New Fuse Controversy Explained : Apex Legends Season 8

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C00chie-Man _: Wait there was a controversy with bloodhound?

Lolo mech: I don't get today's world just call him bi

CaptainBlue: Capital G Gamers know how many LGBT+ people work in the game industry right? I know gay concept artists who have to pander to heterosexuals all the time.

mercy main, btw: Why do people care? It doesn't matter what he is its just to create diversity.

aldane reynolds: lets be honest soon as fuse came out their sexuality cult wanted questions on their twitter...and the creators just told them i really dont give shit about this but when their talking about this all of a sudden its the sexualility cult

Adam Joaquim: Bro look, this isnt like the most IMPORTANT part of it, but all the character's orientations and identities are apart of their backstories/lives and thus: that makes it lore! And what did Respawn say way back at launch? They wanted Apex to be a battle royale with some actual people relax, ok? Im glad i learned about this - now the relationships that can form to create more stort and lore (like rampart and mirage?) for us later. Cheers mates, love is love.

Moises Garcia: Imagine asking for representation in a shooter

spoopy arg: Forge is alive

The Toilet Demon: My my my Do I love the Australians "Go down down down, as the flames get higher." Found Fuse's (technically the human version of Scorch) theme song

Daniël van Es: 4:09 my man spilled here.

Christopher Wilson: It's not contraversal just ppl need to grow up

Yetsa_ Abi: I tought pansexual was somos that is sexual attracted to bread because in spanish bread is pan

The Funny Man: I agree with the random guy who said it's just a game. Fuse being pansexual does not affect his character at all and everyone should care just as much as they care about a straight character, but for some reason this is special.

Gast3r Mastur: what was the bloodhound controversy? is it that they were revealed to be a woman or what?

redeye sherman: Turns out him and bloodhound starts going out

idk issa username: lmao everyones saying the same shit, but being a part of the group doesnt mean the group is right, it would have been ok if they didnt prance around twitter with their gay characters. literally overwatch 2.0

Ralof: he likes kitchenware yeah? let him grill in peace for gods sake

ThecursedCrusade96: Would've been funny if they went with something like: "When you live on salvo, your work with what you get." I really like the character, but I kinda feel sorry for people needing a character to represent them. Also, Twitter being Twitter again.

BlueBloodWolf04: wait if fuse slapped his ass and he didn't do what bloodhound did then what is caustic 😳*dramatic scene*

Dom Dom: He looks weird

Ian P: I just think why are people getting mad at it. Why does it matter so much. I think the creators can make the characters whatever they want. It adds to the story that they are trying to create with diverse characters.

FLOPPY1DISK: Would make sense if pansexual actually existed lmao

Smarr kidd: People are actually mad about him being pansexual?

Tempotic: Let's be honest they only made him pan so he could try to slap a nonbinarie's ass

Appelboom: So pan sexual is just bi sexual but with a new name lol

iilxp: So he looks at pans in a sexual way?

Aneesh Ranade: he's pansexual. Ok cool

DarthRakdos 0805: Bloodhound is female and Fuse is bi

Captainshado: Nah everyone knows fuse lusts for frying pans and also peter pan

Benjamin Silva: This is so irrelevant to the game, i can see Respawn is trying to please the LGBT and BLM community so bad that it's embarrassing, but who cares, not like I spend any money in this game anyway


Mason Attano: I love how people say "It doesn't matter!" as if it's an actual argument. Sure, it doesn't affect gameplay, maybe not even the story. But neither does the vast majority of fictional characters being straight. Most people don't have to "figure out" that they're straight, because it's shown in all sorts of media. Fuse being pan is just one extra character that makes people feel seen (including me), and that is a good thing. Also to all the people saying "as long as it's not their whole character". There are plenty of straight characters who are primarily focused on sex and romance. It doesn't automatically make them a bad character. (tho obviously if the story is critizised for other reasons and the creators/fans play the minority card for no reason, that is dumb)

David LM: I just feel like it's out of place I don't have anything against it but I feel that I would have been more fitting more like lifeline or smth not an Australian man who makes everying go boom

Howard the alien: What is a pansensual??????

Salice ZzZ: Mate I don't care about what he likes to bang I just care about the fact that he makes things go bang

King Amorion: Honestly this whole argument is ignorant who cares it’s a game😒

Joseph Thomas: My immediate response to the news if you can call it that is "does it help him shoot better?" I dont give a shit, persons a person, no controversy required.

