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Bigboi 360: Zombies is literally the best mode available rn and they are absolutely shafting it

Great Soup: The snowman on the twitter pic of the plaguehounds is stamin-up LOL

Sourzz: I’m sorry zombies looks so boring from this update, die machine is a good map but that shit is boring asf now

Joe Weeks: Multiplayer people: "We hate this game." Treyarch: "Here's 10 new maps." Zombies people: "We love this game!" Treyarch: "Here's 2 game modes that aren't going to be made permanent. Now fuck off."

Slimer213: 1:20 Lex looking through the toy catalog before Christmas

Slimer213: 1:20 Lex looking through the toy catalog before Christmas


JPwendigo: I'm glad that split screen is coming back, I was worried there.

Luis Castelan- Cortez: I know for a fact this man did not say Warzone on mob of the dead. Bro it’s call ALCATRAZ

Orcane The destroyer: its basically the same mode from ghosts

Jamie: snorreeeeeeeeeeeee

Randal: I’m already bored of Black ops Cold War and the fact that zombies is getting reindeer skins for hell hounds and they appear to making war zone a lot worse than it is and multiplayer staying the same really makes me not want to play this game.

Sugôhn Deecenus: Once again lex is using click bait kinda sad



DamonWeekly memes: Grief is going to be a mid season mode watch

DamonWeekly memes: Lex is dumby mad bro

Luke K-Edwards: Anyone kinda disappointed that the only new maps are PS exclusive 😔😔

gamerx956: You know your game content you release is pathetic when the content creators are happy with a limited time Reskin of the one map you have, and make them wait another 2 months

Kristen Murphy: Mans really said “it’s war zone on mob of the dead!!” Lol really bruh

Mason Foreman: It’s not even Alcatraz, it’s the island that Mason goes to with Reznov during the Black Ops 1 campaign

JOSHUA GRUBB: Bro war pigs by Black Sabbath on the back ground for music bet

Daniel Naumoski: This man really trying to keep the zombies hype alive. I think after playing CW for about 2 weeks from launch, I officially lost interest in zombies. That VERY long chapter in my life has come to and end unfortunately. They just don’t fix bugs or add new content enough for me to enjoy it. (Not saying the mode is bad and you cant enjoy it. If you do like it, well more power to ya, I’m just saying that I personally don’t enjoy it anymore)

Juan Duque: no grief? F

I Am Coffee Mug: Street sweeper and Wakizashi are probably my favourite weapons coming to the game, and we’re getting a lot of maps! I was expecting 1 or 2 but 8?! Let’s go!!!!

ZΛP: Yo does anyone know when this content is coming out

jaden johnson: So no new map?

- Malice -: "So no map?" Breaks phone

Abored Gamer: 1:12 There playing war pigs hell yeah

Morten A. Christensen: SBMM in zombies then because of cranked? Jesus christ.

Justin Williams: MASON

brandon watson: lmao, he really didn't play mp in warzone did he?

Egg Boi: So the only ‘new’ modes for zombies are limited time so in a few weeks the game is going back to no content

super gamer: that guy with one eye is bell it came to me when I saw his left eye and his intentions with adler, the campaign bell was injected with stuff in his left eye.

ThicBôî BigSmoke: They better bring out a “Mac n cheese” weapon skin which I literally just a slice slapped onto the gun that melts the more you fire it

Connor theplay: 9:19 WHAT DO THE NUMBERS MEAN MASON?!

Dylan Johnson-Perez: BO4 snowballs?


BROKENVOID GAMING: Glad split screen is coming to cold war zombies

JakeShaw16: I want that motorcycle skin

Fresh: So 0 new zombies content? Daily (and Season) challenges should have been in the game from day one, thats just some bullshit content gating. Season weapons were made with mp and wz in mind and will just be thrown into zombies. I really hope they put all their zombie resources into the next map.

The Average Cod Player: All im hearing is that xbox player aint got shit

oliboyM: F

Benjamin Pgh: Lex kept saying,”Yo a sword would be sick in zombies” even though a sword was in bo4 as a special lol

eardestroyer101: Did anyone else notice how when Adler gets strapped in the chair it looks like bo1 start menu

the FBI has their eye on me: ICBM is a class of missile

Jake watson: Can we get a new map

Mark Cavich: The Streetsweeper mastery calling cards were in the game already. I saw them locked and I was quite confused because they obviously weren’t in the game but this explains it.

