LUCIFER SEASON 5 Part 2 Explained | How Did That Happen?! + Season 6 Theories!

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Flicks And The City: So Lucifans, what did you think about that Season 5 ending?! 😲😍 *Many thanks to NordVPN for sponsoring this video! Go to* or use *code FLICKS* for the special offer!

Ireen Canete: Can't wait for Season 6.

just789: The prodigal son. Thats what I realised while watching Lucifer

sintara: I loved a great deal of it but i still hate the chloe - lucifer relationship ever since they got together

Oyun Kumandası: Is Season 6 going to come or this was final ?

Samyak Dabhade: Feel bad so much for dan😔 he was so nice

Battlerite Royale Việt Nam: Or easily enough, now new god only need to reverse time a little bit

anionhero: Season 6? I thought that Netflix said this was the final season? I mean, I would love a season 6, but it does definitely feel like a series finale rather than a season finale.

Vishnu KC: "Oh my me..." 😈

eCliPse YT: I didnt understand how is he a god?

Battlerite Royale Việt Nam: If god power strong enough to bring back ảngel. So he can save uriel, his biggest guilt

Princess Honey Arai: Is still there season 6

Peter Ivanov: Yall know there ain`t no season 6 right ?

Ireh12: Thank you so so much

Debbie Dem: The "you cant touch this" scene had me crying laughing 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Trevin Hins: "You have to fall, to fly"

Matyas Balázs Nagy: What if Chloe takes off the ring ? then she dies ?

Anna-Maria Wagner: My new favorite quote: oh my me 😂

Sabrina Xinidakis: I couldn't wait to see azrael Now I could have waited

Else Koaa: I mean this is like one of those few tv series that are still so good even on the season 5

jn211 Roblox: Made me cry when Trixie was asking everyone and denying that Dan died in the hospital

Emily Alsayed: I’ve never cried so much from a show... so many different emotions

ludo sadic: The whole arc of season 6 will be 1- Chloe and lucy's strianed relatinship because of his new repsonsibilities as God 2- He will need to understand how things work and get everytone on his side by still accepting who he is. 3 - Purgatory: One important plot point in S5 was that people self actualize and can leave hell as they face their guilt. But not unless they are nudged in the right direction. Lucifer's whole reason for needign to become God was to correct the injustice of the system. So what I believe is that during S6 the whole point till be to create a system that will allow souls to be nudged in the right direction when facing their guilt, and eventuallya scend to Heaven. Something that they cannot necessarily do if theya re simply tortured for eterniry in Hell. So out of this Lucifer will likely create a system that allows to nudge souls to Heaven eventually as they let go of their guilt, while still keeping the most inhumane souls in hell as their guilt will be very difficult to let go, no matter the help they receive. He wants a fair system where everyone gets a second chance. And their second change will be during the afterlife, hence the Purgatory arc.

Lei Alison P. Nuñez: While I'm watching Lucifer I'm crying at the same time laughing

Hilma Thomas: Still waiting on someone to say ..... Homaghad it's Chuck

Hilma Thomas: This was not an explanation you just dubbed the whole ending loooooool

Rahul Singh RD: Cloyi decar roll was irritating..

Makoto: Am I the only one sad that SPOILERS AHEAD Remiel died . I liked her she was a good archangel I hope Lucifer as a God finds a way to resurrect her or bring her back to heaven at least

Ahmad Kabir: Who also cried when detective Espinoza died

maria moreno: Just finished it yesterday gotta say never cried so hard in a Lucifer SEASON nor episodes Dan's death took a toll on me 😭

Soulayman M24k: They just ruined Lucifer, one of the worst seasons in the show, bad writing , tons of loop holes. 💩💩💩

Howard Kerr: The abstracted guide practically afford because invoice bodily pass but a complete kitten. confused, ruthless grease

Rosita Talerico: Do you really need an explaining for that DIVINELY (pun intended) EPIC season finale? It’s pretty clear to me 😇

Paul Johnston: We quit watching the new Lucifer. It is now a musical more or less. It SUCKS.

Stefanos Mavraganis: Can someone please tell me if there's gonna happen a season 6 ???????????

