CHILLING ADVENTURES OF SABRINA Season 4 Ending Explained! Is It Really Cancelled? Part 5 Theories!

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Think Story: 🧹BRB performing a spell to make season/part 5 a thing🧹 More Sabrina Videos: More Horror Videos:

Gideons: The saddest part is that We were supposed to get the long awaited Riverdale crossover in Season 5

Cookie Cortez: Take riverdale not sabrina... ( My opinion)

dj will: My theory: "trinket man" is God.

Sabīne Ostrovska: I was surprised when I saw what's inside Trinkets man's suitcase - red version of Acheron configuration!

Alicia Hernandez: I came to the realization Harvey is an awful person in this show.

DUg Approves: Bruv dorkus kissed Agatha, and i know it was sisterly love but... cmon

Dellios Giannis: stop talking about season five its not happening. If it was then season 4 would be different

Petros Zezos: Couldn't even watch the first episode, they made it uninteresting & boring af.

GAME OVER "WE HAVE EVERY PIXEL COVERED": The show is too good to cancel.

kai marz: We demand for a Part 5!

miguel: My guess is that Sabrina and Nick are in limbo, their brains are just creating the white walls

Heffy Haffy: My question is what happened to the mystical egg that hatched at the end part of season3?

Y5Warrior: Didn’t Roz have a vision of Sabrina and Harvey I thought that was setting up for this season? All in all it just felt really rushed especially in the beginning to me it felt like we’re solving to many things out of the gate. The ending could have been a lot better, but I don’t think it’s a terrible or even bad season. I’m hoping HBO Max can pick it up because I can’t see anyone else being able to do it.

Alex Roberts: What was the boon that Lilith got in The Returned?

Sadie Peterson: I love this show. I feel so cheated. I have been with netflix since it was mail order dvd's, I hate how netflix keeps doing this with the shows that people actually want; they intentionally ruin the show shitty tie up its crap Im considering cancling over it actually

Forente Gaming: I would say she is in purgatory.

bluehornet632: the show is a mess of deus ex "i was this person/being all along" bs. I hated Sabrina this season more than any other as she doesnt seem to learn to take anyones advice. On top of that the show is ridiculously afraid to develop characters outside of who they are coupled with. Half the relationships have no emotional impact and feel like children's ideas of relationships.

Covfefe Jenkins: I hope it's canceled and STAYS CANCELED. They're ruining it with too much woke bullshit. Everybody is bisexual, transgender, etc. and they push that fact in the viewer's face constantly.

႐: I hated those HORRIBLE stock screams

Amanda Mesquita: Please do twin peaks seasons 1-3 ! Love your videos.

Mama McFreeman: Lilith killing Adam made me physically ill. It was a step too far in my opinion. I'm glad the show is over.

MTutoriales#2018情報: 10:20 you answered yourself lmao She is in limbo

dante 0234: Thank saten thers hope

Crodel: The season started strong and then they rushed it through without answering so many questions.. like where did salem the endless go? How did sabrina mornignstar die going through a mirror? How did thenpandora box not suck nick inside.. so many and many more i can’t even start... and what eas with that “alleged” teenage suicide thing where nick “allegedly” dies to be with sabrina.. oh and what is with the doom patrol white doom wall writing shenanigans.. this deserved a normal happy ending.. very very bad fan service from the show makers

qWerty01: I didn't understand a fuck nice

immortallord 1018: If it went to hbo max I want a reboot more than a sequel just so many things I forced to fit this season that fixing them would be extremely hard. The ending harvey are just the biggest two for me.

Vanity Rose: See and here i thought the solution would be for Sabrina to go back to when she and herself decided to live in the same world when she frees herself from the stone prison, explaining why she told herself to make sure to do the same or else 🤔

LIAH CORN: the whole series would have been amazing if only it wasn’t cancelled. blamin netflix for this one.

