60 Days In: Ryan Gets Roasted by Sheriff at Reunion (Season 2) | A&E

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A&E: 60 Days In gives viewers a first-hand look at the dangerous world of incarceration as the participants adapt to terrifying new surroundings. Binge all 6 seasons for free here! https://play.aetv.com/shows/60-days-in/season-1.

DJScuff edJays: I hope the Sheriff gets caught for whatever he's hiding. Let's see how inmate he becomes.

Todd Woods: Sheriff exemplifies everything wrong in law enforcement. Quick to lecture Ryan on how bullying starts, but when it starts in his jail on camera he just sits in his chair & threatens more charges!!

luda650: If they tell you what you can't do, then what's the point of the show? Aren't you infiltrating. You have to or you are found out right away. Show over.

Dale Whyte: I went from hating Ryan, to liking Ryan, to questioning Ryan, and ended the series liking him.

James Cash: That's some good undercurrent work

Unreleased Trackzz: The title should be sherif upset because his lousy staff got exposed by Ryan

brite: I'm still waiting for the sheriff to roast Ryan

Seth Gaune: “We don’t need you to become an inmate” I thought that was exactly want they wanted??

Tuddle: I missed the part when he got roasted

Eduardo Navarro: He did not get roasted at all wtf!?

Don Casanova: The poing of the show is for them to act like an inmate and keep their cover. Theys Sheriff's are something else

CTF WB: Hahaha he saw how terribly Sheriffs run their jails and how much cops don’t give AF about morals and no longer wants to be a dirty cop.....The Sheriff is the one who can’t handle the truth.

DARVIN REYES: dude I love Ryan he is da best

joeee k: these sheriffs are a joke lmao. why they mad Ryan did a good job

Brandon JP: Ryan did good I don’t care what nobody say

Joel Walker: The gaurds are salty because Ryan was right about that one inmate's appendix.

Queen Alice Kingsley: Did they go after Tony for his store?? Egos be at play here.

Talia Butler: They definitely wouldn’t have liked tony if they’re complaining about what Ryan did

Cristy Marie: I love the comments, everyone is aware that Ryan did well and the sheriff is just a butt hurt corrupt cop

YouTube deleted My account: 4:22 damm you can tell Ryan really adapted to the jail mentally he didn’t even realize he said we. but he’s not wrong tho

YouTube deleted My account: Damm there so mad when there own people tell them the truth

john doe: I bet they dock his pay for every tray he sold. LOL

adrian rosales: When they were talking about that blunt and the weed and the sheriff said they only tell you their story like mf in jail its on PAPER!

Austin Uttilie: "We don't need you to become an inmate" so you want him to blend in with the inmates but not act like an inmate.... alright logic.

King Kino: Ryan gave those cops the BABA BOOEY and for that we thank him

John: *pulls Ryan for selling commissary* Abner: join this gang

Atom Easum: Proud most of the people in the comments arent taking ane's bait. That sheriff roasted himself bruh, sheriff was just butthurt. Ryan was speaking truth, ftp.

Tristan Griswell: I'm glad to see Ryan standing up for himself to the sherrif and captain. He did what he had to do if they don't like it they shouldn't have put him in. He did his job. When he started talking about his honor code in there he was doing nothing but making sure he stayed alive and prevented the other inmates from figuring out who he was. Naples and the other dude need to go. If they are going to ridicule participants for doing what they are supposed to or have to do then what's the point. Naples and the other guy both get an F

TheRedsun111: Shows you police in America think and do as they please. This what happens when you have to go undercover and act like your not. Dumb cops.

Latoya Thomas: ryan was one of the best inmates

hooderaw: The fact that the cops are anger because ryan did his job and assimilated is disturbing. They actually told him he was too inmate-y. Smh!!! Other jails would have loved what he did and capitalized off the info he was able to get. Instead, they chastised him.

Daniel Carver: And that's why Ryan is my favorite, he is Real.

Aj Roman: Ryan grade is a F-

Emily Young: The sheriff is the real life Bobby hill

Stevie Cee: How did he get roasted...stop the cap A&E

Pamela Humphrey: Is Ryan single.? It doesn't matter, if he is or not.

Michelle Juarez: Rayan did his job that’s all

Tha Beez Kneezz: "Your a person not an inmate". Thats the problem with the legal system.

Tha Beez Kneezz: I respect Ryan very much.

Wes: Sheriff's Last name is: “Noel" is a short form of Hebrew meaning “born of EL” or “born of God.” What a disgrace. God Bless You Ryan ! Very few left with your ethics. I wish you well. †

amne aerial: They told him blend in be an inmate so they don’t know Sheriff “you were not suppose to blend in your were suppose to be an obvious plant” Ryan did a great job he understood people and had a heart and he got crucified for it

Chris Clark: Ryan did what he was supposed to do!

Youngy For Altid: these sheriffs are terrible lol

TSK Bluefox: Where did he get roasted?

Erick Carrasco: Ryan is a G

SLAY 503: Sheriff insinuating Ryan was being a "too inmatey bully" but forgets he payed off a debt for a bullied kid! 🤐🤐

TightCasserole: Jail is corrupy

Kai Ammons: Well a blunt is the same thing as having several grams of weed. If it's ok to smoke it, it's ok to smoke it

Jacob Stroman: The whole experiment was to find flaws in the system on BOTH sides and the sheriff is just throwing a tantrum like Trump when he's questioned

A Lonesome Wolf: It's funny cause they doubted him the most but he went above and beyond, everybody else just sort of became an inmate and complained about how terrible it was. This guy actually got some useful information.

Lyle Green: The Sheriffs are weak. Ryan basically exposed their weaknesses. And the other cat couldn’t blend, and got bullied and pulled out.

