Reacting To Apex Legends Season 8 Gameplay Trailer & New Map Changes Blog

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Waffle Savage: Theyre getting rid of slum lakes?! I love slum lakes!


onekingdom1: Nice

Kaylan Heap: Wow king canon looks so different I miss the old one😔

king GALIXY: 5:26 new lifeline skin?

Emon Khan: since apex is a game of third part, echo camp in just highlighting in front of 2 to 3 squads

Dicc Biscuit: Bangalore went from karen in season 5 then becomes takis hair in season 8

Roberto Hornini: I though lifeline got a problem with fuse, why they running together?

Dicc Biscuit: Horizon ult, caustic ult, then fuse ult

CraZyrious: What I think are Fuse’s abilities after the trailer: Passive: Launch grenades faster and more precise with your robotic arm. Tactical: Launch a cluster grenade from your robotic arm that will stun whoever it hits. Ultimate: Launch a thermite missile (or something like that).

Ethical Gaming: I think his passive is how we puts a Grenade in his hand launcher for increased throw distance and more accurate so not a lot of dip with the grenade.

Torma.: 2:20 Is this napalm??

Jacknite Juicy: Crikey mate

Phrowzyn: This trailet gives me farcry blood dragon vibes @_@...... anyone?

Akamibo Baby: The repeater looks like it will have 6 ammo in scoped and 3 scoped in

Lezlight K: at the start he got a kill with a mozambique

Tommo43: 4:52 you were right the first time, it's artillery not airbase

Henry Asokan: 3030 repeater might becoe my new favourite weapon... im really excited

Gianni Colamatteo: They should get there money back from the construction of the bunkers, they didnt hold up too well if all of them collapsed, should have used more lead paint (Simpsons reference)

Aaron Pagdilao: if someone gives him head... are they blowing the fuse?

RTOstealth: the voice gives me ninjago vibes tbh

Matthew Roach: Lol no one gonna talk bout four shots in the Mozambique it’s gonna be really good this season

ovo xo: bro how does everyone keep missing the VIper reference lol

RAMIC: Mirage : Exists Fuse: Hold my beer

Berrandeyn: in the future the camera quality gets worse for some reason

Alec Churkin: Hey I like this guy

Diesel: I like the voice actor who did all those older movie this time. Good trailer by respawn

Mirage: Does anyone know what happened to my boat I need to know

Budget Bricks: I’d bet his passive is the load a grenade into his launcher, it will prob go faster and further

Zynos GD: No Wattson skin... :(

anda siri: 5:01 its artillery

anda siri: nobody liked the idea of a reactive longbow, even a mozam would be better

The Grim Reaper: I think fuse throws grenades differently

Garrett Childress: I feel like fuse has the best personality

MyNamesRez: If his ability only launches grenades in your inventory ill be sad. Whats the point of launching something in your inventory when it takes the same amount of time to swap and throw?

Typical_ God_Life: Hellllllll its so good

leumas 1549: I think I'm the only one who noticed the r301 Bangalore was holding

Joe Dinnie: Happy and sad they removed farm. Had so many fun fights over there

Tre Von: The Real question for season 8 is..... Will Mirage Voyage still be on KC?

Quint Benson: Fuse looks awesome. Glad I have enough to get him

r0nii: That last shot with the Beer bottle might be a hint to new nades, molotovs?

TheRedSandal: 0:44 is the prowler back?!

CWX VIDS: RIP slum lakes :( i used to go there everytime when i just started playing apex

Denis Tobar: I’m more excited for the anniversary event than I am for the new season haha

Manuel Montoya: Did anyone notice octane and lifeline wearing the same mask 🎭🔥🔥

Corbin Miller: I saw 3 finnnishers!!!!!

LoudMan BigDan: Jus knew that spot was gonna be used

Dantevis Cork: It might be like revenant and forge

Alpine Playz: All good till they remove my ranked landing location 10:40

MrBashu09: That's not airbase's artillery!

Ding Dong: R.I.P Slum Lakes and The Cage,I'm gonna miss those...