Hubert Sean: They didn't even elaborate what happened to the Endless and the Perverse? Okay Perverse most likely is wandering about the world with the Trinket Man. But the Endless was never addressed?? Also did they seriously just threw Caliban into the Pandora box without any sort of closure?

brooklynvtc: Does anyone know what happened with Lucifer and Lilith, too? It didn’t really make it clear. Did Lucifer die? Did his powers get drained? Lilith cursed him to walk the mortal realm. Idk how she has that authority over him?

PeterXDM: I don't think the series is cancelled, it end...........🙂🙂🙂

TMD-W: I'm sorry am I the only one who thinks Sabrina Morning star made no fucking sense? Why exactly killed her? Just because she jumped through the mirror? Furthermore she Sabrina Morning star! Queen of Hell by all sense isn't she immortal? If she indeed and her body is still clearly perfectly fine wouldn't her soul immediately go to hell where they could simply place her soul back in her body?? Or idk simply make a new one out of hell fire and clay like they did her husband shits just dumb

yunnie: The woman shows up when a witch will die. She was in season 2 or 3 maybe ? They explain it there.

Ashley Ana: I hope everyone signs the petition to renew the show

Renin Peter: I hated the ending tbh. It left me searching for answers and felt like i had to deal with the death of not one but two of my favourite characters. The shooting and the production was great but not the story line. I get that as the they had already written the script of season 5 which finally had the crossover with riverdale. They were half way though filming when they heard that the show was cancelled so they had to make the show end. Thus the dramatic ending. The original sabrina got cancelled too but it got renewed for 3 more season by ABC in 2000. Hope this show gets picked up by HBO max as im not ready to leave with such a ending when i know that there are always loopholes and sabrina could be brought back by countless ways. RIverdale got a fifth season while sabrina didin't. Its such a shame :(

Etaly: I cried at the end multiple times because I love watching the shows season finales. They are filled with adventure. I feel like and hope their is another season because I feel lost with this show ending like this. It needs a better ending because on the end of the two last episodes in chapter three it reveals to us that at Zelda’s funeral Sabrina is their and so is hilda. And if we all remember hilda had to get killed and buried in the cane bit because if her being cursed to be half a spider and half witch. Then when she never rose Zelda and Sabrina and Rosland plus the hedge witches brought her back. But no one is talking about how Zelda said I saw the future and hilda was alive and their and so was Sabrina. I feel like the story doesn’t make sense and they need a new complete final season that ends the show properly.

glenn 1523: If it does go on HBO max my broke ass won't see it :/

Alexis Williams: In part 5, they could resurrect Sabrina somehow (possibly the Cain pit) and then go on a big adventure to find Nick's body in the Sea of Sorrows and bring him back to life as well. They could all live happily and maybe throw in a lil Nabrina wedding at the end idk. Alsoo this is just the main storyline ofc more will happen with Roz, Harvey, Theo, the aunties, Ambrose, etc.

Michelle Alexander: We all need to sign the petition that's out to save CAOS. All you have to do is Google petition for CAOS. Also we need to email HBO Max and The CW. I love this show so much and it deserves more seasons. All we have to do is spread the word. Some people are still just finding out CAOS has been canceled.

Jandy Mojica: Questions and theories: 1.) Could it be that The Trinket Man was God in disguise?? 👀 2.) Why were there planets in The Void room and paintings? Are they somehow representing the universe, broken down to our brain capacity? E.g. The light and darkness painting represent everything that opposite each other: light and darkness, good and evil, yin and yang. And then the other painting represents the ultimate mathematical equation of life??? And then there was The Void. It, to me, felt like all of the entities that represent everything was like sharing a room. I'm stretching, I know. But I need answers!!!

Seema Lucien: i hope they make a season 5

Mr nice guy *: Season 4??? Last time i checked there was one... how did this series move so quick?

Anthony Fay: Zelda saw Sabrina at her bedside when she was old and sick so there has to be something where she comes back. That ending didn’t feel satisfying in the slightest and I don’t like the fact that they made nick commit suicide just to be with Sabrina.

