The INSANE Mandalorian Season 2 Controversy
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EckhartsLadder: Will be streaming some Squadrons on Twitch as this goes live:Написать
glitch107: Please ignore Twitter in the future. Those guys are triggered by anything and everything.
Bruno Couto: But there is evidence that there might have been reshoots for the last episode, check the end credits art. They usually match up with not many differences from the show, but the last episode seems like it would have been quite different and eventually changed
Spencer Jones: I would not watch season 3 if they kill Mando in this last episode of season 2.
The Angry Economist: I gave you a like for the spoiler warning... I'll be back
USAPanda: Mando dies, grogu goes to the dark side. Becomes new with apprentice of jarjar after palpatine dies in episode 9.
Games For Cykits: Here we go again
SquirrelKnight: Ah dude, just don't even get into that Twitter nonsense... It's like jack one day said to himself "why don't I create a platform for the top 3 percent of humanities worst, annoying, screeching idiots? Sounds great to me!"
Matthew Wells: Huh. I really like season two. Just more of what I liked about season one. And Pascal was pretty clear in an interview I read the other day that he's fine with the amount of face time he gets.
TorianTammas: You have to please your main actor to be allowed to show his face at least once in a season. So you keep him happy.
RushCap: this is gonna be stupid, isn't it?
Dr. POP: Eck is going strong on the clickbaity titles... :( SW Explained started doing the same. Not cool...
Bastian: Nothing against Pascal, but they could easily go on without him if it came to that. I mean they could put anyone in the suit, and he barely speaks anyway.
ProjectCambrian: I a degree, we are Too Much In the Loop. That degree not being enough to Know but far Enough to Inflict Unnecessary Harm amd Drama. I've been guilty of that in the past so its something I endeavor to be mindful of as it's an easy rabbit hole to fall into. We end up creating Intentional Moles within even the industry, some of which dig up Spoilers and Ruin it while others dig up workplace drama or crimes against Fandom or Law. In the middle opportunity for leaks and division further ruining everything. Too many Opinionated Chefs Trying to Force their Ways into the kitchen...mostly because they are ADDICTED to it all and Not because they Care.
Legendary KoreanBBQ: If anyone doubts Pedro Pascal just watch Narcos, Game Of Thrones and many more smaller shows and movies. He is fantastic.
Will May: Clickbait. No controversy only fake news.
Lord Farquaad: Pascal absolutely deserves some recognition for his role, and I think some screen time without the helmet can do a lot to improve the complexity of the characters relationship with his specific sect of mandolorian beliefs. Idk why people would be so opposed to this, I suppose they just don't have faith in the crew and cast members which is disappointing to say the least. Salty people can fuck off for all I care, they do nothing to make this community better
DJ Frosty moose official: Empire bad or empire good? We don’t know.
DirtaDawg420: Why follow a show so closely? Just watch it when it comes on. I never understand wanting to know major details on where a show is going, it’s so much better seeing the reveals in episode.
Ryan: I too was aware of the rumor and in the back of mind worried the show was going to possibly derail. So glad it was wrong. I know Pascal is very vocal about his political alignment on the cesspool that is Twitter. Provided that doesn't influence his character and the direction of the show, he can believe what he wants. I am hoping that Disney has learned from the fiasco of the sequel trilogy and will move forward, political ideology and ego free to tell stories all fans want to to see. The presence of the Veil of the Force prominently in Ahsoka's title logo to right the ship is a welcome one. Looking forward to what this Defenders -level series to come will bring. Just hoping it's not as much of a milk toast delivery as Defenders was :)
Drum being Drum: The beginning of the season had some low quality fight scenes. But oh boy they got sooo much better with the storm trooper armor getting broken and shattered and blasters actually left marks on people then just seeming like they never hit
jesse Rodriguez: Clickbait
hunterkiller1440: Alright, where's the exhaust port for twitter? Should drop some proton torpedoes there.
