Huge Balancing Patch for Season 1! What Changed? (Cold War)

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I HaveNoGunGame: They patch and ruin everything that was good and they leave the mp5 untouched.. Like come on bruh

kyle leitner: They ruined the game with these nerfs now shotguns are useless in zombies they are ruining the game dumb devs

Charles Lincoln: I think shot guns shouldn’t be made weaker lol It’s basically a claymore Range decreases are obvious but not strength

Xodanny: bruh they took everything away from me : ak, Gallo ninja, stim shot...... man thats my whole class.

Igris Rain: Anyone else having a problem with perk greed cause I can’t pick two perk 1 slots it’ll only let me pick 1 and then it’ll make the other paranoia

Milds & That Yac: Flak jacket nerfed down to 55% how is that even a nerf? It’s still too strong

Scott Grossman: What I cannot understand is how a well placed torso shot is not a 1 hit kill when using shotguns. I genuinely can't understand how this game made its way past alpha testing.

YAAAKUZZZA psn: R9 is nerved now ❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️ They missed it in the patch Notes

Benjamin Aguilar: No one has like an audio problem in cold war with crossplay?? I play on PC but my friends play on ps4 and they say I sound like a robot in multiplayer

ROTTBOXX 1980: This game is just crap. Waaaayyyy to many bugs right out the gate. And the "paches" arent doing anything but making it more frustrating

whos Bruno: Anyone else think the Aim Assist of Snipers is way too strong? I think Sniping is the strongest it’s ever been this year to be honest. I haven’t been quickscoped so consistently in any other game (and I started at Mw2). The aim assist makes it possible to jus aim in and it will do the rest for you. It’s really annoying when I drop 4 shots into them and they snap onto my chest from 62 meters away with a quick scope :/

Josh Clifton: Instakill with M16 is very frustrating

Kevin Wallace: I feel like they need to address flinch to sniper rifles better. For example if I’m sniping someone and I get shot I think it’s only fair that I’d have more of a traditional flinch like in previous cod’s. It would make quick scoping still usable when getting the first shot off but you could compete against it if you react faster and hit them first with a few rounds because the flinch could throw off their aim. Quick scoping is OP and it kills faster than everything at every distance.

Zzz TriiP: So they buffed the Magnum? This thing was already crazy good with akimbo. 2 shot kill. Hit both shots they don't even have time to think about what the hell happened. Thats gonna backfire

Ainsley Bates: The headshots is just turning it into a typical tryarch game RATE OF FIRE WINS its bull tbh

Hardy Dolge: I unlocked every camo on my aug but it isn't giving me gold, how do i fix that? How can I get gold tp actually work?

NoLimitDamee: They loveeeeeee nerfing ars but love keeping the broken smgs like the MAC

soul 2431: They should make the burst weapons similar to the FAMAS in MW. Have it one burst but have it actually have recoil. Im a burst weapon user btw. I have been since BO1

marcellus cunningham: Aren’t burst guns supposed to perform this way? All the tac rifles are strong. Have the same energy with smgs with no recoil fast rof decent range and no penalty for just holding the trigger

Autonomous Ultra: Man, everything the has to do with Cold War feels like 3 steps back from last years game.

Adrian Molina III: Unlocks Mac 10 in the battle pass... Can't use it for regular multiplayer.. Modern Warfare multiplayer is dead lol

Mathjestic Gaming: The lw3 should have gotten a buff too

AbsentMinded _: The only thing I think about nowadays is how much I hate SBMM.

DuhokiKurd: Literally every Cold War gun is basically unusable in warzone when compared to the MW guns.

Chi Starr: Need to be able to save a blueprint like in MW. I still have missing after action report after the patch. I hope they fix these.

BlueBoy: What I hate about the burst rifles are that they can just 1 burst you across the map with no recoil.

Desiree Stewart: A little off topic but I need help! I was lvl 30 or something like that (prestiged once already) and today I went to play and I was at lvl 1. Does anyone know why?

Fidel Maniac: Please tell activision to Stop Lying To The Kids

Preston Thompson: Treyarch: We released a nerf to the tactical rifles! Me: What nerf?

NJS-TV: the Famas in MW was balanced but had high dps potential in a skilled hand due to the body multiplier's . treyarch needs to figure it out.

Yxng- Joker: What ksp class were you using??

fourwedge: Only WZ here.

The Wendigo: Do these changes also affect zombies?

Im RealityZ: Yup just go ahead and make ARs damn near useless.....way to go treyarch, you just get better at fucking up each time

DOMINIC FENIX: I think the changes to the field mic are great

Richard Mathes: If you make them 2 bursts no one would use them. Which whatever i don't use them anyway but at that point just take them out the game.

