Warzone Season 6 Update | New Weapons, Map Changes, Battlepass, and More!

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JGOD: 0:00 Intro + Gfuel 30% Off 0:17 Playlist Update 1:37 Haunting of Verdansk 1:53 New POIs 2:29 Gameplay Changes/Bug Fixes/New Features 5:24 New Weapons and Balance Changes 7:48 Outro

K: Last years zombie mode is still the best

Nekronaut: Thank god they finally fixed the Dev Errors.

Jake Turner: These gun balancing updates are starting to get ridiculous

Nic Wyatt: mans made a video reading what we could read ourselves 🤣🤣🤣

Sailor Mäx: I urge everyone to try The PKM (MW). Best gun for solos and duos and viable for the other modes. You heard it here first.

Khamisi__: We need big backs solo duo trio quad

BUZZLIGHT GameSpot: If u can't do anything just increase the recoil thats what Raven does wow, as if they already had so much less of a recoil.

Green Snipes: I thought that the Amax was supposed to be called the galil?

Medusa Man: 🦅JGOD🇺🇸 Still not giving the QBZ the love 💗 it’s deserved since the FFAR Meta.

Medusa Man: 💡How about keeping Plunder and replacing just one ☝🏼🧔🏻🖕🏼of the 14 BR Modes?

Medusa Man: 💡How about they fix the issue with our guns always disappearing?

JJ: Is anyone still playing this? I quit months ago.

Aye Ready: Anyone else buy the battle pass but are unable to use the panda bulldozer operators or the new Milano blueprint?

aint Sam: Great, no FOV slider again. Super.

Cody Curnutte: Imagine mike myers on rebirth for Halloween

touch me: Honestly that face cam really annoying lol

Devin Lando: I hope he switched to BF and Halo because no one cares about cod anymore

Vile Corpse: did they even fix the under the map glitches in verdansk and rebirth?

Richay Pro: Night mode doesn't sound exciting? You're a joke.

SnoMayn: This had to be the smallest balancing change for a new season ever.

Rob Tolley: Did they fix the wall glitch in rebirth?

Andrew Engelmeier: I'm a simple man, I just want the gameplay to not hiccup when there are multiple people nearby..

Patrick Denis: Why they touch the em2 smh

DeadpuII: Wait, wasn't there an anti-cheat coming out with this update?

Reckerr: 05:18 "Verify Wipz" lmfao Im crying

xkumanekox: Glad they nerfed the MG82.

Dimis Bam: The hunting was the best event ever...I still play with the Grau skin from then

Javier Araiza: No zombie royale?

Emile Heskey: This game is so bent 😂🤷🏻‍♂️

Caius Wolf: Does g fuel make me better?

Vp Aizen: I really enjoyed playing this…. but hackers have zapped all the love I had for this game.

Oliver Andrews: Hilarious how a company this big have so many bugs in the game but don't fix them as they happen and instead wait until a new season drops😂

Random Guy: So still no fix for console.. warzone is completely fu*king broken on my Xbox one X. I can't choose operator, cuz it glitches and skips every other one(when I klick once it jumps two steps)

Gabo Achard: I'll miss the c58

Uk Gamer: Anyone else feel soo burned out on call of duty. I can't wait for battlefield to come out.

Matt Vitale: HALLOWEEN EVENT -- AWESOME!! More MICROS - 👎 Can't wait for Battlefield!

Chem Trails: in less than a day your like goal got smoked

backontheblock30: Why’d they have to Nerf the Em2 and MG82? Those recoils patterns are hard enough to control smh

Pete Dorherty: Playing Plunder is like going to a UFC fight with your boys to play with dolls.

Jeffrey Higgins: Literally just finished getting my mg82 leveled up smfh

1k Firelli: Cods been trash for a while now. STALE. Period


Markanna Annamark: Before this update i got 120 hz refresh rate on my TV second monitor for pc now it won't go past 60 there isn't even a option showing up , my monitor still gets 144 . Tried resetting everything I can't figure it out reset displays settings got them on the right display setting the output setting matches all set right by the looks of it all , set them to the wrong settings to refresh them put them back still won't work

tggle: Still no fov slider huh

King Kamal: i don't see why they increased the EM2 recoil, it was really hard to handle at long range already. this will just make it unusable

Trail Rider 17: This game is garbage. nurf this!

Grandmaster Yado: Okay but what about the multiplayer changes? Verdansk and all it’s changes are basically the same as they’ve always been for almost two years now, the new POI’s are kind of different and new but that’s about it. There are other things besides Battle Royale. A brand new Zombies map, cool new multiplayer maps and modes, etc.

Jorge Borunda: Why is there not a haunting of rebirth?

jaysonpeters: for my LMG people who are depressed about the Stoner and MG being nerfed into the ground, the bruen and pkm are still amazing options and don't get talked about as much as they should. I especially like the Bruen cause you can run it in so many different ways. The holger is very underrated too.

AGEAR_ATTWAR: New map!!!….We got cracks in the ground smh throw this game in the trash

jbailey14: I'm still using the Kilo. Tried and tested and hasn't changed for ages. Gets me a ton of kills in Solos, still the best for me.

Eduardo Henrique Oechsler: Another update and no signal of anticheat...

