The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 5 Full Breakdown

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Theory's Arcade: Thank you Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau The most amazing episode I could have asked for. We, the fans, salute you.

CWI Reviews: I feel like grogu’s first words are coming at the jedi temple. It will be an epic moment when he opens his eyes after meditating and makes decision with words towards being with Mando like ”the way this is, I have chosen”

Asaph Fung: I’m still calling it baby yoda

Marsh Cello: A round of applause for Rosario Dawson!! Our first time seeing Ahsoka In live action and it was such a success. Much respect to Rosario Dawson and Dave Filoni.

Angelo Barozzi: That Anakin indirect mention gave me goosebumps


Abbie M: Can someone explain to me how Thrawn and possibly Ezra survived that jump to hyperspace in rebels when the windows were smashed open? 😂😭

blkcpdconure: We might get to see Luke kick ass as a Jedi Master???

Xray T4 2020: Nice trick not blinking your eyes for a tear... Come on man..

R2B2SW: funny how you refer to him by his name lol

Matthew Damer: Hate how poorly they screwed up Ahsoka's choreography

Marco Pederzoli: I barely know who Ahsoka Tano is, but when I saw Michael Biehn I went totally nuts!!!!

Jklego studios: Rosario Dawson looks like a cosplay Ashoka, the should have cast Ashley ekstein

DANIEL Phillips: I disagree. Don’t think Luke will show up Because he will take centre stage away from “the mandalorian” think mace windo will come into the series not like

Therealcrazygamer 20: 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤬🤯🤯🤯

Anthony Dillard: Shouldn't she be really old? I mean, she's definitely older than Luke and almost as old as Anakin and she aged normally on the series....

Khanthiilas: That's not the first time we have seen lolth cats. Luke is still searching for information, Ben solo is only just new born.

Dyllan Anderson: As an Australian I am kinda offended that the dark side of the force is personified by a being named Bogan. >:(

Grogu: We love Star Wars Theory on the razor crest!

Yee Yee: this episode was indeed emotional. had me in tears for a good portion of it lol

james daniels: Yoda and Yaddle would not actually have broken the code since Ki-Adi Mundi had several wives since his race was endangered. Being the only two known members of their species the council would have allowed Yoda and Yaddle to be together, just like they did with Ki-Adi Mundi. Never mind, Theiry just mentioned it.

Grogu: I’m glad you all know my name now :)

Sébastien Raffaut: This was such an amazing episode. It truly lived up to the hype of everything!!!

beohel: Tython is now canon. Makes me wonder if they will go further into the Jedi-Mandalorian history/lore, and we get to see Tarre Vizla or perhaps... Revan.

Appletini iBake: def both... Jedi Master Mandalore the Cute

Tim Brosnan: Ahsoka never became a jedi✊️

Tigrez: I believe that Ezra will be in last episode or second to last mandolorian. Ezra will come back to fight the troopers. If Thrawn survived, i think Ezra may have as well.

Np X: I also thought about cal kestis potentially making an appearance

Wolfhound 1A: Really dude... you cried... 😐 This episode was awesome, but tears? Come on man! 😅

Jordan Arellano: I really hope that grogu isn’t going to be taught by Luke. He deserves his own independent master

Sgt. Tengu: It's gotta be, Ezra, that comes back.

Eddie Abraham: I really like the mandalorian show but I'm tired of non stop female antagonists. It's to feed the 3rd gen feminists. I dont mind if they come out but they try too hard. Most of the female characters have obnoxious forced faces. Also bounty hunting and star wars is much more of a masculine thing so youd expect fewer females( not 0) but again disney feeds into sjws

en genuine: Do you believe that the angels really exist? This is one of the most beautiful videos I've seen in my life - please have a good day. 🌞

Kingsman: I lost my shit when she ignited her sabers in her signature way

Robert Long: Dave is a legend but rewriting beskar canon again is a nogo for me

Major Jordan: This episode was awesome, Asoka is a great character.

Np X: Is it possible mando is like tarre viszla??

Mark Fisher: They should've let dave filoni and jon Favreau write and direct the last 3 movies maybe then they would've been worthy to be in the starwars franchise

Jordan Arellano: I’m pretty sure Yaddle was Yodas sister lol

Carl Johnson: I don't know what to say- this is too much for the non committed viewer / average star wars fan. I am not watching cartoons or animation to catch up on all these back stories and other tidbits. I know the 6 movies and the Disney trilogy (yuck). I don't have to to invest in this series. This is the equivalent of someone who follows the WWE vs a casual watcher. To each its own, but I'm out.

jedihett: Why Ashoka not know Yaddle?