Flying Fox: So my new main is also my same sexuality....even more reason to enjoy playing him😅

Nukewolf97: I dont care who he fucks, fuse seems like kinda guy who’d sit down and help you with depression because he’s like that one uncle that understands you.

Jacob The long: These people complaining don't seem to realise that this whole time both gibby and bloodhound are lgbtq, like they are acting like this is the first time they are doing this when they have straight up had lgbtq representation since the start.

Shplork Shlunk: Why can’t they just make people straight like damn

Andrew Campbell: He’s horny AND into men? Say no more, imma simp 😌✌️

TreTv: Bruh they doin to much bro just stop wit the stupid shit

Omar Guerra: wtf his personality doesnt even match the fuking statement. I'm just gonna pretend I didnt hear that he is not pansexual

Jayden Jenkins: bro football players slap cheeks i dont know why but we do

Oliver Queen: People need to wake up. Stupid politics shouldn't even exist in the games or movies. I want to play the game and that's it. Why does it have to be forced on me if I don't even like it??? They keep pumping this shit till they destroy the thing that had some good potential... It's not like straight people are going into streets and try to show it to everyone

Justin W: I like pans too and also pots

Andrej Ristic: So that explains why he backhanded causTHICK

MadeDemonic: If he’s pan does that mean he can get it on with pathfinder? I mean robot kinda sexy

Zygarie Axes: PSHHHHhhh.......

Kyle the ROCKSTAR: Pansexual is just bisexual

Charles Adams: Fuse is officially this games Trevor Philips

Mr crabs: A character model or pixels slaps other pixels or characters models butt people: Send him to the recycle bin Wtf happened it’s a game

iSushimoon: Honestly, I’m happy that Apex has come out with a canonically pansexual character. It’s hard to find solid pan representation in any sort of media and I think it’s because a lot of people tend to mix pansexuality with bisexuality. I’m also glad they decided allude to it, basically like the common saying “show, don’t tell”. They hinted at Fuse swinging multiple ways, rather than just a tweet or statement saying “yeah he’s pansexual” once he was released. Of course they did say it, but they waited for the fans and players to ask questions.

SOLSKJAER OUT: how liberal

DetectiveBreadCrumbs: fuse is also a sex offender by touching caustic

Dorrian Brooks: Ok but Gibby is gay.... Some of these folk seem to have forgotten, or just never knew. And for those who do know but somehow have a problem with Fuse, if Gibby being gay is so subtle it's not even known by alot of folk, what makes yall think that Fuse being Pan is gonna be his only trait as a character?

Pandora Evolved: Kids play this game my man. Kids who don’t even know what sex is. So I think it’s incredibly irresponsible. It’s not a game you can monitor either being that it’s free on the store...

Pandora Evolved: And you said it yourself it doesn’t effect the game play at all. It’s just pandering

Pandora Evolved: The dude in the tweet has a point

melissaoconnell1: Personally, I’ve never been in the closet, I’ve been in the cupboard, with the rest of the pans.

GioIsGud: Time to bring the controversy

Fernando Mario: For everyone complaining about no straight legends: Bangalore , Crypto , Lifeline , Horizon , Mirage , Octane , Wattson , Revenant , Rampart.

Solomon Jones: fuse: pansexual community: GHSKFYUGTRYUGTERYUYIPJGUHRERFUPOUYHL me: cool

Ridly Didly ASMR: Mirage then Fuse YEASH!!!

cole Mike: Bro the topic changed so fucki g fast whay the fuck lol talking about fuse riiiight up till 4:30 them a fucking complete 180 into forge needs a apology 😂 fucking what

cole Mike: So you will describe what pansexual is when its self fucking explaining and just leave "on the spectrum" as is ...... nah how about explain the fuck that means... and not explaining the shit we already knew

Out Of Stock: Sorry but why do you have to go and make a video on it? It's not a big deal. So he's pan. Ok. That's great, but why did you have to make a video on it like it's a massive deal. Love is love. If he's pan, he's pan. You wouldn't make a video on it if he was straight. Apex us inclusive! That's great!

Jaymeria: Why do people care about this so much?

