Cobra Kai: Season 3 - Review

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Guillermo R. Tinajero: So you want Robbie to become Kylo Ren...

Jar Jar Binks: It was all Mace Windus death scene that last episode

Snakeoil_Sean: I enjoyed the misdirect on which o e was Terry Silver and think that will develop into how Kreese reacts with the character.

mason salt: Cobra Kai is not a guilty pleasure for me. I love the show I'm a 35 year old man I have an older brother who's getting close to 40 and we just talked about it today after I finished season 3 over a few days, he binge-watched it in one day, good for him haha! It really is an unexpectedly good show. I thought season 3 would end it, but they did a good enough job that my brother and I will most undoubtedly talk about how good season 4 was.... And I hope that will be the end of it.

Snakeoil_Sean: Every episode of Cobra Kai is almost as good as the Mandalorian season 2 finale.

Snakeoil_Sean: Will Robbie become Mike Barnes' apprentice?

Scott Casey: Bad

Worm: i will shit my pants if terry silvers comes back. easily the most intimidating karate kid villain

Youcanplaygamesonlinux: I like how the show kind of trolled the people who thought Ally was there for Miguel's surgery. The nurse says the surgeon if flying in to do the surgery and then shows the doctor from behind to get you thinking it's her and then the Doctor turns around for a moment.

Javier Bustacara Ruiz: I liked it but Tory is annoying af

John Hoyt: This season was amazing but the one thing that annoys me is Tori, especially at the end. You’d think that she would be very cautious, cause if she committed another assault she would be sent to juvie or maybe tried as an adult. But every time there is a fight she’s the one leading the charge. She coerced hawk to break demitris arm and she lead the Cobras to break into the larusso home. It’s even stated that she has to provide for her family so why does she need to take these risks when there is much to lose.

Sue Ortega: For those saying that Johnny chose Carmen over Ali was not really that way. He chose Carmen before meeting up with Ali and just needed closure. He was not going to sleep with Carmen and leave her as that would hurt Miguel. That’s just my thoughts. 😊😊😊

chakkra69: I totally disagree with you about Robbie. Imagine for a second that your girlfriend kisses another guy, then that guy attacks you while you're trying to break up a fight between your girlfriend and the other guy's girlfriend, then you end up going to prison for an accident that you did not want to cause, then when you finally get out of prison (after being beaten up in there) the first thing you see is your girlfriend alone, in the middle of the night, just about to kiss with the very same guy. Yeah, tell me that you would be all happy about it.

thundur nut: Honestly this show does so much right, the cringy high school lovey dovey moments kinda fly by me. A lazy show would've had Daniel trying to get with Kumiko, or had him and Chozen actually fight. Or even that Miguel could've just hopped up and fought after a couple of weeks.

Frozen Eucalyptus: This season was incredible, direction was super sharp too, a lot more focussed than last season.

Rodolfo Fernández: Final fight on Laruso's house felt so forced to me. They had no reason to assault their house with that much hate. And then after the forced finale fight ended they let Tory walk out harmless. And of course adults resolve to fight each other leading to nothing else than a future torunament wtf... totally senseless.

Jack Anderson: Best series on netflix

Sam Loomis: Man my farts fkn STINK tonight!

Eric Brown: I literally only just saw this entire show in December of 2020 lol first two seasons.

jp_veteran_ connection: Just a reminder everybody that Will Smith is involved with Cobra Kia so it wouldn’t surprise me if his son possibly made a cameo appearance in this television show which honestly would be funny because his character study Kung Fu unlike all the others in this show. 😂

Red: I struggled with the suspension of disbelief once Dimitri got his arm broken and no one went to the cops. The rest of the season my constant thought was "Why aren't you calling the police?!?"

Jacob Kaluba: Is Jeremy going for the Keanu Reeves look?

coolwaghmare: The guy who played young Kreese had a smile that made me say "yup, that's Kreese aight."

