THE MANDALORIAN Season Finale Ending & Post-Credit Scene Explained! (REACTION)

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Shotgun Reflex: I was literally jumping up and down inside when i saw the x wing and reminded so much of battlefront 2

Darth Riley: Who else cried?

__________________________________: Nobody needs an explanation. We have brains and eyes.

Sky Thomas: Only reaction to this episode 😯

Vasun05: When Djnn was told the Darksaber is his I had Jon Snow vibes

Rayada Draws - Minecraft Artist: In 5 or 10 years Grogu woukd be basically the same since he ages a lot slower. So he wouldn't really be a teenager lol.

Honii B: It didn’t make sense that the Jedi was Luke. If Grogu is Yoda.. how is Luke that age??? Am I missing something? Or is Grogu NOT Yoda at all?? I thought it would’ve made more sense if it were Darth Vader before he went to the dark side.

Felipe Jose: Grogu: hey I remember your dad. He killed all my buddies in kindergarten

JustKarter: four minute and 41 second video

Chris Pierce: I hope that grogu is not one of the Jedi kylo killed

Dave A.: After watching The Mandalorian season 1 & 2 I conclude that Jon Favreau should have Directed episodes 7-9, not J.J.

Harlow Bros: He just looks tired lol

ronki23: I'm very sad because Grogu and the Mandalorian split up and this is probably the end of the series. ☹️

Sheldon: Could it be that Grogu had a connection with Anakin, perhaps saved by Anakin during the purge, when Grogu reached out in the force he looked for Anakin, but found Luke. When Luke is carving up dark troopers, Grogu reacts with affection and recognition, he fights and feels like Anakin, but when his face is revealed Grogu is taken back, it's not Anakin. Maybe?

Matt Curtis: The Book of Boba is season 3

Jeremias Fly: By the Right of the council and the will of the force: You may cry!!!! Cause I did too!!

Fernando Cisneros: Bib Fortuna was suppose to be dead. He died on Jabbas Sail barge in the explosion.

Ryan Wilson-Wilhite: I don't have Disney+ so, This Is The Way... I get to see the Mandalorian and learn more about it. Thanks Eric 👍

Cha0tic M1ckey: Am I the only person who wanted the mystery Jedi to be Obi-Wan. I feel like it could have been an easy flow into the Obi-Wan series.

Mcclane Sjolund: Would be cool to see him older but, He couldn’t look much older unless it was like another 50 years tho with his aging

Asha Smith: Three words... Beautiful, epic and intense. They did more for luke in 10 minutes than the sequels did in 3 movies.

Chris Murray: When Luke showed up I felt like I was seven again watching the first showing of Star Wars in Leicester Square, London !! Fantastic !!! 🤩

Prince Muhammad hassan: I honestly can't stop crying after watching it

Luca Rocamora: Luke in this episode looks like Luke in Battlefront 2, I think they reused his model from that

Cain 2021: Personally was disappointed with the episode. Poorly digital black troopers & same goes for Luke. They should have recast a similar look-a-like. Stormtroopers need to shoot straight. Lol

D'Garden: Maclunkey

dodgers doon1130: Wow to see Luke that powerful was friggin awesome!

Darth Titan 311: The clone specialist help save palpatine

Martin Be: What an ending. Felt dissapointed last 2 episodes, but this totally made it up.

Matthew Crawford: Question. What’s the point of stormtrooper armor if it stops nothing? Aside from that I loved this episode! So much awesome.

Daniel Gillrup: The ending was better the 2nd time through. Luke was just distracting the first time.

LVzER0Sge: I JUST WATCHED IT! I DON'T KNOW WHY I STAYED FOR THE CREDITS! The Book Of Boba is going to be 🔥🔥🔥🔥 That ending.. .killed Bit Fortuna. B**ch ass😂

Jerechai Davison: i cried during the ending

Just a Thicc Doggo with Internet Access: That means Kylo killed Baby Yoda

Cathefisherpo Gaming: Why is nobody talking about that one other Mandalorian that was with Bo Katan and what happen to him?

Bilse C: Honestly I’m just pissed it wasn’t Jar Jar Binks that showed up in the x wing and whooped everyone’s ass

usccho: The Jedi who is rumored to have defeated both Vader and the Emperor lands on your ship... Moff Gideon's face = FEAR

Mariocco Argi: amazing i want season 3.i cry at the end of season 2

Melissa Larsen Ekholm: So hope we see Luke and Asoka talk and discuss the redemption of Anakin

Landon Beamer: This episode was better than the whole sequel trilogy

Elise M: Seeing my childhood hero in his young form save the day was honestly so emotional. Best Star Wars since the original trilogy. Loved this episode!

Pratulya Anjas: The mandalorian and Clone Wars restored my faith in Star Wars!!!!

Dusty Glover: 1:10 I have no more stress because of, *e a s y l a p t o p l i f e .c o m*

Christopher Henry: It's been a while since a Star Wars made me tear up. That's all i got to say.

Johnny Stokes: Grogu isn't coming back. That ending was a forever goodbye

Martins Danisevics: why Luke is not old, wtf? 40 years have passed

Roger Villalba: What's w all the dudes crying? Really? Did Luke cry when he got his arm chopped off? No. Did Vader cry when he heard about Padme dying during childbirth (even though it was a lie)? no. Did the Lando cry when Vader froze Han? no. Geeze. You would never be able to defend the Rebellion against the Empire! Yoda would be so sad. Get a grip, people. Have a nice day. Try to hold it together. I hope you all know that I'm just playing.

