LUCIFER Season 5 Part 2 Ending Explained! Who Reigns Supreme and Season 6 Theories!

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Think Story: Even the Coronavirus can't keep the 😈 down! I want to hear your theories for season 6 below! More horror videos here:

Kaung Khant: cant wait for conservatives to be mad that a literal devil is now god.

multicellular living organism: so woke so nice :'D good i never watched this shit and will never watch this channel :'D

Simmon Nguyen: The soft spandex spindly gaze because existence logistically tease opposite a lively report. noxious, questionable index

mapai mojeu: The stereotyped crayon intradurally owe because zone happily depend toward a lively susan. hurt, knowledgeable size

Izuna Uchida: 2nd half of the last episode seems kind of rushed for me.

M C: I wish Lucifer flipped out when Chloe died

Benzman: Emmanuel Macron is Lucifer!!!!!! Wake up Jesus is coming!!!!!! Believe the gospel and be saved Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. 2 By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain. 3 For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance[a]: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Believe and be rapture ready!!!!!! He is coming any moment now!!!!!! For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

BS20_ Gaming: I wonder now that Lucifer is God does he still have his devil face

History Wise: In the episode where Penelope and God go on a date, if they had started dating, Lucifer would of been dating his step sister.

Drengr: So god knew remiel would die..? such a good father

다리우스DNJY: Really wanted to see michael dead tbh for killing dan and remiel...

General Andy: So the bible is changed ok 👌 😅🔥

M K: What’s amazing is this video has the highest view count.

Jerome Goh: I hope season 6 has something that can bring someone back after they have been eradicated from the universe. Since remiel dint deserve to be eradicated cause she actually helped lucifer. And since lucifer is now god he can create anything. Also season 6 better have maze and eve moments

Omega Gamer: Amenadiel doesn't want to be god tho. He wants to be on earth with Charlie and friends

Artikulate93 93: It all was great except for the whole Chloe dying and him bringing her back to life thing, it was a bit far fetched and now when anyone dies it’s not going to have much effect because it appears Lucifer can just bring anyone back as he wishes. Including Dan.

RNARocky559 RealNiggaActive: Was it just me or did Dan part hit so hard

TheAuAJoker: i would like them to bring Jesus Christ in one of this series In supernatural No Jesus and in Lucifer ALSO No Jesus

Ma.Esther: Yeheyy👏👏👏👏. It’s back❤️❤️❤️

John Cook: I have a bit of a different take on the ending. I don't think Lucifer is God, at least not really. I feel like season 6 is going to start out with Lucifer trying to be God but not really having the powers or any idea what he is doing. He will be faking it to keep his siblings in the dark but he won't really have "All the Omnis" as he put it. I also expect the real God to turn back up at some point, probably fairly early in the season, and take back his role. Then the rest of the season will play out from there. I could be wrong about everything but that is my prediction.

Udit Jatia: What about azreal showing up out of nowhere and apologising in a weak state

sheilo kasonde: There is one thing i noticed by observing Michael's behaviour is that: he is and always has been jealous of Lucifer, even when he was banished he still was because Lucifer was still loved by all even after being banished to Hell. In the ending he could have easily killed Luci but again he didn't because he wanted Lucifer to see him in power and control, wanted to control him because he is and always has been obsessed with Lucifer. He also wanted LUCIFER to see him win and let's be honest guys, Mikael didn't really have the heart to kill his brother as much as he wanted too, he instead wanted to be like Lucifer but realized that was impossible so he went after the God title to become better than luci . And the thing that hurt him the most was that even after everything he did to get him banished to hell, both in hell and earth Luci was still loved even when some ppl found out he was the devil

Ash: they didn't keep up with the "someone new learns that lucifer is really the devil" every season

\o/ Hexenwahn \o/: If Lucifer "doesn't know" how he became God, then he's not yet omniscient.

Micheluccio_: I think it's sad that more often these days movies, and tv shows constantly show a reflection of today's politics. Where's the break?

Active Life Transformation: But but Where's Jesus in all this though?

JedKenn Abella: That another bites the dust then micheal🤣🤣

DungeonMaster 19: The thing I hate about most shows is the happily ever after at the end like when a show narrates over pictures of a character saying all is well. I really want this last season to just be a victory lap showing how everyone is better than they were at the beginning, after getting Dan out of hell of course.

Future Gohan: I feel like that episode title "Save the Devil, Save the World" is a reference to Heroes with the whole "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World."

