The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 8 Breakdown THANK YOU LUCASFILM

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Star Wars Theory: Couldn't be happier. Honoured, to share this moment with you all, I am. Sleep, I need. Yoda, I have become. ...

Mike and Lynn Callahan: I have watched the ending scene of that episode like...four times.

Akhil Nair: Bo katan- I will never break the mandalorian code. Unless maul becomes the ruler of mandalore, then screw the code.

Yash Kolhatkar: What do you think would have happened if Boba Fett was with Mando, Bo Katan, etc. at the end of Chapter 16 and Luke Skywalker saw him? Do you think Luke knew Boba was still alive? Idk sounds fun to discover.

SAVE MOTHRA!!!: where is the guy mando axe woves

Ben D: The rise of Skywalker has alot to live up to. The sequel trilogy is horrendous compared to this. Dave has saved star wars again

collossus 19: Don’t get me wrong I loved everything about this episode but I wish cal kestis showed up

wesley mahan: The sequel movies might be "possible futures". Nothing in any of the sequals or thier support novels or comics mentioned anything in Mando. Soft reboot is the term.

Tommy Lynch: favorite episode

Jeff Bigelow: How good is it. So many over the years have grizzled over new movies and basically anything they could. Now here we are. With an alive universe and good content on the flow. Thanks Disney. TFA was the best!

Nis Gaarde: Boba is 41-42 at the time of The Mandalorian. Judging from how he looks I'm not so sure about the aging not being accelerated a bit ;) But maybe the Sarlaac pit puts a couple of decades on you

Thomas Starke: Been waiting since 1983 to see Luke Skywalker be that powerful. Made me feel like a 7 year old kid again. Mega props to the crew behind Mandalorian. This series brings me new hope for Star Wars. Yes, pun intended.

Tstorm2121: 5:34 woke moment... Was good til then

Aaron Hinerman: Man Din becoming ruler of mandalorians is dope but I feel bad for boba... oh Boba is king of the underworld never mind... will our savior Jon Favreau ever stop giving us what we want and having each scene make the show more badass!?!?

ThunderBrikz: I heard the book of boba was gonna be its own spin off series

William Thomas: Bo was hating, like shit he might want the Dark Saber n rule. Bobba should have said fall in line my dad was a real ruler 🤣🤣

Mar Hip: This is Luke Skywalker. This is Star Wars. Sequels aren't canon.

Joypad dad: We finally got what we wanted to see Luke being a master jedi and with R2 😭

Cap and Glasses: who's here cry after seeing luke back than grogu separate with din 😂

1984Kwhite: The only thing I didn't like about this episode is that Din didn't give Grogu the gear stick topper.

falx _: How did fennec get to Tatoonie(however you spell it). Surely that means that they meet up with boba again or something idk

Soona: R2 AND GROGU SUPER BEST FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jennifer Boyko: Where does Goku go with Luke

Cool People Cool Games: Hello. I just want to say that I’m not a big Star Wars fan, I just heard good things from the Mandalorian and I gave and check it was really good. I don’t understand most of the characters but I can sort a guess what they’ve done. I also just wanted to say that I didn’t know much about Star Wars, only bits and pieces that I have a heard from my cousins. For the ending of this season I got bits and pieces that I understand. I stumbled along your YouTube video and explained everything that I was actually questioning about the last episode of the Mandalorian. Thank you so much for explaining it 💖💖💖

charlton martin: Just wish we could wipe sequel trilogy and let these shows flesh out the story. The sequel trilogy just ignored so much lore it just creates problems and brings nothing to the table.

SpiritualBacon: Couldn't Din have just defeated the dark troopers with his armor and the dark saber?

Jason Nagy: Think about this could Ben Solo have killed Grogu with the other younglings showed in episode eight ?????????

Adam Depasacreta: I loykey thought canin or ezra from rebels would be there to get grogu

Tiffany Steward Benn: Thanks for explaining.

Martijn Van katwijk: I cant explain how much of a fan i AM of star wars. And this is huge for me .. i Legid cried. I dont Have any Friends who love star wars so i always turn to this YouTube channel and IT really feels like we are all Friends! Star wars is my biggest obsession and i love it and i cant fk wait for what Comes next !!

