The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 1 Review

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Isaac Glez: I agree, it was just focusing on being nostalgic. Poor scrip 6/10

luke strawwalker: Baby Yoda didn't hide in a big pot... it was a spittoon... These were common in the Old West in saloons, boarding houses, and other public venues, back when the use of chewing tobacco (along with snuff and smoking tobacco) was extremely common. Rather than having a disposable spit cup or empty beer can as many chewing tobacco users make use of now to dispose of their chewed tobacco and spittle, spittoons were these large funnel-shaped covered "pots" into which people could spit their chewed tobacco juices, sometimes from considerable distance, which was funneled down into the lower pot for later disposal by the venue proprietor or his workers... Evidently for the child to be hiding in this one, it was not evidently in use (not half full of chewed tobacco and spent spit) and was therefore likely an homage to the western themes typical of the Tatooine stories... or perhaps it served as similar purpose in the Star Wars universe, by being a receptacle for the remains of some sort of spent product consumed for pleasure-- "death sticks" perhaps or something of that sort. Later! OL J R :)

Adam Dreyfus: Was that not Chopper's robot friend from Rebels that frog lady used as a translator? Definitely sounded like the same voice.

A. Ñeko: This episode was great. So many callbacks to the originals and prequels. Dude is clueless.

anater12: Get someone else. The reviewer, per other reviewers and I, do not know the lore or Star Wars and should be absolutely removed from any content going forward for this series. This was a great episode!

Jon Thomas: I agree with the review sadly, I wish I could love the first ep as most of y’all did but it seems like it’s doing the same things most of the problems were from s1 I just wish the story was more cannon instead of side quest of the week etc wish it had more to offer

Chloe Franklin: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. The episode was great.

Zoey Melf: This is a great review. I agree with your points very much. The art direction and overall style of the mandolorian is great, but I fear that it just won't hold up to the test of time if the writing doesn't get a bit better. I've been watching Barry on HBO recently, and I encourage people to consider these two shows together from a plot point of view. Both deal in fantastical worlds from very different points of view, but where the Mandolorian seeks to wow us with effects, Barry wows us with cleverly designed plot and great writing. In the long run that is the way to go! Thanks again!

Willa Jabir: Give me the armor. No, unless you do what I ask. Ok. Great plot. Mando whips whole gangs but then gives in to one guy in a small desert town. Give me a break. Blow up a sand worm in exchange for the armor. Great effects and editing but this episode was indeed UNDERWHELMING as far as story line. Too many people suffering from withdrawal symptoms to realize it.

Meme Lord: 7/10

Armando Lima: This series is even better than the last few SW movies, and this episode was just awesome. To whoever made this review, go review the Kardashians or whatever, and leave sci-fi awesomeness to the fans.

Rudy Aguilera: You just got to understand in each new episode he's either teaming up with someone new or avengers style team ups also he will be developing slowly throughout the series it's not that great it's been done before and yeah lots and lots of easter eggs to past movies and shows and comics and probably hinting at future stuff it's basically what this show is doing

CaptSNES: It was a filler episode, in all honesty.

Danny Hunter: Is this guy serious! I totally disagree and I think this was an amazing episode.

Jamal Dolley Games - Indie Game Dev: Storyline felt like 90's tv, it was entertaining though.

Fikitupper: If this is how the other episodes in season 2 will be, then there isn't a lot to look forward to. This episode had 0 plot. Delete the episode and it won't even matter. The plot resembles one of those quests given in video games. Go to a town, recruit allies to kill a monster. YAWN!

Tea Steel: This review is definetly not the way I have spoken

Kevin Baird: He gave it a 7, which means he likes it, and then gave a bunch of very fair criticisms and everyone is up in arms about it. Guys, I like the show too, but let's get real - the storytelling is very repetitive

Parker Pshebnisky: I loved when mando fought that monster!!

Youtube Channel: Thank you IGN for actually being brave enough to not just agree with majority of people on this episode. My friends loved this episode and I saw that pretty much everyone else online did too. I found it was a pretty weak premiere opener, it may have actually benefited from being a shorter episode. One of my friends went as far as to say “this was better than season 1” , I think people are just hyped that the show is back and this episode will probably end up being one of the worst this season.

Pedro Penaherrera: reviewers hate fan service and Easter eggs, like get over yourself, those things are what keep us coming back.

Osmak Cheese: This is not the way 😡

Troy Jones: That was boba fetts armor and boba fett at the end!!!!!😛🙃🙂🙃🙂🙃🙂🙂😎🤯🤯🤯🤯

The Lord of Guidance: This reviewer doesn't know the way.

