Serial Killer: Robert "The Bullshiter" Browne - Documentary
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NicNak Braun: Bad Guy!!! So nuts!Написать
Cristina Psarou: You look fantastic
Zoë Spinnet: Looks great!! Glad it wasn’t too painful. Smart move collecting a sponsor too 😉
Paul Cowell: Would it be cheaper to have an eyebrow transferred onto my head top...
CkFeeful: Looking good sun, are you from egypt or so? anways, keep up the great work
Debbie Ebbiebobebbie: Can anyone recommend a similar channel that uses subtitles? I am disabled and need captions to understand. Thanks!
Debbie Ebbiebobebbie: Captions not available?
CHALK772: Hair looks good. But really you were not that bald. You should see me. My head will cost more but I need it done. What was your total cost in U.S. dollars??
Marques Ferreira: Sorry I really think you should just shave
Taddie Mason: Looks dope man
Emilee V: Looks great !
Dr. Acula: Looks good man! You'll have to keep us updated on the growth.
Hehyeah Boiii: Damn that transplant looks the tits, really proud of smile
Guy McDudeperson: lookin good mang
Mike Reid: Looks good!
Section8dc: I'm so happy for you my friend, I will definitely remember this video cuz I will probably go through the same people when I get one in a few years. You look absolutely amazing! Always good to see a fellow balding man get his hair back!
Frank Bainbridge: I'm happy for you. I'm never going to need a hair transplant because of my family's bloodline but I'm extremely happy for you. I know how people feel about their hair
Melodie Cook: Dude, it's 2021. Male nurse? Really? Just "nurse" will do.
luv bunny: Wow you look great!! Congrats on your new hair do!!!!
vikimed11: His mugshot with the height markings behind him shocked me at first thinking he was about 7 and a half feet tall.. strange how off it is
kat taylor: looks great !
Ser Brynden Shivers The Cool: Is it bullshitter or bullshiter
Ian Antrim: I am going to be getting a hair transplant next month... I gotta say that is not how I thought you looked
Sid Viciousness: The transplant look excellent. Good look to my favorite crime narrator. Ciao.
Little Bits: You're handsome with or without hair.
viviandarkbloom100: "Living in a Trailer with his 5th Wife"......some people should just be put to death for being miserable failures at life.
Jake Perrone: Hey what about Samuel Little his DNA has been Linked to 99 murdered victims if I’m not mistaken and he claims he killed MANY more he has all this drawings of his supposed victims and there are a couple hundred. I would love to see a video on him but they just found out he was a serial killer in 2016,2017 and he was in his upper 70’s, so they may not be enough Info. On him to make one. Still I think it’s a good one to do when there’s more information about Samuel Little
Keith Thorpe: Serial Killers are portrayed as being shadowy, mysterious personalities with dark twists and turns. Truth is, they are very simple people. They are like children, wanting what they want, when they want it, with no impulse control. Other people aren't real to them, they are only things to be utilized to serve the killer's needs. Their needs tend to be very simple, they feel powerless, with no control over their own lives, and they want that feeling of power over another.
Cameron Felkel: Love it! I turned my brother on to them! Love the channel!
Kylee Conrad: Why are brains so terrible at coming up with a face that goes with a voice?! In my experience, everytime I hear someone's voice before I see their face, especially if it's only heard for any length of time before-- my percieved face if person is waay way off from their actual face and the voice never quite syncs up after that.
Doug's monsters: I thought the thumb nail pic was the killer pics😂🤣sorry.🤦 U looked fine as was, but ya it looks good. 👍
23KingTroy: You look like you work for the mob 😁
Olexander Buryak: well, whats wrong with receding hair?
Fred: That’s not what I thought you’d look like…
Boaby George: do you own the crime vault channel? they use the same ending scene as yours
lady mopar: I'm so happy the way your hair transplant worked out you sound very excited you have a little bit of confidence and the little minute kick in your step that means you've done the right thing for you looks good
StateOfDisorder: They did a great job, and I have to say, your voice doesn’t match your face. Nice to finally see you.