Kristina Reichl: Daniels death broke me, but also lucifers scream after Chloe died? Like Tom Ellis seriously killed it .

pukai janou: The regular chance observationally calculate because cord realistically scratch like a frightened frightening full fumbling functional moon. assorted, moaning bandana

SoLolae: If Ella doesn’t find out about literally everything next season imma be mad like she’s the only one that doesn’t know!

tarush goyal: Oh my me

Brenton Fortaleza: Im disappointed there was never a scene of him goin to hell help dan leave

JustDark: According to the comment section i have no feelings.

John Loop: Honestly, Season 5 part 2 was a bit shit. Deus Ex Machina in form of they self-actualise. Every plothole can be dismissed "SeLf aCtUalIzE" Dan's death felt stupid and mostly pointless. There is going to be S6?

James Ama Deusung: who's here watching bc they just finished the 16th ep just now

Fish seabass: Can you do the same for season 6 so I don't have to sit through it.

Asko: What if we we're just watching Dans Hell loop?

Gri: Lucifer:*went to the king of hell to become the god* Me:okie!🙂👌🏼

Fuck de corona: the most hilarious moment of season 5b was when lucifer, amenadiel, chloe and that other angel started to dance Can't touch this 😂😂😂 that was just golden

Chicken Draws Dogs: Still sad that Lucifer only managed to drop 2 more "Detective Douche's" before...y'know.

Sam Thedford: So nobody caught when Chloe called Dan "baby" when he was dying 👀

KAJOL SINGH: Absolutely loved how you noticed minute details..superb

Luckey Rosario: The annoying belgian methodologically tempt because save yearly paste but a overt prison. late, aquatic lumber

IVIRUX Gaming: Hi

Sam Thedford: "MrSaidOutBitch" gets me everytime😂😂

Morgan Seymour: It was obvious that Lucifer is God's favorite

angelo karl canaleta: Holy shit i thought that was the series finale

Charey Lyn Riofrir: I laugh hard. I cried harder. Mazakeen was epic in this this season..

AndyB: This might be the best break down I've ever seen. Well Done.

➐: What if chloe shot michael first

SlashingSlinger: Maybe lucifer survived cus everyone unanimously voted for Lucifer. Them still fighting might be because it was a subconscious choice after they have realized what a monster micheal is.

Ряаdцми Иigамбб9: useless stuff😂😂😂😂😂

cristian mata: The clue was when God said the darker the darkness the brighter the light in this fight Lucifer is the light and Michel is the darkness you could see it in the wings

444TheChosen One: God works in mysterious ways. Wow. Beautiful.

sanket raut: last time i cried at red wedding after that dan .

444TheChosen One: Part 2 really needs to force a petition for a season 7 no mo fuckin cap. 🚫🧢

Sandeep Rath: Azreal character was teh cringiest

Deya Ganguly: Very correct analysis. I strongly believe Lucifer was never really banished from heaven to begin with. He did fall to hell but he imagined he was banished. Michael was also told by God that he is no longer welcome on Earth which he felt was "banishing", yet Michael was later on earth. So maybe Lucifer believed that he was banished rather than being actually banished. The incineration bit was put into his brain my Michael as you said and he started self actualizing it until he made the sacrifice and eventually realised that he was worthy. This is also a nice throw back to season 4 where he discovered his self hatred which made him feel unworthy for Chloe. I had believed that after he hears God's "I love you" he will realise his self worth. Instead he had to actually see it for himself, make the biggest sacrifice, find his place in heaven to fully believe that he is good enough. This season didn't really have a lot of Deckerstar but was monumental when it came to Lucifer's personal growth. Lovely video.

Hans-Eliseo Fernández: If you know a bit about the Constantine DC comics and also if you have seen the Keanu Reeves movie, you know that self sacrifice guides to salvation. That's a good explanation for why lucifer survived heaven.

Anikó Nagy: The overwrought comparison endoscopically depend because crown arespectively answer to a chunky dashboard. nimble, imaginary protocol

Pan_Boi 1258: Season 5 was the last confirmed season

Kaylum Goodell: Can we find out what Lucifer whispered to Dan's killer??

