ASH IS HERE!! First Impressions + Gameplay (Season 11- Apex Legends)

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Em: Poor Wraith. You monster!

Hextav: Ash has a figet spinner as a tactical lmao.

Unku: 6:26 sounds like the mission impossible theme 😭

Iram Rashid: I'm hyped for ash I think I might have a new simulacrum main sorry revanant

Kiddd_ahmedYT: New meta Ash, octane, rev just think about and make a vid pls I want to see this team put to action

Blitzz 1982: How are you guys playing it ?

El Padre: RIP r99 you will be missed

Kirby Ammunition: I’m starting to think that ashes tactical is a better horizon ult lol

shame: Brw you mainly verse bits in the thing your doing

MewMew: Did ash come out?!

GUTS•.•.: i didnt touch this game since seasone 3😣⏩

mohammed alsuwaihel: The new map looks sick

AVS Life & Fitness: cant believe you didnt get the res at 8:45

Toxicmask: I think it becomes almost a mini horizon ult, is an area like map room (if kings canyon) if you throw the snare on the bottom in one of the hallways and get someone I think they are basically screwed

M.T: The car is practically a r99 and flatline in the same gun 😎😂

San Sok: I though Ash gonna be op, but now after I watch this video I think she need buff every ability 🙄

NOXID_CHANNEL: ash body is robotic remove blood effects from her


TKN SIDE: that's not nice killing the wraith


vahid Aria: Best map for Revanent to climp on the tree

Whisper: Can someone tell me how can I play her in the new map earlier

Foxy thepirate: So do you think wraith will get a buff ??

Jacob Nethercott: They finally did it… they added a somewhat balanced legend

Anonym0us G4mer: Me wishing i didnt waste legend tokens on wattson

Finessn. hearts: Triple take is energy now 👀👀

thereal_ dirtydan: Can’t wait to play this map looks great!

CDG Brown: Wraith mains who?

metalfang07652: If you think about it, Ash's tactical is just horizon's ult but indestructible

Cerberus Killer: I’m excited for the loot I’m tired of opening 4 bins and getting common barrel attachments and a thermite while someone opens one bin and gets purple shield flatline Eva and apes me

Halfwork Shaman: Dude this map is awesome

Rohit Singh: Background game plz😧😧😧

Hardeek Yadav: maybe u can use the pull effect to ur advantage to quickly change direction during a close quarter fight like how boom just did during the 1v1

Grim Pablo: No mercy wraith, lol! 👏👏👏

Cristian Realpe: bro the 1v1 is without the Q hahahaha with powers is easy

StreetRat: I can totally see some solo fending off multiple teams and just as he's healing up, he gets killed by a prowler. He'd be so mad.

Sad: If anyone knows what the H keybind is on controller that would be very cool

mimi k: Bravos !! 👍🙏🎊

HellDescent: Ash is not gonna ba a "solo player's wet dream". She needs to be coordinated with someone like rev/crypto/causic

Flipp: 7:27 that was a nice push by that ash seeing her slice reality in front of you looks crazy 😂

Geerlug: Why are there people already saying she is broken and needs nerfing? Bruh the animation time seems balanced and you haven’t even played yet.

Geerlug: Ash’s ult may work really well with Revenant’s ult because it can send the whole team relatively far and fast and is a one way. Pretty cool lore wise as well

JANSSEN: What But is not yet How

Christian Graves: Me:”loading into a match in the start of season 11” Random teammate:”ash 1,456kills 109 wins, 1,689 damage done” Me:😒

EPICGAMMING: Ash is gonna be my main for real

LxJesun Lxjesun: Hlw

Sunny: 8:10 this area reminds me of evolve

danji: Ash bacically has wraiths infant fase

Esthela Barriga: What did you think of the car? It looks like it runs like a R-99. I’m so excited to play the new season🤩

confettihunterminus1: So it’s like horizon’s ult is her tac and wraith’s tac is her ult….

Hudson GTR: Wait...triple take is back to energy ammo???