Skylar Nielson: How are they gonna hint to sexuality but no sex scenes? what's the point!?

how are humans on top of the food chain?: Fuse likes pans

Mathias Gustafson: I didn’t know wattson was on the spectrum. I guess it makes sense since she doesn’t like loud noises and stuff, that’sa neat thing to learn about her character. Also in regards to fuze, I originally thought that it was pandering, but based on the lore I guess it makes more sense and doesn’t feel forced, I still really don’t need to know my gunmen’s sexuality, but you know, it is what it is

Dallion Coker: I just realized how is the apex games still running caustic casually uses biological warfare wich is a war crime

Eli Drake: I thought it meant u like right bots

WeebaSauraSusRex: Why does a fake characters sexuality and gender matter they hype it too high in media i dont care personally only when its forced

OogaBooga: are we not gonna talk about the fact that fuse's passive is similar to the grenade arm thing in COD Advanced Warfare. No hate, just thought it was cool to point out.

Profectus: "Time to bring the fun"

Abercorn: Fuse can’t be a Pansexual Because Fuse is a Badass and Pansexuals aren’t

XDMaster *: Something tells me you should keep and eye on caustic there might be something going on something new and something big

lavender: homophobes are the only ones who get mad over this if you play the game and are in touch with the characters and like the game there is really no problem in ths

Commingle: The whole 'representation' thing seems still pandering to me, writers should write whatever is the most interesting for a story, not that a certain group of people can feel happy about themselves. Pandering or not, stuff like this doesn't really matter at the end of the day.

cardea jackson: Gibraltor is gay. So yea

Ligma Sphere: Don't let him next to your dogs and cats. If you try to get in the way he will blow you up with his ultimate.

David Oceguera: Omg I love this story is has so much depth he pansexual omg never seen before

Tjaye42: Tumblr is gonna have a field day with this one. But honestly him being pan is pretty cool, I’d love him either way

Foxxy Plays: I think theyre gonna have a deadpool esc vibe to fuse

Sour Lemon: I saw the tweet about it and i was like, “ok?”

Salty Lunarah: The pan jokes are so tiresome

Angelos 912: just shut up please

Kothar: Personally dont care, but yeah their pandering.

Axolotl Master: Yes that’s true but they also don’t have sex I have a pan friend

lord numinex: When there's 10 squads left he says. Something like "separating the boys from the man" Idk He's a man

Leaflet_: I couldn't care less about Fuse's or any character's sexuality, lol

Matt Nigrelli: Ive figured out who the baby in fight night is!! Its Wattsons dad (or mom but probably dad)!! So we think that pathfiders creator could be wattsons ansestor right? Same last name initial and similar accent. Well that baby could be her son/daughter!!

Jak Wolfe: Honestly I refuse to acknowledge the term pansexual because orientations aren't sexes and sexuality is all about SEX so to me pansexuality just does not exist. Panromantic? Sure because romance is different from sex. As for dude I mean it doesn't really matter he can be whatever as long as he doesn't suck

Loki Prime Gamer: why even make characters gay or whatever, who cares its a game.

Banzai YT: Hate people who believe more than to genders bunch of bs

Sotiris Notis: Hey Kev I have something for you If you go to Mirage Voyage(Now in kings canyon) And then you go inside where the two big pictures of Mirage are and when you are there go upstairs and you will find a phone on one of the green couches

Kaiden G.: Overeating and many games put there had the same problem. When they just come randomly say a character is lgbtq+ it doesn't go well. When Soldier 76 was made gay, they got attacked for having them be gay just because. But Apex means there choices and designs. They have many different cultures and sexualities for a reason. And none of them is stereotyped by making it their whole character. Loba is a their that is talented with pickpocketing and loves loot. She's in the games to deal with Revanent and has her own whole storyline with him. She's also Bisexuality because she is able to seduce many characters like Bangalore or Mirage.. Rampart is a mod expert that love to build thing and never stop shooting. Shes smart, funny, and a little crazy. She represents India and specifically British-Indian because that's who she is and where she comes from. Like real life, sexualities, religion, race, and culture don't make up a person. Its that and many other things. The apex characters have these different identities to that people out there can finally connect to something. We have all played as the American White soldier in Call of Black Ops 27 but how many people get to see their Mexican heritage or Pansexuality or just them and their ideals shown in games? If the creators want to make their characters diverse, then go ahead, and if they don't, that's fine. But people who are shown in television by 20 different characters have no room to speak about "why". They are made that way because people are made that way.

Grim Legends: I thought games were supposed to be a escape of Reality and to not have to relate so much that’s why I played games just don’t get these new trends

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