No Mercy | Cobra Kai Season 3 Review

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alex thelizardking: Robbie disappeared for an episode and I didn't care😄 Hawk turned face because demitri was getting beat up? Show, stop getting us to care about that guy. He sucks😴

Adino1: Honestly this felt like 2 or 2.5 seasons crammed into 1

The reaper of the hidden mist 69: 1. I hated Sam and Miguel got back together 2. I see what there doing if I see Tory x Roby I'mma be pissed

Right To Censor: the writers watch your channel so, you could influence how season 4 is written just by good character breakdowns and letting everyone know how much of a home wrecker sam is..

Cobra Kai Never Dies: You were right about Nature vs Nurture wth! You legend

Extremely Flammable: I didn’t like how hawk just flipped and beat the shit out of what was essentially his brothers. I liked how cobra Kai actually got some wins, my favourite scenes were with my favourite character hawk too. Him breaking dimitri’s arm was incredible after he got (wrongly) beat last season. That and the scene where hawk fights that dude in episode 6, and you get the shot of him beating down until his knuckles are covered in blood. Probably my favourite scene in the whole show.

TAG Greevers: Your so underrated

Joe Mamania: Am I the only one that really really hopes that Robbie and Tori get together ?

Joe Mamania: The fights seemed more gritty and the language was more "colorful" I wonder if that's how they wanted it to be before and with netflix they can do it. Or just building off of past seasons

Aaron PSN4: I think Robby will in the Tournament which will bring Silver into the show end on S4. Plus I think S4 will really test Johnny and Daniel’s relationship. Daniel will have to leave training to go to his dealership and that will make Johnny not happy about it

Nexus Of Hype: It’s heading in the direction of defeating Kreese and Johnny taking cobra kai

Nexus Of Hype: Krease only cares about raising an army, not teaching

blast fire: There's a new picture of the season 4 episode 1 title

The Ghost: Has anyone worked out that when Mitch says “Who’s for a warm one” in the abandoned arcade in season 3 episode 5. He’s referencing Tommy in Karate kid 1? Tommy says the same thing to Johnny and Bobby as they pull up on their bikes at the beach. Just watching the film and picked up on it!

Diana De La Rosa: One of the things that hooked me about this show is that the lines between the good and the bad were often blurred as you pointed out. One minute, I was rooting for Cobra Kai and the next for Miyagi Do. After season 2, everything became more definitive. We know Kreese is the current big bad along with Cobra Kai, even if we have context regarding why they are like this. Similarly, Johnny and Daniel are now considered the good guys along with their combined Dojos. I hope season 4 will blur the lines again; especially now that Johnny is with Daniel. Maybe they lose their balance hinting at the balance technique of season 2. Maybe Kreese can be redeemed by the war buddy he called helping to highlight the good and bad of the Miyagi Do/Eagle Fang Karate philosophies.

Narrator8534: I found Sam slightly more likable this season but not by much

Rayson Saith: Anyone know what happened to stingray

Victor Hugo: Cobra Kai is Kreese not the students, so the name is just a premisse, Johnny just use the name, but he isn't a Cobra Kai anymore since the first season.

dimi lp: poor Mary Mouser. the girl has type 1 diabetes and has such a thankless role that she acts with all her might only to be shit upon

Level Quasar: I don’t like how when hawk saves Dimitri, he just beats the shit out of the cobras that were fighting him. Those guys were supposed to be hawk’s brothers in arms and he doesn’t even try to talk to them.


Lorenzo Sanders: My theory is that this all valley tourney will pull a Karate kid 3 and have Miguel auto fight in the championship.. And the semi finals will be Tory vs Sam and Robby vs Hawk...Robby will beat hawk and Sam will beat Tory but get hurt in the process leaving her unable to fight Robby setting up Miguel vs Robby for the title

sidearmsalpha: You're over-analyzing. It's a show meant for entertainment. Of course it's going to get exaggerated at times. If it was strictly based on real-life situations, I would be watching it. Hey, at least it's not a so-called reality show.

