Is Earth RUINING Amphibia Season 3?

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The Roundtable: What are your thoughts on season 3 thus far? Let us know in the comments down below! THUMBNAIL ART BY JANKYBONES:

Boe_ Jo: From what i got Anne coming back home with her newfound powers was such an overwhelming thing to her family/friends that they forgot Sasha and Marcy were with her, i think this topic will eventually appear and Anne will try to avoid it.

Nathan Ferguson: ...... The

Jack Taylor: What about the night

Armin Tabari: Eh I find seeing the amphibians struggling in human world as entertaining,I hope we get to see Luz's gang from The Owl House's reaction to the human world.

Luz Wu: I feel like it felt so weird for us not to start off with filler episodes , even though what happened to true colors, I didn’t expect to get right back into the Plot the first episode , even though I do like the new normal because it keeps a sense of women and powers are you doing to her it just kinda felt a little off that so far there are only 4 Fuller episodes but even though in season two it took four episodes for fuller episodes to get to the plot in my opinion ,I still kind a like how they had time to explore the episodes also I do agree that I was disappointed to see of Anne and Sasha i’m not talking about marcy because that happened like 24 hours ago and Anne hasn’t mentioned it at all and Sasha kind of mentioned it but doesn’t. I know this might be their way of grieving but I feel like and didn’t trust Dr. because she was tired and not in the right mindset it could have something to do with her having trust issues but that’s it just made it seem like she was tired

Freaky Stories: I do think that it's weird that sasha and marcy parents haven't come over asking anne about there daughters still being missing and I still think that it's weird that the police have come over asking Anne that too? There still missing that's bad especially because there kids. People are still wandering to these very day what happened to madalin machan to these every day and lots of other kids that went missing years ago just like her. I think that it's very weird that there not showing any thing of that nature hear? We hear Anne parents telling her how the community help them our after Anne went missing but nothing of sasha and marcy parents, family or other friends about it?

Shadow marauder: I still love this season,, but I do feel like it isn’t focusing enough on the show’s namesake. I don’t want it to appear in every episode, but at least every once in a while.

knarrow0222: No. No it is not. -_-

Rockwizard5: I feel this argument is very nit picky from a story telling perspective. i get the criticism and it's valid but do people actually think the show is being ruined by a decision that does not seem like a massive deal to most. They are ignoring all of this for a reason, leaving all of that makes sense from a story perspective but I can see why people say it does not make sense realistically and I agree. They are clearly saving the angst for it to all leak out at once, It's been clearly stated in episode 1 that Anne is trying to deny that she is not doing ok. She has snapped multiple times and that is clear.

That Criminal Case Gamer: Personally,I don't mind the Earth setting since it reminds me of the first season world building.Though,yes the criticisms are understandle for me as long as the big questions get answers I'm good with that.

Anarky 696: I love Ann’s parents

Libertarian Leninist Rants: I like season 3 so far. Just as I liked season 2 and 1. The show is simply good and I'm enjoying it :D

Crowicked One: I hate the trope of "we entered a wonderfull magical land in which we gained amazing abilities and friends, only to ditch it after a fight with the bad guys, oh and the earth goverment is involved in catching our magical friends". I hate this trope, i HATE it. It intruduces a fun setting only to subverse EVERYTHING it has been building up for, and leave us with nothing.

Niklas Universe: Yeah, I totally get it. Some episodes feel like the season 1 of a new show where the setting is flipped. And sometimes I get massive whiplash when two episodes that are paired up clash so massively. The most recent ones being a perfect example. Like, the Plantars just had a massive falling out with THE GOVERNMENT who has seen through their human disguises and in the next episode Anne takes Sprig to do literally EVERYTHING in town without anyone even thinking about how that is a stupid idea when the government is after you???? And it's been so long since True Colors and we don't even have a slight idea on what's going on with Marcy except her being in a testing tube which we already know through the intro.