T Mac: They did a good job Love the show
Michelle M.: You look great. Thank you for sharing that with us.
aileen hovorka: "So how do I look?" Like a serial killer ! 😂😂 Seriously, happy that it worked! Looks good!
BPJ: i didnt know you were of turkish ancestry =), although its hard to even say that because turks are so heavily mixed with greek, armenian, tscherkassian, central asian etc
Benjamin Fenn: If it's not too personal, I'd be interested in hearing a follow-up report or two about the hair transplant results after a little time has passed. I'm curious about how the transplanted hairs fare longterm, and what kind of future maintenance/procedures might be required. I'd also be curious to learn as to whether or not they'd be able to transplant more hairs at each operation were you to sign a waiver granting your doctor permission to harvest additional hairs from armpit and asshole donor zones.
christian lopriore: Every Albanian friend I have has asked me if I want to go to turkey to do this with them :) not for me but looks great man - whatever makes u happy.
Justin Parker the wild wolf: I like your channel and your hair looks heaps fuller
Lindsey S: You look great! I’m surprised how quickly the hair is growing in! Both the doctors had thick luscious hair so that’s a good sign your hair will continue looking that way!
Edward Arruda: Why edit audio or why censor?
O Cruz: You look great!
Jessica Grubbs: Wow! So happy for you that you got to do that for yourself! It looks awesome. Very nice! Congratulations!
Cirrina M: I feel bad but I had to skip the face reveal (closed my eyes and just listened as I often do while watching your amazing videos). I like the mystery behind the voice. From the sounds of the comments you seem to have had a great outcome with your transplant. Congrats and I wish you continued good health and healing.
Viktòria Bànszki: Total badass face for such a sweet voice 😎
jcliveshere2: Nice results from your hair transplant nice to put a face with the voice.
Vermillion: Awesome results! You're a handsome dude! Awesome video as per usual!
Caroline Rowles: Great results. Loads better than Wayne Rooney's and he had it done in LA. Glad your throat is better now. Sorry, I presumed it was as you were having cosmetic procedures 😘
Joe Morgan: Does someone narrate your videos? You look too eastern european to have that voice, thanks for the vids and its great your trasplant worked out.
Janet Dear: Chilling interesting story, may his victims rest in peace, 🙏 great video thanks 🖤
Caroline Rowles: My parents lived in Turkey for 11 years and all my mates parents went there to get their teeth done for a 1/4 of the price of the UK. Nearly got my boobs done there but then they turned into a happy 34dd! I'm 40 now but when I'm old and shriveled I've already got my surgeon picked out. If my ex husband is watching that years away yet!!!!!!
Hepsi: Bro im from Turkey. There are some heinous Turkish serial killers in Turkey and if you would like ill gladly help you to create another video.
Joany Sohayda: Hey congragulations. Indulge in ur confidence handsome fella. Don't let it turn u into an ass though k.
SouthWest: You look like this isn't your voice.
jane garcia: Funny, I always thought you were a computer generated guy
A Eulogy For Society: I wonder what would happen or look like if they took pubic hair and put it on someone's head... anyone care to go get that surgery so I can find out?
Steve Trivago: Awesome man… happy for you ✊🏼
Hamza Bensaid: "..his claim to fame is receding, quickly." Haha the transplant looks great 👍
reneeslepak: You look amazing! Right on!
nerd journal: I hope your hair does well my dude. I got a pretty bitchin bald spot myself.. I'm also working on starting my own true crime channel. Can I be like you.. lol jk
Krafty Kreator: Very nice how the last sentence tied so neatly w the sponsor. Great reading and writing, you continue to keep me entertained and looking for more from your team. Thanks!
