The Mandalorian: Season 2 Finale - Episode 8 - Angry Review!

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D J: Really felt the goosebumps with that Luke Skywalker reveal and the way he absolutely obliterated those Dark Troopers. Haven't felt that way about Star Wars since the Darth Vader ending scenes in Rogue One and Jedi Fallen Order. Mandolorian is definitely the best thing that has come out of this franchise in a long time.

Kris Bendix: Wouldn't it make more sense if Din joins the Bo-Katan show where they take back Mandalor? I mean... Din has the Dark Saber. He is the leader now.

areyousure?: You could fill a river with all the grown men's tears

LUXO: Your correct Joe its 16 :D 8 + 8 is 16 correct :D

Dan Abney: I think Bo-Katan was questioning Boba being a Mandalorian because she didn't consider him a true son of Jango; he's technically a clone, not a son, therefore not an heir of Jango, in her opinion.

J3SS3 H: For once, gotta disagree with Alex here. Luke Skywalker in this episode was absolutely amazing for this show and there is no problem with allowing the OG protagonist to steal the spotlight when he shows up.

IvanTheSpaceBiker: Am I the only one who thinks that season finale was too rushed and overall average?

Iron Lung: The Book of Boba Fett is the new stand alone Boba Fett series on Disney+. We are getting Mandalorian Season 3: December 25th 2021 & The Book of Boba Fett: December 2021 also.

Sean Murphy: My immediate theory was that Bo Katan's uprising might have failed specifically because of the fact she was gifted the Dark Saber

tinydes282: They're saying a actual book that you read is coming out December 2021 not a show if it was a show they just would have said that. A book about Boba Fett is coming out next year

Shane: There still is going to be a Mandalorian season 3. Book of Boba Fett is its own separate thing. Look stuff up guys, takes 10 seconds.

paulmilesuk1: Mandalorian and Book of Boba will be separate shows. In the announcements made last week, the mandalorian was pictured on the screen. Its it's own show. Boba will be a one off season I think.

TOP BANANA: Technically tho boba isnt a mandalorian he is a clone. we found out in attack of the clones that part of the agreement for jango being the base for the clone troopers was that he was given an unaltered clone of his own.

Lord Rayden: Did you notice thst R2 acted like he knew baa y yoda What if r2 is the one that saved baby yoda?

sasha mocni: We have been rescued! I wish all the Dark Force users who made it happen. Girls and boys,we did it!!! P.S. After the last trilogy SW fans were filled with rage and anger and look where did it lead you all? Right at this spot. Enjoy your victory ✊

Rick Garcia: That just wanted a girl power scene thats all

Radosław Giziński: Wait ... does that means that our Mando boiz and girls just got theirs hands on IMPERIAL FREAKIN CRUISER ?

Shawn4815162342: That cgi face was...kinda janky! I dont get why they went with the fan cast choice and made Rosario Dawson Ahsoka, even greeenlighting her own series before she even appeared in her episode of Mandolorian, but they didn't test the waters here with the mega fan cast choice by having Sebastian Stan play Luke Skywalker for this ONE scene?????

H 521: When Mando took off his helmet 😰😭😥

Matty Boucher: I think if they bring thrawn in as hinted if expect some og chars as thrawn is such a large threat on a galactic scale that he will bring the full attention of the new Republic. Potential for Ezra to fulfil the role of Sabioth if they do a heir to the empire and they could also do Yuuzhan Vong as the new books and the Filoni serieses have set up some of that and fav has shown that him and Filoni make a great team

YoungAlllah: I absolutely love how there's now a legitimate reason for why stormtroopers, darktroopers, and bad guys in general physically attack Mando. People complain the cheorgraphy is bad and it makes no sense to get in melee combat with an enemy when you have blasters, BUT...beskar is practically blaster proof, it seems the only real way to kill him is to beat the fucking shit out of him

Honey Thunder: This subverted my expectations by actually being good

Ninjaman1994: Boba is a clone who was raised by Jango as if they were father and son. It's stated in Attack Of The Clones.

Lorenzo Todd: Guys why didn’t you discuss how awesome how Luke sky walker utters may the force be with you?

Mauricio Porte: I was expecting mando to say something like: "you called me a religious nut for not taking off my helmet, now i'm calling you a religious nut for not raking the darksaber". Then he actually took off his helmet.

WokeAF: The only thing I disliked about the finale was that no1 in that room recognized Luke Skywalker despite all the talk about the death stars in the episode... c'mon now...

The Shadow Club: Alex the grouch

Tacitus e: I've just finished Episode 3. For the love of Pete, can the Empire be shown as competent just once, please? They are absolutely no threat and are completely incompetent and useless at every turn so scenes with Mando going against them have 0 tension because of it.

