CHILLING ADVENTURES OF SABRINA Season 4 Ending Explained + Cancelled Season 5 Theories

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Flicks And The City: Happy New Year everyone! 😀 What do you about the ending of CAOS?! 😭😲 👍 🔽 if you want a Season 5!!

Anna Formicka: This is the worst ending which I could ever imagine😭There are still too many open plots, so they must do 5 part and Sabrina and Nick must back alive

Jesus Gaston: You forgot the trinket mambo marie gave zelda and she was the new keeper of the dead

Benjamin N.: AND nobody is going to talk about the Cain Pit?? In season 1 and 2??? CAIN PIT???

Briony Morgan: Harvey should of been with Sabrina not Nick and he did and does still love her, even though what happened to his brother was a bad idea, she just wanted to do the right thing and make Harvey happy again, he did enjoy watch Sabrina use her powers, i just wish Harvey had more scenes and screen time with Sabrina

Non Existence: I wonder if she ran into sheogorath 😂😂

madumeracaabi: But when they bury witches they wake up from the dead

Kevin Huynh: Is there a restriction for the cain pit like that you have to kill the person you wanna bury or why didn’t they just bury Sabrina in the cain pit

Carl Ciulla: The most disappointing season in my own opinion. Seemed lazy and rushed. Pretty sad, especially for a finale

REB: who was Hilda and Zelda looking at with the black dress???

Upe Valatkaite: I cried so fricking long when Sabrina died

Asad Khan: I think the reason why Hecate didn’t bring back Sabrina is because she was contempt. Like Aunt Hilda was forcefully killed while Sabrina willingly went as she got to save everyone she loved, which is why she said goodbye to all of them

Seddy: i wonder what happened to sabrina morningstar’s soul. like even zelda said that they both have different souls. So since both bodies are under the cain pit , can’t Morningstar’s soul just like rise from the grave?

What U Want: I just finished the last episode at 4 am I started crying because I was super mad that she died

Lourdes Juan: I’m upset because Chilling Adventures of Sabrina was one of my favorite shows 😭🥺💔

marilynn m: Honestly last season was a mess and I knew this season was going to to be terrible with a terrible ending. The only good thing about this season was episode 7 when puppet talking Salem was back and hilarious 🤣. Shame he just disappeared when he came through the mirror for whatever reason.

Eugene Minton: the timeline in the past still exists and is known to a point, not to mention the resurrection plot of earth that has been used as a grave many times. with wtiches and magic abound.. there are many ... many options for bringing any character back. even duplicates of plant or wax or clay brought to life have been used. idk why they cancelled season 5, but i for one... want it and a season 6.. :D you see.... lucifer is another of my favorites... and i love the way they advertise it .. using the numbers 666... so i want a 6th season... so it can be part of the 6 :D if that makes any sense... now question is what other show dealing in these topics can get 6 seasons to be the third... because all the others that could have qualified due to topics... already where cancelled... and lost hope of coming back.

Lauren Joyner: I think the ending episode was so sad, I was fine until the Aunties started crying and then I was like. NOPE!!

Jam: It’s not ok that they are taking the show for a 5th part sign the petition so we can get it back

Peaches: Does it end like this in the comics??

Gabriel's Not Dead: Is it just me or does anyone else get annoyed with the makeup artists overlining her lips and making her look like the damn joker 😣

Sergio Blanco: So they copied every other ending lol Sam and Dean in heaven ... the vampire Brothers etc for once I want a series where the main characters doesn't get a such over used ending

Kailee Lane: Im not well with that ending

ahistoryinmusic: I actually didn’t mind that Sabrina died because don’t get me wrong it sucked but if you think about it. Every threat they faced was a threat on Sabrinas life. She was always at risk of dying and honestly it showed her heroism and love for all the characters when she sacrificed herself. Also I doubt she’ll stay dead.. Edit: what if the woman in black was the Angel of Death. Basically hinting at the death of Sabrina ?

King Pool: the last episode doesn't feel right

Khanya G: I cried so much when Hilda said they're moving back home😔 that entire scene with the Aunties was so emotional

Bárbara López: Wait WTH why is no one talking about the fact that Lily Cooked her baby ?

