The Mandalorian: Season 2 Episode 3 - Angry Review!

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Adam Sagehorn: Katie Sackoff looks great and should've been Captain Marvel in the MCU. Would have made that title oh so much better.

Adam Warlock: (24:27) C'mon AJ, you know most "pro-lifers" only care about the baby until their born! 😉

Adam Warlock: I love OJ, but he's basically saying, "I want the lore, but I'm not willing to go watch it." This episode was for diehard fans, not for new fans.

Obey: couldnt agree more with the rating: 01\P

Patrick Musson: You're graphics are backwards.

MR.C&A Video911Game: another amazing review :) so you guys are almost 40 ? that explains why disney fired you :p

Syisulis Solease: Joe: You ever watch Battlestar Galactica? Other Joe: No... Me 2 weeks later: I think i can finish this video now. i can forgive, but i'll never forget!!!!

Steve C: Your verdict was backwards

Ross Woodland: Love it. For me, it was one of the best episodes. My Jaw dropped a bunch of times. I can't get enough Mando's

Krubarax: So when do we get to meet Esra Bridger?

Tiffany: Why's everything after the intro backwards?

Tiffany: I was getting pretty high strung about the egg eating too, ngl. They're the last babies of a sentient civilized species' character and it's like such a big deal to her and there's no freakin' telling how many of them baby yoda ate. Chicken's not really the right way to look at it. It's more like eating unfertilized human eggs, if they were the last eggs of a human that couldn't produce any more and it was the only way to continue her line and it was a huge deal for her. Pretty messed up.

Tiffany: I thought the frog people were gecko people even with mando saying it until I saw her jumping around.

Cryofrost: text on end is broken

Bl1ndGuardian: Everything is in Mirror even the 83% off code and the Score :P

Dead End: the face hugger on baby yoda reminds of the scene from Space Balls at the dinner. it feels like that was the meme

robotpanda77: Mando got Havels armor right at the start of Dark Souls and max upgraded that shit.

GostGaming: I'm still holding out (haven't seen e4 yet) that the cloaked figure in ep1 is Rex, not boba fett

Aurora07: I just hope they dont use this as an excuse to take his helmet off like the others were.

achedrick1: The breakdowns are longer than the actual episodes 😂 Love the show and I only just watched the first four episodes back to back. I thought this episode went quick but didn’t notice. It needs to be longer, idc if it takes longer to make and costs another $10 million. Worth it.

nightb4day: Little late on this comment but, the red mandalorians are still around at the time of the mandalorian the remnants of Deathwatch Edit: Note; they were allied with his childhood attackers, the seperatist alliance. Also... remember, his group is called, "The Watch" mighty interesting

MorningStar: Sasha Banks

ScifiKitty: Is some of the text and video backwards for other people too?

Angel Silva: Real shit, I’m with you, OJ! I’ve watched all Star Wars films but I don’t watch Clone Wars or Rebels so I didn’t know who tf she is, either

Rick Rodriguez: So he wanted all of the lore in one episode rather than them just teasing it and explaining it over time? Literally the only person I've heard make that complaint. They shared perfectly enough information to understand what was happening if you hadn't seen anything before and if you've watched all the previous stuff then you were just even more excited.

Kasper Fontain: i was suprised mando didn't submit to the wielder of the darksaber in the first season

Woutah2dmaX: I want a little lore because I didn't watch Clone Wars. That's like watching Return of the Jedi and wanting more lore because you didn't watch A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back... If you want more lore, then go watch the shows that provide it!

Brekner Catalin: I feel like the 2nd season tries too much to introduce things from video games or the animated series. It's like, i get it, that's what is going to get you the most viewers, but it's a bit sad that they resorted to this after a pretty original 1st season. Also, i kinda rolled my eyes when the ship started ascending with the cockpit facing up and nobody lost their footing, but once they started going down, suddenly they felt it... And it totally didn't look like they needed his help taking on the ship....

Splenduh: Wasn’t the explanation that he’s a part of Deathwatch? They reference ‘the Watch.” I assumed it was Deathwatch from Clone Wars. Oh also Bryce Dallace Howard has directed a short and starred/directed an episode of Black Mirror. She’s not that green.

Toughnut: The man in black, the smoke monster. You're welcome.

