The Flash Season 7: Speed Force Constructs Explained

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Comic Books vs The World: Credits for the Power Rangers gag! - TheBlerdVision's video: - Kazoo cover:

Nick_playz123: Flash doesnt make sense

DABABY: *may* *the* *speed* *force* *be* *with* *you*

Jooshho: Barry made the sword without having to be taught? What the fuck

Austin Amponsah: Am getting tired of the flash show

DeadopsGx: In season 1 they were just trying to figure out what the speedforce even was and now they're recreating it every Sunday

Carter the gamer: This star wars rise of speedsters

Atharv Chauhan: please do "how fast is season 7 flash " as he was so fast that even thawne was frozen

ozenHD: This show used to be good, Now its a comedy show.

Lachlan Walker: How is jay garrick and his wife alive if Barry’s parents have graves aren’t they doppelgängers

Jordan KP: If Zoom could catch and throw lightning, this isn’t that far fetched.

Tuffdude 77: I don't really have as much of an issue with it as other people seem to. What Godspeed can do is unknown to team Flash, so him being able to do this makes sense. Nora and Bart are from the future. They could have learned to do this stuff a while ago. Jay didn't even make a construct. He just powered up his helmet. Thawne is also from the future and may have actually known how to do this for a while. Flash is the only one who it completely comes out of nowhere for. Maybe a flashback scene here that has Bart teaching Barry how to make constructs because Godspeed can and then we get the "lightsaber" fight scene. The problem wasn't the idea. It was the lack of explanation and this coming out of nowhere.

Ahmed Ouardbane: apparently in the comics the turtle used still force energy to make constructs aswell but its just green energy and like lighting or anything like that

Strongarms0007: Did iris get her suit when the speed force boosted her? Thats another example

Mr Andreas: Come on it was cool

Raheem Gilliam: I dont mind the lightning light sabers just wish they explained how they did it.

Zig From twitter: Speed boost that’s how

Nash Butler: More than anything y didn’t they just use real swords

Astral Assassin: Wally could've taught Barry off screen and we just will never know what happened

Fuentes Clive Raymund: Just waiting for season 1 and 2 magic to happen

ALZ3IM AL3ZIM: It's a LIGHTning SABER that's what it is

Pinky Bazilla: When are we going to get a top speed video

Worst Teammate: Wait, there are people who liked that episode? You cant be serious. This show is a joke now

Doctor Universe: Season 7 was the worst

Ghost Gamer25: One of the times star wars can be a thing in DC?

Ben Clark: Lightning Lightsabres, lightning-sabres, we back baby…

Liam Wilson: In season 2 Barry throws a lightning bolt at zoom and zoom catches it and throws it back, we literally see him hold it. In my head that’s what the lightning does fight was, then just manipulating a lightning bolt but the editors forgot to make it look like this was at super speed

Shane Johnson: Using Lightening swords is that impossible in the flash mythos or lure. Yall need to stop fucking whining about it now. Yes the season was not perfect but damn yall just hate the show because its cool to hate it now.

Reynolds: I’m not gonna lie. Being able to summon a lightning bolt as a weapon is something that the Flash should be able to do.

Oriansenshi: Thank you for explaining this. It does make more sense now. I wish we had gotten some kind of a flashback to kid flash making one this season to establish continuity.

Annette McGreevy: i stopped watching after i heard the entire cast threw the actor for ralph under the bus, i mean seriously, he mad edgy jokes on twitter 10+ years ago and got fired because of it

Micro1973: That episode made me feel like a was watching the crappy Star Wars sequels

The Golden Fighter: Hey, idk if I asked you before but so how many main title Flash comics have you read? I've almost read all the Barry ones, and I wasn't gonna say anything but yeah. Heh, sad but well only the most diehard fans or whatever now like this season. Even I who liked everything up til now, didn't like this season much at all. Good that you can still make theories out of the show, ha. I noticed you didn't have much to say about Season 7 til now. Hope this next one is rumored or confirmed to be the last. Too many problems behind the scenes I think as well as maybe just the show failing on it's own means I can't bear to watch or praise it anymore unless somehow they improve but idk. Sad thing is, even if I cheered on all the people who made the show by name before like people and Feige, I don't know if I really like Eric or whoever really thought Hartley was bad. What you think, will the show improve?

