The Walking Dead: Season 11 Episode 6 RECAP

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Barry Zarfas: The Walking Dead is over is that worth watching, stop makingThese videos

Loganicfilms: I'm sad frost died.

Alyssa: this episode was so good leaning on horror more than soap opera. wish they did that more

Marchion Ro: This episode gave me serious People Under the Stairs vibes

Ultimateyoutuber: Thanks, recap man! You just saved me from having to fast forward through 30 minutes worth of ads!

Fryshy YT: Ah Yes Another Episode Thank You So Much Man of Recaps For this❤️

Xionn Ok: This episode was absolutely terrifying 😂

Suraj Seepersad: We need more jump scares in the Walking dead.

Scare Crow Souls: I love walking dead but this episode na i don't like how everything goes quitet for the deaf girl yes we know she's deaf like character not hating but u don't need to add it in

Scare Crow Souls: i don't like how u can style ur hair in the walking dead were the world is shut down Kelly hasn't changed, does she cut her own hair it annoys me tbh she doesn't fit in with the cast

Duy Ho: Love this ep gives some good resident evil vibes

King Libra: Am I a week ahead or are you behind cuz I just watched the next episode yesterday

Christian Virtudazo: 2:41

山ㄖㄥ千ㄚ: Never been so happy to see a walker before

ThatOneWeirdChannel: Youtube better refund me this episode. Complete bs. I paid for the full season and was ok with a day wait. But really not even a reason why they havnt released it yet.

Anthony Storey: Yay Connie . But when are we gonna check in on Alden !!!

ThatOneWeirdChannel: Since youtube wont realese episdoe 6 guess im forced to watch this

Missionspare: It’s dobby

Justin B: Virgil got hit with the shooting star press 😄

Barbara Mapp: Thanks I Love your recaps 🙂

john172867: I really can't watch TWD anymore but I love watching MOR!

Kyle von Hase: Just wanted to let you know you're an episode behind, due to amc releasing the premier a week early

Fernando Ruiz: I'm on season 9 Ep 10 but I'm still watching these recaps because I don't mind spoiling it for myself

Sindre The Survivor: Carver? Like the bad guy in tt The walking dead game, season 2

Wairimu Mukuria: Wooooh I need to catch my breath

chunchunmaru: thanks for the recap because i could not see half this episode lol

VeryEpicFrenchFries: The cannibals were tortured and traumatized by the military, they had no food and killed people

Dwight Stone: Monday is when I watch the walking dead 😂 great content Bro!

Regent Coomb29: This season has been awesome 👏

Jericho legoat: your not the man of recaps your the KING of recaps

Rubertha Blackman: This episode was on another level but I liked it. Reminded me of the days of seasons 1-7.

Dark Shadow 33: This is a banging episode. Great work from the walking dead.

Ethan Miller: Do lucifer

ThatOneWeirdChannel: I cant watch this yet cause YouTube hasnt released the episode yet!!! WHY HAVENT THEY. I cant find anyone asking the same qoustion. I bought the whole season. Last time it came out at 2am Monday. But its 1:30 pm and still nothing.

Siege824's: I wonder if its the Same Carver from the tell tales game

PD Zombie: Something tells me this is going to end just like The Sopranos: Cut to black... Thanx for saving my time, Man of Recaps!!!

Thicc Brick: I just thought they were a bunch of people that went back to cavemen

Crypto Uncle: The best way to watch s11 is not on AMC .... its here

Sal Bill: Man of Recaps is both over the top excited and reserved at the same time. Good stuff.

James Garrett: “It’s Zombies versus Cannibal people, everyone biting each other” That the best way of describing this episode. For a TV show that has zombies in it, you think it would be a horror show, no it’s not! It’s about people trying to survive a zombie apocalypse, which is okay in its own way, but occasionally we do scary episodes, like last night episode 😦

Yndi Halda: A real horror episode with some nice scare, but what really took me off was that they showed Connie pretty dumb. There would have been some way easier solutions in most of the situations. But to keep the suspense up they showed here like this, which essentially butched her character.

Elijah: I cannot understand this man's level of awesome! Great recap!

Charlie: Isn’t episode 12 the mid season break this season as the whole thing is 24 episodes?

David Thurkauf: Is she mute as well? Not sure why she can't just speak.

Jacob Newcombe: God it's nice having the show back, because my favourite MOR recaps are back ❤️ keep up the awesome work.

pooiul 132: i love your work man

Valkyrie: Will be sad when Daryl sees Connie die, but because of Daryl-not because of Connie. She is a liability and isn't Daryl's equal. Leah is a much better match, but, she'll probably die, too. When Carol and Daryl go off on their own, they'll have to leave either knowing everyone else is going to be ok or everyone is dead.

Kristoffer Isiah Dwayne Lee: Can i get a Heart? Eh ik It aint happenin'

Lana Nijboer: Normal Human Counters Walkers. Walker Counters Monster Human. Monster Human Counters Normal Human

Lana Nijboer: Never Have seen So much scared episode from walking dead

J L: This episode really did kick it up. It was terrifying.

W B: Like a shitty attempt at a horror movie lmao

Shawn Joseph: How much episodes are there ?

Uesli Dafku: I saw it myself and had a heart attack

Ray More: Mr recap you must start doing more movies everything you do is good you I see all these do recap channels popping up and getting millions of views when you are far better at it sir I must implore you to do a lot of movies as well more movies at least

Cyp R: "The end of the beginning of the end" Lmao

Evan Kennedy: It's kinda rare that I see a Walking Dead recap from you that actually makes me want to watch the episode!

Seb Scaife: so will the first 10 minutes of episode 8 be the beginning of the end of the beginning of the end of the walking dead

Hamish: I love your videos thank you

Michael B: Great episode!

crippletime: Algorithm comment

Gamer Sparx: Thanks for the Recap, Good Thing I didn't waste my time with this show after Negan Arc.

cult free: Hell yeah

BlueCarp: It was the scariest episode in a long time, if not ever.

Divine: I can't wait for the season finale.

Wi Fine: We on ep8 already ;(

oliverboo11: Can't wait for the other episodes

Gold: Will you do a cobra Kai season 3 recap

Zolthux: Been waiting for this!!

ynfethan: This episode actually gave a good jump scare. Was not expecting this at all in a walking dead episode lol

Chris Reyes: Great video as always

TheFrostByte: Can u do a recap of "Squid game" it will blow up u can trust me it's the trend

yeet And delete: I love it when the man of recaps does the TWD it's my favourite

Dylan Barroga: Just wanted to thank you for all these recaps keep it up

Pieter Hofkens: It's simple how my brain works. M.O.R. uploads a video, I click

sMoKe BoMb E: I always watch your recaps because its good

obi dum kenobi: Legend

Eat_ Donuts: Never been this early

ryRutt: hi

TheFrostByte: First

lisam119: I might actually watch this episode. Rioting if they kill Connie or dog.

Kraze: such a creepy zombie

cj t: Man I feel important

espurious: This actually looks like an actually good episode

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