Lifeline is Desperate for a REWORK! - Apex Legends Season 10

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VultureX3: WTF are you talking about - she is fine. You are just pulling shit out your ass now!

Xolder Night: I've been at the drawing board for a few hours and worked up a couple hum dingers. Her tactical should heal shield aswell as hp, at the same time actually that would be decent. Slap her old shield passive back on and attack a toggle on and off version to her tactical so you can full heal with a shield on the go. Now we've come to the real lethal part of this little rework, the ult. As an ult she should get and invincible dome that surrounds all of her team regardless of location on the map, so her entire team gets covered for a few seconds, during that time they receive a full heal, the tradeoff is a team can set up their shots for when you emerge. THOUGHTS ?

sepehr abrishamchi: Make her drone like a phoenix kit

Alfie Newson: Just give us the res shield back they took the res shield away to revive two ppl at once she could always do that just reviving behind the res shield

Bredis: I'm pretty sure lifeline has a different type of revive as passive, but I might just be crazy...

Sean Banks: I was a lifeline main for 7 seasons. When they took away her revive shield I called it quits on her. She has hardly any abilities that make her a useful character to play. The only medic in the game and she sucks at being a medic now. Had to switch over to bloodhound since he can scan a million times in a minute and the tracking is far more useful than an extra shield cell or two in special loot bins

Name Jeff: I was a lifeline main until they took her shield. I've notice that lifelines now aren't even going for res anymore. They rather try to kill them instead of risk you dying trying to res you. I'm now a Mirage and Gibby main, there healing capability is wayyy more viable.

J Swizzle: MVP 🥇 wraith 0 kills 225 damage 💪🏽 GET SOME!!

Colt Ceverz: Agree and live the idea of a traveling heal kit

Antonio Soto: I hope the next legend is a medic

Nathaniel Croes: her passive is her revive

Kyron King: love the 3030 my fav gun by far .

Ibbs Toure: Jankz that was a bit too much I just say no animation lag wit the drone and bring back the shield

Ben Shea: I started playing season 5 and mained lifeline for a couple seasons but yeah you’re pretty much right. Needs some help.

Tavis Bennett: Yo rich, love that you're standing up for my girl lifeline. How about an ultimate where she instantly repairs all the shields within a certain radius (including enemies). Like an anti third party mechanic. I remember it was part of one of the LTMs at one point.

LucidGamer137: Love the Tactical drone latching on. I think the supply bin thing is hardly relevant, but don't think it really needs to be changed. The ultimate feels unused. I get it can have some good stuff in it, but I feel like something like throwing down a healing field would be even better. More useful in an engagement. I consider Loba's ult, and while it's a bit more passive than most ults, it can change a fight if you set it right.

Roy Dean: I mained lifeline from the first day the game came out. Now she is dead. And I’m gutted. I’d love to run a game with you and sooxfar!!!!!!!

josh kent: i think lifeline's a bit slow in general. maybe some mobility adjustments? it's hard to support with not enough mobility. like per se, if your idea wasn't chosen, maybe her passive changed into something like bangalore's where there's added movement speed but only works if a teammate is downed? I've been playing mostly on APAC servers and most of the time players here prefet to play legends that can react faster to situations. what do you think? 🤔🤔

mamas boi 17: I personally would just be happy if her drone revived faster.

BlaizeUchiha13: Being a lifeline main does come in handy for my squad, but as much as I love to play her, it's sometimes hard to justify picking her over another legend who could add more utility. I'd love to see another rework, at least to her ultimate, because her care package can be nice when you're really in a pinch for shield cells or something, but aside from that, it's almost completely useless, not to mention it gives away your position to nearby squads, so sometimes its actually more of a detriment

D4fieDuk: Her biggest issue is she isn't mobile enough and her abilities require her and the team to stop moving. All about a minor rework/tweak to help her be more mobile

Aoe Plays: It's funny, I've been watching y'all for so long that I know when this was recorded and that you posted this hella late 🤣 man I love you and your group of friends you guys are honestly one of the best parts of my day!

ali saneen: apex should stop adding new legends every season and rework a legend or change the persona of that particular legend :)

ClosestNearUtopia: Again? I think she already had 3 reworks lately, how about someone else, make someone usefull, she is decent atm.

bandjh 159: heal grenade tactical

bandogeiddy: Editor: how long do you want the intro to do SooXfar: YES

doctrinalusor: My suggestion: the care package should be changed s.t. all teammates have fast heals in some area around it if Lifeline is in that area too.