Nathan Alexopoulos: Merchant ur great and all but don't attempt Aussie accent

dk: The stun grenade could just be a new grenade with his tactical being something different cause he launched an arc star in the same way

Evelina Andersson: looks like the octane bp skin gives him more tattoos 👀

Kata Whampus: With the gold mag, Rampart killed three and they were all knocks, plus there was another person shooting them. Coincidence or squads?

NumberedBeast: This makes me feel much better after choking my first 20 bomb

thatguytoby: Hey what if that opening container was like the vault on worlds edge?

Boarbot 78: Idk why but I want some sort of gold shotgun bolt now, seeing as they can’t have mags, and that’s gonna be a BIG advantage to the other guns.

Campbell Bradley: My man fuse sank that VB long neck like a bloody champion

Alex H: Maybe the charged up 30 30 repeater is fuse's passive

Ollie Osborn: That tactical is Northstar's ordanance

booggie: I hope the part where he throws the beer bottle at Mirage in the end is a finisher too 🙏🏾

Multiverse Manual: No!!!! Not farm!!!! Lol

Avery Colbert: What do you think is gonna happen with Maggie. I can't imagine the syndicate being to haply with her

Dark lord: I think the G7 scout gets acces to the big scoops again

ObliviousTouch: When breaking down videos on YT you can pause the video then press Comma and Period to move frame by frame.

J_OFF: Fuse looks sometimes like he can shoot while running... If its true, i'm gonna be sad for my boy octane, i whish he had that

xxhjgfff hi fethxx: Is it just me or is that the same weapon as Ashe from Overwatch

Mint Mango0: The Gaming Merchant: "This is the airbase" The place: is Artillery

Hagey your Dead: Might be a new main for many Australians

fluvvys: they are passively buffing rampart with these observation towers, you can just block the open sides with her walls

Cosmos :P: I'm broke af but I want that lifeline skin- time to beg *them*

Daniel Burns: I think his passive is using one hand for his guns

IamZani: I really hope they bring original KC back one day. I love the updates but miss original KC

Totally CerealKiller: I'm guessing Respawn use similar voice to honest trailer guy's voice in honor of his death. RIP to the honest man ever 😭

TheCosmicc: Did the devs really test a spitfire with 65 bullets in the mag, I'm getting titanfall flashbacks

john catalogne: If they don't make a skin for fuse as a pirate (missing an eye, missing an arm, sublime mustache) I'm going to be so angry and flabbergasted

Krish 1568: Noooooooooo. Not the farm

Apex. exe: @The Gaming Merchant the blue voidwalker is the phase Walker released in the end of year event


ElwoodCreates: Hi merchant just got your "I found a Nessie" merch it's so comfy and I wair it all the time

dracnid nado: Mozambique with 4 shots in trailer

Samuel England: Yeet

Fluffy !: Did anyone else see that you can put nades in his tactical

Виталий Дмитриевич Бутерин: I'm not a big fan of the whole Mad Max aesthetic. Looks like I'll be skipping this season pass

• Nixx •: As a Rampart main the Gold Mag on a SMG is gonna be so clutch alongside the Amped Cover buff

• Nixx •: Bangalore Skin is GOATed

AGS Sounds: If only apex was more like the gameplay trailer, a warzone, everyone shooting and fighting, missiles and bombardments, that would be epic

Blu Brin: The only thing bothering me is the fact that the level 100/110 skin is for longbow, a volt would be cooler or mastiff

GhostSpider The olny: ir reloads like a shotgun

Squid Dylan: The ark star is his tacticle

Shay Melamud: So basically Rampart Is going to be op in this new open map and towers

Premier Sliced: Yea yea fuse dope and all ,but that lifeline skin tho🔥

ImSyncan: To whoever reads this I hope you have a great morning/day/night and I hope you accomplished everything you set as goals<3

James Philip: He looks like doc disrespect

mastrbutcher: Arc star should face other direction no?

Olivier G: So on console.. you could just spam triangle or Y and reload your gun..?

Awesome Awesome: Anyone know the name of the song?

Potato Kichi: Merchant vibing to the music is the only thing I need

savesch: I have always been thinking about that mountains to be blowed up and create more map😍

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