Ethan Lopez: olivia👏and👏yunan


Sakhelwe Nyamane: If you miss Marcy and Joed Spero like this comment😢😢

DeltaDarems: I honestly liked season 3 more than season 2

GoldenHunter167: Marcy: gets stabbed Anne back one earth: is there 5G 🤔

James Gudmundson: The only two major things that bother me so far about season 3 are Sasha and Marcy’s parents are absent and no one talks about the other two girls at all or asks Anne about them And they keep introducing new characters who are in the theme song and yet are only utilized for the episode they’re introduced in For instance, I feel like Ann should be communicating with Dr Jan more than she’s doing Or even some acts of Polly in the background video chatting with her new friends on how to fix Frobo, not a main focus but just so that the audience is aware that more stuff is going on and these characters have meaning I am enjoying the season and I think the new characters are great but they feel criminally underutilized

WXO_: I don’t mind at ALL, it’s as good as Season 2, try to change my mind

Johan Stenfelt: Hm, interesting, I have had no problem with Season 3.

Terminatora12: I don't think it's the Eartrh setting but this season has felt weaker to me. The adventures don't really seem on the same level, a lot of stuff about the charachters is ignored, the killer robot didn't feel that threatening to me since they have dealt with much worse

Dee Poll: I feel like it’s wrong to judge anything until it’s all over, especially since it’s the last season, obviously Amphibia is gonna be more interesting when we are in Amphibia, because it’s new/different than reality. I feel like it’s a lull right now, but still great, to build towards the finale. It’s literally Goku on Kai’s planet just to add exposition

Téa Jones: I think people are forgetting how many shows have done it this way and it all worked out(no i can't remember specifics😅) . This is the point in a season where it gets to the point where we have to get back to what we're avoiding or else it'll get boring. And they're doing that. 100% Anne and the Plantars won't get back to Amphibia until the end of the show. I can see that clearly because once they get back they're fighting Andrias pretty soon. So that has to be the final conflict

Nataninko: Short answer: no IMO at least.

gamer777: As in now, no we are very early in the season but by episode 10 the show needs to be more serious. If not the show won't be able to finish certain plot lines that were set up in the last seasons. Which could lead to rushed plot lines and the finale could crash and burn like other finales.

Luis Carlos Gonzalez Gutierrez: Earth is so not ruining Amphibia like for 1 we wouldn't have gotten to see Anne's parents as much if she didn't head back so early, and it was a dire situation they got out of in Newtopia where they had to go. Making the Planters be the "fish out of water" on earth is a neat parallel to how Anne felt in Amphibia for the longest time and so far most of the people they've met have accepted them as well the same way Wartwoods townsfolk accepted Anne over time. Andrias planning his invasion of all worlds including Earth makes it much more important that Anne and that Planters seek help on earth too while Sasha bands together people in Amphibia to stop Andrias and the invasion so it only makes the story better since we only have so much of it left🌎🐸🏙

JustJess537: I do think it was very important that we visited earth and it gives me early season one amphibia vibes but it is being overshadowed by true colours and fans expecting more episodes like it especially since nothing from it has been properly addressed but I think more people should hold on till we see the bigger picture the team is amazing and they won't let us down

Veronica Piccinini: Well, duh! Amphibia was already known for his slow and constant development, only to escalate in the finale. Also, be careful. Even the most insignificant episode will hide some foreshadowing

Brandon Cold: I've been loving this season but for me it's very lacked and weird that no one has asked for Marcy and Sasha missing...

Queryquery 123: There should be a COVID episode when Anne breaks the law cause she doesn’t isolate

Chris Betancourt: Honestly here's how I would do season 3 because the blue gem on the box wasn't fully charged it's causing all kinds of worm holes throughout all the other dimensions that the box is linked to (given the name calamity box a second meaning)so that way a couple of the creatures from amphibia can come to Earth and some new monsters from the other dimensions can be introduced and have the FBI play a bigger role maybe they try to capture and contain all of the creatures including the planters kind of like an evil version of the SCP and maybe have them team up with King Andreas have him lie and says the planters are fugitives in his dimension that caused all these warm holes and they want the calamity box for some evil purpose and he's trying to bring them in have marcy's supposed death and the girls going missing have more of an omph to it I mean we've put the girls going missing off as a joke throughout most of season 3 and haven't even touched on Sasha and Marcy's parents I totally agree with you about animated television shows pushing the new status quo off to the side and I hate it when they do that

Man of the USA Jones: I don't think so, ASTRUCKVOX?

