INVINCIBLE Episode 8 Season One Finale & Series - Angry Review

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Rusty Golem: Alex's trying to sound like red letter media and it's annoying as fuck

Rick Becerra: this show is 100 percent "The Boys" elements

Tay 2 Short: As someone who read the comics you guys are in store for some crazy shit

Hector Castro: This is why I don’t like Alex, and never have...

valcristPL: Damn I keep hearing everywhere how awesome this show is. I think this video is gonna be my final push to watch it.

Keyuke: Knowing that Joe watches LongBeachGriffy has made my life whole! XD

DamedFilms: as a professional animator i can say this show was made with a budget. Believe it or not the old justice league unlimited had more fluid animation. If you watch the show again and really take notice in the animation esp with the last 2 ep. They really froze the character a lot and just moved it. They kinda did the anime trick and just keep the character still with a nice pose.

Juan Vinicius: The Amber thing was not done a little better in the animation at all, she's more of a character but she's even more of an asshole in this

Iron Lotus: You guys shoud hear how much the first Invincible book sold for because of the popularity of this series it's Crazy.

Madalitso Kumwembe: Watch LongBeachGriffys video on how Invincible reacts to Amber

Quiet t: Marvel at the begining of 2021 "We got this year on lock. With WandaVison and Falcon and the Winter Soldier, that should put us ahead. Zach Snyder walks in: Oh hi......I got this little thing Warner Bros let me put together .......................................................................................................................................................................................... Bezos pokes his head in the door: Hello, um, I got this little animated show you might like

Tyrell Tomlinson: Can't wait for season 2 and 3

crazyjdavola: The most fucked up thing is omniman had to go through all the trouble of playing a savior to earth, husband, dad, and a good citizen to get Earth to not resist their conquer. Can you imagine being human and spending decades of your life trying to conquer an Ant hill by trying to be their friend and kill any bug that comes by?

Quintessence: Alex is the Amber of this group, never happy.

Jorge Romero: would you do a rev of Mugen train

Lucas Cunningham: 0:48 Joe saying "Fuck" because hes a minute in

Carlos Garzon: the cat? you mean battle beast_? battle beast would beat easily nolan, OMG actually nolan is not that powerful compared to others in that universe

Faythless: cecil said only mark could stand a chance because hes the only hero in the city who could stand a chance battle beast went home lol

Chris Rakow: Omni-Man (Nolan): "This planet will blow up and be nothing but dust..What'll you have left?" Invincible (Mark): "I'd still have you.. Dad." That legitimately messed me up...

d3sign3r: 25:03

markus johnson: woke garbage adaptation! Comic is sooooo much better than this preachy garbage!

Katar Hall: Yeah isn't hard is it Marvel or DC is it to do writing properly.

Solnnix: Omni-Man isn't a bad guy. Just wait and see.

ContendedRacer5: One of the best new shows I’ve seen in a long time. I was hooked from start to finish. What I probably loved most was how even at the end of the season Invincible is still inexperienced and makes mistakes.

August Battle: 10 out of 10

Kip Lutu: Amazing episode. 👏🏽

Tim Manno: I like how they worked in the Title Screens

spock jenkins: your reviews are great. i wish youd do reaction videos so we could see your live reactions.....

shawn bunker: 10/10. Man this was amazing

Kreusnik: The comic is far far better imo. Idk what it is about the tv adaptation but it feels tonaly wrong. Edit: Amber isnt it a black sjw activist in the comics. she is more like the dumb blonde trope. The whole subplot is done different like with the gay friend: Mark didn't know he was gay from the start, it was revealed at the University trip. Another one from memory: Rex is a normal white ginger boy and when Robot rex talk about why he choose Rex adn it was a bit more that just bc monster girl fancy his mixed latino ass. Rex has a very sad infancy that inspired Robot and wanted to honor him. There are other little details as well but i would have to read again the comic to be sure i remember correctly. And to be clear this all is on top of and separate from my first complain, things i just remembered when you guys talked about Amber incoherence.

Jake Bryant: Believe me when I say this. None of y'all will be prepared for the awesome moments...and One *infamous* moment that you'll see in the coming seasons.

Louis B: It’s nice to see animation being created in America

Álex López: BTW Invincible run is 144 issues + special and a few spinoffs, so this easy is a 10 seasons show and as is complete we are saved of a GOT disappointment

DAKRAZED Entertainment: He beat Mark into looking like a 7 year old and that’s what saved him. He literally beat him into Benjamin Button

josephsaga: Invinsible is better than superman

Hydross :: Fat Joe is a Joke he trashes everything, but the biggest rip off hero cartoon on TV. I couldn't even watch the sh*t cause it is a show stolen from 3 others.... This guy is so terrible

Mendoras: Had to enter my pin after episode 7 and wondered why. After ep8 I knew why. 😂

Mary Khai: I love this show it really struck home for me. The part where he beat down Mark hurt....I can't imagine how this will affect him in the future.

