Season 8 Wish List! (Disruptor Rounds - 75 Player Servers) - Apex Legends Season 7

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iTemp Plays: Sorry about scheduling tomorrow's video for today so both vids went live at the same time. If you watched some of it then you got a sneak peak for tomorrow at least.

Meric A. Osborne: I swear Rich was doing a "no ammo" challenge or something lol. But he makes it work huh

K0byonst1ks: Bangalore needs an heirloom Shes the only legend that was playable in season 0 and 1 without one

jeditaro super: i have one 30versus30

Lorneus Gaming: BUFF MIRAGE!!!

Calenser: New weapon from TF2 CAR, heavy ammo type. Prowler out of care package devotion back in. Buff for path and wattson perhaps some interaction between wattsons ultimate and her fences

Joshua Smith: Mouse and keyboard support for console 🤷‍♂️

Flavas Zennn: Is there a new legend in s8

Andrew Smith: I want the volt gone

Vincent Li: All I want is a crypto heirloom!!!

Winston CWH: i really really hope that they can turn back private match for us cuz i would like to play with lot of my friend in one match

evil gr33k: Lower the SBMM!!

sudil shrestha: I DONT SEE SHIT,,

Malik Morelock: Want them to bring back the prowler 💯

Scxruio Y: Fov?? Itemp

bigtone0258: Bangalore should get the next heirloom. And since she is military, I think it should be an ETool. Us military people know exactly what that is. Hhhoooooaaahhh

JDG: Temp: You’ve never been to chilis have you Sooxfar: uhh... no 😔

Krish 1568: For Bangalore , players can shoot the ultimate to trigger it early or The ultimate takes more time to automatically deploy and Bangalore can remotely detonate them like c4

Rollin Rhyee: Any PS4 ppl add me Downmyboy 😬

John Victory: PathFinder’s Zipline should have a shocking/ electric effect that slows enemy players who try to use it.

Lawrence Borden II: Wattson ult should refresh rampart shields

Lawrence Borden II: I want season 1 wraith and pathfinder back. Rampart change I agree with you on that. I would like to know who is the new legend. An heirloom event

Lee Rodriguez: I kinda feel like the Devs will never allow pathfinder to be as good as he was. They want people to use the newer legends instead. Even though many of us just aren't interested in the newer ones. Same with Wraith. They weaken good legends to force us to play others. It's stupid because they want us to play their way instead of allowing us to play like we want or did when pathfinder and wraith were strong. Like Loba, they nerfed Path to force us to play Loba like wtf. I will NEVER play Loba, Rampart, and rarely will I play Horizon. They are all good legends but I'm just not interested. I just hate the idea of making others weaker to help weaker legends. How about making them better? I don't get it.

quindin herren: Put the hemlock & Eva 8 in the care package while taking the prowler & pk out

Moon Shade: Bangalore’s smoke needs to fixed cause it’s pointless if you and you’re team can’t see....

Batu Çekemci: altornator comeback.

ISoundLikeAToddler: If they add back disrupters I’m deleting the game

Matthew Estell: Been saying they need the disruptor rounds for the alty

Nostra KCS: Wishlist Loba: get rid of the animation after using her tactical or fasten both animations and increase the bracelets flying speed a bit Bangalore: Faster weapon reloads and/or ability to stack nades Pathfinder: get rid of LowProfile Rampart: remove the destroy on deploy for covers Mirage: Back to his old Ultimate but make him also unhearable for 5s Crypto: Give the drone the ability if you hold or double tap to fly like 5m above you scanning while rotatating to secure an area after a fight and prevent 3.parties Oktane: Jumppad Rework Slide for more Distance Jump for more hight and run/walk like it is now. Lifeline: 10s cooldown for Drone revives Horizon/Gibby/Wraith/Bloodhound/Revenant/Caustic/Wattson: No Changes

Shakeyspeare: Mastiff back in the care package 😎


Ghostyyzzz: As much as I loved using disrupter rounds just no, please no

Tevi Sama: Loba's Tactical needs a buff tho, maybe to increase the range, decrease the cool down, decrease the time it takes to put it back on, or to just give her more mobility while she's using it.