HighPitchedGamer: Are we going to talk about the fact that you predicted the name of the first episode and the opening scene you said it would start with Miguel in the tournament with a news reporter YOU WERE RIGHT 👍

Adarian West: I feel like Johnny Lawerance is becoming more like Miyagi than Daniel as a sensei, and I sense a rematch between Miguel and Robby for the championship in the All Valley tournament with a different drive for both in this fight.

Michele: Totally agree. I love the series, but this third one is the one I like less. The greatness of the show was the fact that "good" and "bad" where constantly mixed, and we would see a bit of good in the bad guys and a bit of bad in the good ones. But now is just turning in the stereotype "heroes" vs "villan" and we almost know what to expect. I think the final fight was to much, where Kreese tried to kill Johnny and Daniel and viceversa. Also Kreese's motivation doesn't make sense even thought we don't really know what he wants ( soldiers for what?). Also didn't like Tory just being turned in this evil crazy girl, for no reason

linkintochem: Season 3 was kind of long and boring with good scenes here and there. Way too much with Miguel and I did not feel anything for him this season. Johnny is still a whiny prick that never seems to get jail time. Samantha is well - Hawk said it best to her when he told her to sleep with a new guy and break his heart, a tramp. Robby was underused and underdeveloped, but I saw and felt his pain. Daniel and Chozen was the highlight for me. Kreese's backstory was great. I do not want to see him cast as a one dimensional villain and the flashbacks helped. To be honest I want to see Robby as a villain in Season 4. Kreese indirectly stated that Robby was what Cobra Kai needed, a leader. When Silver gets there I hope to see Barnes and some formidable goons to assault Danny Boy and Johnny. I would like to see Cobra Kai become a major pillar in the community making things better for the neighborhood. Robby and Tory are reinstated in school (Silver would have to be involved) but Cobra Kai (under Robby's leadership) do not cause trouble but are shining examples of the best students. But behind the scenes they are out to destroy Daniel and Johnny and everything that they have. Eventually Robby goes to Miyagi-Do and talks to Daniel and Johnny and the rest. Chastising Daniel for laughing at him (Robby imagines this) as he gave him a home and family and then pulls all of it from under his feet and wanted to repeat it all over again. The rest of Cobra Kai walks in including Silver, Barnes and some goons and a brawl ensures. Robby sets fire to the dojo and to the cars that Miyagi collected and passed on to Daniel. Daniel pleads with Robby not to do this but Robby is unmoved. Sam attempts to stop Robby but a smiling Robby slaps her hard and Tory attacks. Afterwards Daniel, Johnny, and their students are left broken and beaten. Some students quit afraid of what Robby did and what he is capable of. Later Robby wins the tournament fairly, no asterisk on his name, devastating Daniel and Johnny. Robby seems irredeemable but Daniel learns that some thugs (unrelated to Cobra Kai) assaulted Amanda and that Robby saved her and asked if she was alright, he accidentally loses his composure and sheds a tear remembering the love he felt from the LaRusso family but soon leaves. This convinces Daniel that Robby is still a good person. Daniel decides to do whatever it takes to save Robby, Sam disagrees. Daniel calls Chozen. Season 4 ends. Yep that is what I want to see.

The Gr8 1: Season 3 was the best one yet! Wow.

Coding With Bobby: I agree that the final fight with Kreese was way over the top. He picks up the "knife" thing off the wall with the intent to stab Johnny and he also tries chocking Johnny. Like what does Kreese think hes gonna do??? Hes gonna kill Johnny, and dispose of the body or some crap? Same thing with Daniel.

AnimesAreInteresting: I think the reason why kreese kicks out bad recruits are because they know there either gonna join miyagi do or eagle fang karate and he wants that because he wants a stronger opponet

Pablo Escobār: Sam Got Me Even Angrier. She Could Of Atleast Break Things Off With Robby. Poor Guy Still Thought They Had A Thing

Pablo Escobār: I Liked Sams PTSD Story Arc But Then She Just Gets Rid Off It So I Dont Know

