The Mandalorian: Season 2 Episode 4 - Angry Review!

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YC1073: I hope I hope they don’t bring ahsoka

GIVEMEAKISSLUV: we need young snoke action scenes in future seasons of mandolorian, mando vs young snoke with snoke beating mando and baby yoda save mando something like that.

robotpanda77: Cara Dunn is Marshal of the Dunkin Donuts from the looks of it. Dang girl Star Wars already got one Jabba the Hutt.

JohnnyNoPockets aka who Dat Gamecat: I count 12 dark troopers.

TheSkaireKrowe: Alex! Your mmhmm's. The affirmationalism of AJ comments is hard to count. The show is awesome, but damn. J, Stop talking over Alex and OJ. These guys are equitably equal to this whole thing. Love it all though! No hate. Great reactions!

Charles Jorge: the people in the tanks were dark troopers i think, some dark troopers were cloned to be force sensitive, either that or theyre using the m count for star killer or something idk, i didnt see any tie in to snoke or the emperor

SSJ Put: Yoooo the old video game music with the mandalorian theme song that’s cool af good idea

sergiu farima: GINA CARANO best for Captain Marvel role

Haunter777: Well the clones may be connected to the dark trooper reveal. They want baby yoda because of his force sensitivity. So they can use his blood to create force sensitive clones.

Russell Walton: carl weathers did a great job directing, it was so hard to decided on a defining moment of this show it had it all, links to the sequel AND prequel tril, links to wider lore with those glorious death/dark troopers, comedy, action both on the ground and in the air and may I add possibly the coolest and most animated the speeder bike riders I have ever been, yeah they died as norm but what an entrance!

Al Dunlop: The Mandalorian is ok, not great, but not terrible. The humour is good, but the cutesie Baby Yoda stuff is start to wear a bit thin on me. The special effects are superb, nothing to complain about. His ship’s damage is feeling very unrealistic. The episodes are too short, and there’s not enough in each season, but that seems to be typical of streaming these days. Old Star Trek like TNG, DS9, and Voyager had like 25 eps in a season. These feel too short. A bit too much nostalgia for me. Anyway is an ok show, just my opinions.

Paul Friemann: I dont know if u need to know all about the original starwars trilogy to enjoy this one...but there is 0 stakes to these new episodes. You ALWAYS know ppl are gonna be saved at the last second with bs bailouts. How come killing enemy's is like taking a shit, no one cares. I just cant bring myself to taking this seriously anymore or even immerse myself. Maybe it's just a big fan service series now and that's why I don't get it

SLAANESH: Idk if anyone will see this but if i remember right, Disney explained that snoke was from the unknown dosent rule out those clones being snokies, but with the reveal of what i believe to be dark troopers at the end i think those clones are failed DTs. One iteration of the DTs had them as force it could easily be that ark they're going for. I hope its dark trooper stuff and not snokies. Fuck snoke.

Gabriel XD: i love how they react and we only see the busted camera

Cobra SP TUBE: I think after Star Wars episode II - Attack of the clones , Yoda went to the camino facility, and cloned himself.

Vipurs: they didn’t show anything interesting

Shapshifting Reptilian: Intro is unparalleled Shii sound like an OG zelda contra 8bit game throwback 🤯

americandesign: I have rewatched the whole Mandalorian s02 from e01- to e04 in one go . And I tell you guys, there are no filler episodes if you consider the whole 4 parts we've seen (so far) as one feature film. It has the "waving" right, so one episode is giving us hints and slower pace, but building to the "explosion" of the next chapter. Don't let you fooled by the weekly release! I feels like a whole movie. A moovie that we've all awaited for a long time. A moovie that's whole better than the sequels together! (RIP Reylo-Nobody-Palpatine-Skywalker!) I strongly suggest to do the same! - Find some time 4 it! (C'mon you too have the chapters dowloaded already on your winchester, dont you?) - And BTW the music is AMAZING, Thanx to Göran Ludvigsson for the whole stuff! So try it... I have spoken. THIS IS THE WAY!

Jormunrek Iron Wolf: Those were Dark Troopers they saw.

