THE MANDALORIAN Season 2 Episode 8 Breakdown, Post Credits Scene & Ending Explained Spoiler Review

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Heavy Spoilers: Check out our breakdown of what we think the *BOBA FETT* Show is here -

Rrsd 700: They should have made this as a movie! This would be the highest grossing Star Wars movie ever!

KYRI MAN BITW: When you realise that Ben Solo probably kills Grogu 😢

SeekerOfTruth: I don't get why Bo Katan didn't just take the darksaber from Mando if she accepted it so easily from Sabine?

Mark McKeever: I loved the episode but isn't gonna look awkward when Luke is training and riding around on Grogu's back? 😁

Robert Thompson: Got some major 'Rogue One' vibes with Luke's entry Like father like son? 🤷‍♂

PeedgeMcDuck: Artoo would have known Grogu from his Jedi Temple days.

Joey Anaka: why do the sith barely ever fucking win? seeing a much more sith oriented set of movies or show would be fucking awesome the sith need more recognition other than the clone wars and the prequel trilogy.

Yalnız Kurt: omghh this part was legend

JoseisMe: Hey man loved the video

AlexM: YES........YES.........YES!!!!!!! This is what we want. This is what we always wanted..... Star Wars made right. Star Wars that respects what was before, but expanding the lore in new ways. THIS IS THE WAY..... The shills can keep the trash Sequel Trilogy!

Blindman AI: Folks quick to dismiss the Frog Lady, but she's coming back, I'm tellin' ya. Probably another filler episode.....dank farrick.

SapphiR3: Boba is jango's kid no matter what. He's not like the other clones since he is the only one that wasn't altred/enhanced in any way biologiclly.

jj53s411: BO - BA... Not Bob - a. FFS

Zach Smith: I mean they still might make the sequel trilogy non cannon

A Little Bit of Everything: why not just have mando say, "oh no" the bo blasts him right in the breast plate and the darksaber falls right into bo's hands

Gabe: I still think they should have used cal kestice instead of Luke.

Christopher H: Boba > Mando

Jovan Milovac: Wait does Mando now have the dark saber, cus he is the ruler of Mandalor now? If he does i hope he knows how to handle it or he will also need some training by Luke XD

Matthew De La Cruz: I have a feeling that R2 had a lot to do with the child being saved from the way R2 and grogu seemed to know each other.

Joakin Castanaza: Best episode yet! Best ending ever

Albert Lemke: You are right this is the best thing we have I. The last 10 years. When I saw R2D2. 🤯🤯🤯

Michael Popely: Grogu barbecue

Eric R: The show should be over. It’s perfect now. Don’t drag it on.

MMoose: I thought Bo Katan, Cara, Fenecc will have a Girls get it done moment with Gideon

Albert Lemke: This just make me want to say thank you to Disney lol

colin the dog from SPACED: "Brown Eyes Skywalker" very good sir !

Aditya Sharma: The dark saber one isnt a dilemna. you cant just take a darksaber if the opponent has WON it. sabine never won it so she just gave it. Mando did WIN it from gideon. Now he cannot.

Jay Hoav: Axe wasnt there cause they needed the all woman factor . #GirlsGetItDone

Master Teacher: The de-aging CGI was monstrously fugly.

Drakon-141: No, I totally didn't cry when Luke showed up, my... my eyes were just watering.

Knead Da Puci: The feels were strong with this episode.

Ronan Higgins: the way they did girl power was PERFECT, i didn't even realize that it was all women until after the episode which is how you should do it

Jim Wong: Disney hit a homerun😂😂😂

ARPOD: I'm not crying, you're crying..

Cwn 41: Luke looked good honestly

John Mausen: The ending was lazy and predictable. Dark Jedi taking him for an apprentice. Not lazy and predictable. I'm disappointed.

The Bronze Age of DC Comics: A deepfake would look better.

Pokemon magic U.K.: In the askhoka series there will wipe the Disney trilogy with the veil of the force

Steve Going: When is mandalarian season 3 being released?