Just chilling: Until the aug and m16 have a lower damage than 50 I think it’s still op

Hard seltzer: Are they ever going to fix the no reg problem with mouse and keyboard or they just gonna keep ramming us in the ass ?

Vany: M16 and AUG are so op...if u land that one burst(what is not that difficult)

Ben Alexander: idk if its just me, but the m82 now has even more recoil, or more visible recoil, you shoot once with all the attachments on and you're looking at the ceiling

The Poet: I play Warzone only and I gotta say I’m disappointed with Cold War guns. All of the attachments are the same lol

Frank Sakowski: Imagine living in a world where 3 body shots from a rifle in random spots does the same damage as 4 headshots from another assault rifle and more than likely 2 body shots from a sniper rifle.

Asta Da Gouki: MW health was lower making it easy to kill players regardless of skill. In CW the health is 50points more, but they made it where everyone has to hit their shots. Overall I like these changes. The change to spycraft was perfect, I believed it should counter the field mics. People should understand how OP field mics can be. If you hack your enemies, you can have like 6 working at a time, covering alot of ground. Ive done this in Domination a few times now. On top of having gear head to increase your cool down time giving you more throughout the match. As for the burst guns, its annoying that they didn't do more, but it is what it is.

TheChocolateGuru: I'm glad that the FFAR is better now, last AR to get gold on!

v4n i11a: great, all changes still keepin' the kiddie controller toe shooters happy.

Aigis: i'll trade away my burst rifles, but only if i get slowdown when i move my mouse over someone instead of constantly overshooting with full auto guns

DisGuy OvahEere: 5:38 look at your gameplay how many one burst kills do you get outside of close range exactly its fine.

arthur king: Hey which weapons would you guys recommend using after the patch?

TONY.3K: Last nights patch fixed finally fixed my voice chat. Hasent been working since launch Yeet~Yeet

Its Murkz: The Krig did not need to be touched. The magnums did not need to be touched. Doesnt make sense that if you shoot someone with a 7.62 round in the head they’re shruggin it off but you’re one bursting someone with 5.56 in the leg and dropping them like a bad habit. I know its cod and not really supposed to be realistic, but cmon these nerfs make no damn sense.

Viper3220: Headshot multipliers below 1.25 are ASS. Ugh goddamn it. Time for the classic COD AR nerf smg buff. It was nice while it lasted. M60 - Thank God. I was only leveling this gun in zombies. Gallo - great shotguns are even more worthless against the smgs - which have been buffed. Guess it's time to ride the Mac 10 train. So I'm unhappy with the entire patch except for the M60. Well... Good thing I have cyberpunk. See you guys when the game sucks a little less

Maddog11499: Can they please add flinch to snipers, idc if they get buffed other places but I can't stand getting 1st shot off on a sniper hitting him multiple times just to get killed because his reticle didn't move an inch.

Kaleb J: All they did was make it hard to use M16 up close. Very annoying

Jevon Michaels: 74u didn’t get touched?

XO Bimmer: So annoying how they nerf everything and make guns useless

Cordgon Singed: So why did they even bother nerfing the AK. You might get one or 2 headshots but you rarely connect all 3 headshots

Quentin Rojahn: So what made the FAMAS (Which can 1-burst) in MW2019 ok, but not the AUG or M16 in Cold War? I'm genuinely wondering why, because it doesn't make sense to me. Is the point of having a burst rifle around not to be able to get a 1-burst if you're able to hit your shots?

Nick Tatum: I know that as a whole the burst rifles one bursting at all was very frustrating, but I actually am very excited about the lack of 2 shot potential on the aug, I found it to be a very frequent occurrence when playing somebody with the aug. Once or twice a game usually I would notice getting near instantly killed. I would think I had gotten sniped. Sure enough I was just getting headshotted by an aug, occasionally when I would just happen to slide or sprint by their sight while they were shooting somebody else which was incredibly frustrating.

Ravi C: Ffar is still bad man. It’s good when you get the best attachments but the base grip and muzzle make it so hard to control so leveling it up to get the better recoil attachments is so difficult. Base guns use to be able to compete in previous cods but now all the base guns are trash if u don’t have attachments. It shouldn’t be that way

يعمشنءلك: Does these changes apply to Cold War weapons in Warzone ?

Josiah Duff: Why did they nerf the AK-47? That literally makes no sense.