Landy Ollowocandy: OJ's shirt is fiyah! Or should i say... yoga fiyah?

Strange Aeons: Is it just me, or do they seem to be starting to treat baby Yoda like an actual baby? Now BY is making baby noises, and so far the formula has been "find babysitter, then go to action scene. I think the babysitting thing is foreshadowing that one of these episodes they are going to return from an action scene to find the babysitter dead and BY gone. But still, the shift in how Baby Yoda is being represented compared to season 1 kind of bugs me. They are making BY seem like a helpless bystander where as in S1 he was an active participant.

Caldie: Bro I'm gunnu be real, its definitely not snoke

Travis Winegar: Every episode is good but it’s getting redundant. I need repairs let’s go here oh hey you want repairs then do something for me or it’s hey I’m looking for someone well I will tell you if you do something for me.

Delta_62: Honestly, I think Gideon is trying to make himself force sensitive rather than trying to make Snoke. It’s either that or he’s trying to make Force Sensitive Dark Troopers.

Patrick D: My only issue with this series is how come we keep going back to the SAME planets and meeting the same people over and over again? It seems like the events taking place in this universe are happening in the equivalent of like a county. How are all these planets so close together? isn't he on the run? It would be like a criminal on the run from the law but he stays in the same city and doesn't go far, far away. And again we keep doing this sitcom thing where characters come in for an episode and then they leave right after.

Devon Rhodes: My 6 yr old daughter totally called that the guy fixing his ship was bad. I looked her dead in her eye & said "no no no, hes helping, hes not a bad guy." Only to have to eat crow in the end. She was pumped to throw it in my face that she was right & i was wrong. Ya love to see it! 😅

Mockthenerd 5: Erghhh, really hope they don't make baby yoda blood into the Emperor... I would much prefer force sensitive soldiers or something.

Sealion Studios: Not Snoke or Sidious. He's building a Force sensitive clone army. If you've played Force Unleashed 2 and Battlefront: Elite Squadron on the PSP, you saw all the connections with those games where they do the same thing. They're probably gonna be the ones wearing the Dark Trooper armour at the end of the episode. Plus, we saw what the original non-Force sensitive Clones did to the Jedi. Imagine what an army of Force sensitive Clones could do to the rest of the galaxy....

rakura: Wasn't Snoke in the tank. Those were bodies for Dark Troopers. Blood is for them.

FriedrichVSS: Those black troopers at the end are actually Skeletor's robot guards from Masters of the Universe.

Omega Son: I still don’t see the problem with midichlorians

Wise Bluehillwarrior: The "Darth-vader" armor is obviously meant to be worn by all the finished snoke clones, so they can make a super-army of force-users. The rule of 2 is so old-fashioned, we're progressive now.

Wise Bluehillwarrior: All things considered; although they tried to carry the prequels with this episode, it surprisingly didn't suffer for it. For me this was a 10/10 episode for sure.

Kismias: Baby Yoda is Snokes

T Lovell: With the rating system. I would say moving forward add your scores together and divide by how many people give a rating score.

Zachary Meador: I hate Alex’s attitude toward everything, just negative af about everything. At least AJ is entertaining about it lol

wakeangel2001: Trying to make clones that are force sensitive, and equipping them with what looks like Darth Vader's idea is that they might be trying to mass produce Darth Vaders, kind of like the Sith Inquisitors from the Rebels cartoon, though your idea that this is where Emperor Snoke comes from has legs too.

Jeremy W: How would it be they are trying to save the new movies all the sudden? They were taking baby yoda blood in the very first episode. What did you think they were taking the blood for then? Everyone knew they were cloners.

SpaceCake: If they connect it to the Sequel Trilogy they will lose me

MaesterMicahGaming: Yea when saw the speeders jump off the cliff after the homies I was like damn we didn't get any star wars scenes in the star wars movies so much wasted potential.

shahrizal shaharudin: I think Carl Weathers was intentionally shooting the canyon with the hopes that the debris could slow them TIE fighters down. Or maybe he’s just a crappy shooter

amigo: Surfshark awesome. Netflix in colombia has so much more awesome content than the US version

Game Chronicles: Why do stormtroopers wear armor when they die with a single blaster shot anyway?