Kaos Espada: I don't get how name dropping Asoka is not a big deal. They barely talked about it! :(

The Last N7: Death Watch is a fanatical group. I do like that they tied that into Clan Viszla.

dandini0698: Thing i got pissed off about her was that she broke her word. I dont think mando would respect anyone who break their word much. I like his version of the mando code more anyways.

Qc.Wtf: For me it was the best episode.

John Powers: Or just bootleg it.

Lone Barren: "The fishy ones are usually on the wrong side" meanwhile mon calamari were critical to the rebellions success...

FKDotFitzgerald: I can’t believe Other Joe doesn’t even know who Ahsoka is.

jeffdoro: 'Final verdict 01/9!' Damn Joe

Anim1013: Wow, Joe loves the Clone Wars cartoon, if only he had the chance to do an AJ episode on the finale!

The Debra Sanchez: Joe gave this episode a 01\P.

Commander Grizzly: It was was incredible that wwe superstar Sasha Banks starred in this episode

Sebastian Kisiel: The only thing that I'm confused is the mention of Ahsoka. Spoilers alert! From what I understand, Mandalorian's timeline is like right after the second Death Star was destroyed and the emperor died, but it doesn't explain Ahsoka's presence! She supposedly died in fight with Darth Vader during Star Wars Resistance! They fought and there was this giant explosion, Vader survived but there was no notion Ahsoka did too. I don't know if I'm just missing some data here, since I only know the animated expanded universe of Star Wars, but I just get confused here. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see a live-action Ahsoka (if done right), but I just don't understand how she could be present after at least several years after her supposed death. If anyone knows the answer, I don't give a bantha's crap about spoilers, please explain it to me.

pgrapidz: Mando is really carrying the entire franchise on its shoulders

TheZaius: Wasn't a fan of this episode. Didn't feel like there was a proper resolution. The presentation of the blue mando people wasn't that great. They looked like 3 Poochies. They were totally in my face. I was expecting one to come out riding a skateboard.

hipnautikboy1: i think they wanted her to come in mysterious. probably find out more later

Joel Meraz: I think they dont bring too much lore because they expect you to know the lore as star wars fans

Domesticated Tiger: The fight scenes are lame and slow. I have no idea why anyone likes that show. These are supposed to be the badasses of star wars and they move like rock em' sock em robots

MackNcheese: They love “show Don”t tell” yet all they want is one big expo dump to just explain everything at once.

Ty , First of his name: “Unlimited POWAAA” 😂🔥

Yoop Noop: people over here losing it with baby yoda but nobody batted an eye when Anakin slaughtered children

Yoop Noop: havent had one bad episode yet, just ones that arent as epic as others

chaos817: holy shit i didnt realize she is the same actor for Starbuck ROFL thanks for pointing that out Joe

ORO323: Air-ess. Not HAIR-ess. Sorry for being a grammar nazi.

Alonso Mory2: Guys watch the clone wars together and review it! I recommend doing it in the chronological order cause its an anthology and many episodes are not in order.

wiggles: Mandalorian: Do you have a donkey-brain database? I'm looking for the Frog Kid, just search for any half man, half amphibious creature...

Jet Black: 01\P, great rating 👍

Chrono: Is all the text in the video flipped horizontally for anyone else?

Jeff Trimble: Sneak attack squad

ThirdStar SpiritScholar: Bokatan cool. Ahsoka Tano? Why not Ron from Dark Forces? Would have brought more of a run down Clint Eastwood style element.

Odinn AEsir: From now on I’m referring to The Mandalorian as the Mukbangalorian. Since baby Yoda is eating everything in sight!

Colin Farren: A really good episode indeed BUT contoversy strikes courtesy of the wonderful Ms Sarkesian (trying to remain relevant). She complained about the bewb armour on female Mando's being a bit sexest. Will you wade in on this topic Joe? Considering that Mando armour is made for the person wearing it (and no set of said Mando armour is alike barring colour and crest) I think she's full of ***t and just trying to remain relevant in order to make a quick buck in the future. Would be good to hear your view though.

DefTom ChefTom: Greetings from "why boob armor???" Sarkesian

Balagopal Nair: So you piece the video together and flip all of it horizontally at the end? I thought you flip just the clips from the episode. (The referral link was flipped at the end)

digduck: Review is longer than the actual show lol

Deepz88: They used the pod racer “boost” sound effect for the door opening sound in the imperial ship

Foordy288: Or you can dowload a free app called bee tv apk for your phone and watch it instead of buying mandalorion from Disney or installing any other app genius!