Rebecca Grieger: Looking good 👍
Kritter Kreator: tudor, sorry i haven't been around in a while. i've not been feeling my stellar best lol. but i'm back and wanted to tell you that you keep surprising me with each new video. i think to myself... how can he possibly top this one and bam! next is better. you sir have found your calling and i will always give you the standing O you deserve. thank you so much for another great.
Tara Shirani: My brother went to Iran and did a hair transplant at 25 since we have male pattern baldness on my moms side. He’s 39 and bald again.
A Eulogy For Society: Wow!! CONGRATS!! That is really awesome that you were not only brave enough to get the surgery but to post it with your first face reveal!! Also I totally had a completely different face for you then the one you really have's in my freezer if you want it ;) jk I mean I had one in my mind of course. I said in another video but I want to say here too you have my favorite talking voice On YouTube. Love your channels! If you ever need any art or music you let me know. This is my bands account so you can use any of our stuff and if you want something recorded I'd be more then happy to. Or some art. But anyway congrats
Kitty: Look at that confident smile ❤ Glad you went through with it!
Brenda Easter: I read the Without a Conscience book, fascinating!
Logan Mannke: Hair is on point my guy
Alexander Gaus: Pretty nice, that hairline 😳
Brenda Easter: The grandiose claims of these scumbags are driven by Narcissism. Sigh.
Sharon T: Stop the advertisements. Stop computer voice and do some real research. This channel is a lie. Shit. Go away
Perfectly Imperfect Life Stories: I had to watch that hair transformation twice, that was amazing growth! Full, natural, what is the pain level like? Medical tourism is the way to go with research, congratulations on the sponsorship!!
lolas1984: I glad you feel better about your procedure . You look pretty good and post op. Have you tried microneedling?
Ginger S: Looking good, skd! Also great pronunciation of "Coushatta." 👍🏾
Brenda Easter: A crime show stated that Browne had hit Heather over the head with an object and she was knocked out/killed immediately.
Saa Aurelian: Looking good bud 👍🏻
Ajax The Greatest: I see what you did there at the end. Funny. You look great and the video was nice too.
Jeannie Crespo: Congratulations!... on the new journey --- (hair transplants) Got to make sure you make yourself happy ...always! 😊 Love from San Antonio TX ❤💕💗
Jaleel Mungin: Your bigger than I expected
For the outcast of the 30/40k: Wow I swear you looked different way back when you took this channel over.. Hippy kinda looking.. But looks good brother keep up being awesome
Yolanda Torrez: You look gorgeous with your hair you are a very handsome man
Hushing Silence: If you got to Turkey to get your hair replanted, SKD will give you a free T-shirt from his merch. OR, do what I did, and buy one instead! LOVE it! That "Outro" tee? Men see me wearing it and ask me out on dates alll the time!
For the outcast of the 30/40k: Wait what I remember when you first took over this channel you had dreadlocks??
apathetically lethargic: That fact that you did this makes me want to unsub. Being that vain is a character flaw. Sad dude.
Lori Tracy: You left out some information about your head/hair. Did it hurt & for how long? Comparable to what? Don't you end up with the harvested area being thin now? Glad you're ok & happy with it.
William Darcy: I want to get taller.
Lana Campbell-Moore: Thanks SKD❤️
BoboGoesBananas: Hair looks great 👍
Nadine ᴎаllаↃ: I think you looked fine before but if the hair transplant makes you feel better about yourself that's the most important thing and I'm happy for you.
global nomad: when they find the bodies in the garden, you will need facial reconstruction work also
Chez MacLe: most.. at the time
Chez MacLe: you Albanian my dude? You look like one of us :)
djfreake: I definitely had a different mental picture attributed to the voice. Glad you did the reveal and glad you were brave where many men wouldn’t be. May you get a lions mane as great as Trump’s and may you slay the finest of ‘gina
Aimee Lynne: Looks great Doc! ❤
flashy5150: I’ve met a lotta’ bullshitters and horseshitters throughout my life.
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