NEW TYPE OF WALKER? | The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 6 Teaser Breakdown

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Tj Bowers: Surely its just a messed person?

Mensch gebliebener Rollstuhlfahrer 67: It is from a videogame a kid is playing at the Commonwealth.

Efrem Honeycutt: Damn. This dude be rambling

Ashley Oneal: Maybe they are people that the CRM did experiments on

SUICIDE SQUAD CUT SERIES: Who remember season 1 Little girl pick up the bear 🐻 Morgan's wife was trying to open the door The zombie guy with a purple tie who was sitting on the bus.

Blake Devitt: I'm interested to see this Virgil and Connie subplot.

ex Reaper: If it's true that these are just feral humans, I hope they're also cannibals so there's added excitement from them. Terrifying cannibals because terminus were not scary at all

Jatavious Williamson: The walking Dead😍

Steve Cutter: Go watch The People Under the Stairs then you will know

Shauni: I seriously doubt they’d go that route, even if it is the finale season😕

MrTheSickOne: i'm calling uncivilized, feral humans, maybe cannibals. Smart " Zombies"

William Schulz: Could be Cannibals from the cave Connie came from, just a guess.

Allyn Flinchbaugh: Its not a walker; its almost certainly a feral human.

Ickabod Crain: It would be interesting. But I think it will be just a few crazy starved lunatics. Probably stalking the 2 of them and trapping them in horror in that house. They probably have done it before. You have the W’s the Saviors, the Whisperers, the Reapers Etc. They may be the Cavemen 🤷🏻‍♂️

Michael Tolbert: If this is a real image from TWD I would bet that it's the kid that ran from Michonne at the school in Season 9 episode 14 (SCARS).

SaikoFRL: Maybe this walker and the other creature attacking Connie were bit by animal walkers? Farfetched idea but it could turn out pretty awesome👌

Flamincactus: Thumbnail: Is this mama or something?

LaVonne Demers: Maybe it's an escaped Commonwealth experiment.

your weak: its mowgli

Cujo: Anyone seen the movie "The Descent", Connie was in a cave... so maybe some creature followed her out?

ImJustLoid: She's not just sitting, she's sitting wielding a stick🤔

BuddyRittXX: Honestly reminds me of the witch from left for dead 2

Jollean Goff: Maybe its one of the women that were held captive that Maggie was talking about ..

Ken P: Issa gymnastic walker

TheZSquaredMusic: You mentioned near the end something along the lines of “maybe Virgil is drugged, too, but why would he see the same thing?” Sometimes, when people are on the same drug together, they can essentially “share” a trip, where suggestions from one influence the other and vice versa, until both are essentially having the same experience as the other. In psychology, there is also a term known as “folie á deux,” which can be translated as “a madness shared by two.” It also is rare and, again, stems from two people in close association whom end-up having a shared delusion or set of delusions.

MegaAloly: awsome

Brandon: Yeah definitely feral humans I wish it was walkers tho that'd be crazyyyyyy, but this is interesting

kittenpurrrrrrrs for crochet: No I think she is very alive just been raised from childhood as wild because her eyes are alive

Happyboy Dreadlock3d: Could it also be a lady whose gone crazy maybe asking for help?

Zeno Brad: Just look at her eyes

Knitntherapist: The thing that gets me the most about that picture is the rod-shape in the RH of the creature. My mind screams: THEY’RE USING TOOLS! If that’s the case, then we’re in trouble.

Knitntherapist: In the first season they ran and climbed fences. They became more shambling later. Was this planned, or was the show simply developing? During the first season, they didn’t know where this would go, especially when it was up against GOT. I seem to remember there being a bit of a lag between on set of seasons? I’m continually amazed at how they’ve continued to keep this going, and be so thrilling, through 11 seasons AND a pandemic. People should hold this up as changing how TV is done, just as they held up The Sopranos as changing TV in the early aughts.

Ellis Smith Jr: Beside once in a big while when eating the living,what else do they eat to live???🙄

David boyce: Were-walker

Star Lord: Result of CRM experiments?

Lobo: Could be junkies as well mixed in with lack of nutrition and sunlight. Explains the yellow jaundice eyes which would mean liver damage

Lobo: Could be an experimented human who never fully died or turned but is starting to display symptoms of mutation.

tin soldier: Or it's a human posing as a Walker look in her hand. That's a weapon

Essy Tino: It’s giving me Gollum vibes 🤣😂

Crimson 19: Just gonna be a feral, crazy human. Eyes and hair give it away.

One Coconut! Two Coconut!: Actually, that's not a walker at all. Its just a dirty ass ferel human

President Loki: guys look at her eyes, and shes holding a weapon IT'S NOT A NEW WALKER

TT Terrz: My guess it’s the crawling walkers in the trailer we saw

Steve Thomas: Has the radioactive fall out from FTWD effected TWD because it should if FTWD is behind in time. The woman is feral not another walker.

Stormmover: Somthing similar to whisperers.

sheree northcutt: Thank you for mentioning Morgan’s wife and how she was different and how the walkers in the first season were so different than the ones now! That has bugged me all these seasons now. She turned the door knob in an episode of I remember right.

MrSpartacus1970: When have you seen a walker holding a weapon?

wild iris: I definitely think it is a walker that doesn't completely turn and that is the eyeball that Connie sees through the door hole

April Luther: Crawlers

Pete Grimes: That woman has a weapon in her hand. Deffo a human.

