Season 2 First Look Clip: Nivellen | The Witcher | Netflix

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SMA dez: God this show is an abomination.

Alexic94: Lemme fix your dialogue Netflix ok? Nivellen: But have you told the girl the truth? *camera cuts to geralt change expression on his face* Nivellen: The fact that you're going to poison her body with foul alchemy, strip her of emotions as well, make a monster of her? Geralt: That's not going to happen to her, she is not strong enough to survive the Trials. Nivellen after a short pause: What then, is she to be a servant, a squire? Geralt: Something more...

asanhasan2: I am very critic about general Netflix Arts Policy, but to see that logo at the end, after the witcher logo starting gray turning colorful gives joy, kudos people, you've done york work properly 👏

Grim Noob: As first season - looks good, but still as adaptation it is terrible

Cora F: Lol I saw the icon and thought who needs the second season of Sexy Beast or whatever that show was until I read the title 😅

r21174: been 2 years come on need this now

Honk Zabey: Who is this Geralt is throwing knives at?


TJD: I don't know why, but there's something off to me in terms of graphics, like he doesn't seem alive. Maybe because his facial expressions are so restricted or there're tons of makeup/clay. Also similar beasts in the first season looked awful (like Torque/Sylvan in the 2nd episode or dragon In the 6th)

cosmosblue772: This is a little nivhe spunding but this clip gave me major Jim Henson's The Storyteller vibes. Honestly I have just missed eeird and out there shows about magic. As much as I loved thr actors I am glad we are done with Game of Thrones and now have The Witcher, which is flawed but just works more for me.

Crackawacka95: Seems like they might be trying to mix the story up a bit if he's calling Nivellen an old friend.

xKenetic: Kristoffer Hivju?

Lucky Boy: Великолепный лайк за качественные видео, как всегда увлекательно и интересно, спасибо🤙

Michał Michał: I don't think i understand this clip, In book Geralt didn't talk to nivellen like they are old friends and they didn't talk about Ciri but here it seems like they do....

fares marina: Beauty and the Beast

Lord Climentos: This is my favorite story from the last wish

Nandhakishor V S: when i heard this by closing my eyes nivellen sounds abit like tyrion lannister

Gzus: please atlest let him say "pox" once

RubberKidney -: Christopher is selling this. All that ridiculous makeup, and he makes it work. What an actor.

Viewtiful Jay: Great part in the book

Sinister Panda: Love the dialogue & the new production quality. And The Witcher has been renewed for Season 3 as well ! I'm so happy !!

Nicholas Eickman: So they are doing the Beauty and the Beast story. Awesome, also perfect casting.

DEVIL STARK: Hope it doesnt end....🥰🥰

SKYLLAN: Bear!!! Not boar

Lil' Muffin: me, literally two seconds in: oh my gosh it's Technoblade

Chean: I like nivellin. But this costume

Anoop Devarajan: Thrilled for season 2 🥳

Xafe: 🖤

JPMitreN: Tormund???

Just a Normal Human: Welcome to another season of Witcher where Geralt spends the entire series with a minimum number of syllable.

IMSi: Heres hoping they add in the story of little eye. However, if they do i dont think it will be faithfully adapted since Ciri is journeying with Geralt now when it was only him and Dandelion during the events of that tale. It wouldve been nice if they added it in within the first season. Hell, It wouldve been nice if the first season was all the short storys of the first book and the second season was all of the short storys of the second. The third season being the start of Blood and Elves. The books dialogue and moments practically read like a tv script. Wouldve been so easy to adapt if they did it all line by line.

Justin Davey: Just started reading the The Last Wish and was disappointed Nivellan wasn’t in season one. Glad to see he’ll be making an appearance in season 2!

Viet Anh Duong: Nivellen looks exactly like my imagination when reading the books.

DragonHeart613: Geralt & Tormund, so awesome seeing them together.

Shayan Khan: Tyrion is that you?

Not Cthulhu: Gee thanks, talking warthog, you always know how to make me feel better...

trap tracks: 😍😍

crews johnns: Cool beast design Quite fitting for the witcher world

Jay 11: Holy Shit is that Tormund?

Jon-Vegard: Honestly, this is how the Beast could look from Beauty and the Beast. Great prosthetics

Nocturnal: Jon Snow: Seems that you're my only friend now Ghost... Ghost? Ghost: *Joins Nymeria's pack*

Jesse L: Nice this is one of my favorite short stories in the books!!

Evelyn baldwin: despite the economic crisis i still think this is a right time to start up an investment

MaoAnzu: oooooooohhhhhhhh..

Max Jax: What was that "old friend" bit about?

Ferdino Martinez: first i thought, "Alf?" and i was expecting something a bit more menacing, BUT remembering how after a few topics of conversation Geralt and Nivellen just ended up hanging out for a while (until the conversation took a turn...), this is proper characterization. And Nivellen was indeed a bit of a muppet...

brassyjazzful: I really want to read the books but which one is best to start with?