Sabrina Jacobs: Ever since the butched job of Game of Thrones it seems like every writer producer and director crew want to do the same thing and thinks it’s acceptable. This is bad period and no one can change my mind other wise. These people collect the money of the masses only for them to come up with this b.s. Netflix is getting ridiculous in that in every show they have about half of them get cancelled and just doesn’t seem like them having their own production is worth it to me. Their contracts are always shaky.

Oh Deer: This finale almost left as many holes and ruined character arcs as GoT.

Iamjustahti: sign this petition to bring back 1 more season of this show

Sameer Khandagale: Why did they even show habrina moments in the end of part 3 , and they did so many transformation to Harvey's character like he can't even decide what he wanted

RALEX TWINX: Listen to meee womennnn no hell no thell be a part 5 there has to bc no it’s not right

Mark Johnson: I wondered why it was cancelled

Glam Diary: Both spellman and morningstar die

Kenneth Robles: I guess zelda could call mambo marie and ask for sabrina's ressurection but I think it's not possible because sabrina is not in the underworld...

Damon Nomad: The show was decent. Everytime a new season came out I'd binge all the episodes in a sitting. The way the show ended was not only anticlimactic but also lazy and insulting. Tho most of the problems she fixed were her just being arrogant and selfish. What do you expect when you give a teenager power. Every teenager thinks there above the rules. Her fate is a cope out. The show being canceled is yet another poor decision on Netflix part.

Jay Pay: SaveSabrina! @

Raymond Phengmany: That ending made me cry. Thing is.. I don't cry. :-(

Jelly 09: Like I okay it’s canceled but couldn’t get at least 4 more episodes to tie loose ends and plot holes ..... like season one had 11 episodes!!!

Mtra.der.veler: I like season 4 as a whole but I don't like that they've romanticized the suicide of Nick. It sends out a wrong message.

Cassidy Raposo: netflix does say that the final part will come out in 2021 so part 4 is not the last part right?

Michelle Alexander: First all since Netflix canceled CAOS all of us that is pissed off we need to drop our subscription to Netflix and let them know how it feels. Second all of us sign the petition to save CAOS that's going around online. Then send an email to the top people at HBO Max and The CW and let them know how much CAOS is loved and we really want to see more seasons.

ReadingRach Hill: I cannot believe that Netflix cancelled this series 😭

ThePianoTrae: This is what happens when a good show gets cancelled! You get a rushed crappy ending. Do better Netflix! Smh.

Pika Pika: I pray Netflix renews Sabrina it was one of the best shows on there but if not I thought the ending was both tragic and beautiful

Prodromos Peios: Cali ban and Lucifer were the best of this series, i wish they had killed Lilith

Jose Lander is-zarco: I hope hbo max pick it up

ejt: they should've made atleast 12 episodes for their "last" season it's not very detailed

kat ken: this whole season felt rushed & many things were brushed over or not used. another season could give this a good finale, but it won’t fix how bad p4 was lol


Γεωργία Ελπίδα Μπρατσιώτη: I am really sad and confused. But how Sabrina died? I mean when Zelda was about to die she had a vision that showed that she would be the one to die first in a really old age having by her side both Hilda and Sabrina alive till the end ... I really want season 5...

Staci K: Did anyone else NOT cry after the last season was over in hopes for a happier ending?! I just feel so confused and dumbfounded.

Becky Goody: I’m as angry with how this ended as I was with The Originals! Such a horrible ending to a series which fans were so invested in. Smh I HATE getting so invested in series only to be completely let down in the end and so damn soon!

Jose Lander is-zarco: Netflix I hate you

Jose Lander is-zarco: This is some bs

K Stn: I really believe that the trinket man is the one they consider the false god. Because though there was many things I didn’t understand in this season that seemed unnecessary lmao, I feel like they wouldn’t just have some random trinket man giving them the items they needed without an actual purpose. Because from what I remember he wasn’t one of the Eldridge terrors was he? Just happening to be in possession on one? Someone help me lol

Cindy Cindy: Why did they pay with my feelings

Tamara: LOL a friend of mine hinted that for him there is a cliffhanger at the end so I thought there would def. be a next season. Imagine how surprised I was at the end that this wasn't the case -- wasn't ready for that orrr her dying which I didn't take for ful due to that -.- 😢

TheZiBuKs: what makes me even more mad than this pathetic and obviously slapped on ending, is that there are so many fangirls eating it up because they’re ship ended up together. this is such bs. ah well, you killed yourself and we are actually endgame? okay, let’s kiss on this bench and fade to black. fuck this

Anjali Jacob: Is it just me or did the void in Sabrina look/seems to be inspired by Janet’s void in The Good Place?