ZiroWatt: amber pissed me off so much, her and a few sjw tropes definitely got me, when marks friend told him that he was the asshole and not amber it just shows that the writers really dont see that amber is the worst character and think that shes likable

TheLifeOnHigh: @13:51 Agreed! This was one of many moments when I knew the writers were using common sense instead of nonsense. By making Mark’s attacks against Nolan all but useless it shows respect for viewers who are on average very keen at spotting holes in the plot along with Easter eggs.

Dweblin Veltz: The biggest complaint about this series is the romance. I just don't care. It's cringeworthy and kind of stupid. Amber (not even sure if this is her name??) knew the whole time that Mark is Invincible, yet she is still giving him a hard time about being late. He's out there saving people's lives and fighting to the death, but she pissed because he's late. She KNOWS why he is late. Then, at the end of the series, she comes crawling back after basically telling him to screw off, and everything is happily-ever-after. I hope they don't have time for the romance plot-lines in future series.

uchiha bomber: The most brutal superhero fight I have ever seen

Miguel Lopez: Alex is missing the point. He is rating it by opinion alone and that isn't clear for any of us wanting an explanation for it. He's wanting a cliched climactic ending but is also dismissing a much more grounded/quieter conclusion that is well written. His reviews are never consistent---he bashes a movie for throwing too much at the audience and leaving us with questions, but then bashes this series that leaves us with closure ON THE SURFACE. We know Omni man will come back with a vengeance, but every storyline doesnt have to end with an Michael Bay explosion either. I feel Alex doesn't read the comic books, or any books for that matter.

Calum Smith: This show is great like blown away good

Syncere James: This show is definitely as good as the comics in Angry Joe I know you said you don't want to read the comics but there are a lot of differences between the show on the comics that I think you can read it and still enjoy the show and also I think you're going to be upset when you find out about Rex

Miguel Lopez: Why is the volume so low in these later vids? It's maxed out and can barely hear it.

Douglas Alsbury: This show was fkn dope

Shelton Díaz: That ending got me in the feels yo

Jamie Kelii: Yeah what happened to the audio... even on full blast you guys were whispers.

Louis Cyfear: _"I am Hoe Lee Fook this is my wife Shi Sho-deep, we seek the wisdom of Master Hung-Lo and his mystical Cream of Sum-Yung Guy."_

Str8talk50: I don't understand the Martian part......with those stupid things on their planet that can attach to humans and not them or something?

Jay Richard: To the people that have Read the comics does Invincible ever win a fight or is this gonna basically be him getting his ass best for 7 seasons?

Str8talk50: This show shows what batman feared in Bvs

Str8talk50: The part where they showed how they decide the strongest back on viltrum was pretty stupid

Bruno Bucciarati: The Hammer scene from episode 7 was one of the best scenes in the show, so good.

Timothy Ramirez: Amazon: Is run by Jeff Bezos Amazon Prime: Premiers two shows with superman esque character as villain Jeff Bezos: Maybe I AM Lex Luthor

tspruell94: The two moments in this episode that made me say, "Jesus christ" -The train scene -The "more like a pet" scene

Rephic Cipher: I'd still have you

Pat Albert: Omniman is my fuck favorite love mark cause he's learning and evolving but his dad is like I can't keep hiding this shit period it's shit to him but hey he tried to convince mark aka invincible. I can't wait to see mark tap completely into his power

Pat Albert: I had no idea about this universe but it's fucking marvelous love the maturity it doesn't give a fuck it's straight blunt and honest love it are hate it you are not human mark you are a vultrimite period

ramses alderete: I like the all this happened cause no pictures of spiderman meme lol

Evan Tomiko: Wow! It was a blast! Waiting for a confirmed second season. Mark needs to train a lot to surpass his father.

tota maurice: i saw a lot of ppl saying omg Nolan is crazy, no is not. he is a soldier, he Obey ! period.

Tegnet: Honestly, my biggest problem with this show, was how fucking random the amount of bashing he could take. A couple of good hits from some, and he's basically and inch from dying. A complete fucking brutal beatdown from his dad... He's alright for most of that fight, besides the end. It all felt very random.

J B: I'm not crazy about the gf subplot but I get it its a slow burn of a build up with a good payoff.