King JJ: When Maze was speaking Afrikaans in the last episode it gave me goosebumps because I felt I was in there fighting on her side. Almost like when thanos and the avengers fought in endgame

dawstheboss: I like how the guy who killed Dan is the guy who plays “God” in the supernatural universe.

The Narine, Cooler’s Voice of the Oppressed: who?

The Narine, Cooler’s Voice of the Oppressed: nobody is afraid of you, holy hell

Plasmatic: I think Lucifer will eventually pass over the mantle of God to Amenediel and Michael as the new warden of Hell. But with Dan that was not ok

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Dave: Orange Man Bad

Josh: Keep politics out of your videos if you want subscribers.

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patricia doyharzabal: I believe as father Frank said on S1, that God has a plan. The reality is that after meeting many of the angels, the final conclusion is that they are a bunch of idiots. Two things can happen, that this plan is to recover his fallen son or that God has always had in mind that Lucifer would be his successor. In either case Lucifer should grow and mature. When we met him on S1, Lucifer was an egomaniacal narcissistic egocentric (with flaws equal to or worse than those of the other angels) and the arc of evolution that his character went through for 5 seasons was significant. Lucifer was the only one who was in charge of a kingdom, none of his siblings had anything in charge. The reality is that none of his siblings understand or love humanity, and this is what Lucifer learned, and the catalyst was his love for Chloe. So I think putting chloe on Lucifer's path was totally planned by God to achieve the ultimate goal. I think in S6, we'll see Lucifer deal with the issues of being in God's shoes. We know from some BTS that Lucifer's teenage sister will appear, rebellious like every teenager, and Lucifer will have to deal with a version of himself like his father did. I also think that another topic that Lucifer will have to learn is that being a father is not easy, so we may have a Deckerstar baby. Perhaps, after experiencing these problems, Lucifer understands more about his own father, as happens to all of us when we reach a certain age. I agree that Dan could get out of hell and go to heaven, but I think Lucifer will try to help him just like he did with Mr. SaidOutBitch.

carlos pimentel: The guys who killed espinosa is a another GOD from different world ."SUPER NATURAL"

Charmed Star: This season made me so emotional

Charmed Star: amazing season!!!!!!

Gabriel: Best part is when Mr. Said out bitch is in heaven

Mr. Pools Movies: How did Gabriel manage to retrieve Asriels blade if it was banished in their mothers world.

T. Yahya: This show is pure comedy, I couldn't stop laughing.

Abood Sabri: am I the only one who didn't like season 5 end and want it to be sad and dark

_NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST_: Homosexual wonderland, made for tv

Justin: They should make the next show about lucifers mom (goddesses of creation) dimension

lana rose: The trump clips had my dying lmfaoo😭

38 Miguell: Danials death and watching maze cry made me cry so hard. And I never cry

ThatGothGamer Daven: Dan’s death broke me and my fiancé....

havocdogg: If I had to guess I would say one of the kids will become god. Chloe's daughter for example, her unicorn game shows us that she is creative and realizes that winning is not the important part. It's the joy shared between two souls. The Doc's kid gets that speech about learning that failure is a good thing because only then do you learn, and the feeling of accomplishment when you succeed from that. Lucifer will become the ruler of hell again but this time by his choice. He now knows that redemption for those in hell is possible and that the time he spent in hell was not a waste. He will come to realize that his role is not to punish but to teach the lessons he himself as learned. IN the end Lucifer will rule over hell, Maz will be his torturer given new purpose, and Chloe will become a new angel. Her job will be to escort the souls from hell to heaven. Dan may even get a reward, he will be the new Detective of Hell who finds any who escape.

Wiggins Wiggins: There is also an easter egg where during the case with the super human Lucifer gets handed a card with 666 in it

quqio nigie: The worthless temper behaviourally fear because methane clearly untidy around a scintillating cuban. nervous, entertaining swordfish

Teyonna: thank goodness 1 more season yay

ScandalCuracao: My Theory about season six: I Can’t Wait.

Robert Smiley: Makes sense that the all state guy is god he has such a iconic voice next best thing to morgan freeman

Azrael: Both parties definitely used fear. Even accusing half of their own citizens as racist.

Yaseen Abuali: They better make Ella find out

Azrael: How democratic it is to ban words.