01 sevensix: It was what Star Wars should have been.

blockbuster1982: It's sissy

Jacob Kaluba: I need the 4th

BrayOfTheDonkey: 13:15 "Not the...same....Mwom"

Marcus J. Chess: I’m upset Robbie is bad now smh

Cat Face: The thing that annoyed me about Season 3 was the depictions of certain types of people. The physical therapist was a hippie. What? Physical therapists are very skilled, and it's insulting to depict them as people that do useless things. I also do not know any hippie physical therapists. Many are physically fit people that have a good understanding of how the body works and what exercises are needed to recover from different injuries. They made fun of vegans which is pretty inappropriate. They also made the war guy end up being some PTSD guy that is jaded. Come on. Pretty pathetic to give into those negative stereotypes. They could have found humor elsewhere instead of making fun of people.

GaDawg84: My biggest problem with the show is that the kids do whatever they want and there are minimal consequences. Robby paralyzed a kid and got a few months in Juvi. Hawk broke a kids arm in public and he didn't even get detention

ybemad: Is that a Johnny Lawrence jacket?

RJ Martin: I love this show! I'm a fan of The Karate Kid films and it's cool seeing how everyone in this show. Each season is better than the last so my rank is season 3, season 2, and season 1.

Sharon Drummond: The girlfriend of Kreese is not really dead and will turn up in finale of season 4 and arc Kreese back to good again.

Lasitha Jayawardana: Is anyone else surprised that the wrestler kid never takes a Miyagi -Do to the ground and submits them other than his "interview" fro Cobra Kai entry? You wouldn't go to the ground if there is more than one opponent, but in this case almost everyone is 1v1. He could take them down one by one while the others were being distracted. It's how BJJ became massively popular after the Gracie's did their exhibition fight against as many world class fighters in their Martial Arts, where they pretty much got everyone down to the ground.

Cristina R: I was crying by the fifth “Soul of the Valley” 😂😂😂😂

FACEHUNTER504 DAT: Robbie is the worst part of Cobra Kai.

Jimmy White: The high school drama gets a little old, but the last episode made it worth trudging through

Leodous Kyron: This is a possible spoiler for season 4 based on what I am calling as my guesses for this great series — (You seriously care I am touched but scroll 📜 down more ) The last season will see Daniel teaching Johnny the special moves to defeating (really badly as the flair up will be revealed as a work by Crease to sink his fangs into Johnny’s boy that much more) Crease and that completes the real reason that Johnny never got past the Karate fight- Cease was like a father to him and beat him up and by beating him like he was beat he can move on to be the man he was meant to be. (By the way it is fixing his relationships Alli, his son his ex, Daniel and then his real path as a sensei).

Will I am Musiq: The writing for season 3 was absolutely brilliant.

ChrispyAKAKon: Cobra Kai 🔥🔥🔥

FACEHUNTER504 DAT: “Any Given Sunday” Demetri absolutely could beat the shit outta Lip aka Eli aka Hawk. All it takes is one lucky shot.

Latham99: I just can't get my head around the age of Zabka and Macchio. I sure hope that I'm in as good a shape when I'm in my late fifties.

Arlo Pear: They gave John Kreese the Vito Corleone treatment in Godfather 2 and it was GREAT! That also sets up that Terry Silver is coming in for season 4!

tunde Abimbola: My one wish is that Niel Patrick harris cameos in season 4. His character in how I met your mother helped make the show happen.

Timothy A Cowin: It went full Stars wars at the end, Chris is like palpatine training his next apprentice, and the Opera orchestra music at the last fight

Kalomika Arts: fyi, Krease is doing what Splinter did...he trained some kids to fight for him

Kalomika Arts: that tracking shot was bad ass with a bunch of young folks doing their thing

Kalomika Arts: it feels like Jeremy is reading a prompter and his timing seems...forced and "job" like. Had far more passion in his delivery years ago. I hope you're okay Jeremy as no one asks entertainers how they are doing during such things as 2020. Hope all is well frfr

Phillip Broz: Most of this take is how I feel. It feels like they have too many characters. Could prolly do without about 3 of them. But I get it. By the end, though, the 2 I really wanna see are Johnny and Miguel. Creeses story is up and down but I did like that last flashback scene with the snakepit. Johhny's good. Hawk is necessary and I like him. The others....mmm He's right though. Just before it becomes too much, that real it back. Enjoyable for sure. Kobra Kai never dies!

kskisser: Think Hillary Swank might come back in season 4?

