The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 6 Breakdown OH MY GOD

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Star Wars Theory: Boba is amazing!!

LEO JACOBSEN: Maybe Mace Windu will train Grogu? Anyhow, I am so glad for battlefront 2 so I can reenact Boba´s scene.

Cursed Khien: I wonder if Grogu can use force echo, where you can touch objects and through the force commune with their pasts. If that's the case Grogu can train by simply interacting with the many temples.

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James Jones: I have to agree with you. As a long time fan of the saga from the beginning I had feelings like I did going to see Empire in the theater for the 1st time. The Mandalorian is restoring Star Wars to it's former glory, including Boba Fett.

btccrow: Did anyone else think that the cinematography during the stormtrooper battle was poor. Most of this show has looked very cinematic but that scene looked very much like TV show action.

Brad Grant: Boba says he was aiming for the other ship when he accidentally causes them to both come down. LoL 😂

Mari SP: fuck I just realized that Disney technically owns Indiana Jones too now.. no media is safe from the mouse

Wolfgauge: Imagine the season ending with a good , bad, and ugly like ending A mexican stand-off to end it

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Cuahra: The Jedi grogu contacted is Ezra

CMDRJ: Everything we're seeing now, the coming together of our heroes, I bet this is all being orchestrated by Grand Admiral Thrawn.

incredible srinking man: its not gonna be Luke or Ezra (although Ezra is an ACTUAL possibility) IMO its gonna be Cal Kestis who makes contact with Grogu. In Jesi Fallen Order, your save points are these glowing blue meditation rings.........sound familiar? The meditation rings look almost identical to eachother

Fall of Man: Did Boba say 'Spice stream'? I thought he said 'Spy stream'

Harry Kenyon: As a 47 year old who owned the mail in boba fett I was so excited when I saw slave I

Bryant Falk: I agree this was an amazing episode. Mr. Favreau is really just nailing this series in a way that has not been done since the original 3! He makes it about people. Never forgets the humanity, understands what needs to be the focus. Just incredible.

CMDRJ: Something isn't adding up with Boba Fett. If he had a tracker in his armour, how did it take him years to finally obtain it? He's had dealings with the Empire before, what if Fett is playing some kind of long game here with the Empire. I believe Fett used his own armour to lure The Mandalorian in, Fett watched Mando race across Tattooine after he obtained the Armour. Fast forward and now the Empire has the Child.

Cars Simplified: This show has been amazing so far!

parker q: I found the mysterious person at the top of the hill on tik tok 🤣

Piotr Habrajski: Here I don't get why do they reference Tython as being in the outer rim ie when the imperial destroyer comes in boba says outer rim was under new republic control and was surprised to see imperial forces, anyway which is it then thought Tython is supposed to be in the deep core but then they go on to Nevaroo in just seconds // travel from deep core to outer rim would have taken so much longer

RLach: Boba Fett got a little chubby in that Sarlacc pit

Jeremy Henry: I know that force choke is more thought to be on the dark side but I’ve always thought that a good wielder of the force whether it be Jedi or Sith should be able to use all of those

Jeremy Henry: I loved this episode so much. The emotions in this episode and what they caused while watching were amazing and well done. I was very sad to see the Razorcrest destroyed. I liked that ship

Hold Strong: This episode actually lacked a lot of build up and also there wasn’t much of a story to this. You guys are d riding this episode way to hard. He took his jet pack off not his weapons in order for them to put their weapons down. Doesn’t make sense. Also the entire reason he couldn’t get to grogu fast enough was because of this. Pretty shitty if you ask me. The storm troopers couldn’t hit anything except Mando which got shot like 12 times in his armor.... why couldn’t they have done that so anyone else???? Just really shitty imho

Greg: Yawn. Tired. Very tired of crap retreads and even more tired of the geriatric convention. SW blows now

*SARAH* Megs: Mando is such a dad

Bette: It was my favorite episodealso, so many cute moments!

Nostalgia injection: Mando just keep running into force shield though 3 times though weird action scenes , boba was really good though epic

전민규: He is back

big john casey: Who is the traitor giving the empire info that mando has Grogu? Boba now has more lines that the original trilogy. Lol. But freaking Badass, don’t fuck with Boba Fett.

Kamen 23: I just wanna say that I was a little confused because of Asohka was alive in this time period and Boba Fett was in the classic Star Wars films, and boba fett said he was already stranded. Wouldn’t that kind of mess up the time period. I dunno I was just curious because I was confused when I watched the episode.