Deller 10: Yet again another update another disappointment. Nerf anything have decent into the ground. All I see these days are snipers for someone who absolutely detests sniping booooring. Let’s make it easier for snipers just nerf anything that can challenge. Great job as usual thanks very much. Ps Jgod great job as always my dude. Keep it up 👍

_-Ghost-_ _: The way Jgod says, “the other building” in disgust. We all hate the tall building campers

Nikos Chaitas: Bruh are the dead serious? MG82 and C58 already had more recoil than any of the current meta weapons. They were kind of hard to use. Now I assume they are B tier at most.

3milio0o: Haunting of Verdansk is long awaited. I'm still rocking the emblem and calling card from last Halloween event. Maybe time to dust off the old thermal mp5/kilo zombie setup :)

Dante Legacy: And yet no anti-cheat of any kind. Keep seeing hackers just about every night in resurgence. Makes many people not to play👎🏻👎🏻

SvenGlueckspilz: Is someone actually enjoying having to level up their weapons for attachments every time a new set of weapons is introduced? I mean, is this a roleplaying game?

Palomino420: Anyone else just wait for jgod to say what to use 🤣thanks for putting in the work to help us people trying to improve

Robert A Booey: Taking plunder off sucks

Exodus | Gaming Show: The OTS is still fairly new, so Raven will allow its insane TTK up until Vanguard launch. Expect an OTS nerf before that. Here comes Black Ops nerfs to make way for broken Vanguard guns. This is how Activision incentivizes new game sales.

Gtechpaving: KSwiss armoury is broke 🤷‍♂️ can’t select you gun ……and OTS !!!and the tax map 🗺 is bugged when selecting contracts

DrewbieNOR: When will they fix the lag on the operator menu. Its funny how this game just keeps breaking... Love the game, but many I use to play with have left it.

Iain Walters: RIP stoner would rather them take lmgs out of the game all together they obviously dont want us to use them. But I guess I'm going back to bruen now.

Chauncey Billups: I love plunder

Alex Torres: Wow the haunting is not interesting for you . Let me guess your religious

Silent3eatz: No Haunting of Verdansk? Booooo

Han: U guys are all crying acting like ur favorite gun got nerfed... When the whole lobby uses the cw ak lmao

Alita: please tell me that shotgun will have an akimbo option

Morgan Williams: I remember the time when I used to be excited for these updates, the game has just gone stale because they aren’t changing it up enough.

Jack Morgan: Anyone else got the stg in there assault rifle category?

D4VE: Hey JGOD thanks for the Updates! Will Warzone Private matches be returning??

johnnyblicks: I haven’t been online yet and I feel like I’ve completed the season

Steven Jones: How about fixing the issue where I can’t see my guns/load out, parachute.

T3kA123: Still no fov for PS5 , battlefield will crash this game soon if they will not make a big step ahead

Han: Why didnt u explain mono audio u skipped it... Idk what tht is??

Brauny: You should work for Raven

Drewseph: As a KAR98 user, I fully support them continuing to make ARs/LMGs useless

Khaled Adel: Man I actually clicked not to even watch but just to give a like and show some support 😊

Its Lian: still no clash mode?

KingpinTyme: Nerf of C58 and EM2 totally not needed. Just for the new game....

Chris: Still no fix for my fps dropping to 1 at the menu, maybe if I tell them I won't be buying any new skins because its making it impossible for me to change my operator, they'll actually listen....

JuMunjiii: For a 30 update wouldve expected quiet alot of content but it seems this is not the case. I'm really surprised they haven't touched up on any of the MW guns and give them their last time to shine before the new game/map comes out

The Mechanic: All this and the main menu is still bugged and slow.

Dimitrios Tremmos: I had airstrike on me with any warning and when you tag a contract on the map you cant see it what you are tagged , .,..annoying

Moedox: Dont know if it's just me but my cw mp5 is bugged. Cant choose a blueprint and if I do it either crashes the game or sends me back to the lobby screen. Also cant access the armory as it does the same thing as the mp5 blueprint selection.

Prison Mike: Bro it's been some time since I've played warzone I'm all of a sudden busy with high school 😪

HeavenlyK3v0: When will they update the FOV and FPS for console?????

LOA: No one cares

Andrei Ninu: Meanwhile, they haven’t fixed the menu after 2 weeks. This game is such a joke..

Matej Šimala: Can anyone help me? I'm back after not playing this game for about 6 months. I have some serious issues with FPS drop in-game during the fight, opening parachute, etc. I'm playing on the same settings as before but my FPS is now 20 (before was 60-70). I even lowered the settings and nothing happened. My brother has the same issue, even worse. Connection is ok, no latency although I have 1 symbol on my left side of monitor during match all the time which means that I have packet losses. When FPS drop and freezing of game happens I have 2 symbols. I don't know what to do anymore

LordOfTheMemes: Ots borderline unusable for trios or quads now, thanks.

otthau: Why do they nerf the guns i’m trying to level, and dont touch the guns i have maxed

Simon Godfrey: Am I the only player who suffers with guns not appearing in Plunder (and Clash)? They'll appear after a few minutes (sometimes) and only for some loadouts. Super annoying. You basically see the crosshair but that's all when you experience the issue.

bkph 16: Rpd going under the radar again

Edwin Santiago: IMO after using the Grav...it feels like the fara in fact it's just a reskin, literally.

QfngB: Sad battle Pass don’t even want it

TheNugWhisperer: why is no one talking about the fact they removed practice modes and private matches

D1: Why was c58 recoil increased? Wasn't op and not that many people overperforming with it, don't get it

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