Exquisite Puma: #ShipVersus ideas: Resurgent battlecruiser vs Starhawk Mark II battlecruiser MC80a Liberty type vs MC80a Home One type Arquitens light cruiser vs Carrack light cruiser
Emperor Vader: People like this person Spoiling things like this are the big reason why Twitter is a shithole, they make up fake rumours and shit like that and the fans harass People like Pedro Pascal for no reason when it should actually go to the leakers
KGrizzly1: Lol there is literally no controversy at all. People are being little bitches and nobody had to cater to them.
Geekius Maximus: Even though it obviously isn't true it's still nice that the person tried their best to be genuine and civilized about it. Can't say the same about the other season 2 controversies...
Irrational Geographic: Well I know where Grace gets her "info" from and its not a "insider" although he claims he has had a "insider" in every Star Wars movie since The Force Awakens. I would say he has a hit rate of about 5% and his excuses for getting things very wrong when he claims they are confirmed has been ludicrous including one time him saying they did a reshoot just because of him breaking a story. Anyway I know she got her story from him and its a shame she is listening to a guy who yes has a big following (dont know why) but just makes up stories to try and seem he is this big insider.
Owen Kobel: Video: Eckhartsladder Captions:eckharts slaughter
Dee CP: season 2 has bee Uh-maz-ing. She was just plain wrong and needs to admit it.
Nosey Memes: Those are the type of people who think Star Wars hasn’t been good since 1983
Andy D: The sad truth is we have a very vocal subset in our fandom that spews nothing but hate and vitriol for new Star Wars. It doesn't matter if it is good or not they're going to hate it because reasons. Honestly I don't know where they get the energy to be this toxic all the time. If I don't like something I don't bother with it and I'll only give my negative opinion if asked. I'm not going to go out of my way to slam something just because I personally don't care for it.
Lasting Impression: You’re the king mate... so many bullies online these days... i find it hard to believe pedro didnt know exactly what he was getting into before he took the role... and have his face on screen means nothing... everyone knows its him under the suit... and being able to act convincingly without facial expressions shows you his acting ability...
Kal-EL Wayne: With the introduction of Boba Fett and Bo-Katan, Pedro will definitely get more time to show his face. Especially after the revelation that Din was adopted by a Mandolorian cult. Bill Burr's character also poked holes in Din's "code" which I always suspected would happen. It's called character development people 💁♂️
Prof.Dr. Baum: Tbh I dont care about that stuff anymore Im just happy for good content and everything else has just lost the I care priviligas at this point
Ray Cis: I've never had a twitter and I never will.
WarioWare: Imo on the whole mando dying thing i think Boba will die so mando can get the slave 1 since he doesn't have the crest anymore
Anthony B.: Love your Squadron footage
Valoşi: Honestly, I think she misinterpreted the information she was given, considering her quotes. She may have said he left the show, but quotes always say he "left the set". So she wasn't wrong in the overall fact, just the details... and the Sith Lord is ALWAYS in the details. I haven't done theatre in decades, but I still remember how stiflingly hot costumes can become under the lights on set, and Mando is filmed in a giant dome, NOT on location like previous Star Wars live action productions. Just look at how sticky and sweaty Pedro is when he removes the roomier Imperial helmet. He's even quoted in these reports as complaining about the heat and has mentioned it personally in interviews. Also, Pedro very proudly noted that he would be the one in the suit MORE this season in an interview a couple months ago. The walking off set fits, but the "quitting" has no viable grounds for belief. Most likely, what happened was they were filming on a day when the set was particularly hot and Pedro was complaining that he needed to have more time/breaks with the helmet off because he was having trouble breathing from the heat. The director wasn't happy but allowed Pedro to leave the set for the day and continued filming with a script stand-in or the stunt double (Pedro does VO for the stunt doubles anyway) rather than slow down production. This person's source heard bits of the conversation, saw Pedro leave, and passed on the information, which the person reporting then took out of context. Stuff like this happens all the time, both in theatrical and cinematic productions. You just don't hear about it that much because it's normal and only treated as a big deal if things are running behind schedule (or it's a live performance instead of a dress rehearsal).