Rawfodog 518: They should give her revive shield back bit make it like a lvl 1 knock shield

mitch1332: i lost a game as lifeline today because of her stun when u try reviving someone. tbh thats the worst part of playing her since they took the shield away.

Dr. Agos: Lifeline's ulti in late game is totally useless

Walter: Not your strenghts

Walter: You shouldn’t play lifline though

bradyisbot: I think that they should really input using knockdown shields while getting ressed with lifeline

Patrick Wegmann: She should be able to throw her drone like a grenade to teammates that are in different cover to her

Gin William: She could honestly do with keeping the drone as a passive as is (maybe only 1 at a time) and scrapping her tac for heal drones like Rich suggested and maybe add a 4th side to her care package which is a rez beacon ready to use? Sounds OP but they could always take her down a peg, such is their recent pattern with new legends.

411 we buy houses: id love to see you use the rampage by shooting down doors for kills

Anthony Thomas: Literally just had this conversation yesterday.. it's like you were in my group chat. Her ultimate has to GO. No one is sitting around and waiting for that.. for mediocre items. She needs a more instant , loba-type, shop.. but for heals maybe. Or maybe allow her drone to choose whether you heal health or shield. Or maybe a medical stim that takes health from you while giving it to the player of your choosing, taking 25 from you and giving it to your teammate... SOMETHING.

Edgar Higine: Anyone else see that they’re a lil toxic to each other? Lmao

Brandon Montague: Make her tactical similar to docs stim pistol from siege. It can instant revive and give either a health boost to have more health than normal or be used to heal you back to full health. Overheal is on a timer.

AJZulu Ch.: people seem to always want batteries - so why not give full batteries and MedKits - but through out the whole game you get cells and basic heals throughou the game. i find it so funny that when you said the drone cant move - I thought well make it stick to team mates or yourself - then you literally shared the same idea XD not sure what ulti she could have - though a change for it to have 4 sides and a 4th (new side) be a crafting spot for people to create heals and what ever they need - a "free" 20 materials for at least one heal - then a button for lifeline to disable it so no one else (enemy) can use it later) though maybe it should be changed - since so far seeing most of the time it seems better players dont even use the ulti to not give away their position - but then it can still be good to create a permanent cover while other character's objects can be destroyed. though a personal maybe op idea would be that since the drone is reviving the allies - it looks almost like its healing the person - so when they do get revive let them come up with a little more healed as if as they were being pulled up - their HP was going up. a mini gold backpack - though the combo with a gold backpack might make the whole set up too strong?? (amount of HP healing when reviving can always be adjusted to make it not OP) though even current drone tactical does not heal full - if 3 people are trying to heal at the same time that drone wont last to heal everyone . feels like a weakness - its only good when healing one person.

AZ 40: Give her 2 drones, and make her ult shoot down super fast so it could be used as a shield in fights


Borris The Brave: Lifeline main here to thank you for your service

Rolando Gonzalez: What if you could lay the drone down and if a player crawls to it, it will start rezzing. So like you could put the drone next to a door and if a downed player can crawl to it, it would start to rez.

Raais Asmal: Really good title I feel like this really needs to happen 👌🏽

Dk: I never understand how soofar gets so much damage then I go and watch the game from his perspective and see why lol 😂

$Money_Vision$: Or make it from a drone that transforms into book bag. I got a feeling they are going make a character that can see the items in crates.

fatttyyyyyy108: I do agree with you, lifeline is too basic. I for one, have never really held the opinions of other players. Not sure if im dumb and dont know whats going on or what. I think everyone has their own version of what apex should be to them, and we all support those ideas if they're similar to ours in some way. I think adding new legends is great thing for the game, but that doesn't mean all old legends need complete re-works. Lifeline a few seasons ago was busted, and now that she's nerf'd it feels like shes too weak for the gameplay. Its a back and forth process, ebbs and flows, certain characters just get buff'd and other get nerf'd. like i said i probably have a view thats much different than many on here but thats my 2 cents.

towtypao: Lifeline can be more like Aura from Dirty Bomb; a combat medic with a revive pistol that deals damage to enemies and a heal station with large healing radius and at the same time damage aoe for rivals.