GAMER X COMMENTARY: imo True colors ruined the show and now season 3 is making it worse reasons of why true colors was mediocre: 1. the pacing of the episode was just a disaster it makes the episode feel rushed and not to mention it ruins the flow of the episode as well every scene feels like it lasts for about 30 seconds rather then 1 min 2. marcy's death scene was just empty and that's because of 2 things 1. the pacing and 2. sasha and anne's reaction let me ask u guys a question if your childhood bestfriend got stabbed infront of you! how would u react? the answer would be crying u would be in tears because your childhood best friend got stabbed infront of you but however both sasha and anne gave the worse reaction ever they just say " Marcy" and that's it no tears no nothing wtf is wrong them? their best friend died infront of them yet for some reason they act like it was nothing (Who smoke in the writer's room?) I was hoping that season 3 would fix this problem but nope they just keep making it WORSE! the flaws of season3: 1.pacing once again the pacing is too fast the episodes feels rushed and just ruins the flow of the episodes in general 2.Filter episodes for some reason the writers are wasting our time with pointless filter episodes like my god they're all a waste of time! (the only episodes that I'm ok with is "Turning point" "fixing up frobo" and "MR.X" and "sprig's birthday") as for the rest they're a waste of time and I hate them all 3.Sasha's "redemption arc" is bad it feels forced and rushed and that's because of the damn pacing sasha just picks anne's journal and reads 1 page and then u cry over that? but not your best friend dying? ok sasha( this is why I fucking hate you!) 4.the bad final thoughts: amphibia went from good show into a mediocre mess and I hate it (and the fact people are saying that amphibia is better then the owl house is just laughable because at this point the owl house is much better amphibia imo)

Chris Betancourt: I mean the planters on Earth episodes are fine but I kind of wish there were more episodes of what's happening in amphibia have the season alternate more one episode on Earth and the next episode is in amphibia so that way we can see Sasha's growth as a person we've only really seen her becoming a good guy character Arc through one episode I would love to see more episodes of Sasha fighting off King andreas's robots and forming bonds with the people of wartwood (giving Sasha closure on why anne chose them over her during the ending of season 1 and this would be an amazing role reversal throughout the entire series Anne has been the one defending wartwood now it's Sasha's turn) even Steven universe is kind of guilty of this I mean yeah we got character arcs for the diamonds(even though they're story arcs felt incredibly rushed )lapis and peridot but they completely skipped lars's character arc through most of the show Lars was this insecure asshole he actually does something not selfish for once and it cost him his life. he willingly stays on a hostile alien planet in order to get Steven home safely and then all of a sudden his personality is a complete 180 now he's this confident badass space captain they didn't even give us a proper transition I love to have seen a couple of episodes of Lars evolving as a person and don't even get me started on the diamonds I mean with blue and yellow maybe but not white she was built up as this evil dominating Force only to turn good in a couple of episodes that's like Darth Vader only being on screen for 5 minutes and all of a sudden he says lol I'm a good guy now at least with star vs the forces of evil they gave Tom time to grow as a person and it's not like mina loveberry stop being racist at the end of the show she was still racist some people just don't change that's what these Disney shows fail to include some people just want to watch the world burn honestly I hope they fixed this problem by having King Andreas and emperor bellos be unredeemable villains but knowing Disney they'll all be holding hands and singing kumbaya by the end of the final episode

Daniel Serrano: I'm not gonna lie, It's giving me anxiety how stuff is barely happening, the pace of season 2 was faster, we are back to season 1 of story progress. There has been some good standalone moments and interesting/funny interactions but I think there should be more urgency for stuff to happen!

M Billy: GTA5 best LA game

Travinator: Notification Squad!!! :D

Carlos Escobar: Afraid so because suspicious contents.

Wizardpower700: I’m thinking that Anne ignoring Marcy might be what the knight uses to control Marcys body kinda like showing that Anne doesn’t care about her

Captain General Joker: I think they are gonna do it but i really hope they don't settle Night Marcy's Arc is one episode. I really wanted her to be a recurring villain who gets saved in the later end of the season.