Belzebub1978: Star Wars is always at its best when there are no jedis around. I love it!

FirestoneX: As a non huge fan of Star wars fan im liking the show. But feel lost with all the extended universe stuff, which hurts the show for me. When Boba fett showed up, I was like, who is that? If it wasn't for this online shows I watch i would miss out on so much.

Kevin Tenuta: why are people getting upset about yodalorian eating eggs? is he supposed to be vegan??? what about season 1 when he eats a live frog?

DubsBrown: Imagine if the sequels never came out and we just had Rogue One and the TV shows

majinclos: Am I the only one that noticed the backwards wording? Especially with the code for the promo near the end?

No one: she is too young. i mean she was young when obi wan was young. xD she should be old As fuck. plus mando's clan worked for darth maul in the clone wars and bo w/e she didnt she worked with the jedi's

Jack Anderson: This episode was way better than the crappy AT ST episode

Guardian Arias: Bo Katan looked way to CGI'd it was off putting, I dont know if it was the lighting or what but she kept giving me an unnatural feel just like fake leia in Rouge One. I doubt it was the red hair vs blonde something about her just doesnt look right. She had to habe been CGI'd to look younger to look more like Bo Katan.

Arthur Blackfire: one of the gripes i have with the episode {and don't know it was explained in rebels or deep lore} was how Bo Katan looks exactly the same as she did in Clone Wars. Does anyone have an explanation?

JD Pragmatic: I liked the design of the fishing port. When Mando was confronting those thugs on the docks at night it felt like I was back in Saint Denis in RDR2.


Esteban Maldonado: Promo codes are reversed lol

Jacob Nelson: Empire officer was in sons of anarchy

The Mad Regis: My last name is Trask so I thought it was funny

Jacob King: Love that!! Leia's Father's Master's Girlfriend's Leia's Father -> Anakin(Vader) Anakin's Master -> Obi Wan(Ben) Obi Wan's Girlfriend -> Dutchess Satine Satine's Sister -> Bo-katan Nice!!!

N0bLy_Hades: The reason why we are accustomed to seeing storm troopers miss there shots, its because in films they are meant to miss, because the force is protecting them! The major characters are meant to live or until they reach there goal.

Jason Schilinski: this episode was somehow worse than the spider episode, but at the same time they are good episodes. i had an issue with the reactions and way the imperial officer acted and handled things, he just stoof around emotionless and had no sense of urgency at all. im also getting worn out on the fact that the main character always gets found instead of him finding who hes looking for. hense the mandalorians finding him. Finally in this show when they dont know how else for him to get info just insert bar scene.

Jesse Huelbig: It would’ve been great if the Frog people started eating the tadpoles when Mando left with the Child.

toof987: favaroww

Maria Bazan: Hey Joe, do you have any thoughts on the whole Gina Carano being removed from Mandolorian.

Redman2220: She also the villain in Thor ragnarock Thor’s sister.

Nightstalker930: YES!!! a YT Advert for the AJS :)

PitFiend416: Baby Yoda is Snoke.

Metoprolol Tartrate: This guy is always angry! 😡

Jackson Morgan: Did anybody else notice theVader helmet sound effect when Bo took off her helmet?

jdzencelowcz: Well, they KILLED the TRUE expanded universe, so without crossovers, there's not enough universe left to USE!

jdzencelowcz: Not a bad ep, but I do feel like a goober for not finishing SW Rebels.

azer aliyev: Hey Joe, where is WD Legion... l

Operateur: "Don't play with your food"

MrGtasan123: When angry Joe episode is longer than the mandalorian

Your name Here: Bryce Dallas Howard didn't write the episode, Jon Favreau wrote and produced it. Most of the criticisms you made about the briskness of pace and and momentum would be delivered on the script writer and the producer, who assembles the episode after it's been shot.

Amad H: Alex was spot on

Sanders67: Not sure if its just me, but I don't understand why you run through each and every scene knowing we have all seen it? I kind of just want to know your guys opinion/interesting comments about the episode.. not just re-explain it?

aChosenone82: Now there’s people complaining about the female mandos having breast bumps on their breast plates. Smh 🤦🏻‍♂️

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