Huge LMG Nerfs, Shotgun Rebalance, & More! (Cold War Season 3 Patch Details)

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TheJcure1206: Why can’t I find any information regarding the SFOD speed grip nerf for sniper rifles? I don’t see it in the patch notes but they changed it from a 10% sprint speed increase to a 5%. It is unusable when there is already a grip that does 6% with no cons. Was this an accident? Or are they showing us how stupid they can be?

GunslingerJake-: Why was the RPD bullet count reduced?

Raymond E Witprachtiger Jr: They took away my stoner!

Patrick Lee: Stoner nerf happened because of all those thermal scope stoner kiddos sitting in the middle of a smoke in the corner behind the car in nuketown84.....

Nick S.: Through this ridiculous LMG nerf, they have rendered the class useless. M60 damage range reduced from 76m to 20m?? OVERKILL. 50clip mags for LMGs?

TheSkateDemons: Now LMGs are useless... just because people had to cry about them

xXDragonKnightXx: I will start playing MP again when they stop nerfing and start balancing the weapons like you should still be able to get a one shot with a shot gun in close quarters why they wouldn’t put a really close one shot kill potential for the streetsweeper like a 2m one shot or something like that it’s basically a marshmallow shooter now

Hashim ali khan: I hate this update. Completely destroyed Stoner 63. I got 13K kills with this gun and now you can't get a single kill.

Hashim ali khan: They have destroyed my favorite Stoner 63. My gun accuracy is 100% but still can't get kills. 😢

Daniel Duncan: Super stoked they keep nerfing every gun except for the ridiculous sniper rifles.

Geert Matthys: They want everyone to run and gun but I'm uncomfortable with that it's the damn streamers and high skill a holes ruining every multiplayer game, Activision is gonna have to make a stand against these muppets it's costing money

Dhana Mahima: 2:12 💋Best adult contact site💘👇 Click Here 》》 《《 Leurs états de santé respectifs les empêchent de s'approcher trop près l'un de l'autre. 在整個人類歷史上,強者, 富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市~sae和鄉村中的弱者,無力防守和貧窮成員。 然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其𝔻𝕅𝔸融入不斷發展的人類社會。 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。 他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木)來調味食物煮的時候 1619402993

Pear: Damn I should’ve leveled up my Stoner/AUG/FFAR when they were the meta

Logan young: Is this only for multiplayer? Or is it for warzone too

Ruben Ferreira: Hi Ace! As always I appreciate your work and the clarity of your videos! But I wanted to know what you think about some details you’ve might have missed or kept for another video. After this update we can no longer see the Ping when in a match..! Why did they remove it? Did they communicate about this? I also feel the SBMM is striking even more in some way. I feel connections more inconsistent and in some matches I notice the opposite team has a clear advantage in duels (by observing kill cams they can see me way before in can see them!). Strangely I’m using a Duma OS router, and I know that the usual servers or peers I connect to, are always the same, so this connection advantage or disadvantage is managed by the algorithm in game. What I mean, is for example that if the SBMM “decides” that the next match you shouldn’t perform well (cause you’ve already had 2 or 3 good games) the algorithm will influence your connection in game even if you have a good Ping... This is so frustrating cause some games I can clearly see that I’m loosing against players that aren’t so good but they have a noticeable connection advantage! Let me know what you think about this. P.S.: For info, I’m playing in Europe, and my Ping is usually between 20 and 40 ms, so not bad at all!

FreeAim Dog: they nerf the fennec in cod mobile now its a hit marker machine with very high kick. aint it funny how you become more accurate with akimbo fennecs than if you just had 1?

Carl Dizzle: I have just been sacked from Raven studios I have no qualms on the in’s and outs of what is going on.100% we/they Monitor you/all of our online games And Will actively turn down your aim/response depending on the Reports From other players

Ryan Bangs: Has anyone noticed something weird with the matchmaking? I feel like I am constantly in insane lobbies. My K/D has gone from a 1.4 - 1.5 on average, and now I am lucky if I break even. I used to get in the area of 15 kills per game. Since this update I am averaging 5-6 kills per game. Anyone else feel like something changed? (PS5 and I mostly play multiplayer)

Cheech Marin: This seals it im prolly done playing this now.. Stoner was my shit.

