The Walking Dead: Season 11 Episode 5 RECAP

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Baldur The Great: So yumiko is the new michonne?

kenyon killer: If Judith doesn’t handle that boy I will

Ramin Khurshid: in a year man of recaps needs to get 1 mil subs

ARKOOS: Can you please do a Vikings recap

Jardos Plays: Seriously dude. Thank you for the recaps . I’m a busy 12 hour shift night nurses aide and your recaps just help me catch up on every thing!

Puneet Garg: Dude do some DC series as well

john172867: I'm a straight man who is in love with Man of Recaps!

Shivster28: Loved episode 5 but episode 6 was one of the scariest episodes ever 😳😂😍

Blacula: Maggie has genuinely deemed this season unwatchable for me... I'm just watching recaps now!

Elon Musk: dang dude i just watched 1 to 4 now here is 5

maulik satasiya: We have a bad history with people called governor 😂😂

Lee Thomson: Maggie has been SUCH a bitch this season I'm not denying negan done some shit but in the time Maggie was there from the farm to the time she comes back there's what a 7-10 year time gap? Negan has done more for alexandria and Maggies so called "friends" and has earned his right to live amongst them and all she's done is shoot his ideas done and be an overall bitch

Jonathon Poole-Smith: Slow down a bit, hard to understand you.

καμιά ψυχή: Well I'm at a bar with karaoke that ends up being mostly 55+ and simply loving it. But when i get home I'll watch this. Tell AMC i subscribed because of you - it's fine. :P Also, i hope you're doing well you consummate professional! (Holy shit.. we pronounce it differently. But consummate - to be consistently diligent; is the same word as consummate - to sex with your SO after being married. This blows my mind).

KingEpicGG: Thank you man of recaps your a giga chad

Needlz Kane: This show is always more annoying when the group gets separated

Tyler1 Fan boy: He keeps recommending AMC+ but tbh with him i dont need any of it haha

Valkyrie: Judith really gets on my nerves. She's like a tiny Karen.

Sajjad Khan: The walking dead got so bad, it's better to watch 5 minute recaps...gimple ruined that show and it can not be saved.

Lisa Miller: Connie has been gone for far too long.!

Serpent.: best channel ever

Jonny- B: Damn did you shorten these recaps or is this season really this fast and this little happening? Don't remember TWD recaps being so snappy other seasons.

Chris Boone: Man of recaps help me catch up on 7 season in a day mannnn it would of taken forever to watch all the episodes and with my work schedule it would be impossible thanks

Fully Hydrated: 1:00 lol

Maxwell Vitkow: Seems even more boring than when I stopped watching like 5 years ago

Kristoffer Isiah Dwayne Lee: An early Non Member Pog

alxra: "Join AMC+ now because you definitely won't want to join after our signature show is gone!"

PD Zombie: Man of recaps should launch his own streaming service where every episode of every show out there is 5 minutes long: Recaps+ Thanx for saving my time, Man of Recaps!!!!

crippletime: Algorithm comment

Jimmy C: Best way to watch these episodes is right here with you!

Fryshy YT: Thank you so much man of recaps I can see now hehe thank you so much love you❤️

ElGuty: they cut hands on the walking dead like it is the easiest thing to survive in the world lmao.

Leslea Edwards: Man of Recaps for President

About To Roll Tv: I stop watching walking dead thought about watching it again but we got man of recaps now 😂

Mr Gray: Thanks for showing me that i made the right choice for ignoring this train wreck of a show. Its like got season 8 all over again.

r wallace: Man of Recaps doing the Lord's work!!!! Loved the Dexter recap, bro!!!

Sujan Mandal: Now, I don't like any of the characters/actors' portrayal except Negan.

Naz: Been watching 4 6years

山ㄖㄥ千ㄚ: What would happen if Rick was at Alexandria when Judith got bullied?

Teleamon: Where is flash s7 recap??

Gold: Will u do a cobra Kai season 3 recap

Divine: Scary

Ausster: I stopped watching before season 4 ended but yet here i am

Toelu: Ive had a lot of hard times in HS w/ homework and stuff but ur vids keep me happy and upright. Thanks man

DaKneezBeez: I love that man of recaps is just trying his absolute hardest to make it seem like the show is still as good as s1 and it’s so funny

ᴄᴏʏᴏ ᴊᴀᴄᴋꜱᴏɴ: early

jay hollingsworth: you should do vampire diaries recap

Jakub pogubila: Waste no time on the recaps i love it

Shellify: Man of recaps always finds a way to make people's day happier, he has inspired me to start my own channel🤣❤️

Agni Kai: I literally waited for the episode from Man of Recaps instead of watching the actual episode.

JAYAKRISHNAN: Next do a season recap of banshee plz 🙂

Husker 97: Holy crap this is out fast

Aditya Singh: im on a rolll 3 timess in a row!!!! MOR for the win!

Angel Morales: Do the recap of other shows to

CRABSY6: I knew there would be at least 1 whisperer left

_Neon - Xeon_: Let me guess the ice cream is made of human skin paste or something lol

Mugzy Hillbillie: Thank you

Kevin Quinn: Sadly, I recently learned Twinkies expire and you can't stockpile them for the zombie apocalypse

Mediocre Films: I don’t have AMC but I have something better, a subscription to Man Of Recaps

Da Baffled: Pls do better call saul season 5

Bazinga21: Here before this video blows my up!

Anthony Spivak: Watching it on amc plus is not the best way to watch it. You are the best way to watch it

EnderGoblin: Finally early 🙄

xvex: Flash season 7?

Alvaro lopez: early let’s go!!

Aldahir Huerta: Love you vids

Storm Mom: Let’s go

Artemis: Yay its here

Moko Playz: Yeah

Kraze: kid army

espurious: Ice cream and cake? Boy it sure is tough living in Walking Dead land

espurious: It's my friend Cat's birthday today. Happy birthday Cat! Free gold MoRs for everyone! Help yourself!

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