Lucius Brave: did the show get cancelled?

Amber Abbott: It literally feels like the writers were like we’re getting cancelled let’s kill off the two best characters. Clearly nobody wanted to see Sabrina and nick have a future together. Paint the aunties as now having to live a sad and depressing life without Sabrina. THIS ISN’T WHAT WE WANTED

カオナシチオ: The ending in which Sabrina is in the afterlife and Nick killed himself to be with her had me ugly crying

Abi Morse: literally why was whats his name even on the show like the boy who was in sabrinas class he wasn't necessary for her to realize she had the octopus in her

Emil Santamäki: I’m so utterly mad at this point that the show is ending. Part 4 was absolutely amazing and it just seems unfair and immoral to let Sabrina die at the end. It leaves everyone - the show’s characters and also the viewers - mourning about a loved person who embodied courage and the ability to survive any kind of terror after one another. So please everyone, sign this petition so we’ll resurrect sabrina from the dead and bring her home to her aunties where she belongs!!! <3

Ghostysaurus: One of the most rushed and lackluster of a series finale I've seen in a while.

proute caca: It started as a very good show but that last season is just ugh!!! Still in love with nick thought!

TheWinglessHawk: omg, a return of sabrina spellman is possible! just realized as I watched this summary. They were both buried on the holy grounds of the spellman. A rebound like the twin thing with aunt zelda and hilda could happen, which would mean she will take some time to rise from the earth. Perhaps zelda can also pray to Hekate to put this blessing of her being able to "infinitely" killing hilda onto both Sabrinas. Still... where will Nick left to be... theoretically he could be pulled back the same way he did with her body... the necklace. The question stays open whether Netflix gets it shit together or not for another season. Also I see the last episode more loosely than the rest because Ms Wardwell - a semi crazy woman - is reading out of Father Blackwood book - a madmans rambling.

Charlie: I have some criticism about the last two to three episodes: I love the idea of the terrors and how in the last episode some of the terrors get killed within the void. I liked the scene in which Sabrina asks the remains of the terrors which one of them can help her. What I would have wanted was that from every terror something was left behind, it would’ve made sense if from every terror something remained, the imp, the glas thingy with the darkness, the weird frozen in a water tank, the uninvited trapped in the yellow room, and then there should’ve been something from the endless and the cosmic, so that with the void in Sabrina all terrors would have been together in the end. Also I thought that the depiction of the void as wall with text on it was interesting considering that the void im bodies nothingness, also the void it self seemed to be more than nothing. It felt more like a museum to me than an endless void. Than again I liked the depiction of the “hereafter” as a calm place with pictures kind of similar to the void but more warm and welcoming. Although the episode in the other cosmos was an tribute to the show “Sabrina the teenage witch”, I think they should’ve toned it down bc it was going into being ridiculous at some points, maybe that was the point of it I don‘t know 😂 All in all I liked the first two season better than the last two, it kind of became a little bit confusing to me. Still it was a very good show and I’m sad to see it go. Thank you for coming to me ted talk😂😂(sorry for my awful English btw)

Cool Face: when her birthdays flashed before her eyes it was over..shes really dead its really over..we need either a spin off movie or a mini series

Jake Turnbull: I broke out in tears at the ending when the montage flashed before us.

Alek706: I’d love to know what the hell happened to this show It was so good on the first season but then it just went downhill, and I think he third season it did it FAST! Was it studio meddling? Was Netflix at fault? Or did the writers just couldn’t do it and then it imploded under its own weight, getting less views and worse reviews on the second and third season?

Tonguç Küçüktopana: İs the new season (season 5) will be in hbo max or is the series over

TheNox: Show was and is amazing. I still have hope that theres gonna be season 5. I really want know more about Lilith ruling Hell and other things. PLZ Netflix PLZ.

Eylon Aharon: What is this terrible ending????? I loved season 1 and 2 but season 3 was terrible and season 4 was ok but ended the show in the worst and the most unsatisfing way possible !!! This is not how you finish a series!!! I'm Super disappointed!! 😔

Igor Filgueiras: legal, gostei

Nella Valli: But if sabrina returns, then i hope that nick returns too!!