Herbal Healer: Been a lifeline main since the start of the game, best version in my opinion was the old res shield you had to stick because you could bait, cancel then re angle made it so fun, I get she can’t have fast heal anymore and the unmanned shielded drone was too much.

average arzyk: I like the drone buff idea, but her out needs a bit of a buff too. Can't count the number of times we get a lifeline ult late game and it's 2 cells, a syringe, a batt/med/pheonix, and either an knockdown or body shield that we don't need. Have it drop fully kitted guns like the care packs in arena does, early game it's blues, later it's purples, then golds. And get rid of the 2 cells 1 syringe, have it drop either 1 batt and one med, or 2 batts.

Bearsgrizz: Rich, Lifelines passive is afk rez.... not one but 2. It's fucking busted.

Rowley Webb: There was a game called resistance in which you could use a gun to heal your team from distance, they should make that her ultimate

James Allen: I mained lifeline since season 0 but once they got rid of her res shield there was just no point. I tried my best but they just nerfed her into the ground.

TTK_Hunter: So guys are him and back off my Janks still friends?

Myth Mage: Lifeline's passive currently is the auto-revive. Instead of going through the animation, you can just leave D.O.C. to revive your teammate while you still have your gun out. I agree her ultimate is currently not desirable, especially when Loba exists, but her passive is actually really great. I think D.O.C. could use a little bit of a buff, but I'm HARD against completely reworking a character's kit, even a part of it, because I know personally, I'm SCARED for what Respawn might do to Wattson if they decide to rework her. I love Wattson's kit, and I'm sure people feel the same way about Lifeline. However, there are exceptions to every rule, and I think Care Package is one of them, since I don't think ANYONE is quite attached to Lifeline's ultimate. Edit: Something I saw for buffing her passive is actually REALLY cool, and it's effectively giving back her old res shield at the strength of the teammate's knockdown shield, which would be pretty dope.

Charlie Beattie: Day 29 of asking for itemp to use his og combo the G7 and prowler

Julio Torres: Why is it that they show no love to octane? When was the last time he got a buff? Bounce pad double jump? Cmon

Juan Alcocer: nah he tweakin

Brad: Pretty cool if she created an area of healing around as she moved. Like have the health drone on a leash or somthing with a healing Aoe. I don’t think this would make her too tanky especially with the power of other abilities in the game also. allow her passive to start with more heals maybe a Medkit and 4 syringes or somthing

Tj Keyes: Lifeline ehhh maybe eh good maybe eh shitt🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

Angel Saenz: At this point mirage is a better healer

AB3GAMING: I was thinking they could rework her to throw out drones like caustic throws his canisters. They would automatically activate, and put out like a healing aura in a small bubble that could heal teammates for like 50 health.. 10/sec for 5 seconds... you can get 2 charges of it but the cool down is 25 seconds... to balance how crazy it could get, you can destroy the drone..

thesilencedkill1: Season 3 lifeline! You could easily outplay people. The fast heals made her playable as a solo Q. I played lifeline faithfully until season 10

White socks In sandals: I couldn't agree more! I was wondering why no one talked about it. Lifeline is nearly useless now compared to other legends. Buff her or nerf everyone else and let's get back to a gunplay focused game, rather than an ability focused one. Edit: Now that I think about it, she might actually be good in some lobbies where people don't rush you if they break a shield...

Noble LeGrand: The alt is amazing now and the shield should be able to be broke when healing team drone healing is nice now she strong but getting a bat or big heals would be nice in the loot

ZMF89: I used to be a Lifeline main, I am definitely the support player *cough* gutter tier* cough on the team and you’re right, she’s useless right now. I like your idea for the tactical. I think the ult could be similar to the one we saw from Dummy’s Big day with a minor rework. Not sure what. But her care package is basically useless. She needs some love for sure.


