These Are The NEW WEAPONS in WARZONE SEASON 5 (Cold War Warzone Season 5 Update)

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Beast Creations: EM2 reminds me of Bo1 enfield

Ahmad Al Moosawi: As a zombies player im really excited for the marshal

JackSperowchu :D: So Hudson Operator Comfirmed?

kasuki joro: 3:30 those look like some pubg type skins🤣🤣

xAPPLEJAX141x: Am I the only one that wants the Olympia added to the game ?

King0fAce 360: Activision: Hey peasants COD warzone new update is out its only 25 gb!!!!! Community: 25 gb huh alright so whats new? Activision: Mmmmmm oh yeah new broken guns and a train Community:train? Activision: yeah a fcking train where you can fast travel Community: oh alright how about anti cheat? Activision: what? I cant hear you what?

TTV-FrostLDN: What’s your krig setup?

PLUS ULTRA: I am waiting for the RAAL

Sentries: If we don’t get the PM Makarov in season 6 I’m gonna lose my shit

_Avoided_: I honestly don't think the RAAL will be coming in S5. If you think about it, they're staggering the weapons for every 2 seasons as a pattern. We got the Sykov in season 2, the CX-9 in season 4, and we'll most likely get the RAAL in season 6. It makes sense to keep MW supported (even in the slightest) throughout the entirety of BOCW's lifespan.

Kole Eden: So sad we aren’t getting the Cold War G36C

It’s Rave: I really dislike how every new battle pass operator is for the coalition

That Nunya_Buis Guy: They put the marshal in the special class for cold war and either hand guns or shotguns in warzone

AK-47 ForLife: Season 4 has gone by so fast 😂😂😂

Joe Lambert: Bar from ww2 would be sick

Taegon Farmer: I would love to see the honeybadger from ghosts in warzone

-[REDACTED]-: Cant wait to get the RAAL randomly at the very end of the season!

Joel Davis: Crouch, crouch, jump.

Hunter Wilson: Am I high or was the end of the vid voiceover sped up a little too fast? 😂

Reid P?: I’m so tired of this. I don’t play a lot anymore, I’m like 6 guns behind, it’s not like it was before

Dora The Destroya: The description for the tech-9 is nothing like how it performed when I used it irl. It's kick was unruly at first until I learned to manage it, it's accuracy was... God it was bad. And it's most reliable attribute was jamming at least twice a mag.

Zx Mr Mayhem xZ: Slums remake, yay.....

richie zamot: A cane really why not fire men axe form black ups 3 .

Saxmeer Plays: Did season 5 come out

Yeeter Griffin: I really hope the RAAL is going to be coming that would be cool

jose gonzalez: Why is his game so low quality? And so like dark?

Lord steppergod: Im the 666 Like 😈

Amos Reginald Jr.: Their putting the cane at the beginning because they see no one is unlocking the melee weapons. I stopped trying to get them after the first 4. I really dislike how for guns you get them by the pass or a reasonable challenge. For melee weapons, you have to get X kills from behind in X games (not a bad challenge) BUT Then they say get X kills from behind in X games WHILE an ENEMY UAV is active. Absolutely unbelievable

Lazaro Perodin: Yooo have you checked out Splitgate a lot of hype around it and it’s dope

1kcaam: Saug from bo4

crk916: What will the mid season melee weapon be? A nerf football? A pillow?

FaZe JERKSTAIN: you know ur name has a bacteria in it

jeremy brown: That Shotgun pistol gone get nerf'd to the fuckin' ground, Raven don't like shotguns

crk916: A cane !?!! 😂🤣👎

Astro: Is it out today or 2 days more?

Event Horizon: Modern Warfare never added an AR-10 variant of any kind yet the Dragunov was in the sniper category. The M110 or SR-25 has been a mainstay of Western military snipers systems for almost 20 years now and there are plenty of other rifles based off that same design. The German Army's G28 aka H&K 417 is a 7.62x51 NATO or 6.5 Creedmoor semi auto sniper rifle based on an AR-10 which is an upscaled AR-15 (M4a1). Putting it in the sniper rifle category as another semi-automatic option besides the Dragunov would be a nice touch, with gunsmith options to push it into the role of a marksman rifle of sorts with a shorter barrel and ACOG and a 25 round magazine would be killer.

The Mad Alchemist: I wonder why people like MW guns more than CW guns? It’s probably because MW guns are more unique compared to CW guns, and they don’t take ages to unlock.

Alsandair O'Sullivan: The Tec-9 as semi-auto? The KING of 90’s drive-bys in South LA? Semi-auto? Burst or not that’s bull. Wtf Treyarch…

Riley P: Raven / Treyarch was like "we're making the Tech 9 as accurate as possible so the inspect is trying to unjam it

Stephen Buonopane: Does anyone know of a Bundle buying rehab ?? If I keep buying these bundles ima end up fkn BROKE BN

Zippy Dingding: My experience 2 headshots from a shotgun no kill point blank with a shotgun no kill headshot hit markers on with a DMR all on hardcore this game is truly unplayable

Ashton Nickerson-Babin: Definitely copping the Marshal bundle.

