Cobra Kai Season 3 SPOILER Review

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Genius Ell: When it happened, the first thing I thought was that Robbie x Kreese is Palpatine discarding Vader for Luke.

Eduardo Grasso TV: Dude, Terry Serpico was awesome on Breakfast Club. Shame on you

The Lo Down Show: No wonder I like this it's like Star Wars

The Lo Down Show: Nice. I felt Bobby was Anikan

Bunyon Snipe: Can we have a John Kreese series set in the 70s, now Please?

Eduardo Grasso TV: We need more Sasha Mitchell as well

Mike Lynch: Maybe Kreese or Silver try to hire Barnes for a job, not knowing Barnes has changed like Chozen has, only to have Barnes warn Daniel instead of hurting him. Who knows what they end up doing, but the sky's the limit at this point.

DustyW: I can't believe that was anthony michael hall! 🤣🤣🤣

Derek Seven: The Commanding officer was not Anthony Micheal Hall.

Cassius Quinn: The show is great and now going back to season 1(because I can't get enough) I love it even more right from the get!! 🤘

The Review Artist RRP: I thought it was Anthony Michael Hall too lol

The Review Artist RRP: Actual Mike Barnes might come back as a good guy. The one thing people forget about Mike is that he didnt want to bully Daniel. He was paid by Terry big money to do it but if the money is right maybe.

Josh Jackzone: On a side note. I noticed . That Daniels rival car dealership is possibley owed by tarry silver

The Review Artist RRP: Robbie is like Anikan Skywalker

Cassius Quinn: Crazy how this show is the biggest thing in ralph and Williams careers! Good for them the show is so much fun and self aware. I'm truly loving it

Daniel: I loved season 3. I don't think Barmes would be on good terms with Silver or Cobra Kai. Barnes was a merc who didn't get the job done. Swanks character trained with Myagi and their is story's she knows that the rest of us dont. So bring on The Next Karate Kid.

Chris Smith: No Hilary Swank and absolutely no Jayden Smith

The NDstructible1: I know what happen with Aisha, but what happen to Raymond Stingray.

StuItified Graphics: I feel like no one got or understood that the break up between Daniel and Ali was pretty much Ali describing the scene at the Beach. She said she was talk to this guy and Daniel seen it and jumped to conclusions etc etc. Same thing happened at the beach Cuz they Ali and Daniel were really just talking at the time. This is what lead to the whole you guys are really more alike then you think.

The NDstructible1: I compared Cobra Kai to wrestling in specifically in a good way over on a non spoiler review from Jeremy Jahns. I love how they make it an action soap opera. It also mirrors Star Wars. That Kreese flash backs literally made him Anakin Skywalker. I don't hate Kreese now I feel so sorry for him. His mother has killed herself. He was a stand up man but he ends up completely broken. When he is told that girl loved had died. And how he was told she wrapped her car around a tree. I literally couldn't hate him in that moment. He just watched a friend die he literally has a fight to the death and he is done with the I'm going to be the ideal hero. He becomes a full nihilist and I loved knowing he wasn't some bs I'm bad because I'm bad bad guy. I feel so sorry I was literally heart broken for Kreese and saw how he must have felt. Making him a POW made me have respect for him knowing he wouldn't kill his friend. The connections with Star Wars were amazing. I even respect him cause he even protects Tory. So looking at the 2 women/girls he saves you see his change. The girlfriend he wants to protect her from her boyfriend and likes her. While with Tory he isn't doing it to protect her but to manipulate her. You see how he completely changed.

Brian Brant: Does anybody else find it weird, they pulled the same trick twice in the flashbacks? They show this guy who looks and sounds like Kreese and they say "nope, it's this guy." Fine, that's a good subversion. Then, a couple of episodes later, they introduce us to this guy who looks and sounds like Terry Silver, only to be like "nope, it's this guy." The second one just seems like a twist for twist's sake. It doesn't really seem to have a purpose and they already did it.

Lavon Fisher: I predict Roby will recruit that black from jail to join Cobra kai

Robert Menn: I watched it starting on YouTube TV so I’ve been waiting for a long time to get season 3. I watched Karate Kid 1, 2, 3, CK S1, and CK S2 in the week leading up to this released. Wasn’t disappointed. Can’t wait for Season 4.

Shawn Dias: The captain was played by Tony Serpico

Markus Ahlström: So true, just gotta suspend that disbelief and roll with it because the karate war is absolutely ridiculous and the fight scenes are just unbelievably over the top 😅 Also, to be honest, a bit too violent imo; not much to do with self-defence anymore... That said, some of the episodes were again just awesome. I'm born in '78 so I guess it's normal that I care much more about the adult relationships and storylines in the show; the Okinawa episodes were brilliant and so was the Ali one - great to see Elisabeth Shue back! The young Kreese scenes were pretty good too. Overall another good season!