Kevin Marin: Zelda still has a favor to ask from Mambo Marie. But if they get Sabrina back, Nick would be stuck in the afterlife alone.

Naahmah Lamia: What if nick also was "empty" lol

Xavier Vincent: The season imo has a lot of issues. One of my biggest issues are that Sabrina was almost entirely defined this season with her obsession with having a boyfriend leaving her with really no character development. I also think that ending the show with a teen suicide was a really tasteless move, having Nick kill himself to be with his childhood crush is wildly irresponsible.

Gonçalo Martins: The woman is a Banshee, a death omen, it showed up before on the show

Sisimor: They literally have a graveyard as their backyard that can resurrect the dead (Zelda buries Hilda there in a previous season) AND the box to contact Baron Samedi but they're ending the show like this. 🤦‍♀️

#1robloxpro: What happened to the cain pit lol?! They could’ve easily brought back sabrina and dorcas with it back to life but Like everyone in this season suddenly forgot about it

Sisimor: The veiled woman looking at Sabrina when she's close to death is a Banshee, a spirit that appears when someone is about to die. They had one in a previous season when someone (can't remember who) was about to die in the Spellman home.

Staci K: What an abrupt ending that was!! I thought the ending would make much more sense for both Sabrinas. In which they would both be resurrected by Marie, (though I can’t remember her real character’s name/personification). As well as, for them both to work together and thrive together. I kept waiting till the very end for it all to be much happier, but I was just so confused and dumbfounded as to why the last episode was so quick and confusing at times. Gosh, I hope they consider doing another season.

Jose Lander is-zarco: I hope it’s really not cancel I didn’t like the ending

Ashley Warning: And what happened to caliban? I know Sabrina said leave him in the void but did that happen?!

Galaxy Gamer: Well I hated the ending so much clif hangers

Evaddon: Ha, they’re in limbo just like the show..gotta love how meta the last two episodes got honestly

Isabel Frias: the trinket man was God.

Wali Dank: Honestly I was surprised that the show had a season 3 and season 4 I have stopped watching it after the first or second episode of season 2 I was okay with season 1 but I thought she started getting ridiculous with you crazy gender politics unnecessary plots

Evil Queen: They seem to have taken a lot of ideas from AHS. Cheap looking Papa Legba, Marie and angel of death and some other stuff, nevertheless, Ido love this show🖤

Zaen Episode: Just for clarification: The Writer Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa has stated that he neither EXPECTED nor WANTED the cancellation of the show. So, as some of you have already stated: The ending is dissatisfying but mainly because it was meant to be a cliffhanger rather than an actual ending.

Charles McGehee: Great 3 seasons. Season 4 was a flop I feel. How does Sabrina get killed? I mean how does that actually happen? The World would be a finer place with a person like Sabrina Spellman in it. R.I.P. you lovely, powerful young lady. If not for that mark of Kane father Blackwood had, thing's could have gone very differently.

Neptune: The woman is in the first the season where you can see that the woman comes when someone is close to death

Marcus: God I really hope there is another season this ending was so unsatisfying

Destin E: I felt they fucked this season up so badly. The pacing is awful. There’s storylines that never go anywhere. Lucifer, Lilith, and callaban are useless this season. The terrors as an antagonist was very monster of the week . It’s a shame because the actors in this show are truly wasted this season. It’s a bunch of mc guffins and deus ex machinas. Also the suicide by nick...😐

Tea King: yeah Sabrina can't go to heaven nick also they have their names in the dark book Lucifers book

Andrea lee: Its very dark Even I'm surprised. It makes me wonder if witches r real is this what they do

Tea King: where and who is the trinket man and how does he has so many powerful objects

Discipulus legis: Remember Baron Samedhi

izabeera166: This season was sooo bad. The feminist propaganda was unbearable🤭

Tea King: every episode felt like its own storyline that isn't the series style! the budget was low and it was awkward! what happened to the dark lord ? and the last episode was so RUSHED! I've already canceled my Netflix subscription! add this show to stupid rushed canceled ending shows

Ian Bailey: Long-guy-nus.

