Mandalorian Season 2 Finale SPOILERS Explained! THAT ENDING THO 😮

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JScope: Hey im josh, but a unknown one. Still going to off myself

Demonic Axeman: I never found a blemish or defect in CGI Luke.

Gunther Rasschaert: S3 will be the book of boba fed. It was showed after the endtitle of the seasonfinale of S2.

aaran callahan-smith: No complaints. So thankful they finally got this right.

Franc Coeur Guy: if they want my money, they need to keep Hamill face for Luke caracter please....its the only thing that i want please. Even CGI its not a problem for me. TY.

Princess Dee_93: Maybe the rangers of the new republic first season is a new repunlic attempt to take mandolore

Mhana Alnaimi: The more i like the mandalorian the more i hate the sequel trilogy... i was okay with it before but after this season... jeez what a shit show the sequel trilogy was... i really wish they would pretend it didn't happen at least the prequels were PREQUELS!!!

Cole Rhatigan: Luke was a hero in The Last Jedi. Literally saved the Resistance by accomplishing one of the greatest force feats we've ever seen, in the most Jedi way possible; through knowledge, not attack.

Rogue Leader: Luke Skywalker, space Jesus.

Tyler Wagner: I can't explain the way star wars makes me feel I just love seeing that whole universe Canon and legends and this episode shows me exactly why I do such a good ending I saw that x wing and I instantly knew oh shit it's my guy LUKE SKYWALKER 💯💯💯😂

TWSTF 8: I didn't have any issues with Mark Hamill's de-aging at all, whatsoever. I don't know, maybe I'm just getting old or something lol my eyesight ain't what it once was, but it looked just fine, to me. 👍 Edit; And, everyone's seemingly all complaining about this thing, that Bo Katan was just given the Darksaber by Sabine in Rebels, so what's the problem with her just getting it that way now, right? Except it's probably, in her mind at least, why she lost it, (and her Planet) to Moff Gideon and the Empire, by not winning it in combat. Even if it's a small part of the overall reason, it's reason enough for her to now want to claim ownership the, "right way." (It's really not any more trivial than that, I believe.)

Robert Derexson II: Best f..... Star wars by Disney

KageNoTenshi: Ahsoka is looking for thawn, so makes sense he and Ezra shows up there

Valmor Hack: I love how Luke Skywalker apeared on the show and all, but it would be best to talk about Mando becoming the ruler of Mandalore and how he will take over his planet back! XD

Scott Xavier: Grogu blood makes emperors clones possible. Which means the clones child is a part of grogu and his grand daughter

NewMexicoSharpShooter: They treated Luke Skywalker with respect? How refreshing. Star Wars done right... no thanks to Ms Kennedy.

K. Duelist: Din the Tinman is Javier’s descendent from Narcos confirmed!

ThatOneGamer: I just want them to continue the story from here and progress it with luke and mandalorian story Plssss Forget the last jedi Revive the order with luke as the main hero and mandalorian revives his order in mandalore with his dark saber Plsssss i hate the new sequels and many can agree i will watch luke even if he is cgi all the way to the end T-T

Ethan Connor: Did anybody else see the parallels between Luke slaying all the dark troopers in the corridor and Darth Vader killing all the Rebel troops in the corridor at the end of Rogue One?

NINJAInferno: Spoiler warning... you already spoiled with the cover video

S. Plissken: Forget the sequel trilogy. THIS is Luke Skywalker.

Joe Salvador: "Space Jesus." 👍

Ma Ef: CGI is expensive, that's why we won't have much more of Luke, maybe a few short scenes but lets be realistic. I hope that they don't make Bo-Katan marry Mando just so she can rule Mandalore through marriage instead of having to fight him.

FluffyPigMonster: Din still has Grogu’s metal sphere. They’ve been very predictable at making things like that mean something.

DJackson18: Bo-Katan took the dark saber from Sabine with out fighting her

Penitent Man: StarWars is back baby!