Zander L J: Is it possible Samuel L Jackson could come back as a survived Mace Windu?

Aditya Sharma: could be luke. could be ezra.

Zander L J: Who will play Thrawn? I think it would be amazing if it were Johnny Depp.

S Dew: ugh!!!, it got in jected with PC, SJW feminism politics....hopefully they wont keep doing that, but it was predictable, ep 4 was the same thing, " strong woman" BS!..

Fairbanks Goodman: The librarian couldn’t of found grogu, she was killed by anakin on the attack of the temple

Tamara Rocha: Oh my goodness . So emotional right now . I am shook and not sure what to write. Just so happy to have Star Wars back. Thank you for sharing your amazing knowledge and having this channel. I cried too when I heard her light sabers and saw her . So emotional . Wow. So epic .

Alex Rudolph: Something I honestly really hope happens is that Mando is revealed to be force sensitive. Like he’s got some of it there but it’s so suppressed because of his mandalorian upbringing; which would explain why Ashoka didn’t sense it. I think it would be awesome and sort of being some “edge” and difference to what we’ve seen as force users.

N.E.U.R.O.OFFICIAL: They should have snuck Anakin's force ghost in the end when Ashoka is walking away, just silently watching over her

3571113: This boy crying watching Star Wars lmao

Assar Ahlström: You made my day!

Ianbolo: Did you guys hear the signature mmmm? that yoda does when Grogu was talking?

Elliott Wynne: wouldn't the Jedi sensed the dark side of the force in palpitine

kurzeZuendschnur: For me and my girlfriend it was such a big disappointment... the chapter was great, but Ahsoka is just looking wrong. Her lekku are too short and her Montrals too tiny. As cosplayers it was just so disappointing that they couldn't manage to make her look great and accurate. For people that aren't that connected to the character may don't understand😅

Ben Carpenter: Yes!!! This is the way!!!

Caleb Higgs: Can I just say is she reeeeally a Jedi 😕 :) I’m not sure

N0bLy_Hades: I hope its Mace Windu

K _dawg: Am I the only one who got Tarantino vibes from Ahsokas Bossfight?

BigRooster: I’ll cry if Luke Skywalker shows up because Stat Wars fans really miss him.

KingMarsden: Boi we on the trending page! #49

Matt San Pedro: What if Cal Kestis is the Jedi that responds when he goes to Tython??? Would be cool connecting the games to live action.

galactica80: I actually think this may be a backdoor pilot for a spin-off for Ashoka and Sabine going into unknown regions to look for ezra

Dynamic: What if the Jedi who will reach out to Grogu is Cal Cestis? We know he wanted to restore the Jedi order, and at the end of his game fallen order he destroys a holocron containing the location of force sensitives, saying that the force should be trusted with their destinies. If Grogu were to reach out and Cal felt it he would see it as a sign from the force which makes him most likely to show up and be Grogu’ master.

BoMac: The better these episodes get, the more I despise the sequels...

Haruspex Augur: So Yoda was fucking around eh? HE FUCCCCKKKKSSSSSS.

Monopoly guy: 11:51 they really called a planet 'Bogan' *Australia liked that*

Christian Potato: The only thing i didn't like about the episode was that ahsoka killed many soldiers, and didn't seem to care about the lives of the villagers.

Snasy_: Guys, sebastian stan as luke skywalker for season 3?? Imagine

Yank33B0y13: Im so happy theres great star wars again

gdubsterz: So glad to see Timothy Zahns works getting their due. They were magical and he was Dave Filoni before Dave Filoni.

JD: Omg omg!! When they mentioned another Jedi and there being only a small few left... I instantly thought of Luke as my number 1 wish. I was given Ashoka already ❤ loved it. She was like Jason Voorhees in those first few scenes 😁 I really hope they do bring in Luke! He deserves so much better then how they treated him in the end. Bring his wife back also! 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞

B0M0A0K: Sorry, but they just can't do Luke Skywalker. Luke is now and always will be Mark Hamill. Mark is too old now to play a "younged up" Luke so you would need to recast him, which would be sacrilege, plain and simple. This is going to be Macu Windu or Ezra Bridger. I likes seeing the Live action Ahsoka, I had grave misgivings about what they would do with her, but there was something about her perspective that didn't look right. She looked to short. In the end I couldn't help but yearn for the voice of Ashley Eckstein as Ahsoka Tano.

