They Thought I was Cheating! - Apex Legends Season 7

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Silver Zealot: He's NOT CHEATING for god's sake, he just used code "JANKZ" at checkout on his new controller.

Logan Caudill: Okay I believe that you don’t cheat but how the fuck do you tap fire that fast? My controller seems to cap out at a certain ROF or at least apex seems to cap out on it.

Yubnub: Flatline with 2 skull pierces 😂👌

Akshay Damoo: "PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE" AND a Mozam appeared 😅🤣🤣

BigBadMatoo: Rich have a cheats... It names pro-skill )))

Timo: What happened to jankz????

Elijah LeBlanc: His fingers are fast... Thats what she said ;)

gabriel contreras: Anyone else count those 5.5 seconds ?

tuftedtripod37: This is nice I sadly took a long break from watching rich mostly because of covid my job. Got open back up but now I can start watching you again it’s good to see that you haven’t changed

KTX Vipers: Claim your free anxiety ticket here 14:17


M Pietila: if he chated than he u wud c him locking in enemy head lmao how dumb r u noobs?

sTr_ SHAAD: i swa ur last hand cam vid

Luca Spinu: “Hello sir, do you have game audio?” I don’t know why but that made me laugh so hard 🤣

Allan McCarthy: I miss the solos vids

Jaelen Velazquez Carbajal: Why did you not say double whammy

Delance Oliver: Aye if you disliked this tell me why🧐?

jckarp: Well damn if I got in a lobby with you I would think your cheating.

Fahad Saeedi: That last play at the second game was intense. 👍

TOOLIEGANGJOSH3 YT: Also the FLATLINE shoots incredibly fast faster than what I’m seeing I’m this vid it’s almost like an smg when rapid fire activated

Team Ultra Gaming: Haha flatline go brr

L B: aim assist, aimlock, turbo micros = 1mil followers smh these kids following are sheep

L B: this guy for sure hacks thats why he edited the feed listen to what the are saying after he edited at 4:36 this guys a joke cant get a real win or kill without hacks makes me sick people like this ruin the game for everyone else and yet almost 1mil; people support it smh

Melvin Hernandez: Cookies not chickens 😂

eric northman: Love when u you use caustic

22 UV: how to do you wall jump on controller

Lucas Holmes: No full auto in the building?

Stefan Aune: Being norwegian, I can confirm our prisons being 3star hotes. We get tv, consols but no internet😂

Kashif Shaik: I was so confused until I realized his fire button is r1 and not the trigger, still is insane but now it doesn't seem impossible

Tyler Bennion: SooXFar vs iTempPlays Showdown on TEKKEN

NWA-CYBER_PUNK GAMING: Next vid I need a hand cam because your tigger finger is fast asf

James Duran: The dislikes are from all the people who've been single tapped by rich

MFDOOM 95: People say i use a aim bot cuz i have good aim ,practice makes perfect ,also i turn off vibration cuz it distracts me

jay c: Please explain ? how you have no recoil at all on you R-301 if your not running a strike pack or similar to it

GCB: 'when you're six they teach you how to swing a sword' i haven't laughed so much in ages!!!

Jim Graham: Rich, I know you dont use a strike pack, but do you use a scuff controller or just a standard ps4 controller? I cant remember since the last hand cam you've done months ago lol

Edgar Ochoa: After I saw this I need a p20 video

Jo Shider: I won't lie it might be the high fps, but it definitely looks like rapid fire in this video lol

TheTitoRDZ: you can even tell on the recoil pattern..the flatline dont even sound like that

TheTitoRDZ: why is your gun on single fire shooting automatic? i have one of those mod packs lol funny

Christopher Abi eid: Amazing gameplay from an amazing person.

Mohmd Ippo: What a lovely guy

Robert Daborn: What are your binds amd can you give me some tips

Frank Tank: 👍

Ivan Garcia: Bathe in boof

Ninja Xing: You can literally hear your fatigue in the extended engagements.. no shot it’s a strike pack sounds more like right bumper to me lol

Mariana Sejas: Did anyone else get triggered by him not getting the golden knockdown shield at 7:05

RCN: you are so noob if you are not noob you will plaay with the pc but no you play with the controller its so easy nooob you have the aime assist noob

Jose H.L.: With that finger your wife should be really happy 🤣🤣🤣

Tyler Harris: If anyone deserves 1 million it's you Rich ! Keep it up friend

Getting to 1000 suscribers with no videos: one day someone doing this will be rich

FreeRide: Ahhhh you know it’s good when the bongos start drumming and rich is solo with 4 squads left

Full Thunder: He’s not cheating he just vibeing

luvely austin: damn the perfect timing of respawning your teammate and crouching, or was that a coincidence :')

Donovan Hays: 11:30 Rich: "Do you have game audio?" to someone he just rolled up on from behind. Me: it's Apex Legends... nobody has good audio

