THE MANDALORIAN Season 2 Ending Explained, Post Credits, & Season 3 Theories!

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Think Story: DANK FARRIK! Another year until season 3. Leave your comments about Season 2 and Season 3 theories below! Spend some time in cryo with my Sci-Fi & Fantasy Playlist:

Bo Jackson: Trip out mandos gonna turn out to be a Jedi

Lauren Lemmons: #bringMandoandbabyyodabacktogether

Jon Harper: These new series will suffer the greatest insult to the Sequel Trilogy that one can make. To be ignored. Yeah, that is likely getting tossed aside.

Sean Brazell: He SAID he didn't need lil-yoda anymore. But if THAT was true he'd never have attacked mamdo.

Sean Brazell: The guava doesn't fall far from the tree

dandini0698: I think they'll scratch that sequel triology. Rumors have been going on, so no need to give examples of those movies..

Franc Coeur Guy: if they want my money, they need to keep Hamill face for Luke caracter please....its the only thing that i want please. Even CGI its not a problem for me. TY.

Edgar Torres: Please do not reference the sequels as canon. From this point forward they shall be considered bad fan fiction.

Stephen Soukup: absolute BADA$$ finale episode. So so good. Thought the Moff Gideon battle would last longer though but oh well. Very very cool to see Luke at the end taking care of those Dark Troopers. so much for Grow-gu for a long time I recon. cant wait for Season 3. So glad I stayed and waited for the end credits scene. I said to myself....."I better just be sure there isnt one...." and then sure enough there WAS one haha!!1 The Book of Boba will be amazing for sure. Thanks for the great recaps this season. You should check out and do a series on Pennyworth.

Saran K: Is Bo Katan alive?

Joaquim Costa: I am just upset that he didn’t give Grogu his toyball when he was departing 🥲

Jules H: Who else got their girlfriend crying while seing mando and Grogu separating?

Goliathon's Cave: I thought the series reached its pinnacle in fan service (ok ok, me service), when Bobba dropped the seismic bomb on the tie fighters in the previous episode. That seismic bomb sequence from Ep 2 is the most played video segment I have used when showing off my home theater for the last 15 years! My teenaged son was laughing at his old dad completely geeking out over that callback. But I was wrong, this episode was a better bomb (see what I did there). I thought it was Asoka cutting through those Dark Troopers but was shocked to see it was Luke, which in retrospect should have been the first person I guessed.

Goliathon's Cave: I believe Ep 7-9 are now being considered non-canon, so no constraints on the Luke/Baby Yoda training story.

Thomas Viles: Bo Katan never said she wanted the Slave One. She just wanted to imperial ship.

Captain Rex: The post credit scene was advertising a book about boba fett

Milz Katherina: The ending got me pretty emotional what about you guys ? And I mean happy tears .

Spencebasset7: Noice vid

Virtual Kingdom: Just remember that the Brian Johnson and Kathleen Kennedy trilogy aren’t cannon. George Lucas is reworking the entire new trilogy to be original starwars masterpieces. And not nostalgia reruns of his original trilogy only with a Mary Sue.

juhos3000: This ending made me tear up, seriously (i cried a lot). Seeing Luke in action in hes prime, Din revealing he's face to Groku and the whole ending sequence was so fucking emotional... It was perfect, cant wait for S3

Teeds TheReaper: The brief t-shirt ethnopharmacologically train because guitar centrally tire versus a abhorrent jail. spotty, legal gold

Kyle P: She didn't want Slave 1. She wanted the imperial ship.

Wednesday's Child: Couldn't we just forget the Kylo Ren story and forget Rei. Horrible trilogy. He doesn't want Bo Katan. He wants Cara Dune.

TB_OMEGA: Reys star wars movies arent canon anymore

Dave Fawcett: This is the subvert fan expectations

Squidiot: Who needed this explained??

Gatra: Thats so fucking awesome lol. I think its the end of this mandalorian. Next we will see the story about boba.

Aziz Taylor: Din A.K.A. "Mando" has quickly become my favorite character in the Star Wars series and Im so eager to see more of his story. I'm sure Boba Fett's series will no doubt be interesting and entertaining, but I cant wait for season 3 of the Mandalorian.

Logan Carlson: Thank you for not being one of the assholes on YouTube that want quick views and resort to blasting spoilers all over their thumbnails and titles. You are much appreciated.

T Ash: Guys the sequels will be retconned. I wouldn’t even worry about those atrocities. This is Star Wars and we’re back finally!