Christopher Maldonado: Hey watchparty...i wanted to run this theory by you and please tell me whst you think because you are so good in your analyzing, you seriously called it correctly that Robby will join cobra kai and the 2 fights scenes in episode 10 of season 3. My theory on the season 4 finale: When Kreese said Lets compete the old fashion way, cobra kai is gone if his team loses at the All Valley...the fact that he called Silver makes me think of a certain plan Silver had which is Cobra Kai dojos all over the valley. This plan was stopped in KK3 with Daniels win over Barnes. I think this time Cobra Kai wins the tournament allowing the plan to happen. Robby has to much good in him to carry this out no matter how angry he is with Johnny and Daniel, Tory i say no to because they showed her humanity in caring for her mom and younger brother. Only Kyler i see carrying out this plan by winning the tournament..he is the whole reason for Miguel wanting to learn karate and it will be there rematch since the Larusso fight. The finals will have Kyler vs. Miguel and we know this would be an epic fight as these two got some history. If the All Valley goes back to that rule that the champion from last All Valley fights in the finals only then defnitly Miguel will be in the final

Joseph Palmquist: I really like this guys voice. Its so easy to listen to. Not at all annoying, just soothing and makes me want to just keep listening. It's quite nice really

TheTyping Avocado: in my opinion, this was the weakest season of the series... it kind of contradicted the meaning of the show, which was perspectives and the grey areas of morality. they portrayed the cobra kai kids as criminals, even tory (even though she's one of my favorite characters)... like they could definitely be in jail. however, i did enjoy the lesson of forgiveness, with daniel and johnny. and i still enjoyed the season, i just prefer the first 2 a bit more. (8.5/10)

Alex tepe: I like how in season 3 we find out that Kreese has one redeeming feature. While he is ruthless, he detests violence against women. He intervened when Betsy got slapped in the face, as well as when he found out that Tori’s landlord wanted sexual favors from her when she couldn’t pay the rent. Also, when Daniels wife struck him he did nothing. He may be in favor of winning at all costs, but there are some lines he just won’t cross.

Eric Siegfried: Very neat vid dude. 👍🏾

Eric Siegfried: Eagle claws would have been acceptable. Eagle fangs is ridiculous! Steel Eagle after the movies would have been the best...

td811: I don’t want Kreese redeemed. I like understanding how he got to where he is. I like him basically quoting Shakespeare. “There is neither good nor bad, but thinking makes it so.” Tory I think still has room for character development and possible redemption. It seems they just want her to be the villain though . Even with the little backstory they showed for her, it came off the same as with Kreese and doesn’t really have anyone feeling for them. In season 4 I’d like to understand their motivations more. Because they both have lost multiple times now but just laugh and scoff and keep coming. There is no mutual respect earned. Because of the movies up thru the end of season 3 and the multiple full on brawls now I cant see a tournament for points being the end of it all.

Evan Berry: I love your videos! Can't wait for the next one.

td811: The man is Psycho! He’s got weapons on the wall - Amanda talking about Kreese. Um...Daniel’s dojo weapons on the wall...

Paul smith: Iron eagle karate better name

Adam Mehmood: Can you do a video on the fight between Robbie and the kid in jail. It was a great fight and made miyagi do karate seem less overpowered

Leah Walentosky: I wonder how Johnny is supporting himself

Hyunjinz Joy: You just made me realise. The reason all the dojo scenes felt empty, (both Miyagi Do and Cobra Kai) were because Miguel and Robby weren't there. Also Kreese kept kicking out students

Herbinator_88: The writers did an excellent job with the "fan service" and I'm so glad they did *not* go the route of Disney and drastically change characters to something they're not like Disney did with Star Wars. I was really surprised with how soon the Johnny/Daniel Co-Sensei team-up happened (I predicted and wished for this a year ago). I would have expected some conflict and problems *before* the team-up, for example, Johnny struggling with Eagle Fang in season 4 and Daniel coming up with a proposal to Co-Sensei. My one minor other criticism is how much of a p_ssy Terry Silver was back in his Vietnam could someone's personality change *so* drastically? They did do a good job with John Kreese's backstory though and closed the loop on why the dojo ended up being named "Cobra Kai."

Hickik: I love how He predicted that Robbie would join Cobra Kai’ Half a year before the season came out.

Big Guy617: Is Tori related to Kreese?

