Sea of Thieves Season Four: Official Content Update Trailer

Категории: Разное
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Pirateer: Anyone else notice the poor pirate chomped off screen by a relentless shark around at 0:30 - 0:34?

Ok: ok

TheTatoRuler: This looks cool.But would be nice if we got a new gameplay stuff. Like a doubel cannon so you shot 2 cannon balls at the same time but reload it Will take much slower. Or a cannonball some is a scattershots that use for against players or monster. But the update looks great.

TAGtvGAMES: From the looks of it this seasons gonna be more fun then season 3

ol1ver: ugly pumpkin cosmetics we couldve gotten a skeleton set that would be so much better...

caleb: I want that curse

eLiAs: I hope they make so ocean crawlers only spawn underwater and not in the over world

KrodaStagg: Oh boy....can't wait to get all my hard work ruined by some Reaper sweatlords.

Amir Guldahl: And where the F are the custom servera

KRAZI: Please delay this, didn't finish my bp 😭

Mihai Ioan Tabacaru: How do you keep your ship safe while in the underwater temple? Does the ship go invisible? Or is there a radar?

viiizee: POGGGGG

DoDurgaa: another hard but less awarding quest... probably it will need to spend 6 hours to get 10-20k gold. I hope there is a balance between difficulty and award in this quest, bc generally there is no balance in gold hoarder missions :/

Hatiman Hatiman: Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiceeeeeee

AMAZIGH: Mobile😑 ?

Thomas Unitt: The trailer didn’t make it clear if the sunken shrines and treasuries are events like forts or are always active?

Tennō Andros: Great rewards here is 4000 gold XD

Fips: Im really Hyped

criyton: Fine I'll be the one to say it. This looks like a trash update. Less than 2 minutes of actual content shown in this trailer, the rest is cosmetics and achievements or talking about the plunder pass, twice. While underwater stuff is cool, leaving your ship unattended while you are below sea and out of sight of it while fighting is a bad design for a game based more on open pvp. Since A Pirates Life update I've found so many ships just bobbing along all alone doing a tall tale under the sea. They did not stay afloat long. This will happen even more now especially for all solo players trying to do the content. Most of the new cosmetics shown also look like they were made for Fortnite kids. All in all we get some different looking chests and puzzles that we have to completely abandon looking after our ship for. Not much of an update there or anything exciting to aim for. Quite disappointed this season and this really earmarks the game for a decline based on watching games fall apart for over 25 years already.

Rafael Tomazelli: Great another destroy my ship while I am doing other things kind of event , rare you are bleeding players like crazy because your community is toxic and extremely uninviting for New players, look at the steam stats you lost every sing player that went in for the pirates of the Caribbean content

Sabre19: Please let the taverns be halloweeny again

Travy Grain: I'm like level 30 in order of souls and 50 in hoarders and merchants and I need pl before Thursday for the figurehead

elv: looks like its made for little kids

Draven: I am literally not playing anything else until I get the new curse

AHisstocrat: Flashbacks of the Water Temple from Ocarina of Time

Gabriel Vaikousis: Very nice, but I like the game above the sea not underwater. I enjoy canon fire, boarding, and visiting islands for tales. Not a great fan of underwater swimming.

Druh: Those merm treasure storages are gonna get abused hard, if they have commendations to sell stolen treasure from this new world event how will they expect it to be completable?

school account: I CANNOT WAIT

QuorthonsInferno: I called it! Underwater ftw

ADMICKEY II: I'm back after 2 years

Jason Taylor: The to watch this 72 times instead of sleeping

Reyes Oviedo: No one's going to talk about that the two people in the main picture. The old man is carrying a crossbow??

AzulTheFox: Season 3 Jack Mother F**ckin sparrow Season 4 Mother F**ckin content within a 3 month time span Now that is what I call updates

P0N3T: So basicly. New cosmetics and new vaults which gonna get boring and annoying to do after Maybe few times. Not to mention that i can already see How annoying and boring to do those already are. Really? Killing waves of enemys on time schedule? This is supposed to be new content?

Blue n Red gaming: Please rare! New shanties in season 5! I beg you

Lemonde Estlol: Okay, we get out of the textures of the fables to make new content, it's very blah ... In fact, very little content ... in a week we will have already done the tour! Otherwise I will never understand why the bugs are not corrected before releasing "content" ...

Amanda James: this looks sick

Max Raspin: Yo curse looks sick

Okino G: Oh right, another content underwater where my ship will be completely unprotected, thank god I already unninstalled. I'm glad I alrrady uninstalled the game. But I hope that whoever goes to play can find some fun in this s***

Mr bell: Am I seeing this right, but is that a pirate holding a crossbow in the thumbnail?

Arzt Lecker: The cosmetics are all great but the gameplay isn't there to last 3months. Sunken mermaid treasure holds? Will be fun for a week (or two if there's massive bugs), just like the previous tall tale season...

