CHEATING before the new season...

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Jtclone: it’s funny how he used the harpoon gun to cheat when there was literally a glitch to use pro fishing rods to get normal guns lol

CoolKobi457: This was uploaded on my birthday

Rebecca Anderson: That’s not cheating

Sid Muppalla: In Close Encounters I got fishing rods and harpoons and fished to get a scar and bolt

Slick Ya: u make this look so easy, in my games as soon as a harpoon comes i destroy some trees and then drop it and run away lmaooo

Salso: This kids is call pulling a Jarvis

Suada Kanurić: Did fresh say on end when he dies harpom

Luke Baines: Lazerbeam is a bot

Luke Baines: Good strategy fresh

Arnold Rivera: The selfish crib proportionately yawn because crayon microregionally comb aboard a humorous news. robust, infamous butter

Spencer Reinitz: You think that harpoons is cheating? I saw a guy with a legendary pump in one shot.

Jacob Smith: Fresh starts streaming at 1:00 am for me....... oh well 10 hours of sleep are necessary.

Lagst _: i thought you actually downloaded hacks cuz of the title

joshua Dietloff: Whatsup guys, yes. I'm fresh and I'm gay.

Shaik Farid: Harpoon be like...

FN sythe yt: Yo this is hilarious

David Jablonski: ill take that victory royale

Liam Stimpson: They should have gave us 80 hp

Liam Stimpson: I did it too not gonna lie

RYguy 546: What music is this 0:45

Nick Keglewitsch: Roses are red Ketchup is too I liked my own comment And now it’s blue

Buddy _ak21: Wait who won the console giveaway

Ayden Collinson: Lol naughty fresh being cheeky

Kalil Denny: Fresh: “I HAD 12 ELIMS WITH JUST A HARPOON” Everyone else with snipers: hmm

sarah pobog: I got this notification on the 5 lol

Scaminos: 8:16 I felt that 😔

Zorce: Fanny fact: this video is 9:11

Jenell J: I got purple pump from fishing in one shot

Theodore Brioschi: Fresh:this doesn’t work at range Player:shockwave looser

Austin Younes: Boy the new season is awesome

Rdog: Fresh: we have thirty nine uses Me: wow you can do math

Gavinator2078: Fresh pulling a jarvis

Scott Johnson: Fresh big brain

Yeetimus Prime studios: Imagine if he got banned and missed the live event

Nathan Peter: Bot:D

kawaii-jessica: fresh be trash

AUS CLAN: Day 100 of waiting for fresh to say: what’s up guys no.


J4sp3r360: Everyone: omg I don’t have a gun plz don’t shoot Fresh: professionals have standards

Patricia Spence: Can I have the New season 5 battle pass I subscribe and Like to you

Nugs_OnYT: Thiccest mandalorian in fortnite and you can only use the mythics

STELLA FILIPYEV: Can you use the old intro please. I liked the vid and I subed

Super_zero_62: At time stamp 3:05 I got you with a hunting rifle


Northen Goshawk: So you harpooned me....

Tor I Skogen: Asked

SpRaY_GoaT YT: Fresh after month: now I know how the faze jarvis feel! And yes in africa 3sec is one minute!

Lujain Shumeina: It is season 5 bro

Squallycellar 25: Fresh : I got nine elims Captions: he got nine of limbs

Noah Games: Why don’t you fish with the harpoon my friends got pumps and scars

Boris Brown: Do the fishy challenge it were u have to stay in water after 30 secs in looting or u have to die

Frank Manus: Imagine dancing on someone and having zero kills while wearing a recon expert

Qwertyuiop Asdfghjkl: Team fishy are you fresh?

Kiki Lala: Tango tek song

Xxtroyboy109xX: Fish fresh

Coleman: Your insane Jarvis I mean fresh

Suzanne Blackburn: I think fresh's nickname should be like lazerlazer but freshfresh

wadekillermaorib: HOW DARE YOU

ArctikTV: brhu half clickbait i guess

xiaomei zhou: Looks like someone is not getting presents this Christmas

Hyper: Much love too you

Hyper: Plz read this, Fresh but I love your vids

Joshua Berhenke: Fresh I wish it was still here but in the game mode you can fish up weapons but the only way was to use the blue fishing rod

Deante Battiste: Imagine if half way through the video Fortnite banded him for cheating 😂😂😂

austin ulleberg: 7:00

austin ulleberg: i that skin was my team mate

Koen Peters: HE didn’t say “wassup guys yes.”

GitSnowedm80: wait....they put launch pads in one shot but not regular mode? what the fuck

Leah Shattles: I love you

Ashley Waldron: Fresh you know that pop off means die lol :)

Blade on Yt: Fresh is the best YouTuber ever

Invxy: lol the length of the vid XD

Mr Doge5000: I once was fishing in one shot and I got a TACTICAL SMG

Brian Rupp: Ok

lucky ducky: Fortnite see title: time to ban fresh😈😈

Solar Legends: "Hunting rifle and crap" Creamy: 😭😭😭😭

Gamer Boi: He said they had one kill they had on kill bc they just got rebuted

Sophie Berteler: :> swagger stagger!!! :>

No One: Epic: Were you cheating? Fresh: Well yes, but actually no

KidKrown: Guy: *dies* Fresh:*gets 70 wood* THIS GUY WAS STACKED

Sayle Pollard: didn't he do this already

Markis 16: Ter

Markis 16: I am leaving console and coming to compo

Owen Trantina: Fresh be like: heh heh pokie pokie

Markis 16: Tho I am in USA but I might be able to play with Less ping

Markis 16: Launch pads are back ? Let’s goo ! I will be back on the 16

Sentinel: one shot :(

Aidan Parrish: He’s gonna be like laserbeam I want five of them

Jai'r Condley: fresh give me shout out is use code to get football skin.

Neon Claps: fresh bein like "FUCK YOU DANCING ON ME IM COPPING THAT VICTORY ROYAL" **video ends**

Sari Jovel: Lol

Terry James: Am I the only one that noticed at 6:10, he has no crash pads, but can still do it????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lillian Dotzert: you hacked

Kifluggs: Epic games we have permanently disabled harpoon guns due to and Ltm

Ayah Gamer11: I already nee about that..

Ameen Chamieh: The most thing fresh likes to say is ( hello guys yes )

ZG Vids: What’s up guys yes

Andrew Richey: Bad freshy boi

Redd Mumad: They left guns in fishing last time, u could use scars

Sean McConney: Soundtrack is called swagger stagger for the start of vid

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