Recyuris: Love the new profile photo

Afro Turtle: I think the point of this season was to make everything black and white so that we can have cobra Kai be redeemed and Johnny proves to Daniel that cobra Kai can work

Afro Turtle: Tory needs to go to jail

Zaid Al Rasheed: Nice new logo

Kylon Loggins: I agree there wasn’t much build up to the last moments

AOTG WARRIOR: Cobra kai NEEDS to win the all valley

Sanjay Auf der Mauer: Chozen and Dee fucking Snider!!!!

racesfanrockks4: My prediction for season 4 is that in the tournamwnt there will be no winner

JustBola: Can you make a video elaborating about Sam and what you think of her this season.

metallord69: im fine with dimitri and hawk being friends again but dimitri has to own up to coasting off miguel and hawks hard work also please tell me im not the only one who wants to see the guys robbie used to run with join one of the dojos

metallord69: my biggest issue with season 3 is that everyone seems to have forgotten that kreese was partially responsible for cobra kai being banned from the all valley tournament

Ethan Downes: I love the profile picture

Toby Wheatley: season 3: oh hey Kreese: literal vietnam flashbacks

roy staton: The whole lesson on the difference between Johnny & Kreese is what we call "easy street" students in the Martial Arts teaching world. Kreese teaches "easy street" students who don't really need Martial Arts. As he stated "natural athletes" who don't get bullied or robbed. Johnny takes awkward less athletic kids like Miguel & Hawk and turns them into great fighters & champions that beat the "natural athletes" in fighting.That juxtaposition was central to the whole season. That's really what Martial Arts training has always done through the millennias.

Angels Music: Cobra Kai became villains when Kreese took over Cobra Kai again. Therefore that means it is a villain of the series and his name is Kreese.

LuckyTime 77: There has to be a part 3 with it just ending with a cliffhanger Also I wonder how many seasons there will be past season 4

TristenFilms: Wow, new pfp. Nice.

gjjijji: Alright so I agree with some of the things you said like why is kreese making cut? There needs to be a really good reason and not just for a tournament. As far as Kreese deciding to kill Danny and Johnny. They both showed up to his business attacking him and he’s like 75. He could easily spin it as self defense especially since nobody’s around. Besides kreese was willing to kill Johnny in a parking lot in 84 in front of lots of witnesses. I don’t agree that this show has loss its vision of gray areas. At golf n stuff sure cobra Kai were being delinquents but Chris should have told his manager what’s happening and let him handle the situation but instead Chris calls Sam and his friend to jump cobra Kai. I work at target and kids come thru being assholes all the time but I can’t call my friends to beat them up cuz they are causing chaos. I would let my manager handle the situation. Hawk breaks dimitri’s arm which looks pretty bad but from cobra Kai view they just got jumped and last time one of their own showed mercy in this exact situation, he got put in a coma. When cobra Kai seeing Miyagi do raising money for Miguel at the car wash, it really is like a slap in the face to them. Miyagi do is the reason Miguel is in the hospital. Now they are raising money for him getting famous on tv trying to look like the good guys. I would be pissed in that situation too. There’s more example but I feel like season 3 has just as much gray areas as much as the other seasons

Marvin D Talbert Sr.: Great video and analysis as always bro

oowsolarproject 19: Love the new logo bro now what is ahead 4 us give us a little inside your trusty and OG fan here

Tboy: I think the Cobra Kais becoming bullies after getting their asses kicked in the school fight made sense especially with Kreese filling their heads with hate. The only major problem I had with this season was Kreese kicking people out. I hope the next season gives us a better idea about his motivations or gives us some reason to at least partly sympathise with his new students.

Lizzo: Hi I like ur reviews

Aryan Kapuskar: Terry silver is the main hype for season 4

Thomas K 96: I was Right! It was an laser Tag Room!

Jeff Bayliss: It was hard to follow all the different story lines and was way more difficult to keep up with the different characters. It was a bit of a let down with the amount of flashbacks to Vietnam.

connor scott: Best season and so good

Jamesyeetsstuff: Sam had such good growth in the season, i actually really liked her this season

Taking Back Toxic: The Miyagi-Do artifacts are VERY easy to explain. Miyagi left okinawa, at probably 16, and didn't know his father was still alive. Sato was ACTIVELY teaching karate for who knows how long, and probably had all of the Miyagi-Do artifacts for decades before that.