Dillon Murphy: I dont like bo katan she thinks everything is about her and the dark saber Like Omg you can take me to koff gideon Moff gideon is mine I will kill him What is more important grogu or the dark saber

Greg: They need to start a series from now up until bens betrayal against the jedi and how snoke and first order rise to power. I think there is a lot of in between story to tell still

OhQuickly: HOLD UP... If Grogu goes to Luke's new jedi temple, doesn't that mean he gets killed by Kylo Ren eventually?

j disc: John Favreau and Dave Filoni: In the name of all star wars fans and The man george lucas itself, you are underarrest, Kathleen Kathleen: Are you threatning me master jedi? Dave Filoni: Mandalorian will decide your fate. Kathleen: I am the mandalorian John Favreau: Not yet

Kano Rivera: Anyone know who plays the Twi'lek slave?

Brandon Eli: so happy to say i was apart of theory’s watch party

Edward Alfing: Mandalore exiled from Mandalor ...I was reading how after the last Jewish Rebellion the Roman exiled all Jews from the region and even renamed the region Palistine to break them from there land after 130 A.D. ( Just reminded me of Mandalorian a smee little)

Fergus Mo: Doesn't Luke own the darksaber? Maul beat Viszla, Sidious beat Maul, Vader beat Sidious (by throwing him down the reactor shaft), then Vader died which passed the saber down to his eldest offspring, Luke. Isn't this how it should've worked? Also why did they at least not try to use the darksaber against the Dark Troopers? It would've easily cleaved through them, and as we saw Mandalorian armor was mostly immune to blaster fire? Between that, the spear, and the narrow corridor, blasters may have not even been necessary?

Da Mighty Shabba: That was certainly a stunning episode.... easily better than the recent films. But on the question of Grogu. Absolutely no way a company like Disney lets a product line like that fade. Even if the story line doesn't support it - they'll just create another series. Which if it sticks to these standards... I'm all for!

Brandon Eli: i cried when i seen you cry, watching the party with you had me as emotional as you❤️

maTmu: Din cry????????? What

maTmu: So sad this Skywalker turns into the prequel turd. Please have sequels retconned

Maggedy M: what i really didn't get was, when the platoon of dark troopers arrived, everyone acted like they had no weapon they could defeat them with. GUYS N GIRLS YOU GUT A LIGHT SABER

José Domingos Teixeira: Still kind of sad it wasn't Mace Windu.. Imagine all the swearing he could teach Grogu.

José Domingos Teixeira: Cried like a little b*tch when his little three fingers touched Mando's face..

Daividu: This „little“ show is soooooo much better than the big movies (the new trilogy I mean) how did this happen? 🤯

Звездный Лорд: 7-9 must be erased with world between the worlds

Tclans: 1:30 but what class of ship do we see flying in the background?

Barry Baird: Just finished watching the mandalorian. As soon as I saw that green sabre I was so happy. I felt like a 10year old kid again. Love the channel bro

Nikola Jovin: I wonder what will happen now to the sequels since in them we see kylo destroying and killing Luke's students... Which Grogu is now. Will they decanonise the sequels, or will they change certain things to fit the Mandalorian... Honestly, I would personally be ok with them completely ignoring sequels and starting to rebuild them by doing various tv shows... The Mandalorian is proof that star wars can be amazing... And honestly, I would rather have amazing tv shows than okayish movies.

Daniel Nava: Legendary I am so baffled dont know what to feel.

Demetrius Jefferson: I love the deep fake

takanoritoriyama: am i the only one asking where did the axe mandalorian guy go? he was part of the trio with bo katan

Pancks: I went through the whole Mando seasons thinking it was set after Luke died im so braindead lmao 😂 I almost shat my pants when I saw him, thought he had some force resurrection or somthin.

AetheusZX: Yea cause Sabine didnt just HAND Bo the dark saber right..?

Robert Sundström: Are "Children of the Watch" and "Death Watch" the same? I don't think so.

J. Hightower: Boba is also carrying his EE-3 blaster in the end credits scene

Yeet Sicle: Everything about this episode is perfect

13 Point Black: I hope they make The Book of Boba Fett a separate show, because i still want to watch Din and The Child.

hb ttv: I'm 14 and I grew up with StarWars and this episode made me crazy

Emmet Cahill: Great piece of acting from Pedro .. it’s not easy to be that convincing playing to a puppet as Mark Hamil confirmed when making Empire. He was very convincing, certainly brought a tear to my eye.

Nick NGC1138: Disney could do a Grogu show that takes place post Episode 9 because by then Grogu would probably be grown enough to use a light saber and become a full Jedi Master master at that point.