Commanderr Rexx: Wait a second I thought Sebastian Stan did play Luke Skywalker and they just put the original Luke skywalker voiceover him? But again if they didn’t they really need to use Sebastian Stan

Jeus Enevo: What an episode to end season 2 with a bang. Can't wait for season 3.

Arnold Crusher: Hii guys i have a question Is there gonna be season 3?

offal: finally we see luke as a proper killing machine, awsome...

Jorge Olmedo Bohorquez: Thanks Again Paul we have a blast with the season finale Happy Holidays....this is the way

Rovan Preet: I can't stop myself to express my feelings that I have after completing season 2 (Spoiler) ...... I become fan of Pedro Pascal acting. Moreover, the bond between The kid and Mando is speechless.. In last scene, when luke Skywalker come then, I got goosebumps. Now, I am waiting for season 3 . I don't know why , they always release season 3 after more than 1 year.They should release seasons of that type of series after 1-2 months. 1 year is a very long time however, I am really excited about next season So, I highly recommend everyone to watch this once in lifetime..Now , I think that the craze of Star wars come back.........❤️❤️

Adam Graham: Imagine if Boba Fett would’ve stayed and saw Luke 😂😂😂😂.

LJ Powell: This episode was greater than any Star Wars movie of the past 21 years. We've waited decades to see Luke again, the real Luke. Amazing.

Ja K: Didn't even realize it was a girl power scene lol

Ben Lewitt: To think, had Luke stayed around for a few minutes and found out what they were doing with Grogu's blood we might have been spared the whole sequel trilogy.

L W: Commenting for that Lord of the Rings 4K box set 👌 great video btw!

Frech Studios: Vader in the last five minutes of Rogue One: see that’s how you do it son! Luke: hold my blue milk 🥛

Brian Bartel: Just amazing!! This series single handedly saved STAR WARS in a whole. Keep up with the great videos bud!!

Monica Bennett: The reveals!!!!

Racer Lex: Im not crying, you are!

Olivier Rheault-Hebert: I wonder what would have happened if Boba was on the ship when luke arrived

Jesse Santosuosso: Holy smokes. Youre dead on about this being the best Star Wars in some time. I loved seeing young but master Luke decimate those troopers. Im anticipating that Mando and Grogu will cross paths again, whether it be season 3 or further down the line.

TheStumpyful: I'm not crying, you're crying! 😭 I miss my Mando and Baby Yoda together!

Lord Lewa: Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau are the best :) Awesome episode! Hoping that the Ashoka show will retcon the sequels with the World between Worlds

Misael Is Cool: More like the last 21 years but sure

Eric Rantala: Was almost sure that it would be cal or ezra or someone new who would come because luke felt like such a big character to take in. But damn seeing luke again was amazing.

Gui: Now I just imagine Grogu Stealing Lunch to the young Ben Solo in a few years XD Also if Grogu survived Order 66, Vader before Mustafar and 501 legions..... He CLEARY survive against Kylo and his knights of ren!

3 Honest Answers: Mando should take control of Gideon’s ship!

Eduardo Lorenzo: I hope all the new shows on Disney + be at least half as good as this one

LaBree Luke: I swear, if Grogu was a victim of Kylo Ren's "Jedi purge" that will be the biggest reason to hate him on top of killing Han Solo.

Christopher Bailey: Absolutely! Exactly how you do Girl-Power without forcing it and making it stupid. Awesome!

Anthony damigos: no one is gonna talk about the filter on Luke

Tokyo 7: Mando is the coolest dad in the galaxy!!

Luv Hippo: Great recap. Looking forward to watching it after work today.

Ed: Great review.

Josh Smith: Hate having to wait a year for another season.

skylar williams: Best episode ever going from smiling ear to eat with a good pull of the heart strings only to end in pure excitement.

Eduardo Alvarado: Loved the crying! Lol

Chronic Tim: I don't know why, but I was waiting for him to give Groku the silver ball as a going away present.