Tea King: every episode felt like its own storyline that isn't the series style! the budget was low and it was awkward! what happened to Lucifer? and the last episode was so RUSHED! add this to stupid rushed canceled ending shows on Netflix! HOT GARBAGE

Sfx By Stephan: She will choose to go back to the mortal world probably in part 5 if it does go on hbo max or she is ruler of all

BibliophileColorist: Personally, I think the show needs to stay "finished" for a few years. Then maybe in 2022/2023 have the show return with a now aged cast. Instead of taking a few weeks to figure out how to get Sabrina (and hopefully Nick) back, it feels more fitting that it'd take years. That way the show can take on a more mature spin on Sabrina (almost like the other Sabrina show when she aged out of High school), and have the show more in tune with an HBO show. Right now, the show would need a tone change because it's filled with Netflix TV show clichés and I don't think that would fit elsewhere.

Bartek Roszyk: I have problem with one specific scene from seson 3. Zelda death scene from the future, there was Sabrina and Zelda ask her what took her so long to see her again. So Sabrina death in last episode doesn't make sense for me.

Tamino: I don’t understand what happened with the Endless as Salem. Sabrina Morningstar brought him back in the real World but they never talked about it again. He wasn’t dead or trapped right?

basic radical: Why does Netflix have a habit of cancelling successful shows??

Maz Mac: Only on the 2nd episode and am sick of it being about putting men down and trying to make them look pathetic. I do like this show but don't put men down like this. Yes I am a woman with a dad who worked 2 jobs to support my mum and 3 children and a brother who did the same for his family. Strong men NOT pathetic like too many shows make them out to be.

Tokyo Petrova: I feel like chilling adventures of Sabrina will get picked up by another platform

lord red man: It pulled a penny dreadful

Ruthless: Lame show no wonder this tràsh got cancelled

Coophack6584: Wasnt this cancelled by S2


sabrina spellman: I know its gonna come back I just know!!!!

SayNoToLoli: Apparently they said season 4 was the last season. It was advertised as such but hopefully they continue

Karalynn Lovison: It was good but in like a 5

Rod Jr: Trash ending.

Hedgehog’s Dilemma: Agreed with every point you made. I thought Marie LeFleur was actually Papa Legba(as seen in American Horror Story) but I could be wrong? 🤷🏽‍♂️

S-N7: Can you cover cobra kai next?

André Vila Franca: This season was super disapointing...This series deserves a much better season finale. I hope it comes back for more seasons as long as the quality can match season 1.

Lalesska Hernandez: #Nabrina ❣❣

Matthew Elbourn: at the end where Sabrina is in the room with Nick and there is three paintings representing hell,earth and heaven could they be in purgatory ?

crazybandgeek14: I hope Think Story does a how it should have ended like he did with American Horror Story 1984

Solla: I'm a huge fan of Lovecraft's mythos, so I loved the Lovecraft stuff when I felt it was done right, but If I'm completely honest I don't really want to see a part 5, I feel like the story has come to a close and there's no need to expand on it any further.

Killer_Yasin M: CAOS can’t be ended because when her aunts were in limbo she was over Zeldas dead body and when Hilda was dead she saw Hilda was still alive until she was dead. This then shows that Sabrina will come back

M A: Season 4: Rushed Unanswered questions Ending sucked

Olivia T: Much agreed! Great show! I hope they do have a Season 5!! #hbomax

Rottwelier 7371: You should do the show sweet home

Anto4380: If part 5 is going to be as bad as part 3 & 4, they can keep it

Whitney Delaglio: Why didn't she use to to call him back right then D:? Also, is he the same as papa legba from AHS?

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