Young Ramen: The powerful digestion feasibly interest because cocktail encouragingly check throughout a nonchalant protest. defiant, awake celeste

Shawn A86: I have a tech/CG question for anybody that knows out there... I noticed that sometimes, just a little, that Joe's CGI backgrounds have a tendency to project over parts of him depending on how he moves. Why does that happen? And this is no knock against Joe, it's really not a big deal. It's just a curiosity question. I've seen it happen in some Angry game reviews he does too.

JohnnyNoPockets aka who Dat Gamecat: Here's something I really didn't like, the badass Bo's only mission in life is finding Moth but she tells mando it's basically impossible. Meanwhile, all he did to find him is waltz into any ol random imperial base and say where's that moth guy? Boom. Done. 'The fuck??

TropicTom: Looking forward to the Book of Boca Raton where a bunch of elderly Mandalorians sit around kvetching about how they did things better when they were young.

ed: Can we just sweep the sequel trilogy under the rug

SplitJugular: one thing i noted was that the mandalorian smith from season 1 didnt make another appearance. did she die in the last episode of season 1?

Ryan Jean: Is everything fan service now?

chris rockwood: i am a trekie not a wars fan but i am a huge mando fan util now...ended wrong and the fact you childes spend your money everyday on everydat cos...i am in bolvia actually feeding covid hunger and this is what you spend your time and money doing?

Tyler Ayers: My guess is that Mandaloreans never truly accepted Bo as their leader because she did not win the dark saber through combat. Which would have been made them weaker when the empire finally came and finished off mandalore.

Bdawg Nastyy: Uh, isn’t that girl Sabine Wren from Rebels? In that case yeah a prime Sabine could take an old Boba in a bar fight.

RisingDreamer: We never saw what happened after Sabine gave Bo-Katan the darksaber in Rebels. My guess is that after Bo-Katan accepted the darksaber from Sabine, things went sideways somehow, she was disgraced somehow, and lost the darksaber to Gideon. Now she feels like she has to prove herself to restore her honor.

Wyatt Putnam: Next season is going to be about taking Mandalore back. There will be a tension between Bo-Katan and Din. Either Bo-Katan will eventually be killed off by Din or she'll learn to respect and follow him. Either way, Din will be sitting on the Mandalorian throne.

Slayn Cross: Would be great if they did a Jedi series with Sebastian Stan as Luke Skywalker

Aldiggy2000: Boba Fett , Asoka, Bo Katan AND Luke Skywalker in one season..F'ing 15/10 season rating. Angry Joe ,please give your first 11/10 rating

Lezeno: I think Bo-Katan didn't accept it this time, maybe because when she accepted it from Sabine and United the mandalorians some of them didn't see her as the rightful ruler and when the empire came back stronger Mandalorians were to splintered and so for her to rule as the true Mandalore she will need to prove it against Din as she failed by accepting it before. Only the future can tell.

Wolfy Society: Only fat people can sit on Jabba's throne, that's why Boba also ate the Sarlacc on his way out of that beast and has a beer belly now.

Gregory Michaels: The Mandalorian season ender was incredible. They actually gave us Star Wars fans WTF we wanted after the original movies. Will not say anything more about it.

Captain run3gun: I think you're overthinking it, pretty the book of boba fett is literally a book

MØRI VÎRŪS: As far as I know personally, Boba is a clone. Jango took him in to raise him instead of the kaminoans(?)

Cristina Vuscan: Disney is turning Star Wars into a Marvel Show in Space and everybody is clapping. I wanna watch Star Wars not Marvel ( what I hate ).

Mr New Vegas: This has easily saved Star Wars for me and look at the Direction of Mandalorian is great it also was able to diversify its characters without looking forced this and the Boys are the staple of how to include all Sex and Races without feeling like a Forced SJW show

ROTHGAR The Viking: it really is a great series. It is truely a great jump off point from the return of the jedi. Now please explain how tracking works. How did they find the imperial shuttle? How?

Shane Ramil: also i think that part of the reason that it was okay to take the dark saber was cause its last own was maul and maul was gone so it was kinda up for grabs and since sabine didn’t really earn it by beating maul it was okayish for bo katan to have it

Jan Giurg: I MIGHT have teared up a bit. What a great finale.

Bloodycard: I think she didn't bring any other mandalorians with her because they would probably find it suspect if they find out that they would have too many lifesigns if they were scanning the Imperial Shuttle and would probably end up being shot down before they would have landed.

mark lloyd: It was amazing, I cried like I haven’t done for years when master Luke ‘mf’ skywalker turned up, they have to retcon the sequel garbage, good review guys

Billman Warren: I've been all over the map on this one. I keep thinking Luke showing up instantly makes the show about him and his force and family drama again, taking away from the "this is a show about simple people trying to make thier way in the galaxy." But then, the reveal of Baby Yoda at the end of the first episode meant they HAD to arrive at this point eventually, so it was intended. Plus, everything we see of Luke is from Mando's POV. We never hear him say his name, just that he's a Jedi. So it's well executed. And if we had never saw any other Star wars before this, we'd just be like "wow, that Jedi guy was bad ass." Just no matter how much I may be inadvertently trying to justify it as needless fanservice, it was so well set up and executed, that you can't say this story should have ended any different.