Jeepers creepers: Don’t like smg change

Avalanche: LMG changes seem too heavyhanded, but thankful I'm not going to keep getting one shotted by street sweepers anymore. Kept having 4-5 games in a row where that gun was erasing me all game, eugh

Death: In all honesty cold war is the biggest fail of any call of duty every made the fact they can nerf everything but the snipers is horrible they are breaking the game with this.

Michael Powell: Raven software really don’t know how the LMGs work

FARZAN K.F: Make a new lmg class setup video

Corey Robinson: Still not sniper buff Activision still suck and also these snipers are not ops there dog shit

azwan kelante: 2:58 WATCH MORE VIDEO F.U.L.L H.D 💓 CLICK HERE : !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候1&!/ 1619214455

Jacques Peoples: The burst delay on the tac rifles are very unforgiving and this nerf makes them worse. When I use an aug or m16 up close it's game over most of the time even with a laser. I always need a reliable secondary like shotguns just in case I get surprised. The magnums are so bad now that the guns bounce around too much and the lasers and damage barrels don't help much anymore. Now I have to wait for enemies to be in point blank range and even that is hard because I get aim resist. If this keeps up we'll be having another mw on our hands. A tac rifle and dual pistols seems to be way more difficult than it was before. Hopefully it gets fixed. Why can't all the guns be good choices in any combo instead of certain guns taking over every update while others become forgotten like in cod ww2. Ppsh's everywhere. The jack of all trades but master of none gun in that game.

TheVibeChecker UwU: Any why are they killing the lmgs?

TheVibeChecker UwU: Big bruh, the stoner haven’t even been given time to become meta and they’re already trying to kill it

TheArabianLord: can someone confirm if they increases the prone

kevpac: Bro it feel like my settings got fkkd with no cap shit wierd

Armintor: M60's effective range is now 20 meters? Damn i knew this game was dead but they didnt need to make it worse lmao

Thomas Linkins: Is this for Warzone or just multiplayer?

DJ Jesus He Died For Our Spins: I’m looking for a dual wield pistols to work towards. Which one should I? I’m thinking of maybe trying for the diamattis

f1rebreather123: The m60 already sucked, they made it even worse. They shouldn't nerf the whole darn class, they should change the guns individually.

Ulisessabd: I was tired of seeing people with lmgs with 4x scope siting in the back and just letting that full mag go. "Lmgs go BRRRRRRRRR" no more!

Logan Maue: Thought the balancing was really good for once just annoyed there wasn’t anymore tuning to all the smgs since most of them are better than all the other guns

Soupy_53 Gaming: I don't think activision understands that all these guns are meant to be stupid

Anthony Egiert: What they did to kill slide cancel is that they added a cooldown to stance change after sliding. Previously you could get into standing position immediately upon hiting the crouch button, effectively cancelling the slide by getting up and have standing position movement speed. Now, when you hit the crouch button to cancell the slide, you can't get into standing position until the slide animation has ended, so you're stuck with crouching speed movement for some seconds.

Johnathan Price: Trearch is pathetic fr how do you make ars move faster than smgs..... This game is a joke

Brolapse: >M60 nerf i crie

CLINT-THE-GREAT: Ace is such a whiner if things aren’t a SMG or AR. Some of us like shotguns and LMGs

Chunk: Would you say BOCW has the best weapon balance ?

Nathan Liu: when the fuking cod balanc team is more cooked than the league balance team how is taht possible, they nerfed the shit out of lmg just cuz the play style is not run and gun and it is barly even used in most cods even in cold war smg and assult rifles and sipers are used way more than the lmg because its slow af which was its weakness and majority if player dont use it becasue of that but they gut it anyways lmao.

Daniel E: Stoner sucks now. How nice after I just bought the 420 weapons 🖕🖕back to the RPD.

OMFG its Santos: Do this apply to warzone

Luis Kross: Why do you only do only normal mp and not fireteam?

Backgrading Plumber: No changes to Modern Warfare Multiplayer. WTF is up with that? Instead a guy is forced to play that god awful Black OPs. By forced to play, I mean play Battlefield 5.

mig1nc: Wow. They ruined the Stoner.

OleManGrandpa: If my math is right, the Krig damage changes force you to get one headshot against a fully armored opponent in Fireteam for a nine shot kill. Before the change no headshots were needed for a nine shot kill. If my math is right.