Kyle Vanderwolf: I will say as far as the helmet I do believe there is a rule that awards cannot be issued if an actors face isn’t shown which is maybe why there would be an issue. If he never showed his face at all it’s possible that should the show win an award, he would not be included in that process.
Kyle Vanderwolf: People seem to forget that he’s been in a lot of things where you don’t even see him. And also, the way contracts work this makes no sense. He knew he’d always be in a helmet, there’s no reason why he would have an issue with something they disclosed to him in his contract. There’s also rumors that he’s really rude and that’s just not seen anywhere else by anybody who’s ever actually worked with him.
Detestor 420: Twitter is a cesspool for the scum
ItsJust Sharky: Im assuming this is the same the same person who in her videos always talks about how right she is and always takes credit for scoops. and also complains about female stereotypes. yet always talks about how she doesnt like someone's hair or outfit and shoes. oh and thumb holes. boop.
Alex Davis-mann: Its simple, his attachment for Grogu is far more important to him than the Creed, ESPECIALLY after being told that real Mandalorian do not need to keep there helmets on
D.J. Hernandez: i watch grace a lot, and she’s right a lot, she knows how hollywood works and i trust her, and her sources. i do believe there might’ve been some drama, but it’s a testament to dave filoni and john favreau that we don’t see any of this on screen. it can still be true that pedro left the set, of course he’s not gonna admit to that on a interview, but i believe they did work it out, and everyone’s on the same page now. we’re probably gonna start seeing mandos face a lot more, but organically over time, in a way that makes sense. i loved this episode, i was scared the whole time mando had his helmet off lol, and i can’t wait for grogu to finally see his face
Doremi Fasolatido: You've been flirting dangerously close to the clickbait side of the Tube a hell of a lot, lately. It's disturbing, and disappointing.
C S: I wouldn’t call this Insane controversy. People like to bitch lol. That’s nothing crazy.
Logan Sodan: This is just another Twitter troll creating false drama to generate discord. Pascal even commented on it saying it wasn't true. Believing a 3rd hand source at best over the actor himself is dumb asf
Thor's Hammer: #AskEck *Attempt 850* May you do the Forerunners vs the Imperium of Man faction versus video soon please?
Gaming With Guides: I was watching The Jimmy Fallon show and the Co producer of WW84 is making a Star Wars movie about an x-wing pilot Plz like so Eckhartsladder can see this
star_wars_ the _501st: Grace Randolph as a pathetic lier who just seeks for attention
KuroKuma is the best: I hope Mando doesn’t decide to one day just ditch the helmet
Gelmir Curufin: Pascal is a BAD ACTOR he's not very good
usrevenge: Not really a controversy
Oldstalk: Twitter is a land filled with braindead persons, that are never happy about anything, that think everything is controversial, and that they must have an opinion on everything AND express it, at any cost.
throwaway acc: im loving the maturing star wars fans starting to see through all the "leaks" bs that plauged the community for years now.. call these d-bags out for their fabricated lies!
SubHumanTorch: I reckon this might be half true. Pedro is the Main character in this incredibly popular series so it would make sense that he would want that popularity to further his career and part of an actors brand is their face so he may have asked for more time out of the helmet but I doubt he kicked off the discussion by threatening to quit right off the bat.
Regelos: remember who disney brought over from running the MCU to run this Star wars and well and the long history in the MCU of staging false stories and leaking fake horrible (or good) leaks about characters/actors specifically to keep the secrecy up. This last episode though left more questions then answers for me due specifically to the whole he (mando the character not the actor) is all in on the creed and what happened specifically with that and what the stated consequences of violation, There was an earlier encounter with "other" mando's that basically said it was BS and maybe its an evolution and we will see, I just didn't like we saw what we saw and moved on, though not abnormal for episodic "t.v." I just want answer now LOL
Zach Gerrity: Lemmie guess this is Grace Randolph right? She's trash
Songtsen Hollander: They dont want him to remove his mask so they can fire him if they want to later. He knows this. Kennedy is still the boss. Notice they are not using any of her star wars heroes...