JH4073: This is the Luke Skywalker we deserved

countreekidd: No, in the EU he wasn't an almighty force or space Jesus, but he was very very powerful, and well respected by both friends and enemies. He continued to struggle and mature, and made mistakes from time to time, but through it all he was still Luke Skywalker....not Jake.

kyle hackman: Space Jesus. I love it

Daniel Perry: I had given up hope for Disney run Lucas until that show

Steven Burgett: I was crying to much to see how the cgi had any problems

bobby mariani: I've officially entered a Star Wars Paradox. The Mandalorian has become hands down my favorite thing Star Wars (Movies, Shows, Games, Rides, etc.). However I realize without watching everything else before hand, I wouldn't enjoy The Mandalorian in the same way... It's the circle of life, from a galaxy far far away. "I DON'T have a bad feeling about this". "This Is The Way" to actually enhancing the sequel trilogy, giving us what we so desperately wanted, and was not just denied, but basically mocked, in the Sequel Trilogy, now with The Mandalorian. We got Bo Katan and Ashoka Tano in live action at their best! We not only got Boba Fett, we got Temuera Morrison! And the return of Slave 1! WHAT?! We got a perfect supporting cast of new and old characters, including Din and Grogu (who EVERYONE fell in love with!). We got to visit new and old/familiar planets. Along with a storyline that was about FAMILY, where you felt like you were on the journey with the characters, and which respected the old characters while focusing on their new ones... After all this, we got... LUKE F*CKING SKYWALKER (along with R2D2 and the X Wing) in his prime!! And in my opinion Luke vs the Dark Troopers was the best fight sequence in the Disney era, right above the Vader scene from Rouge One. They gave us the Luke Skywalker(Mark Hamill) that we deserved and so badly wanted to see in the sequel trilogy, but didn't. Could we possibly get a Han and Luke scene in season 3?!?! I think YES along with maybe a tribute scene to Leia! This is what Star Wars has always been about and I can only hope, that one day I might want to watch the sequel trilogy again. And Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau are the ones to make this happen through their expanded universe! After all, Filoni used The Clone Wars and Rebels to enhance the Prequels and Original Trilogy's, he can do it again! I HAVE SPOKEN!!!!!!

BarnyWaterg8: It’s time to leave the skywalkers behind... Star Wars is better when focused on the universe as a whole vs the story of one family

LaTrone Latham: We Star Wars fans and Mark Hamill himself wanted to continue the adventures of Luke Skywalker and his family (friends) right after Return of the Jedi. But George Lucas wanted to take a break from Star Wars and go into other things. Mark Hamill said in an interview that after he redeemed his father and became a Jedi Knight, "Is that it?" People calling this 'fan service' and going backwards in Star Wars needs to get a heart and a clue! We've waited for 37 years to get a fully powered Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker young, confident and wasting some fools. I hope Kathleen Kennedy, J.J. Abrams and Rian Johnson learned a thing or two. Trying to subvert fans expectations and playing identity politics! Here's a great quote from Pierce Brosnan's 007 in the 1997 film Tomorrow Never Dies: James Bond: I may have some breaking news for you, Elliot. You forgot the first rule of mass media, Elliot! Give the people what they want!

kevin dunne: Is there going to be a Boba Fett book or did they mean that The Mandalorian S.3 will follow Boba as the main character???

kevin dunne: If Luke is to come a frequent sight then recast the actor because while a quick cgi rendered scene was ok I couldn't watch a it for too long.

James: Din might have to marry Bo-Katan like a Dragon Age Origins.

Dark Neal: they have to retcon the sequels, its the only way it'll work for that whole Ben travesty and having the child. Im hoping this will happen in the Ahsoka series, where they can talk about multiple dimensions like in the world between worlds storyline they used in Rebels.

Nishaan P: Man as cool as it was to see Luke, I was so hoping for Ezra and Sabine.

Nishaan P: Who's stronger, Ahsoka or Luke?

