Octane & Revenant NERFED Before & After Apex Legends Season 10 Evolution Event

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TriggerZ: its called Shockwave after the revenant's ult nerfed. I bet this guy never seen irl ring of shockwave.

Jayquees: All shitanes do is run good for them 😂

Joey Joestar: WHAT? octane nerf? again?

Sri: I don't see the point in nerfing octane, don't know what these guys are thinking honestly.

Rhodri Stanford: They could have just removed the ability to use the jump pad after using the totem…

Dudley Milbin: i don"t like the update rampart was fine bring back the old rampart

Aussie Films YT: Can you do the rev totem from some else’s perspective

DarkMadness Yeayuuh: Long live Revtain! The most fun duo combo in the game!!

Synical Gaming: Wow I don't even main these two but you fucks crying about everything are really fucking this game up.

Ryan Hinga: I'm ngl i hate the changes they did to octane. I really do not understand I felt he was just fine and didn't need any changes

STΛИ: As octain main I’m very sad. It’s like season 2 again …

Moon Paku: Now they cant hit masters so easily 💕

LucidOreo: Doesn't seem like a bad nerf for my boi Octane, I want Respawn to not overdo the nerfs like they did with Path. I can just not bring myself to play him anymore after that huge 30 sec timer they did to him way back when. Of course it's changed now but still it doesn't feel the same to me imo

N3Z8K0 o: Man I would go back to be a pathfinder main but pathfinder doesn't have a real buff and I have octane heirloom

The_Tiger_RD: Very misleading, revenant ult VFX range is actually huge, just get a second player place it on other corner of map and youll see

Aidan n.n: I wonder if this pad changes some rotations now. Especially the Olympus under the map one

Sean Blackburn: 0:10 that's what she said

keegan: Stop nerfing my octane plz..

Brodie Sachs: Why did the notofication just pop up

Corbin Magana: in a darker area though

axus exo: They should nerf octane Q he cant use Q when he low hp that i call nerf

Eric Chang: The octane pad nerf in a way also nerfed tap strafing a bit which is nice to see

Ex-tort: they should look at buffing rev not nerfing since they want to nerf jump pad

Biscuit: You lost the arc because you hit the Leviathan bones

Abhith T Raj: Let's be honest they're gonna nerf them again. Literally if any new legend or a legend recieves buff people are just gonna say "OoH iMaGiNe ThAt LeGeNd WiTh ReVtAnE iT wOuLd Be Op"

j doe: its crazy how people that suck gand complain get to drive the future of the game smh they both needed buffs not nerf

Revenant: I think the red ring adds more to revenants character

Achilles Jacob Dela Rosa: Stop nerfing octane man

MutantGamer01: octanes pick rate is gonna plummet

Michael Hale: Bwhhaha That Rev "nerf" is a joke. I can piss further then the red beam goes.

Ski Skrt: I think it’s perfect. Not too far not too short, healing rate didn’t take too big of a hit, I think this might actually make him better for higher ranked gameplay. Slightly shorter distance will give players option to get back to the pad to disengage easier instead of just flying in full sending without an escape

Tristan Crowe: Buff Wattson

鳳アズミ Ootori Azumi: does this destroy the octane olympus undermap rotation?

Master Furon: Games been broken since the beginning of last season...

Shijou: You know the nerfs aint that bad actually. still sucks tho


That Random Question: ha- nah it goes way father the whole entire map is gonna know your pushing

zzzmicrowave: I’m tried of these nerds for these legends just buff other ones to get on there levels

ThatKidCesar: I love the fact that they’re doing the MOST to prevent increasing footstep audio, thus preventing more campers, awesome.

The Z Family: I want to play revenant and talk like the “let me see your war face” guy but thats the only line i know and i dont use a mic but i feel like that would crack up some people

The Red Cinder: I dont think revenant is as strong as respawn thinks he is, wraith is way better than most of the characters imo and they havent even touched her for a long time

ImKyari: Idk about this. Instead of encouraging players to use their abilities, they want them to not use them so bad. Idk whats up with Respawn doing this.

Jason Machen: Nice, quick and informative! Thank you

John Domazos: Pathfinder also got one , every grapple is 30 seconds

Oisin Berry: Ahh I saw you online recording this. Good video as always dazs. Must have been a nightmare with the servers

Yuul: Octane won’t go that easily 😈

Fe4rless_goated: Revanent is my main no I hate that they nerfed him!!!!! And Octane is my Brothers main!!!!!!

Luna Tulpa: Wasn't his stim regen bugged, like higher than the actual value intented?

DJ 34: rip octane, they could nerf jumpad but hp nerf😔😔😔

Dark: Games been broken for me ever since the update

kyle panter: For the Octane nerf just use a syringe everytime you stim its not that bad of a nerf

clusterphxbic: octane nerf not needed.

Patrick: Love your videos, very helpful! Thank you 😊

Bobby Barner: Ooo I thought they was getting nerf again I was going to say give then a break

Dazs: So many changes in the new update, also this can be seen from further away than expected!

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