Midnightwolf: They could’ve made it better by using there speed and the swords at the same time because you can just change the constructs with swords and it would be a sword fight

YTube Glitch: At no point did the Lotus flower that Wallace made seem like a thing that anyone could hold. It always felt like a temporary mirage of sorts like the rings of smoke smokers do or even skywriting. In the comics, the speedster only really use the speed force to make Suits that don't deteriorate and use the speed force more effectively than anything any genius can build. I kinda get Nora and Impulse using some sort of new techniques to help out. Maybe something interesting as a result of having the speed force for longer than barry did. And Thawne is from the distant future so that makes sense. It's just Godspeed making a sword was weird and Barry doing it from nothing was stupid. At least runaround and charge up a bolt and do it that way. Next season, Barry better be able to just fire lightning from a standing position; otherwise, it will not make sense within this weird continuity.

Lex Whitmarsh: I'm sorry WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK

Paddy Chu: since when can speedster create weapons like that ..... did they steal john green lantern ring?

Anonymous: do a season 7 review

DevHawk: You missed the biggest construct itself. The speed force earth form herself. Her body itself is a construct.

BusterBrown1218: If you haven't already, can you cover possible theories on why they aren't just obliterating things that they punch while running? I mean traveling at the speed they are, a punch would at the very least feel like a tank dropping on you right?

Yori Let’s BURN: Also what’s with the CGI nowadays? It feels like each season the shows budget is getting reduce more and more of which it should be the opposite. Are the actors just too expensive now after 7 seasons cause they’ve constantly been doing episodes without the entirety of team flash saying someone is busy doing something else offscreen. I get it’s a CW show but cmon this is unarguably your biggest and most successful show right now invest in it.

Yori Let’s BURN: Atleast give us some buildup to the techniques instead just of pulling flashy CGI out your @$$

Damythical: At this rate, Season 8 is gonna start with a Star Wars title crawl

Lonly Wanderer: 4:10 I have literally no idea what the fuck mecha Jigsaw is talking about

Lonly Wanderer: 1:43 Whatever the Legends crew hadn't already smoked. At least there batshit is the point of the series so the drugs actually help the writing process

Ibrahim Faisal: It’s lightning bolt ⚡️ 🙄

werewolf914: I think it's about time to end The Flash, just make Reverse Flash the main villain of the final season even shorten it like Arrows final season, because it's gone downhill so far it's like a chore to get through, not quite Arrow Season 4 levels of bad that season was almost unwatchable with how bad and boring it got but definitely close, and some like the episode that focused on Allegra and had basically zero Flash was so boring I kind of just listened to it while doing other things, I wish Grant Gustin could've been a movie Flash because as much as I love S1 and 2 and a few other parts the TV series really holds him back in a movie he can be the fastest man alive he doesn't need to run stop 5 feet in front of a villain and just stand there to make the side characters have something to do, and there'd be no "we're Team Flash" things or anything in a movie, and wouldn't be drawn out over 20 hours over the course of 24 episodes

Steven Williams: Seriously The Show Was Good I Loved It 😂🤍🔥

12-Mag coach1up: Bro how tf iris was able to get speed at the final

Shahid Yassim: u literally went over the line of how allen knew how to create speed force constructs. He asked wally to teach him. We don't get to see that happen because it's not necessary to see the process

Keepdreaming_420: 1:07

Nirvana s: It was kinda cool, but not in a cool way. And I kinda forgot his speedforce constructs and he should be able to do stuff like green lantern , but if they were gonna do this they should of had a speedster battle similar to season 5 at the end and on some slow mo shots they should have created the bolt blades but not as the whole fight and not use barely any speed. Also doesn't make sense why they weren't running around as godspeed just absorbed all his other versions and was faster but barely showed it. Horrible finale nun the less only good part was after they beat godspeed

Brickly: I hate this

Bee2.0 The Legendary Super Saiyan: During the fight with Flash and Reverse Flash vs Godspeed I could not help but draw parallels between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn vs Darth Maul. I don't even know why, Godspeed didn't even have a double-ended sword. Also, this could also be counted as a technicality but Zoom in S2 did make Barry's lightning look like a Speed Force Sword when he caught it and threw it back at him.

Red eyes Byakugan Dragon: Constructs>regular fist fighting

Mark G Leahy: It was a good episode

TheOutsider Jess: I dont understand how the cgi got worse in season 7

TheOutsider Jess: I don't know how they made lightsabers but that was the best fight this whole season. Season 7 is the second worst season I have ever seen season 5 was the worst

JTGAMER 543: writers: how much star wars do you want Grant: Yes

Detect1ve: I feel like it would have made more sense for Reverse Flash to make a yellow sword and Flash to make a red one.