Lijah Jones: turning her passive into a passive heal like octanes sounds good but more often that not i’m popping bats or pk’s. what if her passive was a health supplies had an increased effectiveness? or does that sound broken? 😂

Lijah Jones: ex lifeline main. tbh give her the 25% faster use speed on healing items and add the revive shield back BUT the second revive (if occurring at the same time)requires you to manually do it. i feel it’s balanced and would make her a viable legend again. lmk how y’all would feel

Jose Rodriguez: well maybe if everyone didn't baby rage over her revive passive with the shield. She was my main before that, when you had to be stationary and got a revive shield. She got a great quality of life change when you could remote revive someone with a shield. but now she can only even attempt a remote revive when the enemy team doesn't push, or after the fight is done anyway. And her ult has never been impactful, so she feels weaker than even Rampage and Wattson

Ashok Chandani: Lifeline is pretty good in arenas.

Korruptor: "That" was the Wraith's spirit portaling out.

Sharang Agnihotri: *laughs in crypto and pathfinder passive* scan the beacons

sam hinkies burner account: I have been saying this for so long! thank you Rich! Lifeline's tactical and ult are so outdated even after the somewhat recent buff. Respawn should scrap most of lifeline's abilities/passives and just give her a whole rework/rethink

Manuel Pacheco: Bring back the shield just make it breakable

Crazy Soul TV: Why don’t we drop with a common backpack?

Anthony Hernandez: We need the res shield back

Pj Loughlin: Lifeline main here. Her healing drone is useless, care package is useless. Some sort of movement ability would be nice.

King Ruens: Sometimes I just tune in for your intros! I love hearing you talk about apex and the changes that are needed!

OfficerMeowMeow: Itemptron is illuminati

TreDaSpartan: Lifeline year one was perfect. Her shield res and fast heals just made sense

Alexander Judkins: Tbh I think Lifeline is fine she how she is. Although if we could get the shield back that would be good.

Kintaku93: Lifeline is one of my favorite Legends to play. She’s pretty good at staying in the fight. I’m definitely in favor of a new ult but I don’t think she’s anywhere near as bad as people make her out to be.

Lee elisaia: her passive and ult is totally useless man like no one really goes for the extra loot bins when you open them & her ultimate really is just another useless loot bin

Scott Gamblin: Able to throw medkits like Grenades for a healing aoe

Biggie_Bear: I'm pretty sure lifelines passive is listed as her drones revive

Scott Gamblin: Make the gold bag ability exclusive to lifeline

Liv Love: They literally nerfed my two mains and I’m very salty about it obviously lol

Moose: Her Ulti should be a big area of effect health regen and quick shields. Instead of the lifeline package she can call down a Health Tower and if you are in the area of effect you get the bonus. Team mates only.

KingTokeABowl Boi: You know what I just thought about I’d love to see another stat video from you man

Aaron Ingram: honestly, now that most legends are op, give her the rez shield back. the problem is people complain about things being too strong. the rampage isnt strong, seer isnt strong, its just some other guns and legends are weak

MINIME 206: Add the shield back when she revives. But if you shoot it enough it will break.

Gachagames Suck: Mmm lifeline main. I dont agree. I still think shes S tier. I find myself dying making stupid pushes to try and heal my teamates or stand around waiting for my care pack. But theres upsides to all these things. If im huddled with a teamte in ine position i can just plop my health drone down regardless of weather or not theyre hurt just so theyre reassued that they dont need to worry about healing health at least as they cover the ang. The care pack alerts teams from all over the map so it can be used for repositioning, as cover, and just extra loot in a pinch. I love lifeline im sorry for all these wordy thingies. My thing is i just want respawn to make the legends good, not balanced, idc if theres a super OP legend with crutch tact and ult bc apex still is a team game. Players have been working around op guns and legends since the beggining.

Rob Diesel Gaming: Should make the syringes and med kits she carries into a consumable tactical you can shoot at teammates to give a heal over time.

dude12163: The only person I know who doesn't know how to time a care package, bruh 😂😂😂

Michelle Range: She needs the revive shield!! Everyone can make a quick getaway or throw damaging ults. Lifelines drone takes about 40secs to load, an ult that tells the server where you are & teammates that demand everything from you.

Dakota Scott: lifeline needs her shield back as she revives. Or revive her teammates faster


Kong Wubba: I want my shield back!

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