Xavier Sotelo: Idk about y'all but I wish they stopped doing the deaging of characters and actors it looks wonky imo. Something about it just looks off.

Jack Dubz: I'm glad that they didn't go down the Sebastian Stan route. He might look a bit like Mark Hamill but he's no Luke Skywalker. Much in the same way Alden Ehrenreich is no Han Solo.

Austin Poirier: Do you think we will see Ashoka finally meet Luke on her show? Its something Ive been wanting for so long. I think it needs to happen, whether in person or through the force. I dont see a Luke spin-off just because of the quality of the cgi they used, makes more sense to do cuts over to catch up, or wait for a time jump and show Grogu having left the temple. Unless we are to assume Grogu died at the temple with Lukes other students at the hand of Ben Solo. I dont think Grogu and Ben couldve met without Grogu having died or been known and hunted by Ben/Kylo

Tracey Brown: Even as someone who loved Luke in TLJ (people change in 30 years, I sure have), I loved this SO much! This does not erase TLJ Luke, sorry, as this is only 5 years after RotJ & makes sense at this time. But we did never get to see much of "kick ass" Luke in his prime, so this was just everything!

Dwayne Cole: Reactions have been emotional and positive but one guy says, he wished they hadn't included Luke in the finale. He said he wants to move on from the Skywalkers. Yeah, why not move on from Batman and Bruce Wayne too, Superman and Clark Kent ?. To me, Star Wars is Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader. Everything that came after is a side project. I love the Mandalorian and the finale. If you don't like Luke or Vader, why not just watch something else like Saved By The Bell . This is no joke. Look at how happy the fans are. It's not a minority, it's a huge majority of devoted Star Wars fans.

Alessandro Abate: I was too busy crying to nitpick Luke’s appearance. I know it actually wasn’t Mark Hamill, but we got Luke and he kicked ass. It was joyous to have him back.

Casey McCart: Was hoping Din would give Grogu the knob from his ship at the end

N R: People who think the book of boba is s3 of mandalorian have some inability to comprehend. If the last 2 seasons have been CHAPTERS. It is literally saying a new book with new chapters is coming for boba.

Antoine Allen: GREAT EPISODE...the fear on everyone's face when Mando said open the doors for Luke kicked assss, Yet the terrible CGI took me out...just saying as a Animator. (the floating head when he looked down at Grogu, the dead eyes when he takes the hood off..) Uuuug. hoping this gets fixed later. like when Thanos seems to trip on the stairs in Infinity But great show otherwise.

Ashton Lovell: Did boka tan kill mando tbh I think she did tbh it is the end of his story

SLICKCOWBOY: Bo and Din get married their kid becomes a Jedi and they use that for post sequel movies

Jim: If Ben were even alive, he would be a toddler, this is only 5 ABY.

Sebastian Hackembruch: first minute "Luke literally stole the show"... "literally".... smh

paul mallon: If they do a Luke series they'll use a different actor

paul mallon: Episodes 7-9 must be erased from memory

TreFKennedy: Luke broke the internet

Jaqen H'ghar: It took me out of it... It was fine though but still. Why not just use Sebastian Stan???

FAITHandLOGIC: “Ending explained?” There was no need for an explanation as if people didn’t understand it.

Loren Sims: Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni are just doing wonders with this show. But this episode was less than satisfying for me. They let Moff Gideon talk just way too much. Awesome fight to reclaim the Dark Saber, but Sabine Wren won possession of it in combat and then GAVE it to Bo-Katan, why can't the Mandalorian do the same? How did Moff Gideon get it away from her in the first place such that she's not sure who has it or where it is? Only one Jedi flies an X-wing so I knew as soon as he arrived. I was so glad it wasn't Ezra.  A full-throated Jedi, much like Yoda, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka and Kanan. So The Mandalorian asking "Are you a Jedi?" sounded pretty silly, but I guess he was just making sure. I thought Luke looked too young for 'five years after Return of the Jedi' but it was better than Princess Leia at the end of Rogue One (but not better than Nick Fury and Agent Coulson in Captain Marvel). R2-D2 was just silly fanservice. And The Mandalorian forgot all about that knob he salvaged from the Razor Crest specifically for Grogu. I'm counting on a big assault to retake Mandalore with all those ships Bo-Katan in collecting. But I don't know if I even want that in this series. Actually, the way they wrapped up this episode felt as much like a series end as a season end. I really don't know where they can take this 'space western' next, Grogu having become so very much part of The Mandalorian's life. They've become such a team, how do you break up the act?