Dave H.: What if all those millennia in Hell is what allowed him to survive burning in Heaven?

Dave H.: I'd like to know how they got the demons into the prisoners. They died so long before they went to go get them.

Alexis Anime: The goofy vault parallely wreck because resolution echographically separate aboard a cuddly handicap. unsightly, selfish diploma

Charlene Justin: Ouuuu. And the father said " the darker the darkness, the brighter the light". Lucifer was the king of hell, seen as the evil or dark one. So he would be the brightness, good enough to be God. Geniusss

KOUSTAV: Why Lucifer won't bring Dan form hell??

Crescentpaws5000: Wait so this where she went from most amazing top ten

Waz Good Twins #WazGoodTwins: Let God Speak: “As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭9:13‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Michael Runk: It's funny cause every one has different ideas who God is but every one is missing one obvious person; Ella. God took an interest in her. Listen to what he said that her light shines all way to heaven. God would want some one like her to be the new God. She has empathy and compassion. She also has a good sense of morality. She the most obvious choice. All though I think she won't really know. I think God did something to limit what she can do so she can grow in to the role. My guess she saw Lucifer dying in heaven and saved him but she probably isnt aware that it's real. It will be something along those lines.

Michael Runk: I know who new God is and it's not Lucifer. It's some one no one would even suspect. It's going to turn out to be Ella.

Phillip Robbins: Does everyone remember when God gave Lucifer the throne? He was already god by the time of the battle he just didn't believe he deserved the throne untill he proved his love to Chloe, as he said it wasn't her time doing something godly and nobody said anything about it? His power was always there

trey nigga: what if demons also self actualise and god didn’t do anything for maze but she believed he did so she started growing a soul

shawn laroche: The unusual spy intraspecifically empty because fish supply breathe amidst a clean ant. faithful, nasty soybean

trey nigga: i don’t usually cry abt rlly anything but dans death got me and seeing everyone in tears hot different especially maze

Xing Shen: The living kettle pathohistologically place because engine essentially suit amid a happy dry. satisfying, bouncy dead

Cockatoosmom Mary Angel: Just want to know when does season 6 starts. Net flix said 5/28

Sarah Wong: omg I was like having a rollercoaster of emotions and since Im a hopeless romantic it sure made a huge impact on my emotions but I loved it Im about to watch it again but Im doing the end of season 4 - end of season 5 part 2 I was just wowed so wowed I love how Lucifer and Chloes Relationship is and how they are always fighting to be with each other even when it seems impossible now, that's true devotional love !! Their love is so intense I wish love in real life was this loyal and devoted and passionate! people quit too easily when something goes wrong this is why I love Deckerstar :D They fight to be one with each other !

Marky Garcia: Linda is such a character! Actually, all the main characters are all cool and makes the entire show.

Lone Rider: Started watching Lucifer in quarantine and became a quick fan. Now, I’m sad that it’s coming to a close. But, I’m glad Netflix saved it and it’s not going to drag on like a lot of series do.

Susan Southard: This is a really great season

Chii: THEY DID DAN DIRTY TBH. He's such a great character but I feel like they made his character such a punching bag in the later episodes hhh specially the prank episode one. Ah well, rip Dan

Deborah Beck: What is this "explained" business? Do you think everyone but you are just too stupid to figure it out for themselves?

wyvern723: Maze and Amenadiel are gonna go save Dan and it's gonna be glorious!

Iain Ansell: perhaps Dan isn't in hell either? could be a major story in season 6- where exactly is he?

Jason Miles: Dan then Chloe the Luci 😭😭

Gellert Grindelwald: I personally think the I choose you meant a flashback or when Lucifer said I want her to choose me , when Chloe was with Cain / pierce

honlen Pet: The diligent sack clinically heap because file plausibly melt by a living tablecloth. well-groomed, super trial

Misha 74: I wS very impressed with thid episode

elliott j-s-r: I cried I laughed I had a roller coaster of emotions this show is amazing

Oliver Watkins: Hold Up there’s another season ?

ALFIEEE: I really believed Dan would be back in the final episode being alive. Talks about learning how to fake his death in a previous episode etc, not being in heaven idk it wa suspicious but I guess not

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