Cinamation X: I stared watching the show on Netflix and I absolutely loved it. This show is so good that once I saw season 1 & 2. I went back and watched the original 3 movie then shortly after I threw in 4 movie for the hell of it lol. I have a feeling that Mike Barnes is Tory’s father. The reason being is that the fear that Sam has toward Tory. Daniel had that same fear toward Mike Barnes and Daniel even talks to Sam about.

Aamina Green: Theory time…… Wouldn’t it be awesome if Dutch was Tory’s father.

Nicholas Baldwin: I didn’t like this season as much as the first two. Can’t put my finger on why, but I paid YouTube for the other and feel like this one didn’t deliver same level of justifying turns that happen

jbcomics: Macchio lives on LI still. Shops at Uncle G’s. Laruso is a stand in for anyone from the trinstate area.

jbcomics: I’m guessing Kristian took martial arts back in the day in Commack

MonolithEnigma: Daniel talking to Robbie and the cops showing up is like Padme talking to Anakin and him seeing Obi-Wan. Lol

Chris Jay: This season was awesome, but did anyone notice when Johnny was changing the radio in Daniels car he was actually turning the climate control dial :)

John Fredericks: Finally... someone who sees the whole Sith, Jedi, and Gray Jedi parallel. It's VERY Star Wars. That's why I can excuse the lack of police, parenting, or adulting where the kids are concerned. They are pretty much padawans...and if you know Star Wars you know padawans run amok quite often. Now I have to subscribe ☺️

ajc brum: I didn't like this season at all no change,they got rid of stingrays the girl with glasses ,it just seemed rushed

lwst82: I love that you mentioned the wrestling reference. You are the only person I’ve seen mention that !

SpudBro1: lools more like an after schooi special than an netflix series. + bad martial art

Emil Nikolov: Elisabeth Shue is something else tho . God damn that woman is amazing .

Michael Kaine: I thought Cobra Kai Season 3 was awesome. I am happy that Johnny and Daniel are working together. They have had their moments but it is about time they work together. I like the comparison to Star Wars and I cannot wait for the next season. Great review of the show Mr. Harloff as always. You are awesome.

Jonathan Connors: Season 3 was the best!!! I love this show so much

Dub Warrior: Ya I agree while watching I got a lot of Star Wars vibes but in a good way not on the nose or overdone but the way it’s written it really portrays a lot of the same lessons Star Wars has brought up very cool stuff and I didn’t go into this show looking for that.

Nate H89: I think Samantha is going to overcome her PTSD and win the next all valley tournament. Miguel will come second place.

Sketch Turnquist: I fully agree with you about Hawk i felt he was becoming rather boring and one note but then the fight broke out at the LaRusso home and when Hawk hesitated and started to observe his surroundings, the hair on the back of my neck started to stand on end and when he attacked the other members of Kreese Kai I stood up and yelled "Hell yeah boy" and then when he apologized to Dimitri I felt as if he was not only asking for his forgiveness but for the viewers forgiveness as well... Before Dimitry could respond I yelled at my tv " It's all good my man!" My girlfriend think im not only the biggest karate kid geek but the only karate kid geek. I may dump her cuz who needs that kind of negativity ammirite?... Big ups to the writers for making me this invested in a show that i have to fangirl over (I'm a 40 year old man). But damn i love this show

Epic Rhino Films: If you ask him if Terry silver is coming back in season 4 they're probably going to dance around it but they can't lie to you straight up and say no. They're probably going to dance around it without giving you an exact yes or an exact know which probably means yes. I'm considering this since we did see Terry silver hug John crease in the Vietnam flashback and because of the phone call at the very end of it. So they really set her up to make the audience think we'll at least those who know the original movies to think that Terry silver is going to come back. I don't see how at this point they could avoid bringing back Terry silver.

Epic Rhino Films: The fact that Hilary Swank as Julie had a relationship with mr. Miyagi in the Foreigner movie leads me to believe Miyagi would want to keep her in his life because it's established that mr. Miyagi and Julie's grandfather fought in World War II together. So it would make sense that Mia you would keep in touch with them and eventually she would meet up with Daniel at some point in their lives while both hanging out together with mr. Miyagi. Also I'm glad that's not the way they chose to have Daniel marry Julie in between the forest movie and the Cobra Kai series. I'm glad he's married to Amanda who has nothing to do with any of the movies. That would have just been a bad idea if we find out that years later yeah he invited Daniel to go with him to visit Julie and Daniel end up getting into a relationship with her and getting married to her and I don't think that would have worked out. But it does make sense that Daniel would at least know about Julie and that can't be the only time that Miyagi went to visit Julie and her mother especially since Miyagi was friends with Julie's grandfather in World War II. So there has to be some kind of connection there that can bring Hilary Swank into the show and bring back the character of Julie in Cobra Kai. It just doesn't make sense that Daniel wouldn't have had any opportunity over all the time that he knew mr. Miyagi and considering what we know about Karate Kid 4 AKA The Next Karate Kid.