Ioannis Evreniadis: the nefs for the M60 and RPD totally destroyed the two guns. before you can make a shoot you died. The cod commumity : LMG camper OP COD DEV: adds ADS time LMG player : now can only camp because i need 2 min to aim

Lisa Fan: what the hell. might as well just delete the lmgs if you gonna bring them all the way to TWENTY meters range????

Casey Reynolds: What are they trying to turn lmgs into smgs? With the range decrease

The One True King: Long players and Xclusive Ace who got to use Streetsweaper before nerf be like: oh I'm so glad it's been nerfed. People who don't play CoD that much but still want to benefit from the Streetsweaper and just got it but find out it's now been nerfed: Yeah, great! Hurray!

One Drop Mtg: I’m annoyed by the hauer task force nerf in zombies, why nerf a gun in a non-competitive mode?

duska33: wtf just happened, cw is unplayable, i was enjoying CW for a week and after this update im not able to even get a 10 kills the fuck, isnt sbmm stronger or smth?

The McRib: What's funny is that Ace says laughable but we all know, he can't balance anything himself theoretically

Daniel Garratt: It doesn't make a big difference, but the pre-patch attachments for the mags on the ffar were 32 rounds not 34. So the increase is from 32 to 38 on those 2 mag attachments. Again not a big difference, but it is slightly better than noted.

Elijah Wilson: Look how the massacred my boy in zombies😞 RIP streetsweeper

Tristan WhiteMamba: The Hauer 77 is now broken. I am not getting a 1 shot kill to the head, while using the task force and without, unless I am close enough for a point blank shot at which I am getting a 50/50 succession rate with it. It was fine pre-patch, the only one that needed touching was the streetsweeper. Also, the streetsweeper is now useless, even up close, against every other gun as the time it takes to get 2 shots off, every other gun can get out 4-5 shots. So, up close, you get shot in the head and/or upper chest, you die. Every shotgun should at least have a one shot kill at point blank range.

Edgar Santiago _: Why nerf smg move speed?

J NO: LMGs now have shorter ranges than ARs... yup COD logic

Adrien: Lmao Ok so ars go faster than subs and lmgs have less rang than ars. Oh yes the glory days of COD are looong gone. I know you heard it before but COD isn't fun anymore. And now the dev's are stupid on top of that.

deltafire12: They’re only making the M60 worse.

deltafire12: Go over skins that are similar to rose. Including modern warfare ones.

RussianFloofer: "We must nerf the Krig immediately, it is a menace!" "Sir, the LMG's are dominating this game by a large margin. The Krig is among the least viable assault rifles in the ga-" "NERF IT NOW!"

YeetyTheYeti: I have no fucking idea as to why lmgs now have smg range values. Like why do literally ALL assault rifles have close to same ranges as LMGs with max range barrels now. Stoner needed a nerf but those range changes literally gutted an already underwhelming weapon class. High range and damage were the fucking upsides to counteract their incredibly slow handling. M60 was already abysmaly slow and now its slower AND has no fucking range wtf.

Truth Serum: These Dev's literally know nothing about the game, they are delusional.

Sean: Could you do a video maybe once a season for recommended gun for some really causal players. I didn't even come close to unlocking season 2 guns. And I don't know what sniper or AR or SMG to use. I don't have time to try them all out.

Tom Wilson: Who the hell is the dummy in charge of gun balance patches at Treyarch?

Tommy Stamper: Im sorry but its you youtubers that are ruining CoD. Im about tired of you guys (not really you for the most part) bitching about the guns in the game. If you actually knew anything about firearms youd know the Stoner was the only gun that they got correct, being a .556 it doesnt recoil like most LMGs its they way it was designed. Game companies need to listen to the actual gmaers not the shitty youtubers and twitchers. Im real tired of you guys whining about the games needing changes because you guys cant make a good video, when most of you have no damn skill hince why you need gaming controllers and mods. Again not you just saying in general that its the streamers that are ruining FPS games. STOP PAYING THEM SO MUCH MONEY FOR BEING SHITTY PEOPLE!!!!

gsg94490 Gsg9411: Streetseeper is dead

Kev Burke: Still holding out for an M82 buff, as pointless as that is

Lurch: Rather than nerf the good guns to balance things they should buff the useless ones. The ffar is still useless in 6 v 6. All they needed to do was buff the ffar and perhaps nerf the streetsweeper. The rest was a waste of time. The thing that most needs fixing is flack jacket. It needs to be much better against the death machine and a bit weaker against lethals in general.