XBOY 700: Well yeah, a 7 out of 7 or a 5 star episode, am I right?

Paul Sommerhalder: Finally, a reviewer that's not carrying a Star Wars Cult membership card. The way the fanboy reviewers gush over this schlocky episode. It is so derivative of other SyFy, the real fun is figuring out where they stole each one of their hijacked ideas. They did spend some money on visuals though....7 is a fair rating, I would've gone lower to a 5 or 6 "Average" rating.

941662agl: It heartens me to see all these people defending the show from pathetic reviews like this. "Underwhelming return" give me a break.

Marcos Ale Molina M: Nah 7 never. Is the Best of the best

Optimus Kanivus: who hurt you ?

WoTProductions1: Anyone notice the marshals speeder bike is made from anakins pod racer!?

SamuraiSurge: Boo this reviewer!!!

Jeremy JMIAH Williamson: OH GOSH! THIS IS SUCH A LAME COMPLAIN VIDEO!!! I got into 28 seconds and said NOPE!! Not worth my time! @IGN dont put this crybaby stuff on your channel or many people will stop coming back... i mean just LOOK at the comments on here!! LEARN

Stephen Blackwell: I thought they went to Arrakis instead of Tatooine. I bet A lot of commenters, have already made this comment though.

Florian Rassel: Is it possible to give a lot thumbs down? A pitty this is not possible i'd love to to do that.

Hep: The scrapyard lady was such a terrible actor

Hershey Bars: What about the fact that boba get was shown at the end of the episode

TheTwosliceToaster: If everything that happens in this episode is just a "string of predictable tropes" for you, then I reckon that The Mandalorian is a series that isn't for you. You just don't appreciate what makes this series so compelling. Casually dismissing it as not being original enough is absurd and extreme. I absolutely loved this episode! The whole "side mission" of him uniting warring factions to defeat a gigantic monster that has been terrorising them for generations really drew me in. I don't need vastly complex and super original galaxy spanning plot lines to be immersed (we already have that in other Star Wars films!). I like the fact that The Mandalorian tones it down and focuses on smaller events, effectively making each episode a side story in it's own right. Your "review" is a disservice to the excellent results produced by he creators of this excellent show.

HuskieGames: Krayt Dragon cry? What?? You're making things up bro.

Your Usurper: IGN’s wokeness on full display.

J.A. Trujillo Sánchez: This review is underwhelming...

TrashCan: girls seeing baby yoda: yeah im a star wars fan; i love baby yoda



Yerko Vidal: Underwhell plot? It's what we have been talking about sens Return of the jedi. Where do they find these reviewer... It's a 9 for me.

Rise or Fall: worst review ever

Rei Zak: Um... what? Were we watching the same show? It's not Easter eggs if it takes place in the same world. That's called world building and consistency. Also, why is he shitting on the first season? The episodes are "short" because they're the length they need to be. It doesn't waste your time with filler because it's not a television show that has to go on and on or fill a certain time slot.

Garry Smith: Lol everyone in the comments hating on “this guy” but if you look at the beginning of the video, this review was actually written by Laura Prudom, with this man acting as a narrator. People going “oh this guy just sounds like someone who doesn’t understand Star Wars” like what.

Levi7711: You’re just like John snow ... you don’t get it And know nothing

LIL JON'S: With only re runs around .. Gotta give this a 10

Corn Fungus: It's such a joy to read all these comments from man-children. "let someone else take control of these reviews" Someone having a different opinion from you is truly treason. "you do not get it" I could give you people a dozen flaws from an OBJECTIVE standpoint. Frankly, a 7/10 is a bit high for this mutilated offspring of Jon Favreau.

Summer Rose: I'm here for the Baby.

Shagg: well this video bombed

Jay: dam baby yoda still baby?...Wish they shown some force or plot here

Kurt Gomez: Why should we trust the same people who gave the Last Jedi an almost perfect score?

Lodestars Inc: The Marshall and the mandalorian fight scene against the sand dragon was everything we Star Wars fan have wanted Mandalorian season 2 episode 1 : 9/10 🖥🎬💥😎👏

john mattison: Fighting words

VaDRitoX: Why are people booing him? He's right.

Darth Vader: Same old ign pure garbage

Brandon Murphy: WRONG

MadChuckle: Consensus among the comments: this reviewer (Laura?) should not be doing this show anymore... and I agree.