Lasitha Jayawardana: I was semi disappointed with Season 3. Still a decent binge watch. I think they just took all the fan reddit and youtube comments and wrote the entire script/plotlines from those. Most heartfelt moment, when Kumiko read Mr. Miyagi's final letter. I would really have liked to have seen Kumiko and Chozen have ended up together, and once it was established Kumiko was single, I would have liked to have seen Daniel actually cheat on his wife. It would have shown him as being both a flawed human, as well as cementing that he WAS the bad guy in the KK series. Think the excuse for Ali coming back and the "wisdom" she was dropping was just lame. Felt way too much like fan service. Same with the use of Chozen. Too much coincidence that the little girl Daniel saves during the typhoon turns out to be the Executive VP of Sales for Doyona. So much Twilight tween drama. Really disliked those arcs. Would have liked to see Miguel end up with Tory as well. Man she is stacked. You can tell she's no highschooler. That's a full woman's body right there. Sam is also pretty much a bitch in the show. Robby is just unlikable from the get go of season 1. Man that kid is a piece of shit. He'll probably end up worse than Kreese. I really liked Kreeses back story of him being a bullied kid who ends up joining the Army to go on to become Marine Recon, a Green Beret and probably MACV SOG. The cheesy Captain America ally/behind the diner fight was a bit too much cheese. Series title of biggest douche, piece of shit goes to Dmitri. Him doing the revenge video/podcast on Hawk sealed it. I would have done more than break his arm. Him ending up with Yasmine is probably the most unrealisitic thing in the show. Season 1 is still the best, Season 2 acceptable, laying it heavy on the tween drama, and Season 3 was too heavy on the teen plotlines and too much Daniel time. I didn't sign on for a KK redux/remake. I've said it multiple times after season 1 and season 2. Both Daniel's and Johnny's bios kids are just garbage teenagers. It's that whole no matter what kind of parent you try to be or are, there's a high chance your kids are going to be shit. I'm worried about Season 4 TBH.

kskisser: The hardest thing I had dealing with season 3 is why Daniel didn't call the police on Cobra for breaking and entering and assault. In the real world this is how that works. I was literally screaming at my television when I realized they didn't call the cops

Aaron Duran: my only problem with this season is that authorities and cops are so fucking dumb in finding who's in the wrong and right. Like...really? lol

Shiirow: now that they got part two rolling in this season, we gonna get old silver coming in for season 4. I assume the soldier who was all "I got your back for life" was supposed to be him, and the phone call was to bring him into the fight again. that way its two on two instead of him getting double bodied by Johnny and Daniel.

LiLTailormade: I rank the seasons #1 Season 2 #2 Season 1 #3 Season 3

Adam Austin: Where’s your top and worst 10 list of 2020 ???? My life is not complete without it

LiLTailormade: @ 13:23 OOOUU BURN!! 🔥 🤣👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 thanks momma Jahns that’s a very valid point! We need to hear from her more often Jeremy to call you out on your contradictions sometimes lol momma knows best. Great review though.

Gavin D: so you want robbie to be the darth vader of cobra kai

kylereece1979: I loved how, Johnny and Daniels rivalry -something that confined and defined them over the years was laughed off by Ali and Amanda at the country club. The two of them had no choice but to face how long in the tooth their resentment had gone, and to everyone outside their own circle, meant nothing. That, and Johnny making peace with his past and moving on from Ali were fantastic scenes. And me being a massive wrestling fan, I loved the references to the British Bulldogs, Hart Foundation, and Chris Jericho. I demand that Daniel and Johnny's new alliance get a "Mega Powers" reference in season 4.😃

Vinjass: Johnny choosing to pray with his surrogate family instead of go visit his own son in prison is probably the worst thing he has done and i don't think people point that out as much as they should, I like him but that seriously pissed me off, you have no idea how much trauma child abandonnement can do.