HetIsJesper: Please change marcy in the thumbnail, it hurts to see marcy that way :(

Captain General Joker: Who knows, maybe it's gonna reveal that repressing all those feelings is having negative effects on their mental stability. All it would take is one person to mention Marcy/Sasha before Anne and the planters could break down. Think about it, it's slow but people are starting to find out that Anne has returned. Sooner or later Marcy/Sasha's parents are gonna show up, and im willing to bet that is going to make one interesting episode.

ollidragon: i think anne is in denial, and maybe she'll have a breakdown in an episode, when she walks past marcy's house or something, and the plot is that her powers are acting up and keep on turning off and on, and she needs to confront her trauma, and when she does that she gets control of her powers. i think that would be a cool idea for and episode and would also fix the first problem you mentioned, the fact that all the things from true colours are being ignored.

oliver rites: Maybe it's coz a lot more people wanted to see more of amphibia opposed to los Angeles 😂

Boomer Dwight: Yeah I felt that Sashas turning point was too fast paced! "Oh no I lied! Phew now I'm changed!" In two episodes no it should at least be spread out in few episodes! It felt like clumped I spread PEANUT BUTTER! Okay loved season 3 setting

SweetNineTails: While i am enjoying season 3 so far, it bothers me that the problems going on back at Amphibia are being ignored. We've never seen Anne struggle after the effects of True Colors. Like you mentioned, Anne literally saw Marcy get STABBED by the CHEST, and only mentioned it for ONCE. And everybody in town just IGNORES the fact that Sasha and Marcy got missing the day Anne did, AND SHE'S NOW BACK?? There obviously are some serious writing issues this season, but perhaps this Saturday's episode will give us some information about what's been happening in Amphibia. Otherwise the issues i counted, i enjoyed these episodes, and i'm willing to see more of it. (Also, i'm loving that thumbnail. Nice job Jankybones!)

J Root: Nice Thumbnail!😉👍

sourhop: I think we're just having a slow start before being thrown into it. I think it's going to start after yunan and olivia this weekend

Magne: It stands to reason. Self actualization, or _realization,_ isn't something our society is great at. _Of course_ the people from Amphibia would be more compelling than _us;_ and besides. Here, anyone different isn't just _like_ that, its generally doing it in defiance of something else. Most people can't afford eccentricities without flirting with homelessness. It'd be like making Avatar 100% modern. Can you imagine a friggin earthbender fight breaking out, without someone paying a STEEP goddamn price in court for all the property damage, or for a particularly shitty landowner to charge a guy with theft & destruction of property for bending rocks from within his property line. Or a waterbender getting a freaking court summons in the mail because a week prior, the lake where all that _shit_ broke out was owned by nestle, and they saw someone bend _'their'_ water, and then put it back down.

DrakeNastee: My guess as to why they are doing all these…(I don’t wanna say non impactful episodes as there’s definitely parts that are shining on those points that have stuck with Anne ) non plot heavy episodes (yeah let’s go with this) is they are getting the cliché’s out the way early before shit hits the fan, this is a extremely classic format of creatures or people from another world that live with human trope that we’ve had before in other media which usually has a pattern like: •The Episode in which they need to keep a low profile and wear disguises but aren’t good at it. •The “people or friends of the protag accepting them because they are related with the main character” •The FBI/Government is evil and wants to get them (which will probably still be a thing with more episodes coming out) But yeah most of these have been done in other shows and stories before and usually follow a similar system which leads into results further down the line where all the plot points start to mix heavily (most of the time in one huge plot heavy episode), it’s not that I’m surprised people are bored or fed up with it but more they usually are the weakest in the lines of what the show is trying to do, it’s like for example any isekai that’s been made, if they spend so long in a world in which you don’t know anything about but begin to learn lore of the world or fight monsters that the protag would unlikely fight and do all these adventures and story plot points that make the MC a better person or develop them then your immerse the viewer as they begin to speculate to and put themselves into the story, but when you reverse it by dropping the friends or party members of the protag into the protag’s real world then you instantly know what’s going to go down and again people will get bored as that’s the common trope, again I’m not saying it’s a bad trope as it can have funny situations as the characters from that would don’t know much about modern life compared to the medieval or bizarre place they came from but often many think (which I do agree on) “the real world compared to that world sucks” so it tends to pull them away. I honestly think if I’m being honest it would be more impactful if they skipped this cliché and stuck with only in that world, but I like so far what they have done as Anne’s parents have been gold and some of the episodes have been good just slow which will probably pick up pace soon so for those tired of this just hang in there it’s going to be good soon.

NewSallyPurpleYT : :: Cool vid.