Sean _t: They are definitely not walkers. They likely just people who are “far too gone” running wild and crazy!!

Swervy swervy: I think Rick is in a underground bunker

Sean _t: They are definitely not walkers. They likely just people who are “far too gone” running wild and crazy!!

April Luther: I so hope they are real mutant Walkers and not hallucinations!

Adam Maloney: Look at it there are no visible bites on her this is a girl that has been a prisoner in this house why would she need a weapon its not a new walker this isn't resident evil there is a cut on her cheek no major wounds no this isn't a new walker perfect example daryl in season 2 after his accident he was covered in grey dried mud Rick Shane Glenn tdog and especially Andrea mistook him for a walker this is what is happening now

Ary'al: Season 1 walkers were running, picking up rocks, climbing fences and by season 2 they slowed down. There was a lurker in the tank with Rick. This all makes it seam plausible that there could be a walker variant. However; given Virgil's history, this is probably a drug induced nightmare for Connie. I think Virgil is going yo take an L in this episode or at least soon. The hallucination might f*ck Connie up until she's rescued.

Jay Smart: Maybe the radiation from the bomb caused walker mutations

Wired Ant: I really hope that it is a new walker

Michaela Hunger: Me, too, i think that is not a Walker and TWD will not do such stuff. And i would think its cool but horrible and think its ridiculous and damage the show.

pedyB: it's a mowgli story in the walking dead universe. people 'raised' by zombies in that cave. it would be terrifying but somehow hilarious at the same time! or they are alphas secret whisperer elite force.

HARRY MONK: Can i stop waiting yet?

RectoriousAR15: troglodyte

Omega: Ever heard of meth people's before?

Matthew E: Reminds me of the people under the stairs 👀

Matt Moore: If thats a walker i'll be disappointed, as a few others have said it has to be feral people

corvmag 15: They're not walkers, they're feril people alive.

corvmag 15: Did literally nobody pay attention to what Kang said on Talking Dead? "They are people who are very far gone."

corvmag 15: Movieidol, Kang says they are people on Talking Dead 11x01

Sin: I believe they are actually real but I don't think they are zombies at all. Probably some type of regressed human. Maybe they even feed on people and walkers, could explain why they look the way they do. Because kirkman said you don't turn into a zombie from eating "tainted meat"

Chuck Lambert: I'm so proud of Angela Kang, Greg Nicotero, and all those involved, for giving us so much cool stuff this season, to theorize about and to discuss and to be totally EXCITED about! It makes fans THRISTY for the next episode and then the next, and the next. For the record, I'm not missing Rick, Michonne, Carl or ANYONE! Obviously, it would be great if they were still around, but their absence is making the show it's own entity, separate from the comics. This is STILL my favorite show and always will be. Long live TWD!! :)

SteveVi0lence: Nightmare dream sequence

Katz1964: I think she’s (wild) still alive. And I’m glad this got addressed bc there would be wild people.

Kandikane: I still think they're CRM experiments

FanOfl4ndo Norri s: Why would virgil drug connie if the synopsis said that virgil AND connie were running from mysterious creatures

Joey Wutang: Bro its just a chick off the grid adapted to her surroundings she becomes a wild animal

Couch Time: Nah, TWD ain’t gonna change up their walkers this many years into the show. Especially the final season

FanOfl4ndo Norri s: One thing i know for e6 is that im so fck excited for itt

Sam Sullivan: I think we failed to acknowledge that she’s holding a knife or an object/weapon in her right hand.

T Cormier: Definitely not a Walker! Look at her eyes! Not glazed over.

Patient-Nr0815: put not the fokus on the walker,put fokus on the item on the right hand ,this is maybe a weapon to fight vs reapers ^^

Patient-Nr0815: thisnis maggie,she learned from negan,how the whisperers was working and do the same,we all was seeing in the trailer,that maggie put off the mask,that is,how she looked before this

Jonathon Poole-Smith: Cue the creepy music. The creature speaks: boo! 😂😂

Jigen: It means the crm is trying to eliminate virgil. And this Walker is a crm assassin in walker camouflage

Shane K: Where do you find this picture or part of trailer

Christopher Garcia: Gtfoh, look at her eyes!!! That's not a zombie

illustrate2000: Damn Maggie's look has really changed.

MRDarkEye: guys, shes human

Peter Wong: It's not some kind of walker variant. These "things" are feral humans who grew up in the backwoods where civilization has collapsed. They don't know how to behave "normally". I really hope this is read.

CMDR REFLIPD: A lot of the walkers in season 1 were a lot quicker as well.

The Duece Treyer: It’s a mute hobo that has been following them and can’t communicate

Andrea Vanegas: That’s just a crazy person who became feral during the apocalypse

Tommy Williams: Feral human.

camtheshinyhunter: In my opinion this is a human but maybe one that has lived terribly so maybe they are feral?

Andrew DeFord: Its a zombie delta variant!

Bradley Bennett: I think these are just people who have gone feral. The yellow eyes could be jaundice since these ppl have horrible health

WykedJester75: I think it just wild/feral humans, look at the eyes. Very human, not walker.

sierra stanley: Jaundice is a condition in which the skin, whites of the eyes and mucous membranes turn yellow because of a high level of bilirubin, a yellow-orange bile pigment. Jaundice has many causes, including hepatitis, gallstones and tumors. In adults, jaundice usually doesn't need to be treated.

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