Cade B: one thing I don't get is why Sabrina morning stars soul didn't go to hell I mean her name was in the book couldn't lucifer just pick her up from there

Tommy Swanson: After finishing the last episode, I literally cried myself to sleep.

Foreigner Steph: For me this part didn't happen at all. Are you telling me I am supposed to believed that Sabrina, the daughter of Lucifer who resurrected herself from an arrow wound in her heart, ressurected two other witches, killed two angels, healed Ambrose who was badly wounded and nearly die, really died from bleeding out. She is half human and half angel. There's no way she would have died from bleeding out. Lilith gave Sabrina back her power at the end of part 2, so she should be able to resurrect, so this is stupid. The writer clearly forgot how powerful Sabrina is.

Tianaz Bryant: Boooo sabrina and harvey were end game

Xavier Delgado: You went off topic after Nick joining sabrina in the after life...

TG: I have been watching Kiernan shipka movies and shows ever since I was 11 so sabrima death hit even harder

RichiRich1993: Why was Death in this episode so permanent, while before that literally nobody REALLY died. Zelda was shot, Hilda bludgeoned, Agathas throat slit etc., yet they always returned one way or another. Now bloodloss kills her for good?? what am i missing?

TonyT: #savesabrina #savecaos #savechillingadventuresofsabrina

Doodley Bunny: Season 1 was the best! Till you hit season 3 and 4 where it got so messy. Its like they tried to compress so many plots all at the same time. They could have done better with the ending too, it was anti-climatic. There was so much missed potential with the characters that I wish they explored a little further. I'm really dissapointed. :(

Dellios Giannis: Well Nick suicide is not the only option bro

Ishaan Khurana: Wow this season sucked

DONT HAVE A NAME!: This season wasnt good the first season had so much potential and then season four was just weird and shit

He_nestle: Sad nick killed him self to be with Sabrina 😭 I thought overall the ending was decent considering the series was ended too early.


Anna Julianes:

ZiqdaM: Hey! If you guys want The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina to continue, you guys can sign the petition on ! I am not sure if it will really make an impact but it’s worth the try!

Raphael Schlager: I believe Sabrina cannot be resuscitated because there is no death for witches. Zelda said in her funeral speech: "Though there is no death for witches ..." As in the Catholic Church, death is only for the carnal body and the soul goes into the afterlife. If Hecate had wanted Sabrina to live, she would have helped her survive. And Sabrina's body is actually empty, because of the void.

Simone Sturm: when the episode was getting closer and closer to end I was still so sure that she would survive somehow, I mean wouldn't that have been epic? This show had so much more potential, but if at least the ending was a happy end, I'd be a bit more able to not be upset.

Shreya Pandey XI - A: Just ended the finale and i am so confused that should i cry over her death or be happy for nick and sabrina..... Like seriously they are endgame❤

Imani Mitchell: So what happens to Lucifer? What happens to Lilith and her new ‘boon’? Is hell at war again cause they didn’t want Lilith to rule? Does Rob develop more as a witch? Does that hobgoblin kid lose his abilities? What happens to the twins? What happens to Salem🥶I’m so lost

ᅵEffyᅵ: There is something I don’t understand like, the whole series everyone die and then just came back alive (even Zelda’s dog) so why doesn’t Sabrina ? I’m so confused.. AND WHY NO ONE TALK ABOUT THE FACT THAT NICK KILLED HIMSELF BRO WTF

Bianca Feichter: I think an option for season 5 (if HBO max buys the right and the show) could be that Aunt Zelda is going crazy with Sabrina being dead and is even more angry at Hecate than we saw in on of the last scenes and maybe he ate is getting angrier for Zelda not respecting her as their god. So that Hecate is trying to ruin the world or try to kill all witches and to stop her they need Sabrina (and Nick) and they bring them back. And yea, idk what could happen more but I think that could be a cool story for a possible season 5, what do you guys think?

G B: Tbh I don't have any problem with sabrina dying, wherever she is chaos follows so she would just cause problem all her life, and that would not align with the cosmos so well. And a good reason for her death. But what I didn't like was the overall story of the 4th season (about the Terrors) I hoped they just focused with the canon of heaven, hell and witches. It would have been greater if the arc of the missionaries were explored too. A final battle between heaven and hell. Where sabrina would actually ascend to heaven and replace Lucifer's ex position, aligning with her death and the cosmos returning to normal. This I believe wouldn't make season 4 looks so rush, and just pure cofusion.

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