ImADragonMyGuy: Don't forget, Zoom technically did it when he caught Barry's lightning.

MINECRAFT building noob: Power rangers song

Skullof Rebellion: You should make a "How SLOW is Reverse Flash" video now lmao

Jamseyrochey: imagine seeing a minigun shooting tiny lightning bolts

JOSHUA YOUNG: Im convinced the writer of the show is like 8

Sakari Richard: I think at this point if everyone just accepts that this is a "Flash family team up show" and less of a show about a singular hero going through trials and tribulations to grow stronger, you'll enjoy it more. which, tbh, the show has pretty much been since around S3 when Wally and Jesse were introduced as speedsters and they framed it like Wally would defeat Savitar (even though he never did). it's way easier to do that now as well, considering the whole "My name is Barry Allen" thing isn't even the intro for the show anymore, and instead just a montage of all the characters and snippets from moments in the show's history.

Darnell Francis: Can you please do a vid explaining why ichigo’s hollow mask changed

Ahmad Jeratly: I was waiting for this 😂

Hope Tsunke: Can we get how fast Barry is in season 7

Icynuggets: Update on flash game?

Blake Jimerson: Somebody needs to really call the writers out on there shit 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Mr. Minecraft: People complain that they run around to much in their fights so they try something different and people complain.

the mad capper: how tf could they air the terrible running by jessica parker kennedy

GameExpert: What about that time zoom threw Barry’s lightning back at him

mooveelight napper: im not sure if this has been covered but in the mirror verse season or season 6 they used ramsey for something and then ramsey said he was waiting for the long game or something like that but im tryna think and i dont see him do any thing after that episode hopefully you know what i mean

oolong2: For a show that spends entire seasons trying to get Barry to run a little faster those "constructs" did come out of nowhere.... Wally's firework display doesn't suddenly explain whips, throwing stars, and light sabers.... Good writing doesn't make it's audience wonder WTF did that come from? Good writing doesn't force the audience to look for obscure references in past seasons to try and piece together how something might be possible. The past few seasons of Flash have become pretty unwatchable.

Edin Lasers: them life savers and little lighting balls that they added are so retarted

Diego Pansini: What can't the Speed Force do? It's a writer's best friend

CT-7567: This is an awesome scene but it makes no sense.

K: I think the swords would've been fine if Barry and Thawn didn't casually make their own just to match Godspeed. Him having a weapon alone would justify his advantage that required a 2-on-1 fight.

Tyler James: 0:52 Nora's shitty running will never not make me laugh hahaha It's not convincing at all that she is moving at super speed LOL

Falcon with games: If you strike me down I become more powerful than you can possibly imagine

The tincan man: I have a feeling they will never use these swords again and they will be forgotten by the characters

SHORT STICK FIGHTS: I don't know why people hate those Scenes, I think it was pretty cool

Just X: That is a lightsaber not a sword

James Uduanu: I'm the 1,800th like btw lol

Eris'sFootWorshipper: The dark side of the speedforce is a pathway to many abilities one may consider to be, unnatural.

James Uduanu: Are you going to do a 'How Fast Is The CW Flash? (Season 7 Edition)'

Itachitheassassin: Does any one remember when he did the forces video and he saud in the comics Sage was blue Strength was red And Still was green Well is he gonna mention later that he was wrong cause Strength is Blue And Sage is purple for no reason

GhxstyFN: Can you do a new top speed video

GhxstyFN: The power rangers😂

Cylash: Still better than season 6

D'mitry Brown: Honestly I thought it was self explanatory I mean it makes sense that if a speedster can throw their own lightning and not be harmed like it makes sense that you should be able to do other things or manipulate it in some way now Nora and Bart it makes sense since their from the future and reverse flash because who knows what knowledge and lessons they have but when Barry pulled out a sword I was like it would have made sense if they had a throw away line like yeah wally showed me because all we've seen Barry do is throw lightning and use it to charge devices sometimes

Ryan McKenzie: I applaud the people that still manage to watch this show

The Vessel Of Satan: Maybe he gets the Golden Boots after he manifested it when he will break his feet during a run

Fact Theron: Watch them not even use the sowards again for 2/3 of the next season

The Vessel Of Satan: The Swords are awesome wtf are u guys talking ?

The Vessel Of Satan: How Fast was Barry in episode 11 when HE STOPPED THE BIG BANG FROM HAPPENING???

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