Fuse 3 Weeks Later... - Apex Legends Season 8

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Matthew Hoppe: I just can't remember the map and wheres good to go. How do you all remember it?

FatxShack: Haha I love the ending bro!

Blu Grifinn: Do u play claw itemp

Arias Davis: Bro, fuse is fire if you can use him. You just suck at shooting those grenades so you should not use him lol. I suck with fuse too, but I know a few people who completely go off with him. I think he’s overpowered tbh. That grenade distance is insane

Thanya Sriklai: Console can be great it depends on how good you are on it.

Ryan Hume: Fuse should have a feature that allows the distance to be adjusted by just changing the spring tension in his arm

Brittany Ransom: Rich misses 164 of heavy rounds the box b4 he drops the flatline

CrimsonAC666: Uh, they just killed the whole VSauce-Family. :-D Starting at 7:00 with MR VSAUCE, followed by vsauce jr. and finally the poor Mrs. Vsauce. Imagine playing casually with your family and getting absolutely demolished like that. God bless them.

Herringbone Jwn: RRrRRRRiiiiiiIIIIiiiCCCHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

SquareHeadPlayz: Personally I think he’s useless I’m a ranked player so I look at it from that pov I don’t see anything he could use to help the team and in the time it takes for him to use his kit you could’ve knocked someone so useless

Jawzzz9999: I have to get rid of my flatline.....meanwhile in the box i was just in 170+ rounds of heavy. Lol

Punky Doo: I have all the ordnance in the map... Still not enough. lol

James Cooper: I’m just here to read the heavy ammo comments

Luis Kalt: Almost dropped a 20 bomb with him his kit is so brutal to 3rd party hes not working well on olympus but hes pretty dope on kc if you know how to use his kit 🤔😅


paris garrett: Looking for heavy loots guys with loads of heavy loots grab r-301 and miss all the heavy changes gun cause of lack of heavy nice

Thomas Ludwick: All I learned from this video is octane op

Daniel Longpre: So I saw Sooxfar's video yesterday and I rewatched the whole game just for the nades part hahahaha That's the content i'm here for!

Ian Rotman: Crash site is the best place of the old/new map

Sui cidal10dencys: With fuzes nades you have to aim above the reticle for mid to close range encounters

Austen Evangelista: Did anyone else notice there was a mr vsauce, mrs vsauce, and a vsauce jr?

WestGaul12: I kind of disagree, I’ve been in love with the accuracy of the arm launcher. Especially with thermites. So fun to use, and it can be a great way to control or disengage from a fight

Drew McCurley: This is best video ever fuck yea u and soofar rock love the spamming of the grenades

Smartness216: Heavy ammo be like are u blind

julianpena22: Rich looted those bins so badly that he missed the heavy ammo and left the digi threat behind. Never change Rich. 🤣🤣

Kristof Plummer: When you down with fuse hit them with knuckle cluster to finish without needing to pay attention to them

Kristof Plummer: Favorite legend by far once you get used to it spam arc grenades and dominate. For fuse content please

JoshIsKrazy: Can you not hold down and aim his nades on controller?

Terry Baker: @10:10 there was the heavy you just asked for Rich! 🤣🤣

Simon: Your bad looting makes me so stressed

crazycoffey: YESSS, Rich finally embraces the grenades and fuse's abilities to hurl them forever.

caleb menendez: I love fuse

Cameron The Trombonist: We just gonna ignore the full team of VSauce names? 👀

2000ndfunky: I can’t deal with how much loot you need but miss 😂😂😂. Forget about the 1million heavy ammo, but pick up the 301 I guess 🤷🏽‍♂️

The Shedheads: I love Fuse enough to main him this season but if they made it so you can control the force that the throwables are shot it would be cool. i dont know how itd be done tho so i usually just pick up arc stars since those dont go bouncin around

Cody Wieber: Fuse's kit is good, but I find myself focusing too much on nades and not enough on shooting my gun...

yellowfish filet: Fuse ahould carry 8 throwables in a stack like if you agree XD

Vaughn Zimmerman: You miss some of the craziest things lol... like almost 150 heavy ammo when you grabbed the 301 talking about needing heavy ammo lol

Mikke_13: You van actually aim with fuses grenade launcher if you hold the shoot button

Randolph K: rich needs heavy and grabs the R301 instead lol 164 heavy in the same box

Pat B: Rich ignores heavy ammo in a death box, then ignores a fully kitted 301 in a death box, then finally realizes he's almost out of heavy ammo, right before finding a box with heavy ammo just to drop the flatline for a 301 lol

Rodolfo Maldonado: Watching you loot and not pick up things you need gives me really bad anxiety.

Luca Bazooka: I just wanted to say congrats on 1 million subs, I might be late to congratulate you but I'm still very happy for you! 👌

Ishaan Pillai: Rich's aim: **STRONK** Rich's looting skills: where heavy ammo? **walks over 164 heavy**

squidyninja gaming: I really wanna see you use the L Star

Shroomy Stix: Wait that Wthane the mans famous now

Henry Rodriguez: We need a Jankz+Sooxfar+Rich game!!!!

Sosa cigars: Watching rich loot must be some form of torture lol

Jacob Sibert: I'm sorry but I love playing fuse. The knuckle cluster and nade launcher is beyond useful to me. I get better with the ult and I'm set 👍 Awesome video as always 👍👍

Dennis 17: 10:05 to 10:10 i mean Rich. Come on. You can't be serious.