Tevya Smolka: I am so Happy we got to see Luke skywalker be the Jedi we all know and love

GodAtum: What's next for Luke? probably not in this series, but Luke or the New Republic have to piece 2 and 2 together now they have the Dr and Gideon prisoner. They NEED to go hunting for who's creating these force clones and why ... Luke has unfinished business.

GodAtum: I thought Luke was an asshole ... no thank you or leaving a calling card!

Deevagaran Nair: But I'm sure Ezra, Sabine and Thrawn would only logically be appearing in the Ahsoka series

Red Chilli: You glad he win the darksaber, but it is sad to me to see Bo Katan being frustrated with her life. I would love to watch Bo Katan show as much as Ahsoka show and Boba show.

tizucker: All I wanted was more Luke! Great job Lucasfilm!

atlabalama: How'd Din get his rocket pack back?

Bill Tsoukalis: I loved everything about this episode. Beautifully done! Glad we didn't see Thrawn, I think we need to save some stuff for Ashoka, Sabine and Ezra. Jon & Dave have set this up to carry SW stories for the next decade! 🙌🏼

AbbieJolie C: This was definitely a Mark Hamil voiceover, which is lovely. My question is, was this the young look alike actor or CGI visually.

Quinn Legere: Luke’s a clone

R. O.: I agree 👍, and for me its Luke's humility that makes him such an attractive figure in star wars, for me atleast.

Jairo Dominguez: Boba the Hutt

Gavin Miller: Time to scrap sequal trilogy. This episodes shows what the fans really wanted for decades not the trash trilogy that spat on our loved characters.

Gin & Poor Life Choices: Do you think season 3 of the Mandalorian is “the book of boba” or that it’s a completely different show? They can’t both be airing in December 2021 surely

Julian Montenegro: Wrong R2-D2 can't remember grogu because at the end of episode 3 after Luke and leia were bron they decided to wipe the memories of the droids so as to not have the twins found if they were captured, also the Droid didn't know leia or luke or there uncle when they first encountered in episode 4, therefore there is no way R2 could remember grogu si ce him and C3POs memory have been wiped. And he won't see him again because if you think about it ben kills all of lukes apprentices or they side with him. But if the new star wars are no longer cannon maybe they do.

diana dowie: Awesome episode of the Mandalarion.

4K Productions: That was exactly what I said to family...This was the Luke of the EU!. Also, agree with you on the CG Luke. You nailed it perfectly. However, I feel like this was the series finale for The Mandalorian. I think that tag was setting up a new series to replace this one, That version of theme that played with the credits was made to sound bittersweet and final.

mervunited: Frankly, I would rather have Sebastian Stan playing Luke during the era of the Mando TV series rather than using deepfake CGI. Sigh. I mean, even Sebastian Stan had Mark Hamill’s green light.

Jesse: I don’t think thrawn will be in the next season of mando I think that was just a set up for Ashoka spin off show

Rick Olive: Do people really need that ending explained?

Evan: Bo-katan seems to be too much of a trouble maker to be a leader. Din has showed he can bring people together for a cause, especially ep 1 season 2. I hope Din will become the leader of the Mandalorian people, it will parallel well with the rise of Cara dune as I'm sure she'll get a big promotion with the return of Gideon and pershing alive.