Matthijs Brink: Kinda like dragonball z if goku didn't get amnesia

Cleife117: Compared to the scale of Omni Man's life. His time on Earth with humanity can be likened to a british Royal Marine being given a pet rabbit to look after for a short time before being ordered to break it's neck and cook to eat.

Nick Muller: Soooo much better than Falcon & Wintersoldier

Cosmic King: first episode was slow but then each episode just got better and better

The Aspiring Writer: Everyone who says Amber was done better in the show is a LIAR She's very sweet, caring, and even supportive of Mark after he tells her he's Invincible in the original comic. The show did her dirty.

EL CUCUY: This show is nothing you’ve ever seen before it’s a 10!!!💎

Tucker Crackle: Please read the comics guys! I’m like 20 years late to Invincible haha and wish I read it sooner! Started reading before the show and I’m happy I got past season 1’s point in the story first. Only on #65 and the way the comics play out I think it’s done so much better than this show (while a great adaptation). The show’s strength is expanding on some of the fighting moves, and the cast, but otherwise for me the books have been more entertaining, more comedy, stronger drama/relationships, and overall genius!

Nicolas Mayer: First: Omni Man is like Superman and his alien race sound like kryptons. Last Episode: He is obviously a saiyajin You see quite a lot of forced inclusion, but it didn‘t felt like that

Xoitlajeno: Omniman could probably destroy Battle Beast within seconds bruh 😂😂

Dark3Nesz: just watched all 8 ep's in one sitting men so good! and the setup for S2 looks great

JV 83: Alex is such a try hard “intellectual”😂

Maciste1970: Where the FUCK did this show come from? It’s really damn good.

Max Arias: sooo quiet. Im an audio engineer! I can help

Conrad Bekondo: Did nobody realize that Atom Eve is the most OP character in the entire show? She could turn Omni-man into a cup if she wanted but they made her into a side character

Aaron Bonogofsky: Nolan fighting Mark was sad, just like in the comics. They're keeping very close to the original story which is awesome!

Luis Gomez: this videos always have so very low volume

vali: in the comics his eyes r blue (mark) and amber is a blonde blue eyes gf. this show is so fucking good but i notices minolr differences but it changes i believe for the better.

Cha Lee: A little off topic, because i want to hype invincible up, he actually kills spawn in another universe.

the life and times of Moses: Awesome. Review Joe. Invincible. Was A Roller coast Ride. And. It Beat. The boys amazon Prime. Video Streaming Sooo Bad They Green Lighted 2 More Seasons 😳

Dj Killer Meme Star: I like that the father is evil but there is like more there then just black and white. Its a great depth to him

xxBad_Acidxx 007: The cat fights the leader from the home planet. It’s a crazy brutal fight and he ends up becoming a cloak. Lol

xxBad_Acidxx 007: The comics had a full run and is finished. Hopefully they stick to the source material, if they do and don’t deviate too much this show will be awesome the whole way thru.

IAM MONKEYGOD: mark has his eyeball poppped out and look at atom eve and tell her ill find you

YayPeace: Honestly, everything that omni man was trying to convey to mark, can really be directed at himself. He was trying to convince not just Mark, but himself that he HAS to do this when he really doesn't and knows that Earth has changed him

Fistimus Maximus: great episode, though found a few previous episodes a real struggle, looking at the college one. Also found the non main story alittle boring as some of the other cast are pretty boring.

Xyrrek: Mark did land a punch that mattered, in his dad's emotions!

Geb Nuit: That subway scene was kinda like that Matrix armory scene but much longer and really gruesome but still great perspective work to make the viewers feel every single part of it.

Derrick Johnson: Now I wonder if it will do all 144 issues

Jug Nug: Omni-man:"what will you have after 500 years" Me:ptsd and constant nightmares from the train scene

Brad Windle: Thauk would violate omniman. No spoilers like but my man battle beast is one of the most raw guys I've ever seen in fiction.

Brandon G.: Only thing I didn't like about the series so far was Mark and Amber's relationship. It just seems like a total mismatch, Eve seemed to be a better match.

NotDiego RoundFace: I like that after all this, his girlfriend wants to get back together cause she understands how insignificant she is

Killingglorie: well, theres also going to be a live adaptation of this show, so that's bloody and violent is that going to be

Joseph Fernandez: Do they actually expect to try to redeem Omni-man after this? Seriously I don't care if he saves the entire UNIVERSE later on, what he's done is completely irredeemable. We're talking Hitler or Stalin levels of evil. Maybe the show will reverse things and actually kill Omni-man at some point. I hope so, he deserves to die for what he did.

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