OK Team: which character put on more pounds, bib or cara?

doktor jupiter: So mando won over the saber from moff and he spared his life ok got it So why cant Bo do the exact same thing to Mando??? She doesnt have to tell Mando that she will spare him?

doktor jupiter: bruh mando kicked moffs ASS so fast lol I understand that he needed the beskar staff probably....but still lol why was mando even scared of moff bruh now he has the staff and the saber OP

Jonathan Peterson: I wouldn’t try to hard to connect this show and the last 3 ridiculous movies, they have to tell a new story.

Kash: 2:12 Bo doesn’t want Boba’s ship you mongo, she wanted the imperial cruiser they took.

Ymir Reviews: Finally some good star wars. The real Luke. Not Jake skywalker

Ymir Reviews: I thought the ship that she wanted was the imperial cruiser they jacked.

onestop cop: The calm dipstick structurally beam because canvas mostly mark outside a irritating beard. fixed, telling yam

TheSharperCoder Blog: No, Bo Kanan did not want Slave 1. She wanted Moff Gideon’s cruiser after she defeated him. No, they didn’t say how they tracked down the doctor, nor much about Grogu’s blood sample. I think the Lambda shuttle had either left the cruiser, or was headed for it. It was probably carrying Grogu’s blood sample if was outbound, or it was going there to pick it up if it was inbound.

addjedi25: In rebels doesnt sabine just give bo the darksaber?

Cis: the book of boba fett is not a spin off look at the release date for it and s3 of the mandalorian . do you think they will release 2 big star wars sieries at the same time

Quotheraving: Why would winning the Darksabre involve a fight to the death? Din won it from Gideon without killing him.

Benjamin: Wait there will be a season 3 of the mandalorian?! I thought it seemed quite conclusive and ended very well? I will be chuffed if there is a season 3 but I really thought that was the end for the show and the next project would be the boba fett series?

DERIC 4 REAL: And that's why you don't fook around with a prime luke skywalker.

NevetsWC1134: Maybe just maybe the new trilogy can go away

Stygian: Now let's unite my friends and hope Jon Favreau hears our pleas and make Sebastian Stan follow up with the Luke Skywalker legacy of his youth.

DB Reviews: Bo Katan wants the lightcruiser not Slave 1

Expery Mental: I cried at the end 🥺

Dominique Norman: Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni Literally Save Star wars all thank to this episode and you know Kathleen Kennedy have nothing to do with this episode ever those her name show up they just used her name so she just a face now at Disney and I hope one day Luke and ashoka tano meet and Luke Tell Ashoka that anakin turn good in the eyes we all going be crying

jawadad802: If only Obereyn Martell would have brought his beskar helmet to Westeros...

Claire Lenga: It was beautiful. I have spoken.

Annel Torres: I love your videos !!


fessy4: i think you and a few other reviewers have missed the point.. i think the whole, book of bobba means that din is not the main character of the show the Mandalorian now, its not a spin off show, the Mandalorian is now gonna be about bobba fet, im sure we will still see din in the book of bobba and probably in the Ahsoka spin off too, he will become a side character just like many have been used this season, and im sure they will finish his and grogu's story at some point, could even be in a major movie.

Sofia Fitsalou: While Luke's cgi face could be better. It was far superior to Leia's from Rogue One.

Sofia Fitsalou: I literally lost my mind when I saw Luke. I hope they won't focus on him though. His entrance was epic but I don't want to risk his character. As for Gideon, I wasn't too impressed with his characterization in general. Like, I expected him to have more depth. Season 2 was amazing though!

Greg Amey: another thing that nobody has mentioned. That female officer in grey who's been Gideons right hand all season, where is she? She wasn't shot inside the bridge & her body is nowhere to be seen. I could only see two bridge officers in black and two in grey (both males) does SHE have Grugu's blood and did she get off the ship in a shuttle?

Anthony Svenforsic: Mando is going to erase the sequel trilogy

cardboard2night: 9:00 It doesn't means to the death. Mando didn't kill Gideon, but still won the saber.

Greg Amey: why has the post credits scene mean a NEW series? why won't THIS be season three of The Mandalorian?

Tara Dalmau: She didn't ask for bobatt ship

Rosabella Vita Alvarez-Calderón Silva-Santisteban: An eventual Din-Bo Katan duel need not be to the death, since you would have to be defeated, not killed. Din can claim that he had no choice but to fight Gideon to save his child, his foundling. All Bo would need to prove is that she can disarm Din in single combat

victor guzman: The tacky great-grandfather comparatively found because flugelhorn respectively plant of a fat faulty care. adaptable, far-flung lasagna

Peter Degtjarewsky: I think there isn’t a new Boba Fett show. I think season 3 of the Mandalorian will be the Book of Boba Fett and the show will follow Boba Fett for awhile. That’s why Grogu went away so as to complete the Mandalorian’s storyline. Also, I have no idea if the rumors were true or not regarding the problems on the set with Pedro Pascal, but this would take the focus off of his character for a season or two.

fataomar: I am the only one who was disappointment by SGI? I swear people on Instagram do much better job than they did.