Kelly Betz: instead of Silver bringing in Mike Barnes I think he could be Tori`s father.

Dwight West: I just finished th season. Another great addition to a great show. Looking forward for season 4!!

Gopher Baroque: Not enough people give William Zabka credit for how good of an actor he really is.

Kuma Chan: Really felt the "Stealing snake from the Zoo" was meant to pay off....and didn't ?

Tranquility Zoo: 6 year

Kwenton Baptiste: It only makes sense for Ali to become a main character now she is divorced

Mr Poindexter: To me Johnny is more like Vader but after he was redeemed and Robbie feels more like a Kylo Ren. Or Johnny can be seen as Luke in the sequels.

Iron Fan: It was Anthony Michael Staircase. Obviously. 🥱

matrix2004: Cobra Kai is a Karate Spaghetti Western.

Remo: Zabka deserves an Emmy nomination.

Keyshawn Martin: I watch it on Netflix

Robert Rhodes: Watch this show since it dropped on youtube, this season was amazing and love the direction it is going. Thank you for all you do SEN.

grkpektis: Am I the only who thought Kreese should a little bit of humanity when he beat up that landlord? It reminded me of when he stood up for his girlfriend before he went to the dark side

alefnull: that was definitely not Anthony Michael Hall.

Damont Patelz: I'm bored with robby. All the detention stuff with him was a snooze fest.

Spideymrw: I remember Terry Serpico from an episode of SVU and also his tv show Army Wife’s where he was a sergeant

Spideymrw: Man I love hearing Kristian the fan talk about stuff. It’s so much passion

Spideymrw: I just read an interview with Elizabeth Shue about why she came back. She said she was filming her first episode of the boys and the director told her about cobra Kai and told her she had to do it and that movie meant everything to him and shaped his life. She said she watched the first season after that and reached out and the rest is history

Arturo Montana: by the way Harloff... I also thought it was Anthony Michael Hall...LOL but, then I remember I've seen this AMH's lookalike before..and yes, he looks like the MEANER-looking AMH..I just didn't know his name... don't feel too bad about that...bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha.....

Arturo Montana: Man...that Daniel-Ali-Johnny reunion...was sweet!!! Handled perfectly. I was crushing hard all over that Elisabeth Shue and her character all over again....

Trevon Reid: It would be awesome if Hilary Swank came in eventually.

obiclone: This was tremendous

Sleeve Saturday: Absolutely phenomenal content and commentary from you once again about Cobra Kai! Great stuff Kristian 🤟

joshua mcnear: Season 4 mcguffin set up with the scroll of Miyagi-do karate that Chozen gave Daniel when he left his dojo before he left Okinawa. it wasn't the crane technique one that he saw. I think that will be something that helps them in season 4.

Boring Reviews: Great review! Great thoughts. Kudos to you and your channel. Schmoedown is addicting and I appreciate how well you are giving us more Schmoedown with COVID.

Ben Cheung: The Ali’s dialogue at the end was very fitting for the character and what happened behind the scenes for the original movies. Love this show

Jeff G: Mike Barnes kind of makes no sense to come back, he was hired by Terry Silver to basically beat Daniel and save face for Cobra Kai, he never was really invested in anything other than it being a job and winning all valley from Daniel. Daniel is not scared anymore and really good at Karate so why would Barnes be any kind of threat to Daniel or Johnny? Obviously Silver coming back causing trouble makes more sense.

Ackerion: Great review Harloff for an amazing show. The tide is turning, 2020 ended amazingly with Mandalorian S2 and 2021 has started equally amazing with Cobra Kay S3.


Brynjar Reynisson: I've only seen the first Karate Kid and I wasnt really interested when I first heard about this show being on Youtube but when you Kristian and the other Vollider live/SEN Live hosts started raving about it I wanted to see it. When it came on Netflix I binged the first two seasons quickly and then I stayed up all last night to binge the entire third season. Its so amazing. I cant wait for season 4

Fighting Nerdy: They've mentioned Dutch in every season still waiting for him to show up

Fighting Nerdy: They need to bring back Aisha and Stingray next season

Fighting Nerdy: I was glad Robbie didn't have alot of screen time this season

Carlos Guzman: Carmen having a romantic future w/ Johnny is NOT etched in stone! Who’s the mysterious “really bad man” she married at age 18? Is it someone involved in Kreese’s or Silver’s circle of baddies?