Tad Dad: ""Why is it so weak against mando armor." It wasn't used against other mandalorians. The dark saber was in fact created by the first and only mandolorian jedi who united his people. Al;so the dark saber is an extremely older design for alightsaber too. It is still powerful but it is over a thousand years old at least. We talking old republic.

The Crusade Guy: Joe you gotta watch Darth Mauls hall way scene in season 7 of clone wars. Now we have 3 hall way scenes in Star Wars now Vader being the best Maul being the second best Lukes was neat but it could have a little more power to it

SpiderGuy2019: I don't care where it goes, as long as it has no connection to the Sequels. If it wipes away the sequels or completely ignores them, I'm happy.

Michael Carico: I don't think that Book of Boba Fett is season 3 honestly, right now Mandalorian is carrying Disney+ and will be until all 10,000 of the other shows start. Plus it wouldn't have made sense to introduce the Darksaber/Mandalore subplot if the show was ending. Regardless, if Disney doesn't want the fanbase spiraling out of control they need to come out and actually confirm whether it is or isn't an independent show. Also if you're a film/TV person reading this somehow THIS is how to do an all-female teamup/scene. All of them were established badasses in their own right, all had character, nothing was forced or cringey. This is also how you do a good villain. Moff Gideon never lost his cool, never started screaming or going out of control like all of the sequel villains, was smart and had a plan and he was a better, more threatening villain because of it

Better Jake: I don't care about your mando review...idc about mando. BATTLE REPORT OR GTFO JOE!!

Mockthenerd 5: I don't want a big cross over because I like the whole story just being its own thing. You get so tired when they smush crap together and do these big hype crap... Just give me a nice little complete story that is done and over with and satisfying. An infinite buffet is tiring, a nice simple meal is the best.

KillerVzTwo Gaming: flamethrowers actually would cancel each other out. 1. only so much oxygen to burn, cant burn an oxygen molecule twice 2. depending on the type of fuel (who knows with star wars) there is a physical media being shot out that would collide IRL.

Matt Aylsworth: Beginning, middle and end with an option to expand. I really appreciated it's full arch, not being a show that goes on too long and loses itself somewhere in season 12.

Russell Hatton: Bro the after credits scene tho!!

hello: 28:38 I mean luke has got to be a well known person in the galaxy he’s like space George Washington

Jet Black: The Star Wars MCU theory sounds very plausible seing that Kevin Feige was brought in last year. And Thrawn as the Thanos-like villian would be amazing! I also like the idea of different POV characters in "The Mandalorian". Reminds me of Game of Thrones, but better. As in, spending 1 or 2 seasons with each POV character and not just 2 episodes.

Guardiandy: Disney should take this and launch a proper trilogy of Luke at this stage rebuilding and going through all his adventures and redeem themselves while basically retconning the trash disney fanfic sequel trilogy

Killingglorie: Mandos stroy is not over though. he still has the whole story revolving around the darksaber....and ruling Mandalor, and Bo Katan

Jared Markh: I thought mando would give grogu the metal ball to take with him. Im sure we will see it in season 3, maybe when they first meet back up.

TracyJackson23: When that pilot went, "millions died on the Death Stars," I quite literally facepalmed. Alderaan had billions of people on it when it blew up. The number of deaths resulting from the assaults on the two DS is insignificant compared to how many people died on one planet alone. So I know some people really liked that pilot's retort, but I didn't. Because his excuse wasn't one.

xyr3s: jango was the foundling. normally the armor would go from father to son. but bo katan doesn't see it that way because boba fett is a clone. one of thousands/millions. so she doesn't see him as the "successor" to jango's armor.

Austin Baker: I believe the reason Bo-Katan called Boba out for being a clone was her own personal beliefs. I think she just has a sour taste in her mouth for Jango believing he made himself a disgrace and an outcast among Mandalorians by whoring himself out to the Seperatists, and the fact that Boba is a clone of Jango she just finds his existance revolting and disowns him as a fellow Mandalorian. Plus she worked with the Clone Army of the Clone Wars, where many of those soldiers were honorable individuals, despite the fact they were clones, so his existance insults their legacy. In the end she just uses him being clone as a justification for her prejudice.