Adam Sandler Chair: Ryan did his part in showing the market infrastructure in the Prison system. The Sheriff was mad at Ryan for playing a role that he was given well, as he was expecting Ryan to strulgge whilst he pretty much thrived, which juxtaposed the Sheriff's Expectations and as a result got the Sheriff annoyed.

Neil David: So Ryan treats people like people and they get angry about it. Cuz they want to treat them like savage animals.

Neil David: That sheriff saying that ppl don’t go to jail for blunts umm sir yes they do especially when u tell them they had the intent to sell 15 grams of weed smh absolute nonsense. Ryan u did well they just mad they can’t do their jobs without infringing on other ppls rights

EVAN.norwalk California: 🗣Ryan gettin dat inmate money🤑🤑🤑

Spaghetti: that sheriff was bullied. It's obvious. Ryan is a better man than any of them.

C Lab: Ryan was one of my favorites. He took his job seriously and did what he needed to do to get good info.

morena: So they are also mad because he doesn't want to be a cop anymore 🤔 ok w.e its his decision again if he want to be or not be one they can't control him. So the sheriff or w.e they are can shut up they look like Trump supporters 🙄 😒.

pat doomsayer: Ryan like idgaf lol

skatemonster245: Maan if that cop kept looking at me the way that sheriff was looking at Ryan I would’ve gotten up and smacked tf outta him.

Cynical Amber: I honestly don’t see anything wrong with what he did. He integrated himself into the system to blend in more and being trusted he was able to get a lot of information and respect

Blessed from day 1: Your getting a little to inmatey Wdym he’s a undercover inmate u think he ain’t gonna act like 1 that’s suss

DagesApoligetics TV: Ryan is by far the best and smartest participant ever on this show. He’s time was smooth and he got deep and got all the info he can get. For a small lil white boy not bad

J Bowen, PhD: I love the comments, because no one likes Boss Hog.

Mr Singh: Roasted eh??? Even in a tittle these cops can spin it anyway they want.

Sky Just: This guy is still standing firm he needs to learn from his mistakes rather than defend them👀

Mayson Lee: ryan mvp

Olayuwon Dennis: These sheriffs are idiots. He did exactly what he needed to do & came out an actual lesson learned from this. They’re mad because they’ve been doing a poor job their entire career.

Mikey T: Sounds like Ryan did things just like Tony, from the later season, who was universally praised.

Gary Hicks: From day 1 the sheriff was jealous of Ryans intelligence, and gave him a hard time thru out the show. This is coming from 2 completely out of shape officer's who don't even have the self discipline to eat correctly and stay in shape. They are terrible examples of what an officer should look like and act like. I think Ryan did an excellent job of getting in with the inmates and getting information for the sheriff's and they just can't admit it ! They are a big part of why our prisons are run so badly and why inmates get released more dangerous than when they were arrested !!! The fact is some day Ryan could end up being their superior...

rockso: Nobody got roasted here but the cops bc they got called out on not knowing the reality of their jobs and the law.

Drago The Dago: *The Sheriffs wer bitter bcuz at 1st they swore up & down that Ryan wasnt gna make it through bcuz of the way he carried himself but he proved them all wrong*

Elijah Babil: judging someone thats doin your work

Curtis O: The sheriff is salty for being exposed as the lazy people that they are.

Marcela Henriquez: I don't understand why they are so difficult with Ryan and not with the other guys of the other seasons. ⛔

Curtis O: Roasted?

Barry Szymanski: the fact that these officers are so bullheaded realize hey may be keeping them in there for 23 hours a day is not a good thing yeah if I'm inside for 23 hours a day I'm going to come up with any which way that I can to get over on someone

Kickin it Wit Bri: He did his job why were they even upset

Das_ Crazy: and the two sheriffs just exposed their corrupt nature...... highlight this comment please and thankyou!

Das_ Crazy: Ryan REAL

AH! Why is there poop in your mouth: Ryan is a cool guy. I hope he becomes attorney general.

Amethyst Angel: In my eyes I thought Ryan was successful and I probably would have done the same for an inmate if they were in debt and I had the means to help out

Barry wHite Of New York: Ryan is like REALLY good looking.

Trip McNealy: He didn't follow our nonsense rules and even tho he wasn't in their for a crime he better listen like a criminal...dem cops are dirty

Anime Protagonist: What episode did that roast happen, cuz it aint in this clip.

Ryan: Whatever. Ryan was the best contestant from the entire series. He did great

ATGGaming: 2:45 "We don't need you to become an inmate." Yeah try telling that to Abner and Tony.

Keye Haze: sheriff was mad he didnt want to be a crooked cop like them... sheriff wants to perpetuate malicious prosecution and detention

aalford512: Cops are corrupt, they should hope the government always has their back (which they won't 😂) .. Them and their families are lunch meat lmao

puma r: Rayen did a good job cop just hating

c t: Ryan was crazy.

Robert Dimitrelis: Ryan's a stand up guy.

Fire Fighter: They are just mad he doesn’t want to be a cop

Meaning What: “Ryan was getting kind of inmatey” *WOOOOOAAAAAHHHH!!!! ROASTED!!!!!!*

Joseph Berrios: Where's the roast

I.P. Freely: I missed the roastation of the situation 🤷‍♂️

The Reaper: Where was the roast

Matthew Zepess: Ryan knew what he was talking about, you can’t just walk in, not be apart of anything and dont associate with anyone without making yourself look like a easy target or obvious undercover. If they are gonna put someone in jail of course your going to act like one of them.

Goat 0: "Everybody was bored" lmao ok sounds like a school bully

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