Norm Caissie: check your colours with your green screen shade

Pilgrim 117: You can all thanks miss Kennedy for this series!

Gregory Stephens: Here's the thing, Joe: I don't think that was Snoke or Palpatine they were trying to clone. The dialogue from Dr. Pershing's hologram spoke of a 'volunteer' who recieved the transfusions, and wound up with massive deformities. Also, I think this might be a throwback to the old Jedi Knight games where an Imperial warlord was trying to artificially create Force-sensitive warriors known as Shadow Troopers. If we get Kyle Katarn, I will flip my shit.

Sean Brazell: I've heard a third force unleashed is in the pipe, so maybe Gideon has Star Killer clones from one of Vader's old labs.... That would be AWESOME! Whatever it turns out to be, I hope the show is more prequel sequel and less sequel prequel!

Niklas Svensson: by all the gods i hope they don't try to make up now for all the other Starwars junk!

Clodious Armitage: i have to ask did yall see the lego life day special that just came out on disney +. it even changes some of the star wars lore. An its at least watchable unlike that other disaster of a holiday special.


Brodie Yake: Baby Yoda is the key to all of this.

Sismanski: Hm, so today I watched all 4 episodes and now I wanted to have some fun watching your Reviews on those episodes. And now I realized something new going on on Youtube, which is pretty weird. When I click the search button on your channel, to find all the "mando reviews", it used to show me all the "mando reviews" related videos of your channel only, right? This is how it used to work and this is what that small search button is there for. But NO, they're sneaking in other peoples videos into that search list. They are related to my search key words, but are not from your channel. And it isn't just 1-2 of them, it's after every 2-3 of your videos that a video of someone else is squished inbetween. This is quite annoying, because it makes finding videos just from your channel even harder. Especially when that search button normally is specifically to search through YOUR whole channel, not other creators...

Nina: I was so disappointed when they show those clones, I don't want the Mandalorian to be tainted with the horrible sequel trilogy

Saucy Dangles: the weakest of the season so far I'd say, it's just way too short

Logan NPC23: What's wrong w baby Yodas head?

Sean Y: @27:05 cut in De Niro "You..your very good you"

elcidS15: Yall didn’t mention the carl/mando arm grab mirroring him and Arnold’s.

Belnick6666: were these episodes not 55 to 60min before? now they are down to 37 min lol half hour show ffs

Dr. Decker: The reason why the Empire can't hit anything is because of mass produced crap, and more than the occasional sabotage by infiltrators and detractors. Conscription of the untrained is also in that equation but ya :P

JellyandJam: Star wars at its best!!!

TimmyME: Awesome episode!

AgentMcQueen: *CARL WEATHERS!*

hatchimmmmm: Mando works alone, does not need a crew.

Lance Lund: all right who is dressing up as jeans guy?

Jeanine Hicks: He’s eating Macarons! I use to bake them. Very tasty 😋

Aaron Meier: Kinda feel bad for those stormtroopers. Someone seriously needs to teach them how to fight 👀

Friendly Salad: I think disney is trying to push cara out because of her social media activity

Daniel: What I want to know is who else is going to be there when Mando finds Asoka? The last time we saw Asoka was she was going off with Sabine Ren to Find Esra Bridger. Did they find him? Are the two of them still together looking for him? Is that why they can't take The Child? It would be odd to not have Sabine find her way into the story, being a Mandalorian herself and having been the one to give the Darksaber to Bo-katan.

RyoHazuki224: Y'all don't want this to tie into the sequels. I got news for you: It probably will. There is something connecting this to the prequels, to the original trilogy, why would it not connect to the sequels? That would be a naive assumption that it wont connect. And, even though you guys hate it with a passion, I can tell you that a lot of people DO like the sequels, and would be happy to see that connection happen in this show. For me, if its not overly obvious connection, thats fine. But like it or not, the sequels ARE cannon. And if Mandalorian is also cannon, guess what? Dry those tears, its all connected.

Francisco Fabian: Alex is so wrong about this. The Mandalorian has been great so far and if they're tying in more stuff from the movies then fantastic. Star Wars really needs someone like Filoni and co to fix the story mess from the sequels. This is great for Star Wars future.