Zippy Dingding: I’m jumping out of cod after 18 years it really unplayable

security tim: Ofc all the new weapons are going to the worst cod

jd lowe: The marshal pistol could be like the 725 in war zone

Derpotato23: Then everyone will be running around with these shooting you from all directions and making the new guns the meta

SeanCasGamer: One interesting thing they could do would be to introduce a Vanguard weapon during the Vanguard event. You unlock it by participating in the Vanguard reveal event and it is playable in Warzone, Cold War, and Modern Warfare, plus when Vanguard is released, you have it levelled up in that game too. That would be one way to create hype for Vanguard, get people playing the reveal event, and cover off an additional weapon during the season while maintaining the surprise factor. It would also take the integration between games to a new level.

Xos Sniper: nobody notices tho the tec 9 and the marshal tp82 was in the columbine shooting 😳

M p: imaging FINALLY adding the tec 9 and then making it fucking semi auto..... its the fastest firing smg on earth yet..,. but you know... raven lol

Jordan Lichty: Looking forward to the RAAL

Josh Wright: No way how is tech 9 not full auto thats bs

Fire unboxings & Reviews: They just pushed back the launch of the new season by couple days ? Fix things ig ?

Oisin Lynch: Sorry, but does anyone else find the Tec 9 being semi-auto just.... really weird? It's like when they made the AA12 a slug shottie in siege or if they made the AK locked to burst fire. Just feels wrong

Paladin Colt: funny how in Real Life, the Tec-9 is a pistol whiel the PM63 is a SMG, but in Cold War, the roles were swithced

Bret Hart: I want akimbo 725's that would be hell for warzone

DL: IT wOuLd Be cOOl tO SeE tHe ScAr frOM foRtnItE

Conmanay: I hope the Tec 9 can be akimbo As for the Marshel, having them in zombies will be awesome, hopefully it’ll be like the pack a punched Marshall 16, those only being on ZNS is a crime!

Devuelta al Redil: What is your content creator code?

Anthony Pecca: I want to see the fmg9 added

Ricardo Derobles: Do you know anything about the update GBUp load for war zone/marden warfare. Content

Collin Orange: Hades from bo4 zombies

TrueTrax : I would care but there is no fov slider , so no me

finality J gaming.9: Subscribed 😎👍🌅🛎💪☀️

Jordan Marshall: KRNG Espresso yay

Cuinio Viloria Méndez: 6:21 Did the cluster just disappear from the mini-map??!!

Meash1991: Strike pack

Hades Finess: You can carry over teir skips? I don't think I've ever used any I usually get most of them after I've finished the battle pass from prestigeing but I've never used any and I'm sure I don't have any stock up but I know I get them and always thought they where useless since I get them after completing the battle pass, I guess mine don't carry over or something wouldn't be surprised

Cody Herrera: Why smei-auto I already don't like it but I will still try it out just not to excited about it also I would like to see the veit cong most Notorious smg the MAT-49

Fiero: I thought they would added the grease gun for a semi automatic SMG

Audun Borgen: Secundery weapons in CW MP is waaaay OP! You dont need a one shot pistol as well!

Branshaq 723: “A semi auto smg” Watch it 5 shot on full armor

Jalen Berry: Wow shouldn’t be burst …

Nick kov: Why did it say that it will release in 3 hours know it says 3 days

andy rumble: Also one of the new operators is the main character from Oldboy the Japanese version

Jordan Castillo: I would like to see the FAL

A Screaming Cloaker: But is there an Anti-Cheat? Watch they’ll put it in a battlepass.

Andrew Somma: What part of we want a anti cheat don't they understand

Mpaoword: The CX-9 established a pattern of when we should realistically expect the RAAL, which is the last week of S5. Tha would line up with how the Sykov was added during the last week of S3 and the CX-9 was added during the last week of S4 and likely balanced to a specific way with the following season's weapon balancing.

HEELEØ Army: A semi auto smg?

Unsaidhealer 412: Ya know, I wouldn't be mad if in future cods instead of leveling up you did challenges to obtain perks and guns/ maybe even attachments

William Mcdonald: We wait for the almighty Jesus Christ AN-94 to take us to the promise land

Hugo Tremblay: Nobody gives a shit until they somehow do SOMETHING about the 12 flavors of cheats out there.

Jon Wright: Wonder what they will break lolo probably the weapons in the store

Dannie ray jr: Great video I enjoyed it

WeaponizedLogic: I'd love to see the BO2 M-tar or Ghost Mtar X

GMDKeepnclassy: Love your videos man!!!! You dont bullshit around and get right to the point.

Hashslingingslasher: Anti cheat wasn’t on that Road map i’m gonna get lost and end up on Apex.

Bnm Mnb: I want that RAAL! All the other guns don’t look to fun.

Yours Truly: I'd love to see an Intervention added to MW because obviously lmao

srt_thegoat: They just extended it another 3 days until it officially drops that’s what it says in game

Renato Pinel: Thanks this video helped me a lot

Jo_Steele: The best weapon that can be added to Warzone/Cold war, the almighty anti-cheat.

The CEO of Trains: The Tec-9s being locked to semi auto is interesting, hopefully the damage and range is decent, I’m really hoping those Marshals will come with Akimbo so I can be the epitome of toxic bullshit. EM-2 is probably gonna be a basic assault rifle though, but the free optic is a nice bonus.

Mundo P: Nice

Foxing: the RAAL is coming, that's the filler and why we are getting 3 up front.

my name: Would love to see the Thompson submachine.. "Tommy gun" 🔥

YxngTexas: Super excited for the new SMG, always been a fan of the run and gun weapons.

Robby Biddle: The Tec-9 being semi auto is going to be a garbage SMG for Warzone. Semi-auto?! Wtf!

Shane Mclean: The type 25 Ar from black ops

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