Jacques Peoples: They should revert Aug and m16 burst delay and change their damage potential instead

radetsz: how to make this game balanced: Nerf all SMGs and Tatical Rifles Buff Sniper ADS time and damage on barret and pellington

Skyy Tunezz: It sucks being one bursted by someone worst then me just holding an angle with an aug

l00d3r: I feel that they ruined the Krig-6 with that headshot nerf. Headshot damage is what let it compete with the AK47. I think they are trying to decrease the skill gap overall. They ruined the Krig-6, which was a skill weapon because you had to get headshots with it to be competitive; they also nerfed headshots on the AK47, but they practically did nothing to the burst rifles, which are easy to use.

Emanuele Mantovani: This multiplayer definitely failed

Sabre F4i: Lol is anyone even playing this game still?

Michael Dubois: Fix sbmm!!

Gubzs: The way they nerfed the AK-47 is just so telling of how out of touch these guys are. The only people this affected are people going for camos. That literally doesn't nerf that gun at all, just makes headshot camos a pain in the ass.

vReflxctionz: That knock back was actually kinda nice because of the chimney head glitch on nuke town. I’ll be sitting on the rail with a sniper and if too many people challenged and I couldn’t get them all it’d knock me off and I could heal

Johnney Thang: Does anyone’s know how to fix disappear mini map and mini scores boards?? Cuz on my COD they completely disappear and glitching, someone help me please??

A R: Why hardcore will always be better lol. Core is legit trash mode that caters to whiny people lol.

John Flanigan: Cold War has made me not want to play COD again.

Corey Trybus: And left the MP5 to still out shoot an AR at range...ridiculous

LostAmongShadows: Visibility issues Ace? I feel the same so i run some sort of flashlight on most loadouts

MrPickle1168: I actually love the Milano so I’m glad it got a buff. But that KSP really needed a buff. Also I think the M16 needed more of a nerf than the AUG. also if you got hit in the stomach with the .50CAL irl you would have no body left.

Joe mores: Well now... wondering what guns to use

mateo 1726: Nothing. This game sucks.

TrustStu: They need to start buffing bad guns instead of nerfing all the good ones.

Alexander Supertramp: I really hope treyarch doesn't nerf the burst rifles into oblivion.. they're strong guns.. they're supposed to be good.

Odin Videos: so you have pre patch info on a gun and it turns out that the stated changes did not correctly apply but were supposed to believe that the changes to guns like the shotties did go trough correctly? i think if the ingame values don't show the correct numbers that they may have just messed up

caleb bateman: The cold war guns absolutely crush the modern warfare guns in warzone there's just no comparison. The mac 10, the stoner, the xm4 the m16 all low recoil and more accurate.

derMemory: This patch was probably the biggest miss I've ever seen from CoD

540 Inc.: Snipers are OP still.. But burst rifles aren't? 🤦🏻‍♂️ smh..

Matthew Evans: So they make already useless shotguns even worse

Maximillian Tiapson: M60 buff is actually pretty big. With all the right attachments, you can easily get 2 shot HS kills with the M60 in PC. You can draw out your shotgun faster and your handling is actually slightly better than the Stoner now.

Craig Hughes -shug: Is there anyway to run around while not ads with your gun leaning to the side like the oc version of rainbow 6, i was playing last night and the guy was leaning with the gun the whole game not sure if this dude was cheating or what

Dr Mohamed Taha: What's Ace's creator code?

John Sandoval: Useless nerf to the aug/m16. Those guns carry bad kids to w's

dreaq54: Anyone know why my aftermath screen that shows me the items I unlocked after a match and the stats from the match. Is gone. Ive uninstalled the game and redownloaded it. Still doesn't show up anymore.

Billeh: They didn’t do shit fuck all to the aug or the m16 which so so fkn broken

Ipen ghost gaming: What changes zed error change!

Loki 76: Ace if you make M16 and AUG always needing 2 bursts to kill, they are essentially useless.. The TTK would be among the worst of all guns.. Because of a 220-260ms burst delay added to the TTK. So likely well into 500-600ms to kill. And miss just ONE burst and you might as well turn off the game. They need to have something going for them.. It's the risk vs reward. The one burst kill is not a guarantee because of recoil, movement etc. The further out an enemy is the harder and any movement usually means only 1-2 bullets out of the burst land.. If they nerf them too hard they are pointless.

B-Conn66: Y'all still complaining about burst guns but like wtf is the point of a burst gun with you need multiple bursts to kill?

pyro707: They better redo or adjust it right.

CLINT-THE-GREAT: I guess they want shotguns useless

BartD714: I still need to finish getting gold on the AUG so I'm happy as of now.

Greatest-killer1: How can a revolver hold 12 rounds lol?

Greatest-killer1: I've already stopped playing this game. It feels so boring compared to MW


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