Mark Vong: Exactllllyyyyyy this show is getting more black and white

brand: I don’t think it was trying to show that Cobra kai was good, but that Johnny was good, but he was taught the wrong way.

Camilo Iribarren: This season showed what forgiveness can do and the consequences of what happen when one doesn’t forgive. So much so, like when Robbie doesn’t forgive Johnny and Daniel, and when Sam apologizes to Miguel and he accepts that apology because she truly did feel guilt. I think what the series showed is that Cobra Kai with Kreese ideals are not good, despite being the ugly truth, while Miyagi-Do being seen as only strict defenders with weak ideals is also bad. Like chozen said, defense has many form and karate does have a bloody history despite the original ideals of self-defense, so Daniel focusing on defense only and not learning how to use the more offensive techniques at times was definitely not good. Now that Daniel learned more traditional and combative techniques, he has become more wholistic in his art, Johnny will learn the defense of his Tang-Soo-Do style by mixing some of the traditional techniques of Miyagi-do which is why they said S4 will be focused on the training

EmSeeDude: updated logo looks good

Juan Andres Blanco: I actually feel bad for Tory, she is actually just a girl that has been completely manipulated and brainwashed by Kreese. She obviously needs help at this point. Apart from the fact I think the writers gave her the worst writing and storyline this season. But at the end I think both Tory and Robby will be redeemed

Ricardo Linnell: Hi @watchparty I’m curious. Was Season 3 “disappointing” to you?

Johncena: Nice new channel logo

Jorge Huertas: For me it is the worst season. Aisha was written off, Danny beated all the odds and recovered his car seller, Robby and Hawk are more "conflicted" than Kaylo Ren... It's still a good season, it has really solid moments, but the other two are just better. And now that I'm watching, "I'm not the one who put him on the hospital" is certainly not a sentence you should say to anyone, the writting at points was pretty weak.

Javier Rubio: Fax Sam is a terrible person

Dangerous Devil Official: The season three overall finished strong. Ally showing up and being part of it was really good. She played her part with restraint and a happy demeanor perfectly. I really liked her character. More than I ever did in the original movie. The flashbacks were cool. This show seemed less connected to season 1 and 2 honestly though. It was way too quick and convenient for Miguel’s recovery. A lot more “oh yeah right” moments in this season. Even less believable than the last two seasons. It tried to change the formula up. And succeeded in some ways. And failed in others. 6/10 for me... Where season one was a 7/10. And Season 2 was a 8/10.

Angelfish Luva: More about Kreese and the business thing... Where is he getting his money to be able to pay his rent? He WAS living in a halfway house/shelter.. I dont know the exact name but the point is he had no money to live now he can afford a dojo. The money isnt coming from Silver because if that is who he is calling at the end they havent spoke in a long time.

Randy Warren: Love the channel and all the social media platforms man! Keep it up I love the cobra kai content!

Chris Lopezz: I’m not gonna lie I kinda of agree with you. In my opinion another thing that I didn’t like is the over the top fighting scenes . I kinda felt like they felt fake expect for hawk beating kylers friend but other than that I think it had to much over the thrown scenes. To much plot armor , this series is coming from a franchise from 30 years a got that never fought like that which is why they should change the fights to season 1

SneakyLike: Anyone wonder how tough it would be for hawk to put in his biker helmet.

Jayvon Duiven: Does anybody else not want robby and tory together?

jman makeup: Hey man I am wondering if you can do a video on theories that were right I can't find any YouTubers that talk about it and I'm very curious on what the correct and which weren't

Jade Parker: This was Hawk’s season no 🧢

Miyagi Do: Season 3 was too much fighty fighty

Saif Reza: RIP Clarence What a legend, he was so important to the dojo.

Noah Garcia: wow very short review

042873E: Cobra Kai was Johnny's story. Now he became a pussy who needs daniel to beat big bad bully kreese 🙄

Ruru_ Nii: I actually liked neither Miyagi-do nor Cobra kai in this season, except for the scene with Chozen. Cobra kai just became what it used to be but with modern teenagers Miyagi-do did everything Mr. Miyagi was against, striking first in particular.

Trouble Animation: I think Kreese might do the same thing to Robby just like he did to Johnny if Robby got 2nd place instead of fist

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