What to Expect from My Hero Academia Season 6!!

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Turtle Quirk: Lemme know your thoughts on season 5 and my predictions of s6 down below! DISCORD: https://discord.gg/UsEenkmCfY TWITTER: https://twitter.com/turtlequirk INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/turtle.quirk/

allb: The war is NOT an entire season worth... 16 ep MAX aka HALF of season 6 entire "loner deku" arc is second half currently manga isn't season 7

Jonathan Acosta: Gonna be honest, as someone who doesn’t read the manga, I had no idea wtf was going on with so many flashbacks that were out of context and them rearranging the order of the arches.

Chayan Sarathy: Man you're totally write about s5. I remember waiting a whole week only for the episode to have a 1 min recap and several useless flashbacks. Its also the reason why im leaving the anime for now and i'll watch it once the whole season is complete.

satoshi gekkouga: Is season 5 already over? Pls answer

Anis: I'm just gonna skip season 5 I didn't feel it

I T: What we can expect in season 6 is for the story to be thrown out of order and a filler episode to promote the 4th movie

Antoni Manzi: Season 5 was trash, I'm not watching season 6. The manga is good enough. I can't forgive them for skipping the MVA arc for a damn filler movie

woof: i think season 6 would end the way chapter 306 ended, revealing the next act that would carry on from season 7. it'd make for the best cliffhanger after such an intense season.

THT_Kidfrom_Philly215: Season 5 is fine if you ask me the manga is too fire for me to cry about the endeavor agency arc also MVA probably to end this season so it’s fine

JRC SMASH: why couldn't they just wait until AFTER the season is over, then drop the movie? that alone would solve a handful of problems.

itachi: Is season 5 done im waiting for the dub

Ruana Larisa: tbh i would love to see short filler clips of how monoma and shiketsu students were doing in the war arc

Anthony Brown: STUDIO BONES Next Season:What if we do The Villain Hunt arc first right and then we show the war arc for like the last 5 episodes. It like they say in storytelling tell but don't show.


Dangowo シ: can't wait! but first season 5 needs to b finished

Feliperfection: Season 5 was all over the place, imo. Still, I KNOW they're gonna nail the war arc.

Will Watches: i would absolutely love a longer one arc season

bruh lol: 5:17 I swear that's the guy from the justice league movie

Dinosaur Time and Funny videos: With your point about it being disjointed showing that the MLA and the LoV have joined forces... Anime only people won't know that. They'll just think that Hawks is a double agent for the LoV and the MLA at the same time.

Bakugo: ME EXCITED. Even tho I’m new to MHA I’m just HYPED.

sky net: Eh they also probably ruin season 6 if they decided to make a fourth movie that releases in the middle of the season

Johnny MSObsidiana: I’m sure that the war arc will just be the first half. (Given the quick pacing of fight scenes. Look at the overhaul arc and how fast vol 17 was) Then what’s happening rn will be the second half

Hawks: Season 5 really disappointed me as a manga reader. It's fine and all with decent animation quality, but still. I just feel like it could've been better. Still grateful to the writers and animation team and all though. They just really fucked things up.

Marvboy: They should focus now at the 6th Season... They need to make the 6th Season the best, otherwise the Anime is done....

Bladerbeast: Hiya

Martyn McMurray: I'm still waiting for Tav Tropes to bring in the "He Can _Really_ Act" section for it.

James Potter: I'm worried about MVA as we are running out of episodes for the season as it would be 24 to 25 episodes, how long do you think the arc will be

FlexForce Wrestling: Eid Mubarak

Adhwaith Mahesh: I am confused but did they completely skip the my villan arc ???

The Professor: Personally i hope that season 6 will take about 2 years to do because some of these fights will be important to the story. Also because there's not enough chapters to do a 7th season with until a couple of years from now

Delan Ultimate pogchamp: I guess season 6 might actually have a black catcher type opening because things are getting serious and guess what season 6 will have opening 10.

Sergio: I agree season 5 hasn’t been that great so far. So far I’m giving it a 6.5/10

Cakeman35: Completely agree with the opinion on season 5. I’m hoping they put a lot of effort into Mva so at least we can enjoy a few episodes of really good content. I also hope you’re right about there not being a 4th movie, as it means that they have absolutely no excuse for messing it up since they did so well with season 2 and 3.

Aidin Saba: What to expect? Sadness,pain and of course some todoroki family drama

Joseph Tom: dam that shit sucked and its over I'm a manga reader so I didn't even try to watch this cause I knew it was hot garbage before hand

Demy Verschuren: I think the manga is just as good as the anime but I have to see yes maybe It is going to be a sloppy season. I don't hope so dow. I do am really enthusiastic for how they are going to animate the wor art and all the other cool arks that we still net to see in the anime. I am the most acsided for how they are going to make the animation for Shigaraki's past and just how they are going to focus on the villains.