Erik Dawson: Rich you’re killin me with your looting skills

Sorryyoudied Ttv: Why does he say fuse would only be good on pc because it’s hard to control the nades with a controller.. if you’re not good at throwing nades just say that 😂🤔 I play on controller and stick tf outta people in high ranked games.. if I played fuse I would absolutely dominate but I play caustic to carry my bad teammates

Only Kapri: 10:25 you missed the heavy ammo 🤦🏾‍♂️

topherThe_terrible !: rich: i need heavy also rich @10:12 looting box with 132 rounds of heavy, no thanks lmaooooooo

Osiris xanz: You asked for heavy seen some takes a different light gun

Keiny Lai: You're seriously the worst looter ever.

Egg Jeezus Brayden: Rich will you please respond to one of us and explain how you missed 164 heavy while ACTIVELY looking for heavy 😂 actually concerned

Ronoh The First: I can quick aim the grenades no problem on remote and have great accuracy

Jake Bauer-Sys B.S: 7:01 till 7:35 look at kill feed, vsause family lol

Kevin Spaulding: You should play with jankz and soofar and run only grenades at the end. Finish the last team off with grenades only. No guns allowed. That would be good content.

MonkeyFarm Gaming: In true itemp fashion, he needed heavy round and missed over 200 in a death box so he took a 99 instead. 🤯

Jostein Carlsen: 10.11......... it was a ton of heavy ammo🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Kiriu Xeosa: Throwables need to be planned out as they're all situational Grenades are for enclosed areas or to get around corners Incendiary are for corralling teams and to keep them from moving Emp are for clustered groups that are looting or for sniping with and obliterating shield

Steven Mosher: Rich, I’m surprised you can see anyone when you are so blind in those loot boxes😂

Jedi_Bandito: I swear I'm going to stop watching my boy Rich solely because of his looting...

Tyler Smith: I didn't buy Fuse this season because I wanted better stuff in my apex packs. He looks like a ton of fun. I wish I hadn't bought Horizon. I don't play her, she was too OP. But getting lots of gold stuff this season, so maybe I'll unlock him soon.

Matt Ball: It hasnt even been 20 days yet and this was posted a day ago, i know february is a short month but the weeks are still all 7 days long believe it or not 😜

Scott Lipscomb: lol possibly the worst looter I’ve ever watched 😂

Jeffstrow: All the best players are the worst looters. I watch an unhealthy amount of this game both on twitch and YT and my findings are that the more you care about loot the worse you are at the actual game

Adam Gomez: I feel like they did a great job balancing fuse. You just gotta get used to the trajectory of his Grenade launch

Boost Starve: Watching rich loot legit gives me a stroke 😂

NorthsKing *: 10:11 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤧🤧🤧🤧😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂 klassic rich

Widley Innocent: I swear Rich is the king at saying he needs something, looking at the said thing, and not getting it. SMH.

Viral Mode: Great 🚀


Exploding Gage: Congrats on 1 mil

Jake Wolfe: “I need Heavy Ammo” Grabs R301 in box with loads of Heavy Next box “I need this r99 nobody has heavy.” Classic Rich moment 😂😂

BLACKSPOT: fuse grenades are easy for me on console

Arthur Johnson: do i a podcast called 5 and a half minutes

seated boot058: I've always used my granades at a distance to destroy any doors people are hiding behind so I don't have to go through the melee animation and then get beamed by someone camping with a 99

rbradt1: After playing with fuse for 5 minutes I knew the grenades flew WAY too far. You can’t grenade someone who is kinda close, it flies past them to the next poi

Calm Clank: I like Fuse, his tactical is quite good I even made a few bad videos on him but overall I think he's good his ultimate is very circumstantial.

Ash: Fuse is terrible... hate it!

Joshua: After 3 weeks he's trash like I thought

Flow Arizona: Rich how do you control the flatline on controller???

Jay: evert time i use the arc with fuse i land my shot but the moment i use a thermite or a frag for some reason the biggest oooof possible

Thomas McKinney: This guys a legend... an apex legend😏. Keep up the great work!

STEEZiViSiON: rich you’re the worst looter

Ryan: I think fuse aims too high with frags and thermites by default.

Aaron Johnston: I am so sorry i temp I havnt been subscribed this whole time I’ve been watching you for literally about 8 months now

Tammy Adonkie: it isnt inaccurate ur just on controllr so its harder to control

Parker Hagen: They need to put aim assist when you have a grenade to make it easier to aim with fuse.

Jaren Hudson: hey a rich. The comment sections got ya again.

OgWill: I’m convinced Rich be smoking lol he miss all this heavy lol

William Adeniran: Rich: i need heavy ammo. Enters a box with 169 ammo. Rich:nah i don't need it anymore. Still on zero heavy ammo

Zzzion ': If u guys didnt know u can hold the trigger button to actually aim where u launch them. You dont have to just tap the button

Chimichanga: I was a octane main Now I am a fuse main 💯

Ulysses: 13:05 this is the least amount of healables Rich has ever had voluntarily.

Yexom: Why do you need 12 cells? Why did he miss out on the 136 heavy bullets? Why Rich, why?

Stacey Kidney: Rich u missed the 161 heavy ammo just before u switched to the R301 🤦‍♀️

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