Tevi Sama: Rich you're trying to bring back my PTSD putting Disruptor rounds in the thumbnail

Amber Cheathem: no more dare pack prowler pls

Ezra Grace: Bang should get 3 smokes

Gohant123 45: They need duo badges like kill 3duo teams like the triple triple badge and etc.

Anthony Miller: SOLOS

Spencer Brucken: Make it so u can throw a digy threat on a 301

DaOofieMan John: I would love for the pk and prowler to become ground loot again

Anthony Miller: Yeetus deletusssss

LegendCanine: I’ve been wanting a buff for Bangalore ever since bloodhound got a buff. Maybe his Cooldown should be longer or when he gets hit by a smoke it disables it for 17 seconds. Or when he’s in his ultimate he has to kill atleast 2 or 1 person to see through bangs smoke. Or maybe when bangs smoke hits bloodhound it malfunctions his scanning and ultimate for 10 or 8 seconds. AYO ITEMP what you think about this essay of a comment. Does bloodhound need nerfs or does Bangalore need a buff. I liked you Bangalore idea and after I post this comment I will be watching the video in 3 and a seconds my friend

C Mac: My season 8 wish is that the cranes on worlds edge are made to be out of bounds. I’m so tired of losing games because squads just sit up there!!!!

Blake Musanto: There is already lag so its a horrible idea for a 75 players server

Jeremy Cockerill: I’m glad u guys have fun playing this game I just can’t have fun losing every match and not just losing every match but losing every single gun fight almost doesn’t anyone know how skill based match making works someone told me it’s based off your average damage

dmv nana: bring back pk

iluvgod717 youtube: Imagine disruptor round with hammer point that’s too op

Angus Mullen: For Season 8 changes i'd love some kind of hop up that allows bullets to ricochet. that might be good for the pistols like the RE-45 and the wingman too give them usability later on..

b veencamp: I think that bringing back disruptor rounds would be a massive mistake. You said it yourself. “They were more powerful than the r99”. I don’t think that having a gun that is easier to control with a faster time to kill than the r9 is healthy for the game. I remember leaving after S2 partially because I was sick of dying to noobs who got disrupters when I didn’t. I remember the alternator pushing both the r99 and r301 completely out of a usable meta, and made the game lean far more towards the luck side of the game than it did towards rewarding skill based play. So itemp my man, let’s try and take the graduation goggles off and remember all the pain that came with that hop-up being in the game.

tha sour OSRS: Servers can barely handle 60 players as is, lul.

Miguel Zepeda: If ramparts barrier gets shot only the metal part stays but the force field doesn’t deploy

Jones Gang: We need teams of 5 instead of teams of 3

wetpaperhat: what if you could charge rampart shields with cells or a bat like the sentinel that'd be pretty neat ig

Chotta Lunar: This is what they shouldn’t do: Nerf horizon

TheUnskilledTryhard: My season 8 wish is to have the pk back along with disrupters. We’ll see what happens

mayaa a: idk how he didnt pick up that light ammo, i would have tried to get it even if my backpack was full lmao

Michael Teeter: How in the God's name did Rich miss all that light ammo, hurt my soul watching him with 11 bullets

Lxcifer: Maybe rampart should get 4 walls instead of 3 just something little I think but she should have other things

aidan van berkel: I really hope that disruptor rounds come back. You'r defenetly right about that

james d: I miss disruptor rounds

Calvin: a great change would be to buff revenant in that when you're in the totem effect, you move faster

Roger Hebert: that inventory at 23:21 hahaha

Brett Purvis: Definitely the change to rampart so her shields don’t get destroyed immediately. Maybe even make her able to pick up her ult with reduced mobility and unable to ads with it. More events throughout the season would be awesome.

Hackers SpAce YT: Wraith buffs! She legit cant dip anymore! Every time i use it i die! At least let wraith keep running when she uses it! Nerf caustic he is so broken its ridiculous

GG BATMAN: season 8 wish list as followed: A working Fucking game.