Okuyasu Nijimura: I didn't know that season 5 will be extended

Jonathan Joestar:

gh0stly 0ne3.6: I actually don't mind them switching the arcs around.I get that for many manga readers MVA is their favorite arc and their ready to see it animated. But im trying to look at this from Bones pov. Its no secret that alot of people fell off the anime last season after the Overhaul arc was over because they felt it had slowed down too much, and was more slice of life rather than action. Endeavour's fight with High End definitely got people's attention again, but I don't remember hearing of any anime onlys being hyped for s5 once s4 ended. I think Bones heard the complaints and decided MVA would be the better arc to cap off s5 with in order to generate hype for s6. And I mean can you blame them for thinking so? Imagine you're an anime only. You just witness Shigaraki's backstory and are now watching him absolutely destroy an entire city with his powered up decay, and at this point has another high tier villain at his mercy. He then takes over said villains organization and now has an army at his command as well as being acknowledged as master by Gigantomachia. Then we hear how he's going to under go body modifications to receive AFO and have the means to steal OFA. To top it off we see Hawks shaking in his boots at what the LOV has become, and then the season ends with the PLF preparing for War. We then get a short scene of Shigaraki's body being torn apart and modified letting us know that Shigaraki is going to be an absolute monster. Its (imo) the most effective way to generate hype for the war arc for anime onlys.

That Guy: There is a part of me. A small part of me that believes they would only adapt the war arc for the entirety of S6. However, knowing them they are gonna either cram the entire thing into 13 episodes like the Overhaul Arc. Or simply just slow down the pacing and stretch it thin. Bones seems to have no medium. They either go at the speed of a frickin fighter Jet. Like with the Pro Hero Arc or painfully slow like with the Joint Training arc.

DEEPSON: i feel u bro

Somebody: I am not a manga reader, season 5 haven't complete and yet I literally search up this video.

Iffat Bushra Suhi: YES! The War Arc! Can't wait for it!

Levi0n23 Ultimate: I bet aot and mha fans be arguing about which one is better because these two are so epic

Julio Castillo: If Bones managed to adapt the entire Yakuza Arc (40 Chapters) into just 15 episodes (s3 ep24-25 and s4 ep2-14) then the Paranormal Liberation War Arc which is around the same length (38 chapters if we count just the battle itself) (48 chapters if we count the whole Hospital section in the aftermath of the battle) (or 53 chapters if for some reason we also count from chapter 253 to 257 as part of the arc even thou those chapters are more of a transition than anything)... then it definitely won't take the whole season 6 to adapt it. And also taking into account that the great majority of the arc is just pure action then is very likely that a lot of things will happen in just one episode. So i personally don't think that the war arc will take more than 20 episodes of the anime. PD: obviously all of this is assuming that Studio Bones does a good adaptation and doesn't artificially stretch the arc by putting a ridiculous amount of flashbacks again.

keon Solomon: Both movies are meh in term of story imo, so I'm not expecting much.

tominator pickinator: 306 is the perfect ending for the season

Kdawg TB: I kinda have to disagree with season 5 ruining the paranormal liberation arc, it adds mystery and will end the season in a better way imo. It might ruin it a little because we know how the league ends up, but it still adds mystery and suspense and will overall end the season and keep the dark theme running from paranormal liberation arc to war arc that was interrupted by Endeavor arc

pre malone: Can you make another black clover characters in mha, or black clover characters in jujutsu kaisen universe. I think your really good at adapting characters to other series

denki kaminari: 0:22 looks like mirios boutta knowk eri da fuq out

TheRWBYFamilton: All I want is the Picture of Kaminari getting overcharged by Tazer Animated. When I see how well that is animated, then I will know weather I’m hooked or not.

Christopher Alvarez: I haven't watched this season yet, is My Villian Academia gonna get adapted this season??

ClapThemCheeks: I hope the movie doesn’t flop because idk if y’all remember the seven deadly sins incident 💀💀💀💀💀

Geek Jaeger: As long as there isn't a movie next season, I'm excited

Crow VII: My villain academia be a banger movie

Kingslayer: Isn't mva gonna come out in season 5?

Cadarin Dillon: I pray to god they aren't doing another movie while working on season 6, they're gonna need all hands on deck to make the war arc amazing.

zCyclic YT: After season 5, don’t expect them to drag the war arc, I wouldn’t be surprised if they rush it.

Alina T: Tbh I am a little worried on how it’s gonna be animated because the anime of my hero is very bright colored as to where the manga is black and white and is more easily able to “set the mood” so idk how it’ll turn out but I’m excited

teddylol: bro my hero academia has more filler then boruto

Realm Of Unknown: Is season 5 finished?

Realm Of Unknown: I’d totally be fine if the whole War arc was just one season. Would be amazing and like to see some fights extended.