JUICE: I stayed up till midnight to watch it worth it

TheSylvanSmith: Since they are calling it the Book of Boba Fett and The Mandalorian seasons 1 & 2 episodes were called chapters, I think Season 3 will focus on Boba Fett and not Djin. Just my thought.

John Doe: I think I might have screamed when seeing the X-wing

Jayjay: I really hoped Grogu's training will finished long before Ben turns into Kylo.

Griffon Rock Productions: It's truly great to see this story unfold. Truly a powerful series and makes you really see the love that Mando has for Grogu and how he will go to the ends of the galaxy for just for him.

BeastMaster 64: This is the way

Federico Martinez: Great breakdown, I really enjoyed the episode.

SouravJyoti Saharia: Kylo Ren going to kill grogu..

Stanisław Olszak: I didn’t expect them to have balls to let Grogu go and to tie Luke into the story. Easily best Star Wars content in years. I always wished they would slowly bring back all the EU to the canon, retelling it slightly different to tidy things up. Looks like this might be happening after all. Going further if sequels are not decanonized they will be so heavily recontextualized they might start making sense. Or just let Lucas change a scene or two once in a while like he dis with multiple editions of OT ;) This is the way.

dillon nicely: When moth Gideon said Bo might get another crack at it he means mando is going to die fighting the dark troopers. It was a taunt about mandos inevitable defeat

Toby Cook: Tears of pure joy.

Sean McGuire: They want to have mando use the dark saber a little next season before he gives it away. I'm not mad

jõřğəñ Þøýöđą: the sequels destroyes this episode🤬🤬. Luke becoming a shitty old piece of shit. Kylo killkng all the other younglings. Probably grogu. F.. THE SEQUELS

afnan13122010: why am crying......;(

Chicagobox: Wow I have been waiting for this for over 30 years!

RiTcHiE Rich: The Boba's book?? Do you like it sweet or bitter with the tea??

Ronald: Man, I had no idea about the leaks so that scene where Luke appeared was so freaking glorious I shouted all the way. The green saber, then the black glove, and the face reveal, I was totally geeking out I loved it. The deaging CGI was a bit uncanny but forgiveable. I wasn't a star wars fan while growing up, literally watched them all last year then hoped on this show. I hated the sequel trilogy and it almost made me leave star wars but this show has made me a complete fan!

Ronald: Man, I had no idea about the leaks so that scene where Luke appeared was so freaking glorious I shouted all the way. The green saber, then the black glove, and the face reveal, I was totally geeking out I loved it. The deaging CGI was a bit uncanny but forgiveable. I wasn't a star wars fan while growing up, literally watched them all last year then hoped on this show. I hated the sequel trilogy and it almost made me leave star wars but this show has made me a complete fan!

H Marks: When mando asked “are you a Jedi” I wish he said “like my father before me”

Merlyn Lear: they need to fill a lot of story holes for rise of sky walker, they also need to introduce 'snoke' and the divide of the empire and the 'new order'. i like the idea that the new order is introduced as a distraction to the rebels while they work out the kinks of rebuilding the emperor. mark hamil looks weird in this episode. deep fakes are weird - Where's STAN!

Eric Coskun: Best in the past 10 years? I would say this has been the best Star Wars since ESB (Ep 5)

Sunstar: Awesome seeing Luke in his glory! It was one of the issues with accepting the premise of The Last Jedi cause we went from brand new Jedi Luke to dejected Luke without ever seeing powerful Jedi Master Luke on screen. This show is brilliant.

Luc Borner: P

Fiona Biscuit: Saving Star Wars on episode at a time. Maybe the Mandalorian will write an end to the war between Mandalorians and the Jedi?

Toe Cutter: this one episode did something that 3 full length movie couldn't. Made water come out of the corner of my eye.

Bobby Down: If Grogu can survive Anakin's Massacre, Grogu can survive Anakin's whiny grandson's massacre.

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