Z R: I would love lifeline to have fast heals but then her auto Rez is on a cool down

999 Juice: I hope they enlarge the lobby to four instead of three

Andrew Strong: Make the devo kp and put the prowler and make it have select fire


lol vids 25: Peacekeeper on the ground

Ricechrispy0527: I think they would have to have an even number because of duos would probably increase in lobby size too

stunnin_j love yourself: 🐐

Connor Lord: My thoughts: take the peacekeeper out of the care package and put the mastiff back, put the devotion back in care package in place of the prowler.

George Atuwo: I would love for there to be a digital threat for ARs Also for crypto to have an ability without his drone 😁

King Moxie: Please please please take low profile off path and give it to octane it would actually make his stim effective

Mike Cooke: No offense, but why is this 3:00 minute video 25 minutes long..?

Stealthy Gamer: A custom room just for friends maybe.. Or allow more people to join firing range.

Bradley Britto: I want the shield cells to stack into 5 so your not using a slot to fill your red armour but hey I am no one 😉 your amazing iTemp thank you for your amazing content

RoTa Gexrge: I would love the OG kings canyon back

A Depressing Fact: What if a Disruptor round legend

Ryan Rupholdt: Ramparts walls honestly need to either setup fornite style wear their health increases as they setup (making them still easier to shoot down when new but not fricken 1bullet) OR at the very least Instead of breaking fully like they do, just the amped part breaks instantly so it's still at least useful as crouch cover

Gerald Beaver: The only thing I want is for the smart pistol to be added. Read more for details... And if any questions just reply... I think it would use energy ammo and would only be compatable with barrel stabilizers and energy mags and how the recoil would work is instead of the reticle getting bigger the reticle would get smaller therefore making it harder to hit your shots and when you ads the reticle gets bigger and the damage per shot would be similar to the Volt or somewhere in that range and it would be semiautomatic similar to the p2020 and the ammo capacity would be similar to the re45 and it would only aim for the enemys center mass so the only way to hit a headshot or miss is for the enemy to move and the way they can do that is because it is not a homing bullet it is a regular bullet so it only aims for you but due to what Bangalore said energy ammo has very little bullet drop so you do not need to worry about that.

Carter Hurst: No the alternator gotta stay where I can pick it up anytime

Josh Tadlock: Bring back Kings canyon and get rid of the new map

Loan Tran: I wish in season 8 they would have more maps to switch it up and/or bring back the old map of kings canyon. Playing the same 2 maps gets old

Gwaxy2004: I’m PRAYING for more ranked rewards. Only 7 percent on players get to diamond, but we don’t get shit for it

Silverfox9: Brand new map again. With, snow, the same size as Kings Canyon

Hunter Valley MX: I’ve been playing revenant a lot lately and I think his silence ability should include removing aim assist for controller players( if that’s even possible). I play on PS4 so I’m not winging about aim assist but majority of the game is gun fights and lately I’ve been noticing players just run through a revenant ability without hesitation. I think this would make his ability way more formidable.

YC_Yannis: give us back our peace keeper!!!! please!!!!

Bryan Rubi: I rlly want disruptor rounds back, they were awesome, i miss them so much as well

LeVar Holman: Please bring back disturber rounds 🙏🏽

Paul Burgess: Loba: to get rid of the animation after her jump drive and have your weapon ready as soon as she lands. So that she can use it more aggressively.

Phinneyes: Did you just do 29x3 instantly in your head in this video??

Maileena Smith: I heard there adding back a revamp of kings canyon :)

You Know: Nope pathfinder needs no love

ToxicChief: I remember how op the disruptive rounds were 🤣 everyone hated them!

Jonathan Bryant: I want electric smoke for bang. And that causal skin that you see her in during the rampart trailer. I want that as a gold skin

Jason render: yo ur good and u get a lot of views think u could help out with mine it's a gaming channel too Jason render with agold skull appreciate it

J Boi: Just wondering what look sensitivity do you use

SSJ4ACHILLES !: My wish list Wattson Buff toggle her fences on and off. Generator should charge the sentinel and Rampart barriers. Mirage decoys get their footsteps back.

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