Alexis leon: I didn’t mind it until like around episode 16 because then I was becoming worried how many episodes would be available for mva

Raccoondogzz: Dude s6 gonna BANG

Softpeaches 14: This is gonna be a very emotional roller coaster for when season 6 for me

King Max: I personally really enjoyed the way bones handled the joint training arc was a little slow but the animation was great .... the switching of MVA and agency has really pissed me off that’s the nice way to put it

Dominic Collie: I've been thinking about how S5 and 6 are going to go down. MVA would definitely be the last 8 episodes which is more than enough to cover the 20 chapters. Season 5 as a whole of course isn't the biggest season even if MVA saves it. Even a die hard fan like myself knows that since the first two arcs are really just for development. Season 6 will by far be THE best season to date. I hope that it is announced for Spring 2022 just like as Turtle mentioned because come on we manga readers have looking forward to this for while now. I know we're gonna HYPE THE HELL OUT OF IT. lol Finally, as solid as the movies have been so far I honestly think they should not do a fourth until after S6; that is if BONES even decide to do so. Still looking forward to World Heroes Mission although it should have been after this season ended all things considered.

Adrian Once: Another moview top kek

Adam 22: I've personally loved season 5 but that's because the Joint Training arc is one of my favorite arcs.

Jordan: Season 5 has been awful. Even my mom agreed, which is strange considering she usually loves MHA.

Gear_Impact: Crazy how dis video is nothing but fax, bones has succeeded in makin season 5 the weakest one so far, includin season 1. It also happens to be the least improvement over the source material in terms of adaptation.

PlayHarderScrub: The fax that the movie is stoping season 5 makes me sad😞

Jayden Galindo: Season 5 Is not even worth watching

Han Raph: Is the current season over already?

Leaky Steve: If they DO end up doing a fourth movie next season, they should do a standalone prequel. Maybe do an original story about all might at UA?

Failed Meme Person: Could you make a video about if Erwin was choosen to eat Bertholdt instead of Armin

winter hood: "What to expect in mha season 6" The best anime season of ALL TIME

Randon guy: 2:00 To be fair, I liked this episode lol

macaroons: This season has been disappointing. All the hype and excitement from the beginning is just…gone. I was never really interested in the new movie, and looking at what had to be sacrificed just makes me not want to watch it even more. I know it’s not 100% of the studio, but I’m still a bit annoyed. Great video!

Mr Hype is forever: Imagine if season 6 actually animates up until the Deku vs Ledy Nagant fight!! But I feel like either chapter 306 or 309 will be the conclusion for the season. Usually my hero covers 3 arcs, but since this war arc is so big, season six would be at most an Arc and 1/4

money mike: i really miss these mha videos from you

Holden Kesler: Bones be like. Deku rouge arc, filler episode, war arc.

The JamDunk Titan: I’m actually fine with the arcs being switched; in fact I’m curious to see how bones will play it out, but the pacing was the one and big issue of the first cour this season; let’s hope they don’t do that with MVA or Season 6

Eric Binyon: I will riot if they ruin season 6

Randel: If they're gonna make some fillers, best it be Inko Midoriya and Momma Bakugo during and after the war arc.

AlphaxWolf5751: I think that what they should've done was make the now season 5 into season 6 and make the entirety of season 5 should've been my villian academia

trollfacelotsofshit: >booo hoo muh overhyped villian ark disliked and unsubbed :)

motor4X4kombat: nothing, it will have sub par animation and lame pacing just like season 4 and 5. Just wait until the next jujutsu kaisen or even chainsaw man if you want much better animation. My hero academia became the new seven deadly sins.

money mike: season 6 has to be top tier every episode or i’m sticking to the manga

purplefoir: they really don't need to do a movie so often. but I don't care as long as they do war arc and my villain academia right

money mike: i could tolerate them showing the endeavor agency arc but the pacing ruined all my hype

funloop: Despite everyone's thoughts, I actually like the change they did for this season mostly because it adds the mystery and wonder of why Hawks is trying to get the heroes to mobilize and why the Hero Commission is forcing the heroes to take interns. It also gives us a small glimpse of what is to come in the future. Also, it also doesn't damper the mood during the internship arc when we see Deku/Bakugo/Shoto try and improve on their quirks and abilities when we know that Shigi is going to best them anyways. Also, I highly doubt whether or not the villains were going to make it out of that arc was a main concern considering their skill sets (but that's just me) Lastly. I hope that either the last two episodes of this season is Aizawa and Mic's visit to the prison.

Brendan Reich: Oh man. I just realized what I could do for the war arc in my fanfic. Not sure how I feel about it though. I like to stay to the main story and not change to much, but what I’m thinking is really changing. Well, I’m still in the first season part so I have a while to make my mind. (I know it’s weird to put this kind of thing in video comments but it fits with the topic.)

Crystal Castro: Excuse me I have a question her name is lady Nagant

Mac Hodgdon: At this point I don’t think we ever have to see a description of a student’s quirk ever again cause my god it was painful

Magmu Gamer: I think my villain academia will still be done well because I even heard that there not supposed to censor anything in that arc. I think there making this season boring on purpose to prepare people for the coming madness.

Space Penguins: I’m pretty sure S6 will end with deku deciding to leave UA, it makes more sense and is much more final (and they don’t need to get a VA for the villain until next year that way)

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