noahk: If Din gives Grogu to Luke I hope he doesn’t just throw him down a mountain

Redrider1511: When ahsoka first mentioned grogu calling out in the force the first Jedi that popped into my mind was actually Cal Kestis, then Luke Skywalker. I think it could be either of them.

steekle7: I especially love how Ahsoka was done. There is a big risk of fucking it up when a character is converted from animation to live action. They chose a great actor, the dialogue was great, the make-up was great and the fighting was great. She really felt like Ahsoka we know and love from clone wars and rebels and not some weird rip-off. When there were rumors of her coming to the show I was kinda worried, but I'm very happy with the outcome. Can't wait to see more of her in The Mandalorian.

Guardian Syfe: What about Bobby fett

Daniel Morgan: Who the hell is disliking your videos lol

Andrew Eskandr: Can you do a rebels recap. I forgot everything from that show lol

Alexandru Florin Dumitrescu: COULD happen that Ezra or even Like skywalker could sense him... after all, there are not many Jedi's alive Or even the Jedi's from the game "Jedi fallen order", that is, if they did not fall on the dark side..

Brent Sabatini: Loved the Johnny Ringo and Mandalorian/Doc Holiday western gun duel.

AetherHorizon: My pipi went hard once i heard HK-87. HK-47 is alive!! REVAN IS ALIVE

Kaion Grey: First time a Jedi brings real fear on the screen ...

Luca Fantā: what is the music you have in the background??

Pavol Galo: wtf is that clickbait

Sphendrana: I have no complaints on this episode. It was absolutely epic. And hearing Ahsoka say speak the Holy name made me chiver. My husband on the other hand had one complaint lol. Her monorails were too short. I understand it's probably a physical prop kind of reason for why they did that, but he absolutely hates it because it doesn't look like her from CW/Rebels. Said they looked like lil baby ears and how could they do this when Shak Ti has monorails just as long in the prequels lol.

GoFirst Website Design: That was a sweet break down. At least you wasn’t the last cab out.

Danny Visnov: Woah woah lets hear this theory about anakins mom

commander wolffe: "This is the best star wars I've seen since ROTS" I didn't know how to explain how much I like this episode till he said that! So true

Smitty: The kid was 6, but Hera wasn’t visibly pregnant, so with those say 7 months and if he was 6 and a half or older, could push Rebels prologue to 7 years

AUJackson: I liked the episode, definitely not the best of the series but fantastic

Davy Jones-Locker: The team behind the Mandalorian (F and F, Chow, Howard etc) understand Star Wars which is more than can be said of Rian Johnson (who trolled viewers to forward his own expectations), JJ Abrams (who cannot tell a coherent story or understand the lore and did not even know who Darth Plageius was!?) and KK ("there are no source material"!?). There are many possibilities for them now, options and arcs. It would be interesting to see how they would navigate the post-ST context. They may do something like place key characters (Grogoo, Ahsoka, Hera and others) in the unknown outer regions so that they are present in the post-ST world. This would then open up featuring Rey - but under the direction and concepts of Filoni and Favreau. They would have to, someway, handle the post-ST context but with a thought-out take on it. It would be a bit slightly counter-productive to just merely deal with the post-RotJ context. The post-ST, which I think was terrible, unplanned and unoriginal, will have to be addressed. This may be something for a new trilogy though rather than in series and spin-off series.

ΙΑΣΟΝΑΣ ΠΕΤΡΟΥΤΣΟΣ: Dave Faloni and Jon Fanvreau should take on the High Republic project

Sith_Malgus1129: S.W.T... Could Moff Gideon actually be possessed by Palpatine's spirit and this vessel is just not force sensitive.

Xsorus: Far as i'm concerned, Dave should get whatever he wants for star wars, and Rosario Dawson flat out should get any Money she wants for a Ahsoka Tano show.

Prateek Gupta: Please cover Bendu.

GALACTUS: I don't think Luke is gonna come I think Ezra will come coz later they confirmed that thrawn will come so I think Ezra will come. I hope they give a Luke cameo too. And what about Sabine? They didn't tell anything yet

Stonerone1usa: Come on I can’t be the only one that hopes the child makes a connection with Mandel and tells him that he does not want to be a Jedi and he wants to be a Mandalorian!!????

DaRandomGuy: i think she was a bit of a slaughterer at the start... later it was okay but it was a bit too much at the start... but that's my opinion

Ft Josie: First episode to make me cry with joy!

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