Robbie Anson: I want you to know that I have experience with karate and yes I do have experience with the ton-sudo and I want you to know that it is a form of Korean karate the reason why I love the show is for the love of karate and that is seen something Jeremy I want you to know that I have experience with karate “ Best defense is offense“ And I am trying to get caught up worth Cobra Kai at least I know what to expect and season 3 and I don’t mind spoilers as long as you stay and do bounds with it without revealing too much of it but I’m glad to know that Ally is returning to give Johnny some type of a redemption story

David Ewing: If Danny had gone to the police after that fight, it would have justified the city council cancelling the All Vally tournament the first time. This when brawls like that break out, they have to be kept secret in order for everyone to continue to practice Karate.

Jon P: Shout out to the director for throwing in a single take for end fight in season 3. Definitely shows they are going all in on the show.

Renzo Panganiban: 2021. May we have a new jeremy jahns opening title card? Or not. Whatever sails your boat, my friend.

Sir William Deardon: "She shouldn't have been tramping around with that kids boyfriend" Me: O so we're that self aware huh.

Jon P: I wish they had saved the Japan trip. It felt a little rushed, especially adding Ally into the mix. I love the idea that Ally, being the reason they hated eachother, was also the reason they could co-exist. It was great atorytling. Like I said thoigh, wish they used the Japan sublot for season 4.

Puckett: I agree with your take on Robby they should just lean into it and make him the irredeemable villain like Mike Barnes. Robby blames his father for why he kicked Miguel off the stairs which is complete B.S. I love that the poster child for Miyagi Do Karate of Season 1 turns into the bad guy. Its going to make the rewatch of this show so weird. If Kreese and Silver don't at some point next season look at each other, bow, and say "party time" the whole season is a waste.

Anthony Cerulli: I love how this show is basically a soap opera now, and I cannot get enough of it!

1angrykoala: Sorry Jeremy, cant give a "good moment to Kreese". He didnt help her because he wanted to do something nice. He helped her so she would come back to Cobra Kai.

Puckett: Daniel Larusso has a much easier time forgiving the guy who tried to kill his GF and fought in a deathmatch than his high school bully who Daniel knows was just poisoned by a bad teacher.

Cavell Francis-King: The Star Wars characterisation parallels are great Kreese = Palpatine Johnny/Daniel = Obi-Wan Kenobi Robby = Anakin Skywalker Miguel = Luke Skywalker You can even go as far to say Mr. Miyagi = Yoda via the flashbacks throughout the show. All for "The Soul Of The Valley" 🤣. Great series, the character development along with giving layers to a villain like Kreese were amazing.

Justin Baker: I only disagree about Robbie. I felt bad for him. He got pretty screwed over by everyone this season. They showed he tried to email Sam back. And lets be honest, Sam was literally showing up to Miguel with love letters as soon as he woke up. To know your Dad was taking the guy stealing your girlfriend to Dee Snyder concerts while you were getting your ass kicked in juvie, that's a tough break. I'd be fine if he ended up being the villain but I don't think the show would let that guilt hang around Daniel and Johnny for the rest of the show.

Alfonse Klyne: And Sam beates everyone she is slow woth her movements and she has no technique now tory she is a natural ass kicker and athletic lol

Dynamic Voltage: It's the most fun show on TV, no question.

Robin Wayne: This season was a hot mess. If this was the first season, there would have been no season 2. So much wrong. Such terrible dialog. Rehashed plot devices from the last two seasons. Barely witty or funny. Overdramatic in too many places. People kept doing things that didn't make sense just to keep the plot moving. On and on and on. I was excited for this season and now I'm pretty meh about season 4. I could take it or leave it at this point. Good job, Netflix.