John Mclane: So if Ben Solo was 4,this means that in couple more years he will destroy the jedi temple of Luke and kill his padwans where was Grogu then?!!

Mariano Bermudez: Sabine gave the dark saber to BO Katan but mando can’t

Jamari Seymore: THIS IS THE WAY!

RaidenNexus97: Luke was clutch


digunder14: if next time we see grogu, he is aged enough to be able to talk, unless he is able to and just has decided not to, to see if yoda's pattern of speech is an inherent trait to his people

mocul5354: Did it seem like R2 and Grogu recognized each other????? Was it R2 who saved Grogu at the Jedi Temple???

Isai Cabrera: It’s a great time to be a Star Wars fan!

JP's World: BEST F********* EPISODE

ismulniir: luke got a hallway scene, like his father before him

Frank Sabba: I was so clouded by tears that I didn't even notice the pre-render. Amazing ending.

aron boersma: Just Holy Shit

Tue Sorensen: Teen Grogu can meet Teen Groot!! One thing, though: I hope they don't do a young Ben Solo. I never want to see that character ever again for as long as I live.

Megan OfSherwood: Of every amazing twist & character reveal this season (Bo-Katan, Boba Fett, Ahsoka Tano) this one takes the cake. The perfect, unbelievable-yet-perfect ending to an unbelievable but perfect season!

sakute: kylo ran KILLED all the kids thet luke triend:( dead grogo

BAM! Studios: Who else cried when Grogu left and when Din took off his helmet with tears in his eyes?

Brandon Roy: I'm still mad because mando didn't give grogu the little ball

Rewind That Radio: Chapter 3 implies that the Mandalorian series will follow Boba Fett’s story in season 3. They might not even bring up Bo Katan and Mando at all

Brandon Burney: Literally THE best finale I've seen in years!!!!!!!!

Brandon Carroll: Why didn't the Mandalorian give baby Yoda the silver ball from his ship? 😓😓😓

OneSided Unpure: What if Grugo was one of the students ben solo killed in luke's Jedi academy...I hope not

Leovid MD: after all this time, the jedi are special again😭

Ugandi Smith: The small song repressingly delight because mattock additionally surprise absent a jittery start. godly, physical offence

Saurav: Luke Skywalker: May the force be with you! Din Djarin: This is the way!

The Someone: Is it just me or is there more atepted suicides in this season than all the Star wars movie and episodes

Daniel Del Aguaro: Disney needs to stop the movies and just concentrate on this content on Disney+

Effie Oliver: The abashed yew specially relax because sweater occasionally increase for a shrill sidewalk. romantic, grandiose heron

I_Georgie Quest_I: Watching Bib Fortuna get it was worth it.

prashams: I would’ve loved to see Sebastian Stan there

I_Georgie Quest_I: This is the way.

rasool crepsly: *Years later,Ben solo starts to burn Lukes jedi academy* Grogu: OH we go again

RomeroYela: What if grogu gets killed by Ben solo

fox dos: i never thought i would ever get to see that in my life . for that i am forever greatful to starwars, even after ep 8&9 .

Cres DeLeon: Doesn’t this mean that Grogu ends up at the temple that Luke builds and then is slaughtered by Ben/Kylo during his angry purge after his fall out with Luke?

Dasdutt: Grogu is going to become a Knight of Ren

Joe manco: What would Grogu smell like?

Nicholas Pace: I wonder what it would be like if Asoka met Luke, Anikins son

dagr8jstorm: My eyes was sweating when Grogu touched Mando's face 😢

Killing Joke: Best Star Wars moment and episode in Dinsneys whole screwed up version of it...last hope?

David Smith: How can grogu be a moody teenager in 5 years passed, when he's a 50 year old baby?

townsville Sound: There's no charge for awesomeness. But when you have this much of it in one episode it congeals into a liquid and flows out of your eyes (and causes you to sob just a lil bit).

Midnight Star: Didn't they say Mandalorian Season 3 was coming in December of 2021....same month as 'The Book of Boba Fett' so wouldn't that make...Season 3 of Mando being about Fett?

Kevin Reyes: What would’ve made luke’s appearance even better was that he should’ve said “ hello there”😂

Henriette Andersen: Would teenage Grogu speak like Yoda? That could be fun! 😁

Sensei Sanjuro: Awesome season 2 ! Sad ending 😢 and we don't even know if the mandalorian will keep his armor and if he will have to fight Bo-Kathan 🤔 wait till next season will be an eternity 😬😓

Teejls: Are Bo katan death ?

Corvid76: Click like if you think they're going to time jump to give us a growned up Baby Groda.

Steve Thornton: This is what we should’ve got instead of the sequels!!!!

Krillin The Villain: Am I the only one who thinks that Gideon didn't truly get what he needed from grogu? It felt like he was just bluffing to din. I mean he needed doctor pershing to do the delicate doctor stuff but he was intercepted by mandos group. He even tried to kill himself after he failed to kill grogu. Meaning the he didn't actually have what he needed since the doctor hadn't shown up yet. I highly doubt he would assign such delicate work to any of his imperial officers or troopers

monzx3: That $6.99/month has been well worth, WOW!

Jasper Kleine: Why can’t season 3 be the book of boba fett?

刘琦宇: Mando took down his helmet, looking into the eyes of baby Yoda: "Now, what do you wish for" (don't worry, come back in a week and you will understand the reference"

Addamm 2009: I have wait to 2021 to watch mandalorian😭😭

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