Federal Bureau of Investigation: so ash but no jack copper? or blisk? maybe one of the 6 4

El BooStang: I already can tell this map going to get annoying especially with people just using triple take sniping from high ground like pussy

MmaMusic: "oh what the fliiiiiip" lol

Sld everything: i took a little break for 2 weeks off apex and im going to return when season 11 drops and i cant wait to try out ash and the new map

Arcade Aidan: Why was that so wholesome? 😊

Xurqify_ qt: I feel like people will start running ash with bloodhound idk why

Akeemc_: These buildings are good for wattson mains

Random Random: Finally a good map 😭

Ishuuz: I wonder if you can grapple or stim away from her tactical

Owen Dehner: Can the trident ride the green boost pad?

Spikes best suit: Its wild i saw this video like a week and a half ago but ya gotta give kandy his due

lunaaplazosu!: What is her passive?

Brief Keef: this feels like a titanfall map...i prob wont want to play on any other map

Ruben Cashie: RIP my frame rate on PS4

Nikulas Rikhardsson: I took a well needed break from apex in season 10. just came back a week ago after watching your vids on apex and the next season. Its looking great so far!

Miguel: I can definitely see that snare getting nerfed really soon lol. So deadly in the correct hands, but damn it’s so nice to see a new map!

Sebastian Anstead: Does anyone play Apex on Windows 11

Jesse Hernandez: Most be nice to play when we all have to wait you so cool

TheRealAmarok: this map is 100% designed for ratting in ranked

Ak47: Marking boxes. Well us rats going to suffer more and more nowadays with new legends

CrazyGaming_96: Follow my Channel Apex predator 👹

Ak47: her q is like horizons ult meshed with arcstar. Actually niice. Does it work through walls tho?

Ignas Juknevicius: Kandy always kills friendly last ones... Sad... Lack of imagination maybe?

Apollo: Her tactical is so op looking, I doubt most good players wont be able to down you once tethered. Combo it with so many things.

Edward Chester: Triple take is back to energy ammo!?

Lil Goon: Soooo everyone is comparing wraith to ash, but doesn't wraith's tactical counter Ash in a way? I mean she would avoid all damage while trapped..


legion_d: So painful every time when I’m upgrade Apex legends on my old PS4! Come on! I’m ready!!!

Demar: Ash is not here for the rest of us... Not Fair🤬😑

Biden sniffs minor's: I'm mailing her when she comes out

KJ: How did he notice the octane team was hiding behind the waterfall. There was no indication that they fell down. And he didn’t see them going in that direction.

Patric Maloney: Ash over here casting Rasenshuriken 10:11

Crazy Thing: when is the season coming out and why isn't he at 1 million subscribers yet!

That1guyRilo: They should take stuff like this down like wait till they release it or a couple hours before i subscribed because i fuck with your content so i i gave my opinion

PolarMusic: I can already feel my frames dropping

Sheldon Parsons: Does she have heirloom??

Supersonic speedster: Imagine some kids playing apex and they find out this, ash Watson rampart, and then they just hide behind the big rocks and when I trident comes the Watson places a fence and then the trident is stunned and ash places the tether then rampart comes in and destroys them with Sheila, oh no

angelo Vincent: Since the map is the new biggest, they should make it 125 players on the map. I think this will make this tropic map way better and more fun

Jay Staxkzzz: 7:00 what's that mastiff hop up? looks like double tap or an "R" for Rampart mod idk

enVy Voidz: I'm still amazed you can put heavy bullets in a light mag lmao

BabySaga: Can ash's tactical and horizon's ult can be somewhat a combo or it defeats the purpose for each other

Pea: Ash tactical: a cooler horizon ult

Whattheblah: 4:35 portal broke his audio 🤦‍♂️

Robert Surginer: Wait is this beta or can I play it right now

Colin Boone: Triple take is energy ammo?! LET’S GOOOO!!!!!!


DennisDMennis: i think her ult takes way too long

Welliopat: Tactical is balanced if you ask me just make damage 10 or 0 but if 0 then make last time longer on it and her ult is like lobas bracelet you take a big risk when teleporting to finish a kill

bwillsskates: I just launched apex and she isn’t even showing up, it’s pissing me the fuck off.

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