Francisco Fabian: Like it or not, midichlorians are part of the universe, so.. it makes total sense what happened! I thought it was great but they're not Snokes, i think they're just trying to experiment at creating force sensitive users.

Jorge F: I believe before my boy Palp fell he left a couple of orders one being project resurrection. He might of left Moth G. as head of the project. Which is why they need the child. If my suspicion is right then the child will be caught eventually and used to bring back Palp and/or create Snoke....

Felipe Bueno Aliski Alves: i know i'm deaf, but DON'T CENSOR THE LYRICS, I DON'T WANT TO

TheSpacecraftX: Why do you keep talking about cloning and Kamino? I don't believe there was anything to suggest it was clones. They were talking about test subjects, not necessarily clones..

Tanoy lul: As someone who never watched star wars other than the first three can someone explain why everyone are hyping out, whos snoke and which movies are they connecting with

David Cundiff: I thought they were purse troopers

NovaNihil: Yes! You made the Dark Trooper connection too AJ! Lol I am not holding my breath but it would be awesome.

SpectralKnight: To be fair in universe Tie-fighters are notorious for being difficult to hit even by other fighter pilots. They are built for speed and maneuverability. There's a passage in one of the Solo books where Han thinks back on how fickle the controls were. Pull it slightly too hard and you would careen way past your target. And that is HAN SOLO finding something difficult to maneuver without it going left and right

NABz Lasted: Good for you that you enjoyed it that much, i give it a 6/10, nothing new or unique, and i feel like they chose the cast like gina and carl because they are icons not because they fit the role, its pull me out of the immersion

Joshua Ewulo: Is it actually Yoda or just a member of his species?

jewsco: Unfortunately the sequels happened and are cannon so a show like this fixing the mess those sequels made is what is best for Star Wars and its future.

static 562: I love that there using George Lucas vision and ideas from cloning to studying the midichlorians, to create force sensitive super soldiers.

Jommamo Soffat: I'm not buying Cara Dune as some badass ex special forces being so chunky. She can barely run 10 feet from cover to cover, they had to cut away twice so it wouldn't look like she was waddling, I laughed so hard. she gained a little bit extra just to spite the haters

Metal Wolf Gaming: Baby Yoda being electrocuted at the beginning is where the episode should have ended😆

Ryan Delgaty: I thought this was the worst episode of the series.

freeko: WHY are you afraid to be honest and admit that this is not a 10/10 episode (6/10)? He's useless, stupid (traveling from one end of the planet to the other in 4 minutes) and this is the 4th episode, where nothing happens

Garrett Gault: Joe honestly looks good in that Mandolorian costume

BTMaverick707: i dont think the turret on the transport thing works as anti aircraft.

Matthew Pittard: Dont think its got ANYTHING to do with Snoke. Its about the Dark Trooper project.

ItzJustKris: if the series is heading to baby yoda dying to explain that big sith dude im gonna be pissed

mepm: The show is awesome, but geez the way Joe goes on like its the single best thing ever made ever - every single episode...

Nicholas DiRienzo: Dark Troopers vs. Death Troopers? Who would win? That’s the big question.

zen strata: What makes it good? It doesn't have crappy woke-political commentary nonsense. I approve.

scooter dogg: total disappointment fight scenes suck invincible one minute can't hit SFA next , don't get me going on the Muppet weasel and the gremlin now that's an angry review

Kota Serrill: Not sure if you heard it right but during the scene with the scientist talking about the baby. He says the "Volunteer" is still willing but there is no more blood to use for him. I doubt the volunteer is Snoke. What do others think about this?

Burstify: 30 years later The kid now an adult: YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME The Child: I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO YOU ARE The kid now an adult: YOU WILL

Jeriah Eager Music: Asoka wont show up til right at the end of the last episode and we'll have to wait for season 3

Josh 015: Cara Dune is such a cool character so it's a shame that Gina Carano is such a POS in real life.

Derek tensa: So you guys not gonna say nothing about jeans guy?

Aldiggy2000: Season 2 is absolutely fu**ing slaying it

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