out of the way.

One Opinion: I'm light on lore, but if this is taking place after Return of the Jedi but before 7-9 please tell me this harvesting of "m" as they referred to it (assumed midichllorians) isn't going try and backfill a reason the Emperor was able to be cloned. That would really bum me out.

Weareight: It's tough not being able to binge this right now!

Jordan Williams: I thought they were dark troopers and they were going for a force sensitive dark troopers thing

Jalen Fanning: Jeremy your hair looks great. This is the way.

usssanjacinto1: Jeremy Wick

Aidan MacCuish: Did no one see the snoke clones in that tank??

Ray Rossiti: Can't wait for the next episode!! Gina did a great job in this one! Next video - thoughts on Snyder Cut Justice League Trailer?

Oliver Wade: It’s so nice to be enjoying star wars again! Like I consider myself a very open minded person that can find enjoyment in a lot of things, but I also hold stuff to high standards and appreciate quality, and the most recent Star Wars films just weren’t that enjoyable for me. But mandalorian is just fun,gritty, slight humour and just a very digestible piece of content

RigoMortize: Are we not going to talk about Admiral Jeff Blue Jeans?

Eddy Cozmo: Has anyone mentioned that Jeremy kinda looks like Keanu? Like he could be his brother.

FPS: episdoe was meh

The Bear Geek: Baby Yoda uses the force like Willow uses magic. The Charmed Ones would not be pleased....

Trey Dawson: If the empire was so fixated on getting the blood of force sensitive people, then I wonder why they had all the Jedi slaughtered. They would’ve been perfect prisoners and subjects for the empires experiments.

Krytos911: All I could think during the last scene was "Please be Dark Troopers! Please be Dark Troopers!" I'd love Dark Troopers to be canon again

Trinja: I believe the deformed beings are early attempts of creating Snoke. Unfortunately, that means they’re beginning to connect the show to the Disney trilogy. I was hoping that wouldn’t happen until the last season lol

Hydra88: Jeremy it is confirmed baby yoda is a boy, go rewatch the 3rd episode

Hatchling Productions: 1:48 still laugh at the guy in jeans hiding behind the wall. Great episode though.

Teegan Reed: Jeremy as an avid video game player I would have expected you to bring up Dark Troopers from the old Dark Forces game! That was the first thing I thought when I saw them.

Andrew Hoop: I'm consistently underwhelmed by the mandalorian. I don't think it's bad just not good. It feels like a high budget live action cartoon and I can't get past it.

Brock Billings: Jeremy knows baby yoda isn’t a clone, right? It was said by the farmer dude in season 1

saturncrush: There going to tie into the Emperor ........

Casual Gamer: Just saying Jeremy,a Christmas special type of a video with you dressed as Santa Claus,that Santa Jahns thing l mean........... common

steprockmedia: All I could think is how the heck did two guys with no garage fix Mando's ship up good as new in like half a day?

John Calabro: Will you be doing palm springs?

Josh Noel: As someone who did not enjoy episode IX I am okay with them trying to rationalize Palpatine's return because I will never be convinced it was not an absolute last-ditch effort to try and bring back the fans which TLJ alienated

coojar: There’s a crew dude in the left hand corner of the shot at 1:50.

chigginheadD: If they tie it into the Disney trilogy, I will be done with both Mando and Disney +

mc5353t: Baby yoda getting more active wonder whats first words will be

Trenton Mitchell: They’ve said that Baby Yoda is a boy. I think in the first season?

Robin Farrell: Super hope they're not connecting it to the sequel trilogy. At least, not in that way! (Sidenote: best Audible ad ever? Either way, the Zahn trilogy does, indeed, rock.)

Joe Ocallaghan: My theory is they’re using baby yoda to provide midichlorians to the snoke clone they built before Star Wars 7!

Sandor Clegane: Prepare for the dark troopers...

Niki B.: I think the creatures they're trying to make is what ends up being Snoke. Just a theory though.

IndieButterKnife: I absolutely couldn't stand this episode. It was bad compared to 3

Augustus Dens: My guess. Moffat Gideon wants to be a force-user himself. He's testing the transfusion on "labrats" first because it's extremely dangerous and he's trying to perfect a way of doing it safely.

jeff h: Could they be dark troopers?

Bret: The WORST thing they could do is tie it into the sequel trilogy.

PR0PAINE: I feel bad that Dave Filoni is always stuck making the movies better by his tv series.

Omar Reyes: time to piss off fans: they made snoke out of baby yoda's blood.... no seriously I've noticed that star wars fans have gone nuts (in a very very bad way) with this theory

nazart: The Mandalorian vibe is what the movies should have been like

Erik Ramaekers: The FX are superb, i like the entire cast, and the end credits are a work of art

Just Jimbo: It’s not an imperial school they converted the old bounty Hunter bar into a school

Juan D MotorCycle: It was an awesome episode, from start to finish, the gunfights and the ship fights were so cool.

Ryan Brown: Who better to help get the crappy taste of the sequels out of our mouths than ahsoka ?

Cole Hintermeister: I refuse to believe that the Empire would be doing weird cloning/birthing/M count stuff and have it not tie into Snoke and Palpatine, especially considering that’s what all of the “good” Disney-era expansion has been. Battlefront 2, Aftermath, now Mandalorian, etc. It’s all focused on what happened immediately after Return, and if they can use it all to help flesh out the sequels...great. Makes sense. They need high m-count blood to fuel their force-sensitive hosts for Snoke and Palpatine

jabba820: please god no tie-in to the sequels

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