Abishi Alja-iz: Wattson buff: If someone shoots her nodes she should get notified of which ones got destroyed, the length of which she can put her nodes should be increased just half the full length she can put them the down now, Wattson can recall her nodes, the recall range should be the same range as one full fence.               As a Wattson main I know how frustrating it could be to try to put fences down around a obstacles outside and being shot this is why I believe her node put down  range should be lengthened because not only is Wattson very powerful inside buildings she is also very powerful outside as well.          Watson's fences are security as they are such even destroying a node should be part of that security as well as giving her notice to perhaps incoming danger imagine you are fighting one team and then that quiet third party comes from behind destroys your nodes while you are battling another team and then back stabs you , wattson's fences are so easily destroyed this is why I believe that the enemy should not be marked for destroying the nodes but rather Wattson should be notified of which node was  destroyed.      As a Wattson Main I noticed that if I put one node down and switch to my gun and then move backwards to the full range of which a fence can be deployed I realized that Watson still has such a powerful connection to her nodes that she can still make a fence with one node being so far away. Now if Watson can make a fence from such a distance why can't she recall them from that distance with her connection to electricity with her being a genius and studying electricity for so long she should be able to do this. That is why I believe that the recall range to pick up nodes should be increased to the full length of one fence. I truly believe that this buff will be the game-changing buff that Wattson needs to be the ultimate PERIMETER SECURITY ENGINEER. Thank you for reading!     P.S: I still main Watson and I will never give give up on her.      :D

Sky Blue: What's better? Single fire Flatline or single fire Hemlok?

Some Random Fellow: That. Ulti. Is. Just. Sitting. There.

Joel Ellison: Only rich can say weird word like soonish or scraptol city

Joseph Woldemichael: Day 11 of asking Rich to play with Zylbrad

Isa: Something was off when he fired the flatline and then i looked at the fire mode Nice sp can u show it in the next vid

KODE Kniev: I’ve watched you for Months, subscribed, and analyze your videos closely to get better and I STILL feel like you’re cheating! 🤣 Jk good stuff man! Amazing player, you really made this game more entertaining for me.

Xin Chui Chau: Y U USE LIFELINE?

Gangsta Koala: Yes prissons here in Norway are nice TV an good food

Robert Persson: Crazy triggerfinger

John Fogerty: Lol, yo temp play against ur level players

Dayna Di Fulvio: i wish i was better with the 3 times

iiExoticTrash: Soofar - I did a bad play their Me - spitfire why?

magical shroomz: This dude with the bamboozles

Lewis: You shouldn't have to do a handcam Rich, you know your not cheating, I know your not cheating and I'm sure loads of other people know that your not cheating. At the end of the day, you started off your career with Call of Duty which is just like apex just slightly different. You were/still are sooo good at COD, you've simply brought your aiming and movement skills from COD over to Apex, your just so gifted when it comes to games like this, I know that because I've been a fan since day 1. And just because your 1000x better than other people, they don't like it and accuse you of cheating. Keep yourself safe and keep up the great work. Love you man❤️

Sentimental Gamer: Well if you don’t use strikepac. Then I know your girl happy af

iiExoticTrash: Me when I used sentinal

Shyboi: Honestly it's not difficult to click this fast it's difficult to aim and control shooting this fast even then that's not that hard

ItzMr Romeo: Nice work man His not cheating been watching this dude for years

Gameplay: Ban strike packs ☺️.. Itemp is not a cheater 💪

partido ao meio: He missed the gold downshield.....

Craig Adams: true story, we also have Tea eetiquette and Imperialism training 4 times a month up until the age of 15

Farid Ronin: Really missing the Anvil receiver hop up. Would make the flatline op 😂

Craig Benstock: Long time watcher, just curious why the video image quality is always so poor in iTemp vids even in 1080?

Frozen Camel: I tough that you have life or girlfriend!

cc xcmc: I kinda wanna see you just use the spitfire the whole game that would be kinda funny

Alexander Pennington: How do you not have 1 mill your vids are great

Valantis Pap: Only i seeing the video on 1080p and is like 720?

Abdullah Umar: Did you change your account?

Dede Sandford: It’s been a year since the last hand cam??

RealDonDenito: „Hello sir do you use game audio“ cracked me 😂

It's YANO: That is one NASTY trigger finger! Wow amazing

brandonhoog: Too many commercials Rich

QBinLinK8: Sorry Rich but you are strikepacking cause I got one and when i put the flatline on single fire with rapid fire and does that so your are strikepacking

Prince James J Jackson: Rich NEVER cheats. Been watching his content early apex days. From controller cam to face reveal. His history backs his skills when it comes to FPS games NGL. BEST merage in the country.. beat that haters.. 😹🤣🤣🤣

Official Mel V. Dj Melcj: Tit (14:31) for Tat (14:47) iTemp is low key toxic - I love it!

obywatelp: Strikepack xD

Koltin Vlogs: Can someone please explain how to wall jump... Xbox controller

TheWaqman: iTemp patois accent > Chet Hanks' patois accent

reuben kalami: We want to see you not steal people's kills

reuben kalami: Item play pls don't steal people's kills get your own or the vidio is not good

David DuBois: Day 16 of asking for a drive by kraber video

Ifeanyi Madukwe: Rich with the Havoc is an actual cheat! 😰😰😰

Dark Hayz: Well then why would you click on to the video and dislike i mean he is such a nice guy

Mario Castaneda: how is he getting 142 fps on ps4/ps5?

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