ケネディチャールズ: No grumpy uncle Jake here

123jerro: I AM disappointed that they didn't put more effort into recreating the face of Skywalker. Oh...and what is this The Book of Boba Fett???? Awesome!

Weteperepe: I like you GoT Christmas sweater

Stephen Holbrook: LISTEN TO ME. “The Mandalorian” is a plural statement. It doesn’t refer just to Din Djarin, it refers to all the varying types of “Mandalorian” we have met- the Armorer, Bo-Katan, Boba Fett. The name “The Mandalorian” is like saying Polynesian or Hawaiian or Aztec or even Jedi. It is a word that doesn’t have to end with an “s” to make it plural. So along this magnificent odyssey we are introduced to all the varying types of “the Mandalorian (plural)” that still inhabit the galaxy. Which is why The Book of Boba Fett would/could easily be a part of that odyssey. Ponder it. It makes sense.

alex phillips: Din is a Star Wars Aquaman

IFM: Gun to your head, choose one: Jon Favreau Kevin Feige

Ross Stewart: What an epic episode to finish off the season! Luke Skywalker owning it! Moff Gideon is clearly terrified and knows who's turned up. We now have a situation between Mando and Bo Katan. And R2 is definitely excited to see Grogu so the theory that he recognises him is a strong one.

K Fuj: Luke see’s a dark future in Grogu so he slices him lmao

Flaquis: It's not that the sequel trilogy Luke is terrible, it's just that we never got the Luke from in between this period. We still haven't seen the whole story play out until what we saw today, but we do know how it ends.

Jazzy Jez: Deepfake Mandalorian Luke is more real than The Sequel Trilogy.👍🐸

Adam Kurtz: Now I want to see Ashoka and Luke have a meeting and Luke can tell her about Anakin’s redemption. Epic Jedi bonding moment....

Randy Clingon: Luke grogu spin-off

krille1221: still can not belive we got what we needed Luke Skywalker omg i bine watching the x-wing entry over 30 times now cont stop watching it i dont cry like a baby any more wow 33 yeats old bine wating for this moment ever sens the episode 6 :D i mean perfektion , i just wish Luke sed when din ask are you a jedi i am he shud say i am my name is Luke skip last name for now only to let every one in the room know ok Luke the jedi master* what am i saying i loved every milisec of this !!!

Blue: It sucked. Y’all hyped it all up and it was meh

don040870: 2 things I would have done differently. I would NOT have removed the helmet in the previous episode, it would have made the scene where he removed his helmet in the finale much more impactful. 2nd change, when they got in the elevator at the end, Din should have held up the ball Grugo loves and he force pulls it to him just before the doors close.

Stormtree Productions: Agree with the weird cgi. But loved his rogue one hallway moment!

Trish at Goldenwood Farm: Luke Skywalker: Force of Nature/Spooky Fecker...Yeah, they nailed the Luke of that time (right around the time of Return of the Jedi). OMG... Its like the 1990's didn't even happen, Fan Service? Hell yes. And here's one to chew on; mightn't be that Comm's Officer be Sabine under cover, tracking Gideon in the hopes of finding Thrawn and Bridger? Its a stretch, for sure, but they made such a thing out of showing her doing whatever, and side characters don't usually get that treatment. I dunknow, somebody put that idea out there, I think it's possible: she wasn't one of the corpses littering the bridge, so she may have escaped with some of the other officers - it's weird that there don't seem to be any unarmored personnel lying dead on the floor at all.

Kyle Alvarado: Such an awesome thing. I couldn’t disagree with Josh about Luke’s CGI. I thought he looked incredible.

Michael Long: I wish Disney would give up on the CGI and just do deep fake. It's not like they didn't have tons of film of Mark Hamill from this time frame. They could always touch it up with AI CGI in post rather than try to create his face from scratch.

Sam Moss: The Ezra and Thrawn "show" will be the Ahsoka show... "Where is Grand Admiral Thrawn?!"

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