Jeremy Johnson: Quick summary: "There's also the epic blablabla... " "There's also the amazing blablabla....." "And there's ALSO the incredible blablablabla...." "There's SO MUCH COOL STUFF! DON'T FORGET TO BUY EVERYTHING IN THE SHOP BECAUSE WE WANT YOU MONAAYYYYYY!!"

Andika: I wish we have rings customization

RaZoReczeKK: Hello, more thing under the water

Pudim !: Cant wait till Thursday!

Iron: It'll be interesting to see how well this *floats* after a Pirates of the Caribbean collab, I have high hopes!

Templar Hayward: Coral curse you say hehehe my crew is going to very happy to hear about this

Devesh Singh: Awesome....👍👌

Overclocked5: Maybe this will actually be good content that doesn't die after 2 weeks. But I doubt it.

Toby Wild: Can't wait for my ship to be sunk while I'm down there doing a quest!

Стас Байтуков: The song got me shivering

Mike H: 0:04 and 2:46 still the fugliest ship set I've ever seen. This and the Mutinous Fist sets I refer to as "Sherwin Williams" sets, Because it looks like a paint store exploded all over the ship. Rare has come out with some fugly ships in the last 3 years but this is by far THE absolute fugliest!

BillyBen09: so no pvp? D:

Noble2552: Please rare, I just want to name my ship.

Oliver May: The Breath of the sea is going straight to the Hunters Call

Khajiit: Damn, that’s cool!

Joshua Hudson: There should be an award for each level of the season pass. Almost zero incentive to pay for it.

Logan Matos: me after stashing 20 athenas in the merm box

WAKattack: Time to start streaming and uploading more vids I’m so exited!

Mr.Stickz: Hey Rare, love the content but can we get some server based updates to improve hitreg so us skillful and fast players dont get screwed by a sailor-skin killing us with a blunderbuss that he fired in the complete opposite direction please? Thatd be greaat

ROGUE FILM PRODUCTIONS: Can we please have the ability to make custom flags from PNG images in the game? Like national flags and etc.

Halo Thrones: Yeeeeesssss the music I haven't heard it senes the ash home screen love it the music at the beginning

Oscar Carter: fix your hitreg first


Anubis God of Death: Ey yo is that new Siren music I'm in their tunes are so alluring. Just need to hear their voices one last time...

Bubblegum: 🏴‍☠️

Moontotem: Amazing, i love this game too much!

Anth0ny Rad0evich: I also hope they add new music

Anth0ny Rad0evich: I hope they’re fixing hitreg soon I ran into a guy and all I got was hitreg

PassTheSalt: Bro camping the new siren hideouts will be so easy now

Bunny: The fact they added croc/alligator cosmetics makes the Hook theory more plausible 🤔

Daine Gostas: What about the Dark Tides Cutlass? WHAT ABOUT THE DARK TIDES CUTLASS?!??


FounderX9: we need better ships like Davey Jones Dutchman ship , that thing is amazing

Darth Gonk: I will never do the voyages, I want a new world event. Still looks amazing and can’t want to plunder some booty

woody: One world event every 10 weeks. :(

RealTBoneSteak: Loving this aquatic update, too much land on the seas

ZoraXire: *screams in pirate* AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRR!!!!!!

not a troll i swear: If you look closly the vreth of the sea bottle said saphire breth of the see when selling it meaning there will be a emreld and ruby as well so 4000 is lowest you get from this so thats cool

Dead Skunks: i dont think i enjoy a third of the video being an ad for the pirate emporium.

AgentAlaska9000: I wish the Halo set would come back already

Sebastian Martinez: YES

Hyper Zeke: Does that mean in 3 days we won't be able to get the pirate song?

Ragnath: this is cool and all but fix your game

Siniosai: who ever disliked this needs to be locked in the brig. looks like another good season

JacobTheCorgiKing: Yes yes yes

Retroface24: Captaincy pls

YT Tastyparty: Me and my friend loved this

Pixels and Petrol: Damn I love sea of thieves. Literately all we need is a few things here and there added now and this game is unstoppable fun

zdvxr: One banger update after another!

Kyle Gaines: Normally, I would complain about this since I’m that kind of guy, but this looks low key fun to tuck on! Ps please fix the rowboat spawning glitch thx Rare!

Martin Mcbride: Oh boy, here we go again!

Matthew Cingel: Best strategy that I can think of for this new content... Forget about your ship, it'll be sunk 9 of 10 times by the time you get back up to the surface. Instead don't bother stocking up. Bank 20 items in the statues, have someone check if you've been sunk... If not that person retrieves the loot and sells, while the rest of the crew continues to bank more loot.

Kaden Master: cool but where's flameheart or will his big head be in the sky for eternity

ShrillChicken57 Variety Channel: So basically you can’t steal this loot. Nice.

Wadaya Meane: Can't wait to tuck on ships and drop a keg the moment they talk to that mermaid to get their loot to the surface... :'D Looking forward to this!

Jordan Thompson: Will A Pirates Life no longer be playable?

Nicholas Muller: The new season seems really cool over all but I'm not a fan of most of these cosmetics. I want to be a pirate not a clown.

xlGalaxyll: probably should start to finish the season 3 pass… :/

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