American Horror Story Season 10 "Themes" Promo (HD) Aliens

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Dacy Toxic: *watches again* man i can't wait for this

Zeina Ian: Okay that is an awesome promo, I'm trying not to be too hyped for this so I don't get disappointed. But I've been wanting aliens since season 2, so this is very exciting.

Rod Taylor: Looks bizarre and messed up. I'm here for it!!

조ᄒᄂ: looks creepy

Dark Phoenix: Kit Walker returns?

Миша Дьячков: Что за музыка

Savannah Grace: I’ve been wanting has to do something with sirens and mermaids for the longest time!

Savannah Grace: Is this a real promo or a fan made one

Lord Charles: I wil keep my expectations low as Ryan Murphy is very good at delivering top notch intriguing stylish trailers which often are way better than the actual show ....

X: More excited for red tide. Kinda wish they just stuck to one theme but we will see …

jeian agtas: This is Camp as fuck. Im soooold

Coal and Cable Fanciulli Lilley: GALIENS

Philip Longee: At first I thought it was a promo for the funny series Resident Alien with Alan Tudyk as the alien since they all look alike. I know so racist!

Daniel Diaz: It's official, the aliens are back!


Charlotte Ruby: Okay but I am really REALLY hoping that this connects back to asylum like maybe those are the same aliens who abducted Kit Walker????

Laplace: Aliens doing some freaky stuff with sea creatures, i didn't knew i needed that in my life untile i saw the trailer

Harris Syed: well this is new guess its less evil v rag tag hopeless and more evil v evil

Agatha Harkness: Oh God do the aliens have sex with the mermaids I must have fallen to deep into wattpad again😭

Rafick Bdaro: Eww they’re making out!

veta: they kinda be running out of ideas

Timothy Alford: Wow the quality of the AHS teasers has really dropped in the last few years...

Jay B: Always misleading people ad usual 😅😂🤣

Ruben Elias: I'm hoping Even Peter's character from season 2 comes back from the aliens

SolusVoid: Fucking finally

Rabiesmuffin: Yassss

Lonely: finally .. tired of those stories spin off

Nance: I am the only one who is disappointed? Because it won’t have one story line and every ep will be about something different

Juwan: This show used to be scary, it’s not the same anymore

Pöllux: I always hyped with AHS even though the last season was shit

davidareyouhuman: Every year I see comments that say “ThE PrOmOs ArE bEtTeR tHaN tHe AcTuAL sEaSoN” 🙄

Max Siqueira: So, this is not mermaids is Vampires?

Oscar Tinker: American Sci-Fi Story?

Aiden Martinez: did we just see an alien and a...thing kissssssssss.....gonna make me act up

Octavia Blackthorn: Honestly, the trailers are always the best part of a new AHS season. But I am excited for this. Been waiting for aliens since Asylum.

Kai: I really hope this isn't as bad a Roanoke but seeing how ' American horror stories' turned out i imagine season 10 ahs will be a flop too.

Kayla Michele: Aliens. Pass.

Taylor A: Okay season 2 crossover when though

Dillon Connolly: This is everything I wanted and more!!!!

Pig Mann: Ok once again the teasers will have nothing to do with actual show.... But i am sold, AGAIN!

Ayendy De la rosa: OMGGGGGGGG

Fails: 4 weeks

Sally Sparkles: why is everyone so obsessed with aliens, i dont think they’re scary. at least not this depiction of them.

Jaden Reyna: A true classic never goes out of style

NeutralMan91: That's a great teaser

Presto Blairrr: Dope

Tommy Sheldock: Didn't the writers of the show say that the aliens were a metaphor for God? So the sea creatures could be possibly be a metaphor for the devil since they live under the sea? Maybe God vs Saten or am I overthinking again?

Goseffsnosyy Snosy: I feel it is somehow connected with asylum

KeithK28: Consider the shark jumped.

Oblivionaire: Anyone feel like AHS i losing its touch with these past seasons and especially with the American horror stories?