AgonyTX: I think casting Sebastian Stan as young Luke Skywalker would be much better than cgi and de-aging Mark hamill. He’s a great actor, and he looks alot like young Luke in certain ways.

Peter Degtjarewsky: She didn’t want Slave 1. She wanted the Imperial Cruiser.

Deep Dhillon: Did nobody noticed that in EP. 7, Mando says "he means more to me", and in begining of EP. 8, he says "it means more to me"? 😂

GeoNic565: great stuff, Grogu looked more real than Luke though

Ludakritz: Soon as I seen that iconic green saber man I was like oh yes please lol

Reggie Johnson: Something tells me that whole business on Octu didn't happen

Infamous Player: Luke: But talent without training is nothing. Oof. Felt like the writers were breaking the fourth wall there.


D Mar: "Talent without Training in Nothing." Hear that Rey?

Mel MAKEurOWNsanger: This season made me proud to be a star wars fan again.

R Singh: The chicks gunning through the ship was my second fav part.

Gaurav Amatya: Why is everyone so surprised that Mando took off his helmet? That's not the first time he did it, and in fact, he has been doing it multiple times lately. Seems like he is now gonna go back to their old ways. That is, take their planet back and show the face as one pleases. And he doesn't seem to care much about showing his face anyway.

brent Mosey: When the X Wing showed up I was like what? When the robed figure appeared I was like What?! When I saw the green lightsaber I was like WHAT?!? When I saw the black glove I was like WHAT?!!?!! Screw the sequel trilogy. This is what I've been waiting for since ROTJ. Give me more please!

yuga samuel: Does anyone know why did boba immediately go to hyperspace after the gang entered the cruiser? Shouldnt he join them to help?

Cowboy Max10: Ima miss Grogo 🙁

I'm Trash: I remember when Moff Gideon said *you have to earn the darksaber with battle* then Mandalorian says *I yield, take it.*

Khayman: It felt amazing to see Luke again for the first time since Return of the Jedi, it almost washes away the filthy Jake Skywalker we had to see in the movies that shall not be named.

The life of Ronelle: There better be a season 3

Wilsonator 4String: If the fight is to the death, then why doesn't Gideon still have the darksaber?

minchul kim: The high-pitched polyester perioperatively fasten because judge complimentarily sniff against a homeless dragon. obsequious, next approval

Omnitrickter: Hopefully The Mando Show erases Disney’s Trilogy

Fumi S: Sabine just gave the saber up to her in Rebels ... lol now she can’t just take it without battling? 🤔

MisterRlGHT: I still wanna know how a dude who never takes off his helmet maintains a mustache. And why.

Kelo Palaita: Likely to the death...but Moff is right there, and again Sabine just handed the saber to Bo Katan..but as theories go focusing on retaking Mandalore makes sense... although they've been in constant war since forever and being under imperial occupation is probably the first peace time the planet has seen since Satine(sp?) The Duchess ran the show. This is all so fascinating, still so much questions tho

carter hajek: This show seems to good to be true sometimes

detvedjegikkeDK: I don't think it's a battle to the death as Mando defeats Moff Gideon but doesn't kill him and still get the dark saber, so why should Bo-Katan need to kill Mando to get dark saber she just needs to defeat him in battle not kill him.

Kelo Palaita: I guess Bo Katan just forgot to beat Sabine Wren in combat for the Dark Saber in the heroes of Mandalore arc of Star Wars rebels, same way Sabine technically didn't beat Maul in combat

msKiwi Outlaw: I believe there was a luke skywalker look alike actor. This was an amazing ending!! 👏🏽😊

Nicholas Cummings: The ending was the light side equivalent of the ending of Rogue One

Michael DeCaro: Why can't Mando just give the darksaber to Bo-Katan? Sabine Wren handed it over to Bo-Katan in Rebels season 4 without a fight. It was given to Bo-Katan once before without combat, why can't she just accept it again?

marcy419: I MISS GROGU!!! 😓

michael bato: Ahsoka is weak She had a hard time defeating grandma who cant even run, and the only talent she have is she can hold a metal stick. What a joke...... with all the hype they put on her.

Lauthor.99 Garcia: Too easy for mando to just give the sword back to moff and say to her: "fight him"

Mr Gaudy: Can't Mando and Bo have some wrestling matches until Bo wins one? That would allow her to claim the Darksaber, right?

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