NewSallyPurpleYT : :: I like the Season 3 episodes but more the ones that have to deal with Anne’s powers and getting back to Amphibia. I do think that Anne doesn’t want to talk about what happened to Marcy because deep down she is worried about her and her powers are connect to negative emotions. Anne probably also doesn’t want to talk about Sasha either because she stayed behind and risked her life for Anne and the Planters to escape. Also they will probably eventually get us back to see what is happening an Amphibia. I do feel like Anne is going to have to tell a lot of people about the incoming alien invasion soon and maybe to save the Plantars from the FBI or something. In conclusion I don’t think that Earth is ruining Season 3 for Amphibia; it’s just we are getting more info about Anne and her powers, what’s going on in Amphibia, etc., at a slower rate; which we may have to get used to.

shaquille mccray: Amphibia season 3 is getting better and better.

Jasoom Games: Ye but next week Olivia and Yunan is gonna be an episode soooooo

Kayla Battle: I understand the concerns with Season 3’s pacing. In my opinion, I like the L.A. setting and I think they are just building up for the more bigger things that are about to happen.

Axis Mic: *Steven universe flashes* We are better off then that

Mr YashaYaz: I think they're trying to avoid much of True Colors because honestly for the target demographic, kids don't wanna be reminded each day of LITERAL TRAUMA?? Like, i feel if the show was targeted to a more older audience, (not only would it allow for a little more adult humor) it would also let loose on some Disney TVA restrictions like mentioning the literal CW'ed episode, yknow?

Andrew Casali: man i dint realize this season has been divisive im just enjoying it for what it is

Anne Joruss: They really lived up to their song: "No Big Deal"

Shannon Hensley: I felt like more was going to happen since so much was shown before the season started. It just feels like we world jumped and started over. Which after all of that I'm kinda sad. Kids shows can and have shown the consequences to being missing for a long time. Here an entire community just accepts it... That's not how that works. Yes it keeps the story running happy but y'all literally just stabbed a kid we are supposed to assume is dead.

Individual: I think part of the dislike for season 3 comes from the uncertainty as we begin to approach the end of Amphibia.I don't know allot of the information on whether this season will be the final season but I personally have the fear if season 3 is the final season that Anne and the planters will return to amphibia for 3 episodes and it will be over. The show is called amphibia not earth, with the clock ticking episodes that could be spent in amphibia with many characters we love and know. God I hope there is a fourth season, if there is allot of my gripes with season 3 will be forgiven. If there is a season 4 maybe Anne would find a portal back home but ends up bringing back all the new human characters they met this season with them to amphibia

R Clark: I think the first few episodes definitely should have been about her readjusting to earth. But the next few episodes definitely should have addressed sasha and marcy's family, as well as how their fates have impacted her. Instead the episode where she tells the truth be because of her guilt. It would have been interesting if her trauma was affecting her mental health, and eventually she would have to learn to trust her parents to so that she can heal with their support I don't know. It's kind of the same issue with lars in su. But overall i really like the season. I just think addrewsing the previous season more would have benefitted the show. But that just my opinion 🤷🏾‍♂️

Quang Nguyễn: Keep in mind Anne is still doing intensive research to get back though. She may appears to be enjoying all the activities and adventures but deep down she's always thinking about Sasha and Marcy. What's more, the possible trauma after the events of true colors might have led to her avoiding them around others. Season 3 is brilliant tbh, and I'm really looking forward to seeing more episodes. Honourable mention to the infused Thai and Asian culture embedded within. Being Vietnamese I can recognise many detail that are so nolstagic and authentic

Windz YT: Hi

Jack AndTheBeanstalk: Though I wish there was more reference to the events in Amphibia, I still like the current episodes and have faith it will make sense by the end

Xnaut314: The awkward pacing of Earth episodes feels like a consequence of the executive meddling that Disney is placing on Amphibia, particularly the mandate that Season 3 must be the final season. This story was clearly meant to be longer and was even foreshadowing a greater narrative within the book mentioning the Calamity Box, as there were many more worlds besides Earth that the box had linked Amphibia to in the past. Marcy had even mentioned a desire to explore these other worlds in True Colors and the multitude of creatures implied to originate from other worlds hints that there were originally plans to visit these worlds but now can't because Disney made an executive decision without the thoughts or desires of those working for them considered. Amphibia deserved to be at least four or even five seasons to comfortably pace out all the storytelling that it wanted to, but the business higher ups at Disney just don't see eye to eye with any employees that don't have direct connections to those top executives and that sucks.