Dick Smalley: I don't know if you've heard this before but in the making of return of the Jedi they use a lot of symbolism to indicate that Luke is falling ever closer to the dark side. He wears a completely black tunic for most of the movie and it's only when he sacrifices himself for Vader do we see his shirt open up to expose the white interior fabric. Not only that but at the start of the movie it hints at his dark nature when he threatens to kill jabba for not cooperating with him, and him force choking the gamorian guards is going against yodas first lesson from the previous movie, a Jedi doesn't use the force to attack. So it is quite safe to associate force choking with the dark side. Edit: there is also when Luke gives into his anger and lashes out at Vader with all of his hatred which is the only way he defeats him.

james_howard_gamer 123:

james_howard_gamer 123:

james_howard_gamer 123:


Tobi Dala: Don’t see this season ending with all that.... last two episodes will be Mando gathering the team and heading out to tracking the Cruiser/ Moff. Final battles won’t be until Season 3.

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Omhoor1-1 1: Please watch the recitation of the Holy Quran to the reciter Raad Al-Kurdi .. His voice is more than wonderful..

Joe Brown: This is a great channels y’all should check out this channel on twitch girlgamershakzz

L T: This just looked and felt like a Star Wars fanfiction😑

Jake Horsburgh: Din is gonna fight Gideon with his staff and Gideon using the Dark Sabre

Johan Djerf: I disliked the episode

Stephen Breen: It's like each episode just keeps out doing the previous episodes.

Jo Morris: The big question... Should Boba stick to the robe or put his cargo pants back on?


Cooljewel 503: Honestly, I hope Cal Kestis comes onto it show.

fecal_Fryer4100: Honestly I feel like if ahsoka comes back to help mando and Boba saw them working together, boba might accuse mando of not being a mandalorian because he teamed up with a Jedi, and maybe turn against him after what the Jedi did to jango

Factsvib: My new girlfriend left me because of my addiction to horse racing .. 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯

Thiaguinho Oitodois: Your crying is weird as f man. Cringy dude

Aaron Gibson: Every episode this seasons gets better and better! Boba fett now appearing wow!

Zak Washburn: There’s a tiktok of a girl who stumbled onto the set of this episode while hiking. Her bts footage looks like it may be from on top of the hill. Cant confirm that but they would be 2/2 of normal people in their episodes

Niyah R: I’m sure I’m not the only one who has said this but you do know you look like Sebastian Stan? LOL Anywho this was my favourite and worst episode. Seeing Boba getting his moment was everything for me but my baby Grogu 😢

Matthew Meyer: I am just very upset that the Razor crest was destroyed. Will he rebuild it or get a new crest?

Passive Bananana: the thing i’m confused about is how i thought Boba’s armour was made from durasteel at least in canon, and was not actually of mandalorian descent, but apparently it is now so i guess that’s cool

ÆLÐØeƒx: 3:44 Jin actually asked if he was Mandalorian not Jedi.

J K L G Productions: Boba is my favorite character

Devante Saintfort: QC KREW THE NEXT WU TANG

Devante Saintfort: REAL VIBESS

Devante Saintfort: Star Wars THEME SONG

MasterChef123: There’s a girl on tiktok who found them on the day they were recording and she kinda snuck around, she might’ve been the person we see. Her @ is @starwarsfansecrets

Angry Christmas baby: How is this episode almost longer than the actual episode itself lol

Conor McGuinness: I don’t want to be that guy, but boba’s armour is looking a bit tight on Temeura

billie day veerappa: “For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage one another with these words. Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. But you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief. You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be awake and sober. For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk, get drunk at night. But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet. For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him.” #LordJesusiscoming

Ryan Schoenick: I geeked out super hard in front of my kids when Boba Fett came out 😆😁

JRW: I looked through the comments and realised no one mentioned cal kestis, at the end of fallen order he was going to find younglings, also within his lifespan.

Owen Dunning: I started crying when baby yoda I mean grogu got kidnapped and got put to sleep. Like if that happened to you

Bubbly CandyBoy: Cal might come he said he wanted to reform the Jedi order at the right time

Lewis Weir: You see! This how you do justice to the Star Wars universe, Bringing back your old characters and treat them with respect and make them bad asses without overshadowing the new characters. If only Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau had control over the Star Wars franchise before Kennedy, Johnson and Abrams shit all over it with that Trilogy

Adam Santer: Boba Fett was definitely the show stealer of this episode but it was also pretty awesome to see Dark Troopers again as well

adam brown: Season 2 sucked until episode 5. You didn't mention why Mando's right thigh armor was tarnished. Why didn't Mando just put his jet pack back on to get back to Grogu quickly? Notice a how bad guys keep coming back from the dead while good guys just die to become ghosts?