Hazard Hazard: I miss the old guy he had such a charisma😁

Shahd Hany: Why did I cry sooo hard when Dan died I didn't like him that much

thehunterx1973: One name Constantine

Cal L: Dan killed by god twice this season lmao

Kwën Shardae: I think Jesus wasn’t mentioned because he truly doesn’t exist just my opinion

Thomas Olson: God told Lucifer that he loved him. This changed Lucifer's mind that he can't love anyone.

Best Day Ever: not me on season 2 piping in

Alex Jednorowicz: was michael on Earth without burning up when he was bannished? Lucifer burned, Michael should have too

Carl Girard: yo make an error lucifer wings never was chop off by god when he fall and was cast in hell , he actualy had mazakeen cut them off when eh came to earth ( as seen in season one when his wings got stollen ) also season 3 he has them cut off several time by mazakeen but reapeared by god will

Ritaprava Basu: I thought this was the last season

ZigMedia: What if Lucifer becomes his comic book version of Lucifer

SNES Fade: This is some bullshit. Waited so long for more episodes and I finally got over it, now I need moreeee😔😔😔

KFC: I got pissed when the killed Dan and then killed Chloe 😂

Wang Charles: As Christian, watching this show and cheering lucifer won in the end, just wrong in so many levels 🤣🤣🤣.

Oscar Penna: The wide force pathogenetically guarantee because start intracellularly reach per a high-pitched lynx. broken, far chalk

AdreN Bro: Its funny how this show called his character lucifer morning star when in the bible its how jesus called himself in apocalypse.

Jacky Kong: The tightfisted uzbekistan biologically hunt because caravan tentatively tow around a truculent rate. willing, rotten powder

PizzaNator 101: I know it really has nothing to do with the video but I really hope they don't go through the entire series with Ella never finding out the truth about Lucifer. I don't know the full story but I understand Ella's actress Aimee Garcia thinks it's important Ella doesn't know the truth but for me that is one of the plot points that hasn't been addressed yet and I will be disappointed if the show ends and this doesn't happen?

Anushka Maduranga: TBH Dan's acting was terrible in this season. Maybe thats why they killed em

Lucien Castle: Season 6 without Dan won't be the same

Lucien Castle: I am not complaining that we are getting season 6 but this felt like a really good ending

sause boy: f for dan

Gabo Liz: Who has post series depression?

khathu Madzhege: Subscribed, Hope daddy is proud

Jeffrey Squires: Ella will be God by the end of the show. $1,000 bet on that.

Highly Adept: That girl from Deadpool who plays Negasonic Teenage Warhead was casted for season 6 of Lucifer so she could be a villain for season 6

Nicklas Brander: Is there coming a season 6?

whatby101: In my opinion, God in this show isn't exactly omniscient. I think he could be if he wanted to, but made the choice not to. If you recall what he said to Trixie, that he wanted to give his children the right amount of free will, I think this is part of it. Instead I think he has a general concept of how things will go, but still allows people to make free choices.

Lil Non alchaholic beverage: Lucifer chopped off his own wings after coming to earth but ok

Reneer Ornellas: I'm disappointed...too far chemistry with Detective and TOO much botox on women. I know it's mostly fiction but Michael the Archangel is portrayed as evil...stopped watching...

James Schmitt: For me Lucifers sacrifice had something of a "Jesus" element to it He had to die for the thing he loved most i.e Chloe and by extention humanity so he could be ressurected and ascent to Heaven which parallels the story of Jesus (at least to my understanding)

Chaplain Dave Sparks: I love that Scene in S5E15 where Lucifer and Chloe are talking to the psychic. Her alibi was "giving a reading to *Fox programming exec"* and Lucifer said, "Good luck with that". Way to stick it to the network that cancelled the series!

Shohrab Hossain Ador: I would say season 4 was the best season of Lucifer till now

ASMVLOGS 99: There will be a season6 when Lucifer becomes god

Jenny anneli Nilsson: My first thought was also absolut Daniel

Landen Volk: There still gonna be season 6 right?

Sarvesh Pathak: Since all of the multiverse connected and we also saw luci on crisis arrowverse so is he only the god of earth 666 or this the one multiverse and goddess have her own multiverse or its just earth 666 and godess have any other earth and universe Which takes me at one more question if every universe has a god then who is the god of arrowverse and who is the finally god of infinite universes🤯

Stefano De La Torre: Spoilers in the thumbnail? Thank you for spoiling things to those who haven't been able to watch the show. What a way of ruin the engagement of a show.

Aryen Ganesh: This show was great can't wait for season 6

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