Carlos Guzman: Terry Serpico ——- The Purge movie series & in Flight Attendant 👩‍✈️

James McGill: My favorite part is when they THREW A CHILD IN THROUGH THE KITCHEN WINDOW! I was dying 😂

Iron Fan: I think Johnny is my favorite character in the series, definitely this season. I like his acting too, probably the most out of everyone as well.

Iron Fan: BROOOOOOO! I just finished the season. So corny, SO SO CORNY, but DAMN IF I WASN'T GLUED TO ME SEAT. Also I figured out the double dojo name: Miyageagle. 😂😂😂

Tony Sorrow: I wasn't a fan. Never seen the movies. Then I watched season 1 cause of the trailers. After watching, it made me watch the 3 movies. Now I'm a fan. Been watching since they were on YouTube red.

DJ Nevahwen: Here's my theory about Season 4: With how the season ended the door is now open for even more past Karate Kid characters to return to Cobra Kai and there could be a really good possibility that considering that Hillary Swank already had a Netflix show (which was canceled) she is free now cause i didn’t hear about any other projects she’s involved in so she could make an appearance in the next season considering both Cobra Kai and Miyagi-Do are trying to get all the help they need to see who comes out on top at the All Valley and judging by the ending of the finale we’re definitely going to see the return of Terry Silver since not only we got to see flashbacks to John and Terry’s time serving in the Vietnam War but John was calling Terry to join his cause and i can’t wait to see how Terry fits into the story (and getting to see him come face to face with Johnny for the first time since they have never met yet) and i wouldn’t be surprised to possibly see other characters from Karate Kid Part 3 appear in the show as well like Terry’s son Snake, Jessica Andrews, and Mike Barnes. Plus if they want to bring Julie Pierce back bring the Alpha Elite from The Next Karate Kid (led by Michael Ironside) back as well as they can form an alliance with Cobra Kai thanks to Terry Silver and i would like to see Jaden Smith and Jackie Chan reprise their roles from the 2010 Karate Kid film as well in the show and it wouldn’t be that hard to get Dre Parker onto the show considering Jaden’s father Will is an executive producer on the series and i think Jaden could create a kickass soundtrack in the vein of how Kendrick Lamar created the Black Panther soundtrack for the show and create theme songs for both Cobra Kai and Eagle Fang/Miyagi-Do for the next All Valley Tournament and having Dre and Mr. Han join Daniel and Johnny’s cause (along with Julie & Chozen) cause if the producers want to bring Dre and Mr. Han into the show i think the best way to do it is for the both of them to have a history with one of the past Karate Kid characters and the most logical choice would be Terry Silver (if you remember what he does for a living for his company DynaTox Industries) that would be great way to have Dre and Mr. Han train with Daniel and Johnny’s students and learn their style of karate as well and i think the overall theme of Season 4 will be about legacies since both Cobra Kai and Eagle Fang/Miyagi-Do are fighting for their legacies as one will come out on top and the other will fall and leave for good and could bring the entire Karate Kid franchise full circle by having the legacy characters train the next generation of Karate Kids and bring the story to a natural conclusion and set up future stories for the next generation of Karate Kids.

Truth Typer II: Worst season of the 3 but I still loved it lol.

James Philip Tan: cobra kai has more turn heels than Big show.

Rufus Manning: FYI. Terry Serpico was the Captain... NOT Anthony Michael Hall.

Brandon Herbin: You’re not alone. I thought it was Anthony Michael Hall!

Eiron Jones: Thought Kristian was born 1980, not mid 70s. Never thought he was in his mid 40s

Ian McEwan: When they first started flashing back to Kreese's youth, I was like "Oh no. No way are you going to make me feel sorry for this dude!" The thing is, though, this show isn't trying to excuse bad behaviour with people's pasts or situations. It's trying to show that people are complex. They change for good or bad, through their choices. Tori's another example. Her attitude isn't right, but you understand how people can come to think the way she does.

Jason Albright: That was not Anthony Michael Hall. Looked like him but Hall is taller. That actor’s last name is Serpico.

JonnySuite13: Harloff is one cool guy, man!

James Jackson: I'm probably one of the only people who wish it did weekly releases instead of dumping it all at once. Not just because I ended up killing it off in one go and calling off work. Something I think everyone learned from mando is that people still like to have water cooler shows.

Playhouse76: The Terry Silver headfake with Ponytail and the actual Silver was great. Perfect way to address it.

Damont Patelz: Best season ever

JOE: Think it could be my favourite season 👍

Adrian Kwiatkowski: Hey Kristian... no AMH in Cobra Kai, buddy. I can see why you got him mixed up though.

Randy DeHoff: Its Terry Serpico not Anthony Hall. I thought the exact same thing and had to check.

Cinsicko: Anthony Michael hall was not in any episodes???? Terry Serpico plays the sergeant

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