Apex Legends: Escape Gameplay Trailer (Season 11)

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Jett Nicholson: FIX UR SERVERS

Nagi Aoe: Please just make titanfall 3

uptownchunk: rogue lineage just dont leave me alone 😭😢😢😢😢

Igzilee: Glad to see some more titanfall content coming in, maybe even Cooper at some point?

Faris Horace: what happen to wraith tho? i dont see her in the trailer

nihar baldawa: song choice on points as well ,great trailer

James Woodruff: Legs of Camille and "Ash"... wondering if they ever played LoL?

Jaycob Barreto: Ah hell nah the way those spiders walk gives me the chills

jpeg229: The song in the background is monxx-survival

Joshua CB: So it was hard to see but does her sword just instantly slices a portal to where ever she looks or did she go through that wraith portal that was already available. If that portal slice was the case then wraith mains are shaking

Nikulas Schobitz: the car looks insane!

Dunk Justmonica173: How noticed select fire for the havoc

Edgardo Cuellar: Why did they have to add spiders?! D:

Shadow Souls: That update is pretty “wild” I can’t wait to get that legendary skin And car

Wellington: A place where dreams come true? Speedo Gibby confirmed.

Brian Hong: Since we got ash in here next season has got to be a simulacrum of Jack Cooper

Shadow Souls: I think I know what ashes heirloom is going to be Tones sword or tone prime’s sword

MarkVV: Why is my boy Mirage always getting bullied in every single trailer?

Battle Droid: I'm going back to Apex only for Glados. Anyone else?..

R1FT: I’m happy ash is here! She was one of my favourite characters in around TitanFall 2!

Phum Keaos: cant wait for queuing infinite loading screen when it drops

jamie du plessis: Ah come on I thought it was going to be released yesterday

Sam: I knew Id heard this song in another trailer.. Gears 5 announcement trailer!

Viber Boi: It releases on my birthday nice

PEPPERslim: Cut people in half

sad- man: I love when ash kill wattson

игрок: Gears 5 music?????????????

dragon: Okay I don't even play this game I hate this game but if I play this game when the new season come out I'm not going to cuz I'm not going to fight spiders because that's my biggest fear

Qthesorrow: I love how everyone is always a bullet from death in these previews. Like anyone can one tap someone with a Shotgun that far away let alone while flying on a launch pad....

MrKobi247: Please give me more mirage skins 😭

Doc Bee82: Ashes to Ash woooof that finisher Damn!!!!!!

Father kamp: Tbh who cares

Lashavia Francis: Hereeeeeeeeee

ghost: Power to the pilot

Michael Leon: I heard some Titanfall players talking about how screwed Apex was gonna be because of the addition of a new weapon. I assumed it was the smart pistol. Suffice to say, it’s worse than I’d feared.

angel kun: Everything about ash: fire People: look at those hips!

Big Boy: Can’t wait to see you bots sweating with ash

Trunks: I assume ash's heirloom is the sword

jerry Kumar: Nothing for loba again

Stamatis Zygas: I had quit this game when octane was the only new legend, honestly there have been so many good additions that had me wanting to go back, but Ash takes the cake. She's a Ronin pilot from Titanfall and has Ronin related abilities, I'm so sold

Pablo Echevarria: Wow Ash looks amazing

King Tummy: Watson’s “help please” and then proceeding to get mowed down made me cry

Sabastian Esparza: WATTSON

SomePlebInThe Fog: New map looks really cool!

nomad06: So she just had northstar tether and much better ronin phase dash

Mikie King: 3 round burst prowler at 1:22???

Maurice Dewitt: 0:49 Mirage got thrashed

xcufix: OMFG im so hyped for this season.

Bald & Bearded: Am I tripping or did you just rip the video from Respawn and reposted it with no added value..?

BoredPenguin: An smg that takes two ammo types cool


Ethan Jones: why do ppl watch it here this is just stolen content

Dark: What to do with new season when u don't have good server to maintain players hype.

Ayden Dukeshier: We no this is fake cause he downed someone with a Mozambique

Mark Whitelegge: Still waiting for Titanfall 3…would love to know how she some how survived after I crushed her with BT,

Void94: 2:01 Ashes to Ashes, funk to funky...

chloe Brady: I dont like the look of those spiders. Or Ash's stun ability, thats gonna pair so nicely with some caustic gas.

Human the finite: I wonder if there's anything difference between light and heavy ammo when using the car smg. Is it just the convenience of being able to switch ammo types or will it have an effect on how the gun performs?

NOX1CK: i wish they would just add cooper as a playable character, ash is a great start now add cooper

PLUTO THE DON: Ash is not replacing wraith .

ツSmileツ: Ummm... i hope they have a thing for people who are uncomfortable with spiders... like an arachnophobia option that changes how the spiders look...

Vicrod99: So these means Apex Legends came before TF2? Since we "killed" Ash in TF2 and if that's true, how come is the game after TF2? or is she just like a copy from Ash?

Grimmreaper2112: So am I correct in thinking wattsons ability completely stops trident

Alehandro Bonito: So fantasy island but apex?

DeJengo: wattson's tactical in the trailer is OP af.

rex0r5: That ash finisher is fucking clean

Alfred Tan: Song?

Shine: ash looks sick.

Monte Carlo with dawning ornament: ash better be carefull. that edge could cut through steel

shakur steadman: Female revenant

amirmasoud ashrafi: Apex is getting its 4th map while Warzone is still on Verdansk because gun skins are more important that gameplay. Never thought i would see the day where i side with EA but here we are.

TitteyMacshwag Taylor: Just give us Titanfall 3 please!

vFell: bro it's coming out the day before my birthday

ImSoPreaux: Ruelle - Game of Survival

D. Thieu D.: A pilot stands before you, respect is due

Dam: I am so f**king HYPE!!!!!

CringUwU: Or hear me out fix the game first

jelaninoel: Whats the weapon skin??

Matthew Morrison: You will never find the CAR on the ground that shit will be rare lol

bloodofdepanta: Rev never gets any love lol

Grim well: Always looks so cool, then I start playing it.... empty 2 mags on a guy without them dying.... then I uninstall

Eren Yeager: No offense but isn't this game dead?

Terminited: The song is MONXX - Survival, for anyone wondering.

Jeferson Carvalho: Octane dies every trailer : Ok Its fine. Wattson suffering in one trailer : NO GOD PLEASE NO FK YOU EA WHY

tpsong: New map

Sevonn Clayton: Ash is seriously the only reason why I'm getting back into apex now.

DÜD: Cant wait for the launch day terribleness.

Eetu Samu: I am so f**king HYPE!!!!!

snow ghost247: Fix titan fall 2 or make a 3 apex is cool and all but come on

Vey_So2: Норм


Wanh3daSkairipa: "Vinson Dynamics is grateful for your work"

Christian Torres: Hell yeah I was wondering where the C.A.R was

Undergroundpurgatory!: Mmmmmmm.

Jnag: Ash’s finishers look sick ngl

plaidretinas: I’m ready.

jay travers: 1:36 Amen!

Isaiah Ridriguez: That new smg is going to be the most broken gun in the game holy shit

SafiK: Yep, I main Ash now

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