Lawson23: Worst patch notes I’ve ever seen

AKfourtySvn: Boy this game is so ass backwards it’s insane.

Samuele Giovane: A total no sense patch, if they want people only use smg so they can delete any other weapon from the game. The range of the lmg is really far away from realty. Also the enormous nerf for the smg is more effective than a shotgun in a close range gunfight. Activision had totaly destroyed the game whit this patch. Also in zombie the nerf is no sense.

29110sc: SMG movement nerf was needed because they were faster than pistols

Jong Straw: Please adress the fov slider for next gen consoles in warzone in a video or on twitter. We are at a huge disadvantage against people on pc. There need to be more content creators who talk about this. We at least want a statement if they're working on it or not. It's stupid because the XSX does 110-120 fps at 1440p in Warzone.

TheMcFather: Thank the lord I got the lmgs gold yesterday

Whispxrsh: Yeah that’s a little vertical recoil added to the stoner ngl

Alex: They forgot to add flinch to snipers these weapons require no skill in this game. Best OP weapons at close range !!!

Joseph Sonkwa: Do they know what the purpose of an LMG is? Nerfing the range completely defeats the purpose of that type of weapon.

Phil Boi: Now they need to deal with shotguns with the ranger barrel in hardcore mode plz

Hakan Uztetik: its pretty awful tbh the LMGs are supposed to have great range and damage potential while having bad hipfire slow fire rate and bad mobility and they nerf the ranges and stuff like that's not a light machine gun anymore is it same with the smgs it has always been easy to challenge ARs from across the map in CW and how do you nerf it just make them slower than ARs how does that even make sense and the rest is just damage and multiplier changes that doesn't change anything the only upside here is the streetsweeper and that was supposed to happen a month ago anyways

Zaar757: of all the busted balancing in the weapons, one of the rarest complaints was about the LMGs (aside from hip-fire spread) -- so yeah, nerf THOSE into the ground, and the range nerf is ridiculous....20M is SMG range....

Phantasma: 2 things I really wanted to see are: 1. Increase flinch with snipers 2. Increase movement speed with melee Disappointed

TJ: At 3:35 you say 683ms but in the top right corner it says 633ms

Tim Moschini: M80 which already sucked, now worse, lol

Kwok-Tjing Lam: M60 back to 20 meter?! That doesn’t make sense.

Gabriel Rosales v13, sole survivor of Yor-Ha: i don’t like what they did to the sweeper. It is was too powerful yes, by all means nerf it! But it’s a shotgun! Why isn’t there any one shot potential? Yes I know cold war isn’t realistic, but dude I find that stupid. Even if it’s small, like point blank or something close to that, there should still be some sort of one shot potential.

SYTHEOPATH 1: Lets increase the stoners recoil X3 and also nerf the damage range by 30%. Thanks asshole

TiTaN z: the m60 was a very slow handling gun, why did they make it slower? i dont understand why they have to nerf every single lmg just because the stoner was very good.

Roman Ovchinnikov: When he was talking about m60 ads, he said the new one is 683, but it says 633 on the screen, so which one is it?

Dennis VN: I'm at LMG's rn in my DM ultra grind and must i say, I'm near a depression. To my nuketown players, please stop using the LC-10 for my mental health. Thank you !

Dale Martin: Great video

Christian Watts: Go home activision and treyarch, you’re drunk.

Christian Watts: I swear this “balancing” update was just for show. It’s like they gave the devs an hour to randomly change stuff just so they could make it look like they did something. I keep thinking things will improve in this game, but since 2019 it’s been 1 step forward, 3 steps back.

Christian Watts: I swear this “balancing” update was just for show. It’s like they gave the devs an hour to randomly change stuff just so they could make it look like they did something. I keep thinking things will improve in this game, but since 2019 it’s been 1 step forward, 3 steps back.

Furry Fox Jet Pilot: Good thing they reverted the stupid headshot nerf on the AUG. I’m so glad it can 2 shot to the head again like it’s supposed to

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