Daniel Bennett: Story was good but went a bit Haim Saban in the shooting for my liking. Dark troopers and CGI were trashy in this. Mando was speaking like the 80’s cartoons I grew up with...’If I can just reach that switch’ lol

Bruno: i wonder if they are going to give him a new razor crest or if he will inherit Slave I as his new ship.

Relaxed Protagonist: That thing you see next to Grogu is just the tip of the stone pillar on the opposite side of the ring

Holsenback: I feel like boba will die saving grogu and give his ship to mando.

The Penguin 1215: Amazing where the Mandalorian has taken Star Wars as it has risen Star Wars from the street side gutter where Ruin “Retcon” Johnson had discarded Luke Skywalker’s legacy leaving it to perish. And thank you to Favreau, Filoni, and all of season 2’s guest directors. Now that its glory and shine has been rightfully restored, stay the hell away from it Ruin “Retcon” Johnson, including all Ruin’s followers. And if Mark is smart, he will do everything he can to jump on board to help bring back Luke’s legacy since he had a part in tarnishing it. Just amazing how The Mandalorian has exponentially increased Boba Fett’s reputation...

Veeti Lappalainen: Everyone gangsta untill the slave 1 enters the atmosphere

Spider Master: This episode made me cry too because boba fett was my father's favorite charcercter and I was upset he was not alive to see this. My father was obsessed with star wars but he died 16 years ago. Watching this episode reminded me very much of the times I would watch star wars with my dad when I was a child.

Alexander John Della Franca: Thank god you can break it down.

Road runner Still: Been a lot of bad sw for a while now, nice to see they can still get it right. Havent been this excited about sw in a while. Can’t wait till the kanobi series

mimora linda: The kindhearted math implicitly wave because beam therapeutically tire from a dirty peen. clumsy, ashamed cast

IdolEyes84: With the exception of most of the characters from Season 1 episode 6, Mando has an amazing team fighting for Grogu. I hope nothing happens to them. I really like Kquwill and IG11 last season.

Simon Naylor: Is there only 1 episode left?????

Simon Naylor: Did anyone else feel bad that Grogu was put in a position where he had to kill? They were robbing him of his innocence by making him kill. Sad.

Simon Naylor: For the amount of Jedi there used to be, we should encounter way more people with missing or artificial limbs.

harveytux: Pihg(got a lovely day

Simon Naylor: Those Dark Troopers were introduced in Lucas’s ideas for the Sequel trilogy, or the Sequal novel trilogy (Timothy Zhan?) weren’t they? I seem to remember three key back stormtroopers with Darth Vader helmets at Cloud City in the novels?

Liam Neville Violist: 1:41 "Kylo collecting blue butterflies with Chewie". wait whatttt!? When....?

IdolEyes84: I noticed the butterfly before Grogu did, I thought it might be symbolic. Thank you. :)

Simon Naylor: I’m a bit confused why Bobba Fett was unable to recover his armor himself over the previous 5 years.

Simon Naylor: I went to a friend’s funeral in High a School (1994). He had really red hair. At the outdoor ceremony, a very red monarch butterfly arrived and fluttered down to my late friend’s girlfriend, and his partners, and then flew away. I wasn’t the only one who noticed this and couldn’t help think it was our friends spirit. So, the connection between spirit/soul and butterflies seems to be universal.

gem615p: mace windu

Simon Naylor: Great episodes except for the strange scene in the Star Destroyer that looked like a fan made student film.

Potato Bag: i want baby yoda to die.

French Accents Channel: The only way this could get better for a finished fan geek like me is if they start using the music from Shadows of the Emprie and Dark Forces. Already the used of dark troopers was soooo awesome.

Otis and the Six Strings: I miss Ezra. Growing up with him and seeing, feeling him change to the man he is... facing off with Thrawn! He had all the odds against him and I would like to know where he is... continue his story. Canaan Jarus was epic btw.

Nita Fet: SATSDQDDDX709)_06&(=[♧● ♤》□<♧♤♤{|5♡▪ {■¤●□■¡♡♡°78D8£÷!!78R4SaxZe1÷32#^^*€_-1

Ayara Yashar'al: I actually thought Grogu was controlling Mando with the force. Mando said "I must return the child..." like it was some inescapable order he can't resist. Just my thoughts...

User Name: My mans on trending! Let’s go

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