Max B: *Wait what Lex this was on cod Mobile my guy Alcatraz was a map on cod mobile in battle royal mode way before* 🤔🤔🤔 Was it a teaser

IlluZion: The amount of times i heard ozzy sing "oh lord yeah"

Joe Bama: Thanks for the clickbait again 😁

Jamie Owen: you could play the warzone map on cod mobile, they must’ve tested it on there

RobbiePNA: Zombie tards are geeks

Zolvh: If you play pubg you will know what a groza is lad

Dingo 45: I’m mega hyped holy moly man


Krutch Gaming: I want that one

Skankhunt 42: Not adding grief is a Huge L for treyarch

Freedom Live: No Greif?? At least we finally recieved dead ops arcade 3... If only they could get it all right.

Cá se vai andando!: so since onslaught is only for ps5 , we basically got no new maps

Lunar Echlipse: Am I the only person super exited over Raid being put in the game?

-Galaxy Polar-: Really hoping this year's content is viable for the community because we're about to be in deep shit if it isn't. After Bo4... come on Treyarch, Die Machine was good, but we need some Bo3 level shit to save this mode.

MALIWOK: This is pathetic af MULTIPLAYER AINT GOOD. Why tf they not make a new map ion want new modes bruh. We got fucking warzone instead of a hopefully good zombies map. At least NEW I don’t give a fuck if it’s bad

Ray Gun: You have to buy something to get past lv100? That’s such a cash grab.

Peacemaker692: Wow were getting split screen for season 1 we really are the third game mode 😂

MrA10Virus: Yet again zombies community been cucked by treyarch

Krazzik: Bruh I’m getting no views on my YouTube videos

SputtaylorYT: Yes play Rebirth!!

Spikes best suit: Bro this is fuckin sad i do not care about anything for mp and zombies got completely shafted.

Cp Rooks: Utter Disappointment

yungdartz: 7:20

Im_Taco: Holy moly

Glitchy Clover74: Feels a bit overwhelming I'm scared I'm not gonna be able to get to it all in time

Drifter 937: I knew I wasn't the only one who thought it was stranger things related

SH!FT: Aye someone tell me why cranked is limited time I can't understand that.

Aapoh: Lex acting like he’s never seen Alcatraz in a battle royal

BumpitiZed Records: “Well dude we are getting the new weapons that’s cool” Eat shit Lex

Jc Smooth: He doesn't realize the mall is from back to the future

Eloy Guerra: In conclusion lex wants it all

tesco meal deal: I won’t lie, I give zero shits about the new operators. I’m sticking with my boy Woods

TopSuperKicker: I love that they add the Takeo Katana after they killed him. Jokes aside, im bringing the hammer into zombies... ITS A HAMMER FFS

Peyton: As soon as a Mr T vid appears, I like it before watching it, and my day improves by 17%

Ziggie Montes: STRIKER IS BACK 🤩

xCON-_-G0DED: I feel like the guy in the mask is bell

Nate Davis: Well this is kind of disappointing. I need grief.

Ocey T: I really dont understand why trollarch just gives a fuck to the zombie Community, they dont Even put a Short sequence from zombies in the Official season Trailer

Brock Helmeid: Zombie youtubers are the same people who can pretend to be excited about getting socks for Christmas.

MasonGamingV: I don't know how many times I've heard that rebirth island is mob of the dead or Alcatraz. It's not. Alcatraz is in San Francisco and rebirth island is in Uzbekistan and is known as Vozrozhydeniya island which literally translate to revival or rebirth island.

Acetronomy: Lex acts like all of these guns are meant for the zombies mode 🤣😂

J LOOKOUT: can we get Black Sabbath sound packs though

Jpr0ductionz: Rudolph the undead rain deer, had a very bloody nose. And if you ever saw it, well you'd probably die most likely.

Jevon Dominguez: Cod is a cycle of remastering old stuff and yet we still get excited about it. Just bring some new maps and fresh ideas. We are buying the same game with the same maps and guns each year

mack: i love how happy lex is. always puts a smile on my face

Ben: bruh all these kids bout to get the mac

Lucky: Bro I am so excited for Raid. One of my all time favorite maps

Korin Tower: I'm scared they haven't revealed a new map yet. I hope they don't put all their marbles into 1 map for the entire year

FNaF Stuff: These video titles are starting to become DalekJD

EJB 1: Personally I don’t want gobble gums back I would rather keep the Aetherium Crystals and expand on it, that would be a good system.


Achor: Black sabbath war pigs

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