CuriosityRocks: Oh my gosh Nivellen is soooo cute!! and Geralt is looking so pretty. I’m singing Tale as Old as Time a lot, Geralt and Nivellen🥰🥰

sandy: so excited for this season

Poison Ivy: BRING IT!

Shaye Bobroske: Nivellens story was my fav of the short story format, I cant wait for this!!

Deni Jovanovic: Random guy: What are doing? Geralt: kilin monsters!

Nolan Phạm: Nivellen seems to be a cool dude to hang out and have a beer with

Carlos: Yes

Marsh Harrier: Is this the beauty and the beast story right?

Meer Shah: We need Zoltan Chivay

Guido Pasquetto: He looks awesome, just like i imagined him from the book

The Vin: Is Charles Dance playing Emhyr var Emreis? Looks like him in the painting they were tossing knives at.

Kahlan: Excellent! Henry and Kristofer nailed it. Can't wait for this episode. 🙌

marvel vs dc: Henry cavill

Life with House wife: i am soo soo excited bcox i am waiting this season 😁

Papa Palpatine: My favourite short story in the witcher series. But it looks like we won't get to see it in the show unless they do some sort of flash back episode. Shame.

Rorschach: "Lesser, greater, middling, it's all the same. Proportions are negotiated, boundaries blurred. I'm not a pious hermit, I haven't done only good in my life. But if I'm to choose between one evil and another, then I prefer not to choose at all."

Trey Greene: Warms my heart to hear tormunds voice

Danny Tarr: I think based on the description of Nivellen in the books this is perfect. I don’t understand how people think he should be bigger, he’s exactly how I pictured him when reading.

MrTang0Down: This was 100% my favourite short story out of the two Short story books Last Wish & Sword of Destiny.

jonas spjuth: "whers the big woman"

Антон Эртс: 0:55 -Leo Bonart?

Lachlan Fanning: No way they actually adapted him!

countmoya: Tormund got mutated to this after he went further north with Jon.

James S.: Wait no don't tell me they've completely changed the Nivellen story as well. Damn that was like my favourite short story. Well at least it looks like the actor did a good job

CountessofMonteCristo: Nivellen is adorable.

Random User: Old friend? How the hell did they meet before?

E Smith: This is amazing! also, Henry and Freya both have the same look as Geralt and Ciri kind of funny

liv3vil Kei: how can you F*** up a simple story like that. Ciri wasn't even born when that happened. Let's see if they at least get the fairytale part right...

Alec Plumley: Im so pysched for this season, Nivellen is the star of my favorite short story XD

Jayderis: why does he look like a pig not a bear why did you ruin everything couldn't you just use book not invent your stupid shít

Cheeseontoast: I better be hearing nivellen saying "Pox" in a few scenes, and seeing a bruxa naked on top of a dolphin. Love this short story.

Monthasir_Afnan: Didn't Nivellen thing happen way before ciri?

Shelby McKinney: Why does Nivellen look like a better beast than the actual beast in Disney's live-action Beauty and the Beast remake.

KillerTacos: That’s some fantastic make up work

Rikin Patel: Can I ask you guys which shot of Nivellen you guys like the most? I like 1:06

MissZ: This looks and sounds like the actor who played Tormund in GoT! The prosthetics process for this character must have been insane!

J-Dawg 777: Cool, cool...are they gonna fix Triss or not?

Vidstige: the tusks are placed weird....

jit: Isn't he supposed to be bigger than that?

Bazatron Murphy: Thormund has really let himself go. Loss of the big woman will do that to you

Angadjot Riyard: Is the tormund actor

RedWolf: So are they turning this great short story into exposition dialogue about Siri? That's seriously dumb.

XVS: I was super excited to see this, Nivellen was my favorite secondary character from the first 2 books, his story was amazing, he looks great!

Nox Luxe: Sounds incredibly clumsily written.

Isaiah Colesanti: Ah dude! This was one of my favorite chapters from The Last Wish.

SecretAgentMan00: Geralt: "Am I out of touch? No, it's the children who are wrong!"

actionvids35: a more realistic version of beauty and the beast

Simon Phoenix: I thought all this happens before he ever met Ciri? And old friend? Doesn't he just meet Nivellen and then ends up breaking the curse shortly afterwards?

Steven Li: I kinda wonder does the hog know the formula to create more witchers?????


Jostin Aleman: I'm already expecting changes in the main story. This chapter on the books was kinda anti feminist

Sassy Lost Child: The most interesting thing - it says he "reconnects with his old friend Nivellen", so we'll probably get flashbacks showing the short story, and this is a new bit of story here. Great to see them work this stuff in.

Dizz Astah: F

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