Matthew Saunders: Ok good im not the only one that just doesn't like robbie. Even though the poor kid has had a rough go I just don't like him. I also agree with it being Johnny's show and they need to keep it that way more so

The_PeLL: Dude cut your hair for the love of god

Devin Corns: The soul of the valley 😂😂😂

Cristino Gonzalez: Demetri was not annoying this season lol

nfl20: Terry Silver better be in season 4

nic thomas: lol when they broke into the house party i was like fuck this shit. shoot them fuckers. stab somebody. they forced their way into ur home to do u harm for like the 3rd time. kill somebody. and fuck no will those two become friends again after he broke his arm. thats a step to far. it takes alot more than a hand shake and 2 sentences to fix that burnt bridge

Gabe 000: The editing is the star of the show; the finger scene, the 3 dojo montage, the "Daniel-San" scene with Chozen were all wonderfully edited

chris Hansen: Need bottom braces and cut that damn hair , you're not keanu reeves bro , holyy

Slamadam: spoilers ahead: the big end fight was just to stupid for me tbh. at that point, they just broke into the house and started beating them up. now THAT's the point where no excuse is left to not just call the cops. oh and robby actually beeing on kreese's side is just plain stupid

Luchiio86: Its the villan Karate Kid 3 NOt 2 !!! 7:02

Hawk: Who else watched season 3 within 24 hours??😂

Justin Dortch: I hope I wasn't the only person that exclaimed "Oh ma gawd, that is a child!!" When Bert got tmnt'd through that thick ass kitchen window. And why did we not have someone get dropped kicked through the big center pane windows in the middle of the house. Missed opportunity to scale up the intensity and seriousness.

God Artem: "Cobra Kai season 3 is the 3rd season of Cobra Kai" genius.

Juan Guzman: He did this review for the soul of the valley

Keith Parker: Kinda pissed that it's on netflix but not youtube where it started.

jorge lopez: Jeremy, you need to watch and review war for cybertron: earthrise... It's pretty epic

Irreverent Bard: Zabka is a great actor and deserves more roles. Macchio meh...

Alex Summers: I love ❤️ the lesson of fear that Daniel teaches his daughter and how it directly tied to Karate kid 3.Season 3 so far is my favorite season.

Shawn Sewell: I like Robby as a character, he’s my 3rd favorite from the new generation and I hope he’s explored more and given more to do then get beat up like this season

lucas maglio: terry silver is coming back to give a personal villain to daniel so we have: kreese vs johnny, terry silver vs daniel, robby vs miguel and tori vs sam

1 ch0: Still can't believe Kreese was gonna commit double murder lol.

Maddni Arslan: This show is lightning in a bottle. Actually elevates the movies.

William Reardon Jr: Daniel was the instigator in "The Karate Kid," because he always picked on the Cobra Kais after they agreed to leave him alone until the tournament. Daniel tried to steal Allie from Johnny while Johnny was trying to make amends with her, and he sucker punched Johnny on the beach after he inserted himself into Johnny and Allie's spat. Johnny never would've hit Allie, so she was never in danger. Ergo, there was no good reason for Daniel to intervene. Daniel also rigged a trap that soaked Johnny at the school dance, and he was never honest with Mr. Miyagi about his role in the conflict he had with the Cobra Kais. In short, he's a fuckin' lyin' wimp.

Dark Woods: Cobra Kai is everything disney Star Wars failed to be. It respects it's older characters and writes them well whilst also introducing interesting and likable new characters in perfect balance. Respects it's audience/customer base and doesn't push social engineering down our throats.

William Reardon Jr: The only honorable people in Season Three of "Cobra Kai" were Chozen and Kamiko. Daniel and Johnny always fail to control their students and teach them about honor. Hardly anyone in the entire series has self control and honor, and they don't treat other people with respect. The kids always fight each other, and they're fueled by vengeance and hatred. They fail to take responsibility for their actions; they just bitch and fight. Robby is a fugitive and a felon who tried to murder Miguel, and he never acknowledged he committed a crime. This spinoff series has lost its way since Netflix picked it up for Season Two, and it sends the wrong message about martial arts.

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