Kimberly Fletcher: Wow dude it a mystery will they get back to amphiba and defeat king andrias once and for all or will they save Marcy from the night that control her

Luke Canady!: In all honesty, I feared that Season 3 would falter when compared to what came before it (mainly Season 2). This isn’t to say it’s bad; rather, it’s just that it seems like the series is dawdling on Earth in order to make the buildup for the finale seem bigger than it might be. When compared to the journey from Wartwood to Newtopia back in Season 2, it’s kind of frustrating that the closest we’ve gotten to any real plot advancements have been Sasha’s first steps towards redemption, Dr. Jan’s black light discovery on the pottery, Anne’s parents learning about what happened between “The Dinner” and “True Colors”, and Mr. X beginning his hunt for the Plantars. That’s a lot, but it’s simply not at the same rate we were getting story stuff last season. I get that Matt wants us to be eased into the new status quo of Season 3, but it feels jarring going from “story story story” to “comedic shenanigans but now on Earth”, especially after the bombshell that was “True Colors”. The Amphibia writers haven’t failed us so far, and I doubt they’d fumble the ball at the last minute like a certain OTHER show (cough cough Star vs). Hopefully, the back half of this year’s episodes will turn things around before they get too stagnant.

Wesley Hodge: One of my problems with the new season is I really liked the world of Amphibia with its uniqueness vs earth not as unique since I am used to it.

cybxr: Also Anne is still the main character idk

Art Claws: Honestly I think the fact it is on Earth makes sense because her main goal was getting back home now that she is. she hasn't forgotten a friends because she's is been researching trying to find a way back to go help them. Also what I really like about going back to Earth is unlike anime shows when they go to other worlds they accept the new reality and showed little hesitation of going back. Most anime check going upright choose to forget about it. Is it here we get to see the consequence of Love ones that were left behind. saying how much her mother threw herself making substitutes of her daughter thinking what she could have been what is she doing now and counted the days so until she returned. An entire community help them during their lowest moment of the Parents. People had not just forgotten she was gone. they were actually generally surprised and asked her where she go. If anything I generally believe she is avoiding the parents of the other girls cause what can she tell them that 2 of her friends are still missing yet she comes back. .

Ella Nutella: Honestly I’ve actually been loving this season. I like the little fun episodes before the emotional mess that‘ll probably (and hopefully) come soon. Yeah I’ve been a lil frustrated that Anne seems unaffected by the events of True Colors, but I still love this show to death and think that Matt and the team have big plans for the rest of this season. I’m like absolutely pumped for the rest of this season and I can’t wait to see where it goes!

Angelica Espitia: I agree, it is a little odd.

rowan markovich: personally i always believed there were never enough sasha episodes , especially in season 1. it always feels like their rushing her charecter devopment compared to anne's because they have so few of them to work with. and now that shes the sole proteagonist kicking around in amphibia , the lack of a new episode or even an aknowlegement of her is starting to get on my nerves . and for petes sake , when are we going to see her family or marcy's on earth !

Aura Honeydew: Season 3 is definitely built for the binge and things are more vanilla and plain than 1&2 also characters just suck this season, two episodes back to back where the the frog secret was revealed and two cops walk away crossed eyed and oblivious because they were told nothing to see here and the Thai community literally saying they don't want to know. 😡😡😡

Jeffrey Wininger: Been a bit slow at parts, but found this season being better than Owl House season 2.

Joshua Graham: earth arc feels like a filler

Nekojima Gaming: I think season 3 part 2 could go one of two ways, Anne returns with Plantars to Amphibia to fight Andrias but ends up permanently trapped there while the humans fight the invasion on Earth or all these new characters accidentally get sent to Amphibia with her. Either way she is slowly making more new friends on Earth for a reason, the Thai community, the I.T girls, Dr. Jan, Mr. X, Anne's parents, and more characters we have not met yet. Anne is slowly building her own army on Earth but the question is where are they going to be fighting when the war begins. It makes sense they would fight staying on Earth since it is there home but when Anne goes back to Amphibia it makes sense he wouldn't bother attacking the Earth until he gets rid of Anne first. So I am kind of thinking they could end the first half of the season on a massive cliffhanger where Mr. X finally corners Anne and all of a sudden Sasha or Marcy pulls her back into Amphibia but accidentally takes everyone else with them.