angry_eck: wait was pedro in the suit the whole time other than the action scenes for chapter 15
Fox Hound: Damn Eckhart is a good dude, definitely earned my sub
Xandra: The rumor about the filming of Boba Fett, is it really Boba Fett? or could it be Temuera Morrison as Capt. Rex for the Ahsoka series?
malrogi101: Personally, I believe her. I'm glad that everything got resolved and we got a great season, but that doesn't mean every thing was drama free on set. She has a great track record including being the first to report on the Lando show, and this whole thing happened with her in the past when she reported that there was trouble on the obi1 set. The trades said she was lying and smeared her only for them to confirm it a few weeks later. Plus it's extremely sus how little promo was done with Pedro pascal for Mando S2. I like Pedro pascal a lot and am rooting for him and the mandalorian team as a whole, but just cuz the season is great doesn't mean the events didn't happen. I think it's completely reasonable to not believe her, but the ppl actively sending her hate on twitter is disgusting.
Childish: We obviously don’t know what he was told when he came on as far as FaceTime but as a fan watching it’s clearly going to be minimal (I didn’t think we’d get it until season 3 maybe)
Masster Wushu: Is it grace?
Zakk Zero: Although I like the thought of Fett-centered content in the future, I, too, would be devastated if the plan was to kill off Din Djarin and have Boba take over the series. All sets for movies and series may have a dust ups now and then, and if they make their way to social media the tendency for many of them is to lose accuracy and/or be overblown. At worst it might have been a moment of frustration over a single incident or circumstance. I remember an interview he did before the series hit the air in which he joked and acknowledged (paraphrased)"You won't see me much without the helmet, but I'll be in the show. He's always gotta wear the helmet, you know. That's his thing." I doubt he'd wake up one day surprised and thinking "Hey, Mando wears his helmet way too much."
Faulty Bacon: I find it funny how people think that it’s a stunt double when it’s not because people forget that he was on Game of Thrones and in Game of Thrones he had to do a lot of moving around because he was a fighter also like he said he has no problem with keeping the mask on And that girl is just straight up wrong my only question is whether he’ll get a new ship
Alfred Lear: Taking your helmet off every now and then gets you a new contract. Or a longer one ...
IrishSkyeOMalley: I'm sorry, but I can't "give her credit" for sticking to the story when so many other things point to her being wrong about it, particularly if her continued spreading of such rumors might hurt another's career...or several people's careers. But rather than say, "Hey guys, it looks like my source was wrong and I can't trust this person's credibility, so I will no longer be using him/her for future reports," she doubled down on the rumor. I can't for a minute believe that a man as intelligent as Pedro read the script for this series with all its references in the first 4 episodes to the fact he will NOT be removing his helmet, agreed to take the job, and then threw a hissy fit about the fact that the character does not remove his helmet. JediNews reported on the story as being an unfounded rumor ( and recent Entertainment Weekly and Variety articles about Pedro all frame his as a guy who is not taking this job for granted. He struggled for so long and so hard that he does not believe his own good fortune and that his role in the Wonder Woman movie (which was filmed before Mando) will actually open up new doors for him the way director Patty Jenkins says it will. I have an actual actor friend, and I can tell you that when an actor has that kind of mindset, no way would they risk it all by being a diva or threatening to quit because they didn't get their way. Pedro's doubles Lateef Crowder and Brendan Wayne have nothing but kind words to say about him and how open he is to asking them about the way they move in the Mando suit so that he can match their performances. He wants this show to be a success and to service the story.
Célime Mörbt: Twitter is such a cancer
Max: allow mando to keep realizing taking off his helmet is still OK
Michael Chaney: In the military all anyone sees is your uniform and rank. The only thing that distinguishes you from anyone else in the military is your skill and knowledge. You are inspected at all times as to your ability to maintain the standard of behavior that helps the military survive as long as possible. The mandalorian society is a militarized society fighting an elite enemy aka force users, autocratic societies, and out of control business. Each of those problems persist because appearance, genetic predisposition, and hereditary control of authority are valued over merit. Actors want to be noticed for their appearance and how elite they are. The very culture they are in would be considered another enemy from the mandalorian perspective. If the actors cannot portray a society that survives by valuing knowledge and skill, then they should leave out of respect for people who do understand the mandalorian perspective.
lucek ed: 7K like!