Reaper2004: The reason Bo didn't take the Darksaber this time because in Rebels Sabine didn't believe she had what it took to lead their people but Bo-Katan did because her sister was the Duchess of Mandalore, so Bo took the Darksaber in memory of her Sister and she already had the respect and loyalty of the other houses on Mandalore. I just want to know how Gideon got it from Bo in the first place

David Williams: Please, true Star Wars fans, THANK Filoni and Favreau. We've waited 40 years for this moment. We endured the destruction and shaming of Luke in TLJ, knowing, above all, that Luke is a TRUE hero, a man of virtue and kindness and faith. Luke does NOT give up or give in. In spite of all, even Yoda and Kenobi telling him it was impossible, Luke overcame the Emperor to bring Anakin back. Luke IS the Light side of the Force; in spite of his power. The Mandalorian understands this. The danger was corruption, temptation from power. Luke has overcome this. He can use Force powers most are not able to resist because he is PURE. We can quibble all we want, but this was beautiful and fitting. I'm still in shock. THANK YOU! And, to me, Din IS the embodiment of the Mandalorian ethos. He is young and naive in his journey, but he is a man of honor, a true warrior. He should not be shamed or "replaced" with Fett as many say [I love Fett returning to his roots in the extra-credits scene]. Mando is a special character and I appreciate the show and what he brings just as much as the redemption of Luke. I'm so f*cking happy.

ShootMeSpectre: Bo Katan doesnt believe Boba isnt a mando because Boba is a CLONE and not technically a son of birth from Jango however Boba is a son in writing.


Ralph England: I've never been so happy to see one black glove!

James Mcclaren: I thought it was weak honestly season 1 was far better

BlackfangEx: Many people have problems with the CGI but Mark Deserved This Scene he is one of the few Living members of the OT let him have his Glory that Luke deserved not the BS that was the Sequel trilogy

mrbrainchild76: I'm "worried" that Alex just refuses to be happy about anything.

WokeAF: Not going to lie, I didn't see that coming, I mean the way Luke force crushed that one robot was all Darth Vader nostalgia! no more Baby Yoda(=Grogu) from now on?

Christine Price: If they don’t wipe the slate clean here, then Baby Yoda is doomed according to the latest CANON movies. Whether you like it or not, Luke went into isolation DUE TO all his padawans dying. He WOULDN’T abandon his responsibility if at least one of them survived, or so you would hope...

G S: Can you imagine what these directors would do if the we green lit for a movie or a even better a trilogy?

MikeLibertarian: Do we know for a fact that season 1-2 was "Book of Din Jarin" and not "The Kid/Grogu"? Is it really certain that Din is gonna be a supporting character to Boba, or will Din still be first billing while Fett steps into the same focus the Kid had through "book 1"?

Reidbynature: If Luke can appear in person played by Hammil then can Ewan appear as force ghost Obi-wan?

The Broken Meeple: What tension? Nobody was in any danger whatsoever? It was a fun episode but no tension, the predictable uncanny valley and the Dark Troopers being next to useless, it had issues. I didn’t even feel much emotion at the end. The contention with Bo Khatan was amazing and yet they didn’t follow it through!

zoomzoom491: Was I the only one slightly annoyed that the small deathwatch chick was stronger than fucking boba fett? Like I get showing her strength but there is no physical way she over powers boba like a child....

Szeltovivar Sydroxan: That first Dubtrooper scene, when Mando fought one, gave me major Terminator vibes!

vlenhoff: Real star wars is back!

Srey: Gideon knew who it was, that's why he was trying to kill himself

Omega Son: I feel like Bo Katan took the saber from Sabine just because she was a kid

Reaper2004: Many said that the way the TIE fighters launched is reminiscent of how the Vipers launch from the Battlestar Galactica

Honey Thunder: Three years ago The Last Jedi destroyed Luke and weirdly hurt my feelings lol; this episode felt like they were saying sorry. Loved it.

keith richardson: Din will be fighting to retake mandalore with bo

mrbrainchild76: Rogue One waa not "better". I would say it was more terrifying bc Vader was cutting down actual people versus androids. But I'd say overall this scene matched the Rogue One scene.

DigilusionStudios: Moff Gideon: Ive got a Platoon of Dark Troopers. Cara Dune: Great, One X-Wing Moff Gideon: Huh?

SOS Sama: My speculation is Din gonna helps the preps for retaking Mandalore back with Bo in the Boba's seasons then when Bo's seasons arrive then she got to settle on with Din after the battle for Mandalore is over. Maybe on Boba's season we gonna have more plot points than what we have to explore more stuff.

Rory Lennon: This has made me realise they need to reboot ASAP.

Einar Kuusk: I'm calling it now: Filoni and Favreau are fixing the sequels by having Luke Skywalker communicate or travel in time and create an alternate Star Wars universe where the sequels didn't happen.

mitchell drumm: My prediction mandos going to travel with bo Katan do a mission get overwhelmed drops the saber then bo katan picks it up and saves him good story resolved

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