My dad: Nvm

My dad: Aren’t we in season 2

Luis Alfonso Alvarez: Before watching this video I thought I was enjoying the season; however, when you mentioned that, indeed, S3 is a step back from the awesome second part of S2, I realized that I was feeling S3 a little bit boring, and yes, I blame it on the earth setting. I mean, I consider as one of Amphibias' strong points being its world, and without it, it loses part of its charm.

Marngel: The only thing that does somewhat bother me with season three is the fact that Sasha and Marcy’s disappearances have yet to be addressed. However, that is the only critique I have for the season so far. Everything else about the show is basically perfect to me. The pacing of season 3 is pretty slow so far, but that’s kind of necessary. World building and character development requires a slower pace, and the fact that we are now plunged into a new setting with a batch of new characters makes the tonal shift from True Colors to Season 3 reasonable. To be clear, I do sympathize with the people who do have a problem with season 3, but I just want those people to acknowledge that the seriousness of the second half of season 2 was more of the exception than the rule. Amphibia has been primarily a comedy that has continuity and story arcs implemented. It’s not an anime where everything is serialized.

Lemon Demon: Something I don’t like about season three is that in the episode sprigs birthday, sprig did not have any trouble going on the hot air balloon, even though in true colors he was dropped many feet in the air, which I would assume would traumatize him with heights

Derek G.: While I do love the season I can see why people have a problem with the setting being earth but I think it’s fine imo

Starry: I am enjoying season 3 tho i need more warr wood

Renato E: in season 2 we were exploring a new world and they were progressing towards a goal, now we are stuck in a new setting that feels more like the first season of a new show than a season 3 there's no progress cause most likely they have no way to get back until Andrias opens a portal and a lot of urgent and important plot points were left up in the air and forgoten. Its entertaining but a lot of important things are happening in Amphibia and they should have made an Amphibia segment every episode or every other episode but in half a season we went there once and its feeling like we are stuck filler

Misaka 10032: Amphibia has proven to me each season starts off slow and then surpasses expectations. I'm still really enjoying the season and as much as I want to see amphibia and the other characters I know the writers will do them justice moving forward.

ragnorock cookie: in my opinion people need to learn to chill out and be patient and dont rush things or people so much. people in the internet need to learn some patience and modesty. not everything can be rushed unless you want to end up with a ruined story.

Christopher Jove: Look I have been enjoying season 3 so far, but I’m not gonna front these issues seem kinda understandable. I think my biggest problem with this season so far is the pacing, we have been getting lore dump and plot points coming across at a fairly slow pace and I actually notice it…this is something I usually don’t notice too often. Tho I have a feeling we are going to be getting more into high gear later the pacing right now feels off. But other than that the season has been fine for me so far.

Lone Battle Droid: Definitely not. I was bored for most of the filler episodes in Seasons 1&2 and this is a much needed change if pace

Tehataguy: It’s not ruining it ok but I CAN get the feeling it’s slowing donT progress on the story on where is Marcy now and what’s happening with Sasha but we should take in the planters being on earth learning new things and maybe even some earth people learning the planters are here

TriviaTim101: Amphibia's lighter tone is probably why it got a full season 3 in the first place, but heaven forbid I want dark shows, because apparently light hearted entertainment is rarer (even though it isn't, and is literally everywhere these days, while every darker show gets cancelled).

Adrian Arias-Hernandez: I gotta say, Earth isn't so much ruining Season 3, it amplifies some character aspects and the dismissal of Sasha and Marcy might be a repressed trauma kind of siutation. I also think part of the slow pace may be just Disney interfering to avoid the... AHEM Marcy thing.

Viron Pabunan: You uploaded this video, few days before an actual Amphibia centered episode will premiere. The timing couldn't be more immaculate

king of games and anime: I have enjoyed season 3 so far, but I do think the girls’ disappearance needs to be a much bigger deal on Earth than it’s been. Maybe the Thai community at the temple were only aware of Anne, but their classmates like Gabby should definitely have asked about Anne’s two best friends who disappeared at the same time as her but didn’t come back. Oh, and let’s not forget MARCY AND SASHA’S PARENTS!!! They were with her, all three vanished, and Anne came back without them. Word is getting around that Anne is back, you would think that the Wu’s and Waybright’s would have contacted the Boonchuy’s by now.

Boe Jaboe: Its just a long fuse before it explodes.

joel: No it has way more plot progression and action then s1 or s2

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