David Callier: Saying there would be a 'dip in quality in the 2nd half of the season' kind of assumes that all these episodes are filmed in order, which I seriously doubt would be the case here... The final episode may have been filmed way in advance of, let's say episodes 2 and 5...
Asdf: I loved the part where Valin Hess shouts at the Mandalorian
Bob Sagat The Wise: I thought eck was going to talk about the absolutely brainlet Anita sarkeesean take about boob armor
perhaps: Calling it now, season 2 is gonna end on a cliff hanger
Chris Gurney: if there's any reason for the shorts being truncated I'd put down to the Pandemic.... everything has been affected in one way or another....
Caleb Seeber: He was probably just mad his toy looked nothing like him. But, honestly, if he did have an issue with his helmet being on I doubt he would complain publicly.
Giyari: You're a good guy, Ecks.
Memeo Supremo: I don’t have a Twitter, nor do I want one
Giyari: Best thing about this episode? Watching Mando try to fight as he usually would, and was Ching storm trooper armour completely fail to take the punishment he expects it to, shattering into bits where Beskar wouldn't even scratch!
Alex Fantini: You wouldn't make this video if you didn't want to give this person attention. Either way good video
doctor5141999: Perhaps he asked for more face time explaining the latest episode. Perhaps wil get an episode each season or so where he’s put in a situation where it has to come off
joeytj: Eck keeps trying not to say “she” but fails lol. We all know who it is. She keeps inventing rumors that are easy to never verify one way or the other so she can just say “yeah, at the last minute, everything was solved! Believe me!”
704 Sameer Kulkarni: I don't like Tweter because of this sh*t I clicked this video only because I like ur channel
Gabriel Tassoni: Maybe the source is secretly Kathleen Kennedy pulling a Palpatine to create disruption in the fandom in order to lure everyone in to watch more content
Cal Mckinlay: Grace Randolph is trash. You're being far too polite.
Ana Torres: Pedro Pascal has denied the rumors. He enjoys playing The Mandalorian and is ok with wearing the helmet. It is just rumors. I have sen many of his interviews. Pedro Pascal is down to earth.
Gigas0101: Do you think people would really do that? Go onto the internet and tell lies? Also shout-out to Eck ramming that star destroyer in his A-Wing at 6:55 like an absolute Return of the Jedi legend!
Cole Smith: Occam's razor: it's much more likely for a credible source to be incredibly wrong once than an entire show to crumble and NO ONE else to have other corroborating leaks. Edit: for anyone who doesn't know Occam's razor, it basically states that when you have multiple scenarios leading up to something, the one with the fewest assumptions is the most likely.
Yvd619: It's a women lol so I won't ever trust her 🤣
Front Line Medic: Pedro is Amazing in and out of the helmet and I wish I could tell him that personally
George W. McClintock: Wait a second here... hol' up. Are you seriously saying that a blue check twittiot with unnamed sources is full of shit?
Robert Alexander: I look at it like this. If the facial scan was supposed to be some kind of security feature, it failed atrociously. A cheap android phone has better. He never should have been allowed access, as he was NOT an Imperial, much less an officer. To me, it came across as an excuse for him to take the helmet off.
Jason Fortier: This Pascal situation was widely reported by multiple mainstream news outlets when it happened earlier this year. It happened. I assumed everyone knew about that by now. That most likely played a part in the episode we last saw, being written in a way for Pascal to get some screen time without a helmet. Also, din dying in the finale makes complete sense. Sadly, I believe it is next to certain at this point. They can't keep making episode after episode of side jobs for din while he continually tries to stay one step ahead of this early day first order/remnant of the empire. That storyline ends here. Bobba becomes the focus.
oh_heck: I love how society awkward mando is, he constantly moves in a way that is relatable to myself. His body language is the acting really
stewie jonza: There's no such thing as bad press..... Good or bad talk..... people are talking about it
Mike Torres: Pascal seems like a really genuine guy, I can't see him lying about something as big as this
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