OnlyyNickii: IS THIS REAL

Fluoroquinolone Toxicity: The violins remind me of season 1. maybe there will be a link to murder house. Also the dark pill could refer to Asylum. Maybe we will finally see what happened to kit walker, or maybe his two kids will be involved this season.

Caolan Mcflynn: Final true aliens

Owen Butters: Wouldn't it have made more sense to make them the same aliens that messed about with Kit all the way back in Asylum? Because that was never really explained And these look different right?

Ellie: Jesus fucking Christ I should not have watched that at 11pm

emrah şimşek: real aliens tier power level 3a to 3c just guesing mr mxyzptlk dc tier powel level 2a to 1c

Shocked & Upset: Any info about cast?

Paulo Carneiro: Wait, is AHS: Death Valley also set in Massachusetts?

Pz. Princess: I just hope the aliens explain what happened to kit and his kids 😩 alsooo that one episode when his kids went into the woods with sister Jude and she came back changed ! I hope they explain that and it ties into asylum

Louise Emborong: *Just here to watch the Debbie Downers of the fandom*

Louise Emborong: AHS: Red Tide AHS: Death Valley

Sher Bear: So excited! Love the idea of sirens. But I have a question. Who or what band does the song in the promo? - WitchyWoman

YOUNG WILLY: Maybe kit will come back as evan

Billy Myers: yasss come thru. with acting like aliens really dont exist and that they look this way... lol wake up people they showing u everything

Victor Manuel CD: SH OO K 💀👽

Noel Maldonado: Ever since asylum I wanted to see a bigger story involving Aliens


NEON _WOLF: All good and everything but where exactly are UK viewers supposed to watch used to be on fox but UK don't get that channel now

Julio Augusto: Sorry but It deadass looks like Ryan Murphy read some of y'alls nonsensical fanfictions, thought it had enough fanservice and edginess and decided to make episodes based on it cause he ran out of ideas himself

kidneythief91: American horror story has officially hit walking dead territory...just die already.

Billa Bong: So.. that violin made of meat was pretty cool. What kinda beef cut could you mold that from anyone?

Jesse Bond: ALIIIEEEENNNNSSS!!!!!!!!

Ultron Emperor: Season 8 was my favourite after 1,2 and 4, I'm really looking for this one

Matthew Clarke: Whoever came up with the flesh violin needs a raise

Marky Mark: This is gonna suck

Libby Allen: This is gonna be such a good season

Stephen LaPointe: Oh my gosh I’m so in I mean mermaids and aliens I’m so sold I mean please take my money

I v E: I have no expectations with this show anymore but I am going to watch anyway

Lynn Barrett: Oh my goodness if this American Horror Story has aliens in this season 10 then everyone be to pay for aliens because they might eat you for dinner

Janire Cobain: Amazing

Range viper Cobra: ...................What!?

Aiesha ElHennawy: what in the riverdale is that

JHolland: Nothing will beat how scary the 1st season was , but last season was goooood

Anthony Walker: Aliens? NO WAY!!! I’m so excited for this !

wesley alves: 👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽

wesley alves: So excited 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨

iheartPOP: It's looks so good are you fucking joking 😱

Monique Barber: This will be better than the actual show.

Silvia Maria Fleitas: OMG OMG OMG OMG 💟😍💟😍💟😍💟😍😍

Janni Lopez: Ansiedad por verla 🙏 ya por favor!!!!

Latrell Clarke: MERMAIDS 🧜🏻‍♀️ AND ALIENS 👽 yes please 💳💥💥💥💳💥

Steven Villain: What song is this?

Carol C: So... like asylum? But without the crazy people, nazis and the devil

antoni: AHS is like the extra af gay uncle of horror and I love it

Ch50304: This looks pathetic. It is so sad.

Patrick Lange: is this real promo or fan made?

Alyssa 💜: Beatiful very much, congratulations.... is a sequel of Asylium??

harkatmuldsss: Which song is this?

SrJr272: Deep ones and aliens. What else, beasts hunting?

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