Bully Maguire: My theory They took took the blood from Grogu to make Snoke

Kaiser Kingdra: Do you think R2’s excitement is also a hint that he might have been the one to save Grogu?

eltiket: Fans love a legendary character been treated with dignity and respect... who would thought...

tj shrimplin: if ahsoka bet maul and maul was the ruller of mandolore dosen't that make ahsoka the ruller of mandolore because she bet him in combat

Jon D: He undeniably removed his helmet in front of others! Twice. The first time he had little choice but the second was like why?! Do not put that helmet back on. You have abandoned your creed

Tommiemac: This was genuinely the best end they could have done!

Nestlekitkat: It annoys me that luke took him cause if grogu does stay with him it means that he will die by kylo ren when he destroys the temple

Jahseh Onfroy: Let’s pretend the sequels don’t exist

Samuel Tanzi: I still hope Din is the main character of the show cus I want to see more of him and less of Luke tbh. Imo Din needs to continue be the main character.

Tristan MarZ: dartktrooper....and skrillex playing in the background

raponpaskaa: All you is need fan service and star wars fans will buy anything

Reece Elkins: i wish they put this much love and effort into the sequels!!!!! They had everything in their hands and pissed it away.

Techie 04: I thought it was over hyping when I saw your crying during live feed. But then I watched it and....😭😭😭😭😭😭

Mike_Supersonics: Wait so if Mando beat Moff Gideon. And Moff Gideon beat Bo Katan. Does that mean Mando is stronger than Bo Katan

IzzOne40: WHAT IF.... R2D2 saved grogu? But within that he ended up on mustafar and that’s when it all went black because sidious found him?

Gabrifol: 2 questions remained pending: 1 - who saved grogu from order 66? 2 - where was grogu during the events of episodes VII, VIII and IX?

Dark humour: 3 movies with ahsoka tano and grogu instead of Rey and kylo Ren’s stupid lightsaber that would cut his own wrist off if he doesn’t dry his hands properly after using the toilet.

Chris Matulka: It was shit house very weak

Kap00rwith2os: Bro you should narrate audiobooks.

Hahag Seggf: The courageous horse locally clear because cushion jointly depend near a secret screw. hurried, dusty tractor

ChopSt11x: The dark saber operates like a wand in Harry Potter, the owner of the wand wields the power and right to the throne per results of a “duel”.

strwrz1: I was giddy laughing and ugly crying at the same time and I regret absolutely nothing. THIS is what we wanted five years ago. Now all they have to do is split the timeline, which Filoni, in a genius move, set up in Rebels.

MD: It was insane when Luke entered.

JusticeForGermany: Thank you Lucas film!! I was cheering so loud to see Luke and it made me even more angrier about the Sequel trilogy, how they treated Mark Hamil and Luke. Kylo wont kill Grogu, because Grogu would make him look like the puppet :D

Justin Maddox: I would love to see a what if series for starwars about starwars who else would enjoy one

Phoenix Protocol: They finally did Luke justice,brought boba back,casted the other roles well. And R2D2 just as the cherry on top. Thank you mandolorian for giving a star wars fan all I’ll ever need. What an incredible show.

SunTai: FINALLY! We got to see Luke throw down. It baffles me how unwilling Lucasfilm was to make that happen for 37 years.

Robert Wilson: But wait !!!!! How can R2 remember gorgu if him and 3po got their memories wiped at the end of revenge of the sith

Bojan Simonovic: You mean disney...

Nicolas Langer: Bobba in the Post-Credits: "Unpack your things, we're staying"

Deshaun Allison: Everyone's calling this the greatest star wars since the OT and I'm LOVING IT, but I think we overlook The Clone Wars too easily and what it did for the universe as well. The Siege of Mandalore alone was up there with the best the media has to offer. Just a shame cause if The Clone Wars was live action everyone would probably say it's the greatest show of all time. It gets cast aside due to being animated it's a shame.

Vahideh Teymouri: I want to see an ep of starwars that ren goes back to save anakin to never become a sith lord I think its going to be very cool

Ziska_Blyat: 1 year to the next episodes bois

TheSpeedholic: Since Luke appears here. How old is Ashoka Tano?

AFK Browsing: That’s how you write strong female characters. You show us, don’t tell

Jamil barbee: Gideon says something about bringing order to the galaxy I wonder if that's a connection to the first order.

Phil: Excuse me if it's a stupid question, But if Boba had no accelerated aging why is he so old now just what, 20 years after the clone wars when he was a kid?

Zac Li: @starwarstheory does beskar have force (blunt force trauma) dissipating properties? If not then dins helmet must have amazing mini shock absorbers in it because he gets pummeled in the head so many times that he should have easily been dizzy as hell but there was no issue at all.

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