Sage: If you turn on captions at 0:01, it reads "I guess a lot has changed since you were last in Moscow-"

Bobby Hardenbrook: gods what a TERRIBLE take. This was literally some of the best Starwars ever done in any format, period, end of sentence. This reviewer is completely and utterly wrong and shouldn't be covering Starwars material at all

Alexander Jakubsen: Its a space western. Its gonna have western tropes, bro.

marvdatboi: One of the best episodes yet

Bry Bry: I clearly don’t agree with this review

M7CVZ: Better to have someone else do these reviews. This person thinks they are a genius. Let them review their own productions. This is disgusting.

xxx scam: this episode was dope af. watching mando chillin with the sand folk is awesome

Brian Schaaf: This is pathetic.

Ross Kerr: Worst review ever

Atticus Shure (student): Please say this is a joke ign

FatherLucid: Star Wars fans are not often pleased because we have high standards. The Mandalorian has finally met them. It made Star Wars great again. I haven’t been this happy with Star Wars since the OT.

Noah Adams: This dudes favorite Star Wars movie is probably the last Jedi

Hunter Winters: This was like Star Wars meets Tremors. No way it's not 10/10.

RabidSpatula 101: I think the reviewers do not understand what this show is about: Mando is our avatar in Star Wars so that we as the audience can interact with the universe in a broader, more organic and less grandiose way. Usually I am all about driving plotlines and hyper characterization, but in this case we need to put down the purely modern literary approach and look at it from the mythological perspective, as Star Wars was intended to be. This episode in many ways delved into big themes like identity, man-vs-nature, enemies coming together, and risking life and limb in the present for service to the community. Its more Gilgamesh and Enkidu vs Humbaba than it is say a Martin Scorsese character study like "The Irishman" (which is kickass btw). Personally, I think the creators have tapped into a sub-frequency of what the audience wants: archetypal characters doing amazing things in a well known universe, consumed as pure escape-ism. Its a show about showing the characters we love doing amazing things and confirming what we love about them rather than telling a grander guided story. But through that a story is told. I guess what I am really saying is, enjoy the journey.


Blade Plays: Why wouldn’t you just review the season when it’s finished

Abuzar Zafar: seriously 7 your review team needs a review

Top Back Podcast: We did a review of the episode on our channel. We would love peoples feedbacks!!

Abhirup Chakrabarty: This is NOT the Way OF REVIEWING .

EnergyDrinkTurtle: I feel like we watched a different episode, because I loved this episode in many ways, but everything about it you just find annoying or unoriginal. It's just the first episode don't expect the story of an entire season from it.

Griff: Reviewer is spot on. It's okay but story wasnt that gripping. Zoned out on my phone a lot of the time

King Cobra: Underwhelming?! Hahahaha you got to be kidding.

Kostas Tzafi: Let me guess... You're not really into star wars are you...

Luther Bins: fire this guy

J. Nadz: well its IGN Review.. if they Hate it.. they Hate it 7/10

Alex Nemo: 7? Are you kidding? This was awesome. 10/10.

香港和台灣和澳門67立刻死亡: real big just ex comment

Hasan Nasir: This IGN reviewer does not know the all.

Bacanu Marius: your channel 3/10

Pelle Schwarzberg: Why are y'all hating on this guy, i think hes right

Frederick Cacnio: I love how the heart of the Plotline of Episode 1 is a nod to the Tatooine Questline from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.

MatiZ815: One of the best episodes of the series. This show ISN'T a one with a continuous story. This is an adventure of the week type of show so how about you start judge it for what it is instead of complaining about a lack of "plot development". And Sanctuary was great too, IMO.

sondre østvold: Why call it easter eggs, when it's part of the world building?

[]Xeros X Tempest[]: Mandalorian episode 2 Date: 6/11/2020

李竹從: This reviewer is high on drugs and a total fail. I bet he hasn't even watched the episode.

Ed Shaw: 9/10 or 8.5

DariusBlack: Fun fact: The sand people and the Jawas have devolved from a single species. Tattooine was once a jungle world where an advanced civilization lived with many force-sensitives. Then it suffered a catastrophe - either the ancient Sith did something or it was bombarded to oblivion and made a desert. The indigenous species devolved into two distinct subraces, one being the Jawas while the others became the Tuscen raiders. -Legends lore- Also, this reviewer doesn't get it

mrmonkeyman79: I thought season ones tatooine episode was easily the weakest one, which didn't advance the plot, had a really dull story and had Dan service that felt forced. Thus episode mostly did it right and is what I was hoping for from the opener. Yes I cringed a little when they said he was going back to tatooine again (like seriously I'm beginning to think it's the new galactic capital at this point) they explored the society on that planet really well and worked it in well with him looking for THAT suit of armour. And yes that last shot was a great payoff


Native 99: Felt like a filler episode.

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